



If you’re a budding photographer or a seasoned professional, we provide tips and tricks for taking better pictures, some history of photography, and information about the future of photographic technology. Here are 10 of our best articles about photography.

如果您是一个崭露头角的摄影师或经验丰富的专业人士,我们将提供技巧和窍门,以拍摄更好的照片,一些摄影历史以及有关摄影技术未来的信息。 这是我们有关摄影的10篇最佳文章。

如何使用EXIF数据向摄影大师学习 (How to Use EXIF Data to Learn From Master Photographers)


Exif is a term that refers to an advantage of digital photography of which you may not be aware. It stands for “Exchangeable Image File Format” and it’s the metadata that is usually created for each digital photo you take, or the information about the images taken. Modern digital cameras, including cellphone cameras, can include information such as the shutter speed, ISO, aperture settings, the kind of lens used, the brand of camera, the location where the pictures were taken (geo-tagging), and even the name of the person who took the picture. The following article shows you how to read Exif information and what you can learn from it.

Exif是指您可能不知道的数码摄影优势。 它代表“可交换图像文件格式”,它是通常为您拍摄的每张数码照片创建的元数据,或者有关所拍摄图像的信息。 包括手机相机在内的现代数码相机可以包含诸如快门速度,ISO,光圈设置,所用镜头的种类,相机品牌,照片拍摄位置(地理标记)以及甚至名称之类的信息。拍摄照片的人。 下一篇文章向您展示如何阅读Exif信息以及从中可以学到什么。

How to Use EXIF Data to Learn From Master Photographers


HTG解释:什么是HDR摄影,如何使用?(HTG Explains: What is HDR Photography, and How Can I Use it?)

How-To Geek has taught you about various aspects of photography. One of them, High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging, can create beautiful photos with detail and clarity thought to be impossible. The following article teaches you about the different types of HDR imaging and clarifies confusing terminology.

How-To Geek教您摄影的各个方面。 其中之一,即高动态范围(HDR)成像,可以创建出具有细节和清晰度的精美照片,这被认为是不可能的。 下面的文章教您有关HDR成像的不同类型,并阐明令人困惑的术语。

Image credit: Exposure by Nevit Dilmen

图片来源: Nevit Dilmen的曝光

HTG Explains: What is HDR Photography, And How Can I Use It?


通过学习曝光元素来改善摄影 (Improve Your Photography by Learning the Elements of Exposure)


Do you tend to use your digital camera on automatic? With only a few quick lessons on the elements of proper exposure, you can become a better photographer. Photography is all about light, and the following article shows you the different parts of what goes into creating a properly exposed picture. This will give you a better understanding of the automatic settings on your camera, and how to get the same results using the manual settings.

您倾向于自动使用数码相机吗? 仅需几节有关适当曝光的要素的快速课程,您就可以成为一名更好的摄影师。 摄影是光的全部,下面的文章将向您展示创建适当曝光的图片的不同部分。 这将使您更好地了解相机的自动设置,以及如何使用手动设置获得相同的结果。

Image by natashalcd, available under Creative Commons


Improve Your Photography by Learning the Elements of Exposure


HTG讲解:相机,镜头和摄影原理(HTG Explains: Cameras, Lenses, and How Photography Works)

Have you bought a digital SLR (single-lens reflex) camera and gotten totally confused once you started to try to learn the photography jargon and how to use the different features of the camera? The following article explains photography basics and how your camera works. Learning the basics can help you take better pictures whether you are using a digital SLR camera or a cell phone camera.

您是否已经购买了数码SLR(单镜头反光)相机,并且一旦开始尝试学习摄影术语以及如何使用相机的不同功能时就完全困惑了? 以下文章介绍了摄影基础知识以及相机的工作原理。 无论您使用数码单反相机还是手机相机,学习基础知识都可以帮助您拍摄更好的照片。

HTG Explains: Cameras, Lenses, and How Photography Works


如何使用任何相机制作极其简单的全景照片(How to Make an Incredibly Easy Panoramic Photograph With Any Camera)

You may think that you need a special camera to take panoramic pictures. However, the following article shows you how to take good shots with a regular digital camera and how to use an image editor to merge them to create a convincing panorama.

您可能认为您需要一台特殊的相机才能拍摄全景照片。 但是,下面的文章向您展示如何使用普通的数码相机拍摄好照片,以及如何使用图像编辑器将它们合并以创建令人信服的全景图。

Image by Eric Z Goodnight, protected under Creative Commons

图片由Eric Z Goodnight提供,受知识共享保护

How To Make an Incredibly Easy Panoramic Photograph With Any Camera


自定义照片散景的方法指南(The How-To Geek Guide to Custom Photo Bokeh)


Every photograph has a depth of field (DOF) which is the part of the image that is in focus. Everything else that is either too close to or too far away from the camera is out of focus. The part of the image that is too far away is known by the Japanese term, “bokeh,” pronounced “boh-ka.” Bokeh encapsulates the essence and subtlety of a blurred background photo, and the following article shows you how to turn some really cheap materials into a custom bokeh lens hood you can use to create your own photos with beautiful bokeh effects.

