如何关闭三星Galaxy Note 10或10 Plus的电源

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and 10 Plus Press Render Hero

Now that Samsung is shipping the Galaxy Note 10 and 10 Plus, you’ll find that the traditional method for powering off the phones doesn’t work. Instead, you have to use a new key combination or change its default settings. Here’s how.

现在,三星已经发布了Galaxy Note 1010 Plus ,您会发现关闭手机电源的传统方法不起作用。 相反,您必须使用新的组合键或更改其默认设置。 这是如何做。

使用物理按钮关闭电源 (Power Off with Physical Buttons)

On almost every other Android smartphone or tablet, you can turn the device off by long-pressing the power button. This action typically launches the power menu that allows you to power off the phone, restart it, or more. On Samsung’s new flagships, this opens the Bixby virtual assistant.

在几乎所有其他的Android智能手机或平板电脑上,您都可以通过长按电源按钮来关闭设备。 此操作通常会启动电源菜单,该菜单可让您关闭手机电源,重新启动手机或执行其他操作。 在三星的新旗舰店上,这将打开Bixby虚拟助手。

With the Galaxy Note 10 and 10 Plus, Samsung included a new key combination for launching the power menu. Instead of just pressing and holding the power button (which Samsung calls the “Side key”), you need to press and hold the power and volume down buttons at the same time for several seconds.

在Galaxy Note 10和10 Plus中,三星包括了用于启动电源菜单的新按键组合。 您不仅需要按住电源按钮(三星称之为“侧键”),还需要同时按住电源和降低音量按钮几秒钟。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and 10 Plus Press Power and Volume Down Buttons

You can let go of both bottoms when the power menu appears on-screen. Now, all you need to do is tap on “Power off,” and your Samsung Galaxy Note 10 or 10 Plus will turn off.

当电源菜单出现在屏幕上时,您可以放开两个底部。 现在,您需要做的就是点击“关闭电源”,Samsung Galaxy Note 10或10 Plus将关闭。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Power Menu

更改侧面按钮的按住操作 (Change Side Button’s Press and Hold Action)

As mentioned above, Samsung allows you to change the default behavior of long-pressing the power button. Here’s how you can change it if you’d rather jump straight into the power menu instead of launching Bixby.

如上所述,三星允许您更改长按电源按钮的默认行为。 如果您想直接跳进电源菜单而不是启动Bixby,可以通过以下方法进行更改。

First, swipe down from the top of the screen so that the notification shade is showing. Next, tap on the gear icon in the top-right corner to open the Settings menu.

首先,从屏幕顶部向下滑动,以显示通知阴影。 接下来,点击右上角的齿轮图标以打开“设置”菜单。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Notification Shade Settings Icon

Now, tap on “Advanced features.” The item should be halfway down the list of options.

现在,点击“高级功能”。 该项目应该在选项列表的中间。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Settings Menu Tap Advanced Features

Select “Side key.”


Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Settings Menu Tap Side Key

You can now change the default behavior of double-pressing the power button as well as what happens when the button is pressed and held. You will want to select “Power off menu” from within the “Press and hold” section.

现在,您可以更改双击电源按钮的默认行为以及按住该按钮时的行为。 您需要从“按住”部分中选择“关机菜单”。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Settings Tap Power Off Menu

Alternatively, you can access the Side button menu by swiping down on the notification shade, tapping the Power icon, and selecting “Side key settings.” You can then choose “Power off menu” as the press and hold action.

或者,您可以通过在通知栏上向下滑动,点击电源图标并选择“侧键设置”来访问“侧边”按钮菜单。 然后,您可以选择“关机菜单”作为按住操作。

从快速设置面板关闭电源 (Power Off from Quick Settings Panel)

If you don’t want to or can’t use the Galaxy Note 10 or 10 Plus’ physical buttons to turn the handset off, Samsung has snuck a shortcut to the power menu into the notification shade.

如果您不想或无法使用Galaxy Note 10或10 Plus的物理按钮关闭手机,三星已将电源菜单的快捷方式隐藏在通知栏中。

To access it, swipe down from the top of the phone’s screen to bring down the notification shade. From there, tap on the power icon in the top-right corner found next to the gear button.

要访问它,请从手机屏幕顶部向下滑动以降低通知栏。 从那里,点击齿轮按钮旁边右上角的电源图标。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Notification Shade Power Button

The power menu will now load, offering several options to choose from. Tap on “Power off” to turn your device off.

现在将加载电源菜单,其中提供了多个选项供您选择。 点击“关闭电源”以关闭设备。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Power Menu

使用Bixby关闭电源 (Power Off with Bixby)

The last option is to ask Samsung’s virtual assistant, Bixby, to turn off your Samsung Galaxy Note 10 or 10 Plus.

最后一个选择是要求三星的虚拟助手Bixby关闭您的Samsung Galaxy Note 10或10 Plus。

To get started, you need to launch Bixby. If you haven’t changed the default behavior of long-pressing the power button, you can do that to bring up the assistant. From there, say, “Turn off the phone,” and your handset should be powered off.

首先,您需要启动Bixby。 如果您尚未更改长按电源按钮的默认行为,则可以启动助手。 从那里说“关闭电话”,然后应该关闭听筒的电源。

You can also get to the virtual assistant through Bixby Home by swiping to the right-most home screen. Here, you can tap on the Bixby icon and then tell it, “Turn off the phone.”

您还可以通过滑动到最右侧的主屏幕,通过Bixby Home进入虚拟助手。 在这里,您可以点击Bixby图标,然后告诉它“关闭电话”。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus Tap Bixby

重新打开您的Note 10或10 Plus电源 (Power Your Note 10 or 10 Plus Back On)

Fortunately, Samsung didn’t change how you turn the Galaxy Note 10 or 10 Plus back on. As with almost all other smartphones, all you need to do is press and hold the power button for several seconds. You can let go once the Samsung logo appears on-screen.

幸运的是,三星没有改变您重新打开Galaxy Note 10或10 Plus的方式。 与几乎所有其他智能手机一样,您需要做的就是按住电源按钮几秒钟。 屏幕上显示三星徽标后,您可以放手。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/438112/how-to-power-off-your-samsung-galaxy-note-10-or-10-plus/





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