


Facebook’s Android and iPhone apps aren’t great. The iPhone app has had bugs that cause it to drain battery in the background, and it could be using up to 20% of your battery on Android. What’s more, Facebook once even reportedly made its Android app crash on purpose once.

Facebook的Android和iPhone应用程序不是很好。 iPhone应用程序存在一些错误,导致其在后台耗尽电池电量,并且在Android上可能消耗了多达20%的电池电量。 而且,据报道,Facebook曾经有一次故意使其Android应用程序崩溃

Rather than put up with the awful app, you can use Facebook’s fairly full-featured mobile site instead. Add the website to your home screen and you can launch it in one tap, just like the app. On Android, you can even get push notifications from Facebook via Google Chrome.

您可以使用Facebook功能齐全的移动网站来代替讨厌的应用程序。 将网站添加到您的主屏幕,即可像应用程序一样一键启动它。 在Android上,您甚至可以通过Google Chrome从Facebook获得推送通知。

如何在iPhone上添加移动网站 (How to Add the Mobile Site on the iPhone)

On the iPhone, you can uninstall the Facebook app by locating the Facebook app icon on your home screen, long-pressing it, and tapping the “x” to uninstall it.

在iPhone上,您可以通过以下方法来卸载Facebook应用程序:在主屏幕上找到Facebook应用程序图标,长按它,然后点按“ x”以将其卸载。

Once you’ve done that, open the Safari web browser and head to facebook.com. Sign in with your Facebook account. Next, tap the “Share” button on the bar at the bottom of the screen—it’s the icon that looks like a square with an up arrow coming out of it—and tap the “Add to Home Screen” icon in the bottom row of action icons.

完成此操作后,打开Safari Web浏览器并转到facebook.com。 使用您的Facebook帐户登录。 接下来,点击屏幕底部栏上的“共享”按钮(该图标看起来像一个带有向上箭头的正方形),然后点击屏幕底部一行中的“添加到主屏幕”图标动作图标。


Facebook will get its own icon on your iPhone’s home screen, and you can quickly tap that icon to quickly open the Facebook website. As Facebook isn’t installed as an app, it won’t be able to run in the background and access your location, which is good—those things drain your battery. You can rearrange the Facebook icon and other app icons as normal. Just long-press it and drag it around to move it to other screens or change its position on the current screen. You could also place it it inside an app folder.

Facebook将在iPhone的主屏幕上显示其自己的图标,您可以快速点击该图标以快速打开Facebook网站。 由于未将Facebook安装为应用程序,因此它将无法在后台运行并访问您的位置,这很好-这些东西会消耗您的电池。 您可以照常重新排列Facebook图标和其他应用程序图标。 只需长按并拖动它,即可将其移至其他屏幕或更改其在当前屏幕上的位置。 您也可以将其放在应用程序文件夹中

Sadly, the mobile site won’t be able to display notifications on the iPhone. If you really want Facebook notifications, you can always enable email notifications on the Facebook website. You’ll get your Facebook notifications emailed to you, and they’ll appear in Mail or your email app of choice.

可悲的是,移动网站将无法在iPhone上显示通知。 如果您确实想要Facebook通知,则始终可以在Facebook网站上启用电子邮件通知。 您将通过电子邮件将Facebook通知发送给您,并且这些通知将显示在Mail或您选择的电子邮件应用中。

如何在Android上添加移动网站 (How to Add the Mobile Site on Android)

On Android, you can generally locate the Facebook app icon in your app drawer, long-press it, and drag it to a trash icon or something similar to uninstall it. This may work differently on different phones, depending on the customizations your manufacturer made to your phone’s version of Android. If this doesn’t work, open the Settings page, tap the “Apps” category, tap the “Facebook” app, and tap “Uninstall”.

在Android上,通常可以在应用程序抽屉中找到Facebook应用程序图标,长按它,然后将其拖到垃圾桶图标或类似的操作中以将其卸载。 在不同的手机上,这可能会有所不同,具体取决于制造商对手机的Android版本进行的自定义。 如果这不起作用,请打开“设置”页面,点击“应用程序”类别,点击“ Facebook”应用程序,然后点击“卸载”。

If there is no “Uninstall” button, it’s likely because your manufacturer preinstalled it on your phone, and you aren’t allowed to uninstall it. A “Disable” button should appear here instead, though; tap that to disable the app instead.

