
The orange recording dot on an iPhone.
Apple 苹果

On an iPhone or iPad, you’ll see orange and green dots at the top right corner of the screen—above the cellular, Wi-Fi, and battery icons—when an app is using your microphone or camera. Here’s what you need to know.

在iPhone或iPad上,当应用程序使用麦克风或相机时,您会在屏幕的右上角看到橙色和绿色的点(在蜂窝,Wi-Fi和电池图标上方)。 这是您需要知道的。

These dots on your status bar are just like the colored green LED next to the MacBook’s webcam. They provide a visual indication whenever your iPhone or iPad’s microphone or camera is being used by an app. These orange and green circles were added in the iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 updates, which Apple released in September 2020.

状态栏上的这些点就像MacBook网络摄像头旁的绿色绿色LED一样。 每当应用程序使用iPhone或iPad的麦克风或相机时,它们都会提供视觉指示。 苹果在2020年9月发布的iOS 14和iPadOS 14更新中添加了这些橙色和绿色圆圈。

橙色点表示您的麦克风处于活动状态 (The Orange Dot Means Your Microphone Is Active)

The orange circle above the cellular indicator on an iPhone.

The orange dot indicator indicates that an application on your iPhone is using the microphone. For example, if you’re talking on the phone to someone, you’ll see an orange dot. If you record a voice memo, you’ll see an orange dot. If you’re talking to Siri, you’ll see an orange dot. You’ll see an orange dot when third-party apps are using your microphone, too.

橙色点指示符表示您iPhone上的某个应用程序正在使用麦克风。 例如,如果您正在通过电话与某人通话,则会看到一个橙色的点。 如果您录制语音备忘录,则会看到一个橙色的点。 如果您正在与Siri交谈,则会看到一个橙色的点。 当第三方应用程序也在使用麦克风时,您也会看到一个橙色的点。

If you see the orange dot when you don’t expect to, that could be an indication an app is abusing access to your microphone.


The orange dot doesn’t tell you what an app is doing with your microphone. It might be recording you and uploading it to a remote server, or it might simply be recording audio and saving it to your phone. All the dot tells you is that an app is using your microphone for something.

橙色点不告诉您应用程序正在使用麦克风做什么。 它可能正在录制您并将其上传到远程服务器,或者可能只是录制音频并将其保存到您的手机。 所有的点告诉您,一个应用程序正在使用您的麦克风进行操作。

In older versions of the iPhone’s operating system—that is, iOS 13 and earlier—there was no indication when an app was using your microphone. You could allow or deny permission to use your microphone for each individual app, but you wouldn’t know when an app was using your microphone. Now, you’ll know for sure that Facebook isn’t listening to you while you’re using it—because your iPhone will tell you if it is.

在iPhone操作系统的旧版本(即iOS 13和更早版本)中,没有迹象表明应用程序何时在使用您的麦克风。 您可以允许或拒绝为每个单独的应用程序使用麦克风的权限,但是您不知道应用程序何时使用麦克风。 现在,您将确定使用Facebook时不会听到您的声音-因为您的iPhone会告诉您是否正在听。

绿点表示您的相机处于活动状态 (The Green Dot Means Your Camera Is Active)

The green recording dot at the top right corner of the iPhone screen.

The green dot indicator appears when an application on your iPhone is using the camera. For example, if you’re participating in a FaceTime call, you’ll see a green dot. If you’re recording a video, you’ll see a green dot. If an app is taking a photo, you’ll see a green dot.

当iPhone上的应用程序正在使用相机时,会出现绿点指示符。 例如,如果您正在参加FaceTime通话,则会看到一个绿点。 如果您正在录制视频,则会看到一个绿点。 如果应用正在拍照,则会看到一个绿点。

Note that camera access includes microphone access. So, if you see the green dot, an app is using both your camera and your microphone. You will not see the green dot and the orange dot at the same time.

请注意,摄像头访问权限包括麦克风访问权限。 因此,如果您看到绿点,则表明某个应用程序正在同时使用您的相机和麦克风。 您不会同时看到绿色的点和橙色的点。

If you see the green dot when you don’t expect to, that could be a sign an app is abusing access to your camera.


The green dot doesn’t tell you what an app is doing with your camera. It might simply be providing a preview screen so you can take a photo or record a video when you choose. Or, it might be capturing your video and uploading it to a remote server. Either way, you’ll see a green dot—all it tells you is that an app is using your camera (and, potentially, your microphone.)

绿点不告诉您应用程序正在使用相机做什么。 它可能只是提供预览屏幕,以便您可以在选择时拍摄照片或录制视频。 或者,它可能正在捕获您的视频并将其上传到远程服务器。 无论哪种方式,您都会看到一个绿色的点-它只表明一个应用程序正在使用您的摄像头(可能还有您的麦克风)。

如何查看哪个应用程序正在使用您的MIcrophone或相机 (How to See Which App Was Using Your MIcrophone or Camera)

If you see an orange or green indicator dot, you can quickly see which app is accessing your microphone or camera.


To do so, swipe down from the top-right corner of your iPhone or iPad’s screen—right above the dot. The Control Center will open, and you’ll see the name of the app using your microphone or camera at the top of the screen.

为此,请从iPhone或iPad屏幕的右上角(点上方)向下滑动。 控制中心将打开,您将在屏幕顶部使用麦克风或摄像头看到应用程序的名称。

The iPhone Control Center saying FaceTime is using the camera.

Even if the orange or green dot has vanished because an app only used the microphone or camera momentarily, you can swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen. You’ll see the app’s name followed by the word “recently,” indicating that a particular app was recently accessing your microphone or camera but isn’t accessing it at the moment.

即使橙色或绿色的点消失了,因为某个应用仅短暂使用了麦克风或相机,您也可以从屏幕的右上角向下滑动。 您会看到该应用程序的名称,后跟单词“ recently”,表示某个特定的应用程序最近正在访问您的麦克风或摄像头,但目前尚未访问。

An iPhone Control Center showing Siri recently used the microphone.

如何停止应用程序使用麦克风和相机 (How to Stop Apps From Using Your Mic and Camera)

If you don’t like the way an app is using your microphone or camera, you have two options: You could remove the app from your iPhone or revoke its permission to access the microphone and camera.


To remove an app from your phone, long-press it on the home screen, tap “Remove App,” and tap “Delete App.” You can also find the app in your App Library, long-press it, and tap “Delete App.”

要从手机中删除应用程序,请在主屏幕上长按该应用程序,点击“删除应用程序”,然后点击“删除应用程序”。 您还可以在应用程序库中找到该应用程序,长按它,然后点击“删除应用程序”。

An app icon's long-press context menu showing the "Remove App" option.

If you want to keep an app installed but don’t trust it with microphone and camera access, you can head to Settings > Privacy > Microphone and Settings > Privacy > Camera. Locate the application in each list and tap the switch at the right side of the app to remove its access to your microphone or camera.

如果要保留安装的应用程序,但不信任它使用麦克风和摄像头,则可以转到“设置”>“隐私”>“麦克风”和“设置”>“隐私”>“摄像头”。 在每个列表中找到该应用程序,然后点击应用程序右侧的开关以删除其对您的麦克风或摄像头的访问权限。

If you change your mind in the future and want to restore the app’s access to this data, you can return to this screen and toggle the app’s camera or microphone back on.


The Settings > Privacy > Microphone screen on an iPhone.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/691434/what-are-the-orange-and-green-dots-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/





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