每张照片都有景深(DOF),这是对焦图像的一部分。 距离相机太近或太远的所有其他东西都无法聚焦。 日语中的“散景”一词被称为“ boh-ka”。 Bokeh封装了模糊的背景照片的本质和微妙之处,下面的文章向您展示如何将一些非常便宜的材料变成定制的bokeh遮光罩,您可以使用它们来创建具有漂亮的bokeh效果的照片。

The How-To Geek Guide to Custom Photo Bokeh


HTG解释:无反光镜相机是数码摄影的未来吗?(HTG Explains: Are Mirrorless Cameras the Future of Digital Photography?)


Up until recently, all cameras contained mirrored sensor systems. However, mirrorless cameras have started to become available. They are smaller because they have due to fewer parts and sturdier because they have fewer moving parts. The following article teaches you what “mirrored” cameras are how this new technology fits into the history of cameras. Read on to decide for yourself whether mirrorless cameras are really the future of photography, or will they go the way of Betamax tapes and laser discs.

直到最近,所有摄像机都包含镜像传感器系统。 但是,无反光镜相机已经开始可用。 它们之所以较小,是因为它们的零件较少,因此更坚固,因为它们的运动零件较少。 下面的文章教您什么是“镜像”相机,这种新技术如何适应相机的历史。 请继续阅读以自己决定无反光镜相机是否真的是摄影的未来,或者它们是否会沿用Betamax磁带和激光光盘的方式。

Image credit: Cameras from Large to Small, Film to Digital by Tom Photos, GNU License

图片来源:Tom Photos拍摄的大型(小型)相机,胶卷(数码)和数码相机(GNU许可)

HTG Explains: Are Mirrorless Cameras the Future of Digital Photography?


使用HTG进行摄影:什么是全画幅相机? 我需要一个吗? (Photography with HTG: What Is A Full Frame Camera? Do I Need One?)


Have you heard the term “full frame” camera and wondered exactly what that is? The following article shows you what this is by taking a look at different camera formats and helps you decide if you want to spend the small fortune required to get a full frame camera. Be prepared for a geeky article. It’s not very technical, but there is a lot of photography lingo that may seem intimidating if you don’t know a lot about photography.

您是否听说过“全画幅”相机一词,并想知道到底是什么? 下一篇文章通过介绍不同的相机格式向您展示了这是什么,并帮助您决定是否要花钱购买一台全画幅相机。 准备好阅读令人讨厌的文章。 它不是技术性很强的工具,但是如果您对摄影不了解,可能会有很多摄影术语似乎令人生畏。

Photography with HTG: What Is A Full Frame Camera? Do I Need One?

使用HTG进行摄影:什么是全画幅相机? 我需要一个吗?

HTG讲解:使用基于胶片的相机进行摄影 (HTG Explains: Photography with Film-Based Cameras)

Taking pictures on actual film? How quaint. Most of us have moved to digital cameras because they are so easy to use. However, both film-based cameras and digital cameras are used by professional and amateur photographers alike. The following article helps you to increase your photographic knowledge by teaching you how film-based cameras work. You just might start to appreciate your point and click digital camera.

在实际胶片上拍照? 真古朴我们大多数人已经转向数码相机,因为它们非常易于使用。 但是,基于胶片的相机和数码相机都被专业和业余摄影师使用。 下面的文章通过教您胶片相机的工作原理来帮助您增加摄影知识。 您可能只是开始欣赏您的观点,然后单击数码相机。

Image By Rubin 110, available under Creative Commons.


HTG Explains: Photography with Film-Based Cameras


如何使用极客摄影:什么时候应该使用闪光灯?(Photography With How-To Geek: When Should I Use a Flash?)


Camera flashes have become so commonplace and convenient, that most of us don’t think about it when we take our pictures. However, even though flashes allow you to take pictures in low light, the flash can also change your shot for the worse. The following article shows you what the flash is actually doing, talks about light, compares photos taken with and without a flash, and discusses proper flash use.

相机闪光灯变得如此普遍和方便,以至于我们大多数人在拍摄照片时都不会想到它。 但是,即使闪光灯允许您在弱光条件下拍照,闪光灯也可能会使拍摄情况变差。 下面的文章向您展示闪光灯的实际功能,讨论光线,比较使用和不使用闪光灯拍摄的照片,并讨论正确使用闪光灯的方法。

Photography With How-To Geek: When Should I Use a Flash?


Now that you’ve learned a lot about photography, we have a bonus for you. Click the following link to download a wallet-sized cheat sheet containing critical photographic information. This is handy for newbie, who’s just learning, and for the experienced photographers as a handy quick reference.

既然您已经学到了很多关于摄影的知识,那么我们将为您带来额外的好处。 单击以下链接下载包含重要摄影信息的钱包大小的备忘单。 对于刚开始学习的新手和经验丰富的摄影师来说,这都是方便的快速参考。

Download the HTG Photography Cheat Sheet (Wallet-Sized!)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102794/10-of-the-best-photography-articles/


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