如果没有“卸载”按钮,则可能是因为您的制造商已将其预装在手机上,并且不允许您将其卸载。 不过,应该在此处显示“禁用”按钮; 点击该按钮可禁用该应用。


Now it’s time to replace it with the mobile site. Open your preferred web browser. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll provide instructions for Google Chrome. This process will also work with other web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, but the option may be in a different place. Other browsers likely won’t support push notifications like Google Chrome does, either.

现在是时候用移动网站替换它了。 打开您喜欢的网络浏览器。 为简单起见,我们将提供有关Google Chrome浏览器的说明。 此过程也可以与其他Web浏览器(例如Mozilla Firefox)一起使用,但是该选项可能位于其他位置。 其他浏览器也可能不支持推送通知,例如Google Chrome。

Head to facebook.com in your web browser app and sign in. When you first visit the website, you’ll be informed that Facebook wants to send you notifications. Tap “Allow” and you’ll get Facebook notifications via Google Chrome.

在您的Web浏览器应用程序中访问facebook.com并登录。当您首次访问该网站时,系统会通知您Facebook想要向您发送通知。 点击“允许”,您将通过Google Chrome浏览器收到Facebook通知。

If you change your mind later, and don’t want notifications, you can tap the lock icon in the address bar while on Facebook, then tap “Site settings”, followed by “Notifications,” and change the setting to “Block.”



Next, you’ll want to add the icon to your home screen. In Chrome, tap the menu button and then tap “Add to Home screen.” Other browsers will have similar options in their menus.

接下来,您需要将图标添加到主屏幕。 在Chrome浏览器中,点击菜单按钮,然后点击“添加到主屏幕”。 其他浏览器的菜单中也会有类似的选项。

A Facebook icon will appear on your home screen alongside your app shortcut icons and widgets, allowing you to get to Facebook with a single tap. You can long-press the icon and drag it around to place it somewhere more convenient.

一个Facebook图标将出现在您的主屏幕上,与您的应用程序快捷方式图标和小部件一起,允许您单击即可访问Facebook。 您可以长按该图标并将其拖动到更方便的位置。


The only downside: The Facebook mobile site, much like the app, doesn’t let you read your messages. Instead, it’ll ask you to download Facebook Messenger app. You can, however, read your messages at the very basic mbasic.facebook.com mobile site if you really need to.

唯一的缺点是:与该应用程序类似,Facebook移动网站不允许您阅读消息。 相反,它将要求您下载Facebook Messenger应用程序。 但是,如果您确实需要,可以在非常基本的mbasic.facebook.com移动网站上阅读消息。

在Android上获得更好的体验:使用Metal (For an Even Better Experience on Android: Use Metal)

If you’re looking for something with even more features than the mobile site, Metal for Facebook (and Twitter) is the way to go. It’s basically a wrapper for the mobile site—this means it loads the mobile site within its own “shell” of sorts—but also provides and expands upon the features already found on Facebook Mobile.

如果您正在寻找功能比移动网站更多的东西,那么适用于Facebook(和Twitter)的Metal是行之有效的方法。 它基本上是移动网站的包装器-这意味着它可以在自己的“外壳”中加载移动网站-而且还提供并扩展了Facebook Mobile上已经存在的功能。

If you’ve been using the Facebook Mobile site (or at least checked it out), then Metal is going to look very familiar. All the existing functionality of the mobile site is still in place, but Metal somehow makes it feel much more like a native app. For example, if you navigate to the notification tab and refresh the page, Metal will simply reload your notifications, where the mobile site will actually refresh the entire page and take you back to your feed. It’s the little things, man.

如果您一直在使用Facebook Mobile网站(或至少已将其签出),那么Metal将会看起来非常熟悉。 该移动站点的所有现有功能仍在使用中,但是Metal以某种方式使其看上去更像是本机应用程序。 例如,如果您导航到通知选项卡并刷新页面,Metal只会简单地重新加载通知,移动站点实际上将刷新整个页面并将您带回到提要。 这是小事,伙计。


Moreover, Metal adds one of Android’s most useful features to Facebook: a side menu. This provides quick access to a slew of different pages with just a tap: search, news feed, your profile, friend requests, groups, pages, and a lot more. This in itself makes Metal so much nicer than just using Facebook’s mobile site.

此外,Metal在Facebook中添加了Android最有用的功能之一:侧面菜单。 只需轻按一下,即可快速访问大量不同的页面:搜索,新闻提要,您的个人资料,朋友请求,群组,页面等等。 这本身使Metal不仅比使用Facebook的移动网站好得多。

Along with enhancements to Facebook’s mobile site itself, Metal also has its own settings. For example, Metal can generate Facebook notifications if you’re into that sort of thing. It also has a nice security feature called “Metal Lock” that enables password verification before you can launch the app—it’s worth noting that this is a separate password from Facebook. It also works with Nexus Imprint, Android’s fingerprint system. It’s pretty brilliant.

除了增强Facebook移动网站本身之外,Metal还具有自己的设置。 例如,如果您喜欢这种事情,Metal可以生成Facebook通知。 它还具有称为“金属锁”的出色安全功能,可在启动应用程序之前启用密码验证-值得注意的是,这是与Facebook分开的密码。 它还可以与Android的指纹系统Nexus Imprint配合使用。 非常棒。


Beyond that, Metal offers themes to keep things looking clean, as well as a feature that I’ve personally grown to love: the Metal Bar. Basically, this is a persistent notification that gives quick access to your feed, friend requests, messages and notifications—best of all, it does so in a floating window! This means it leaves whatever app you’re currently in running in the foreground and just display the Metal window on top of it. This is by far my favorite feature of Metal.

除此之外,Metal还提供主题以保持外观清洁,以及我个人逐渐喜欢的功能:Metal Bar。 基本上,这是一个持久性通知,可以快速访问您的供稿,朋友请求,消息和通知-最好的是,它是在浮动窗口中进行的! 这意味着它会将您当前正在运行的任何应用程序保留在前台,而仅在其顶部显示Metal窗口。 到目前为止,这是我最喜欢的Metal功能。

Screenshot_20161209-102450 (1)

Finally, there are a handful of other Facebook-specific features found in Metal. The option to enable Facebook check-ins is there, as well as some choices for link control (open links in the app or in the browser). You can also block images for faster loading and lower data usage, as well as define which version of the site loads: mobile or desktop. The are options for “Facebook Basic” and “Facebook Zero” as well, though the latter is only available on specific carriers.

最后,Metal还提供了其他一些Facebook特定的其他功能。 有启用Facebook签入的选项,以及一些用于链接控制的选项(在应用程序或浏览器中打开链接)。 您还可以阻止图像以加快加载速度并降低数据使用量,并定义要加载的网站版本:移动版或台式机。 还有“ Facebook基础”和“ Facebook零”的选项,尽管后者仅在特定运营商上可用。


Almost all of Metal’s features are completely free, but there is also a paid version of the app called Metal Pro that allows you to support the developer. It also adds the option for a Material Design theme, which is a nice bonus—and worth the $1.99 asking price in itself, honestly.

Metal的几乎所有功能都是完全免费的,但还有名为Metal Pro的应用程序付费版本,可让您支持开发人员。 它还为Material Design主题添加了一个选项,这是一个不错的奖励—老实说,它本身值得$ 1.99的要价。

Sure, this is an old tip, but it’s amazing how many people are still struggling with Facebook’s app when there’s such a better option available. The mobile site looks almost exactly like the app, and with modern mobile web browsers faster than ever, the Facebook website is pretty snappy. Switch to Metal on Android, and the experience gets even better. Add in the ability to send messages and (again, on Android) push notifications, and this is a killer solution.

当然,这是一个古老的技巧,但是令人惊讶的是,当有如此更好的选择可用时,仍然有很多人还在为Facebook的应用程序而苦苦挣扎。 该移动网站看起来几乎与该应用程序完全相同,并且借助比以往更快的现代移动网络浏览器,Facebook网站非常灵活。 在Android上切换到Metal,体验会变得更好。 添加发送消息和(同样在Android上)推送通知的功能,这是一个杀手solution的解决方案。

This also works for other social media services that provide half-decent mobile websites, of course. You could use this same process for Twitter, for example—which is also supported by Metal on Android. Just sayin’.

当然,这也适用于提供半个体面的移动网站的其他社交媒体服务。 例如,您可以对Twitter使用相同的过程-Metal在Android上也支持。 只是在说'。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/239363/forget-the-facebook-app-use-the-mobile-site-for-a-less-annoying-experience/






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