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If you need to see a part of your Word document up close, or if you need to see more of the page than what you get at a standard size, you can zoom in or out. Here’s how.

如果您需要近距离查看Word文档的一部分,或者需要查看页面中超出标准尺寸的部分,则可以放大或缩小。 这是如何做。

使用缩放栏放大和缩小Word文档 (Zoom In and Out of a Word Doc Using the Zoom Bar)

The need to zoom in and out of a Word document is quite common. It’s so common that Microsoft put a zoom bar on the right side of the status bar at the bottom of the window for quick access.

放大和缩小Word文档非常普遍。 Microsoft经常在窗口底部的状态栏的右侧放置一个缩放栏以进行快速访问,这一点很常见。

To use the zoom bar, click and drag the slider to the left or right to zoom out or in, respectively. As you do so, you’ll notice the page percentage decrease or increase.

要使用缩放栏,请单击并向左或向右拖动滑块以分别缩小或放大。 这样做时,您会注意到页面百分比减少或增加。

Zoom bar gif

Alternatively, you can click the minus (-) or plus (+) sign to zoom out or in at 10 percent increments.


Zoom bar gif 2

If you zoom in to the point that parts of the Word document aren’t visible anymore, horizontally speaking, then a horizontal scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the page.


horizontal scroll bar appears

使用“缩放”对话框放大和缩小Word文档 (Zoom In and Out of a Word Doc Using the Zoom Dialog Box)

If you want a little more control over the zoom feature, the “Zoom” dialog box gives you a few more options. To access this, select the “View” tab and then click the “Zoom” button in the “Zoom” group.

如果您想进一步控制缩放功能,则“缩放”对话框为您提供了更多选项。 要访问此选项,请选择“查看”选项卡,然后单击“缩放”组中的“缩放”按钮。

Zoom option in view tab

The “Zoom” dialog box will appear. In the “Zoom To” group, you’ll see several pre-defined options. The options to the right zoom in and out to a specific percentage to fill its given purpose while those on the left are set defaults. These percentages will differ depending on your device’s screen size and the size of your Word window (full-screen, half-screen, etc.).

出现“缩放”对话框。 在“缩放到”组中,您将看到几个预定义的选项。 右侧的选项将放大和缩小至特定百分比以达到其给定的目的,而左侧的选项则设置为默认值。 这些百分比将根据设备的屏幕大小和Word窗口的大小(全屏,半屏等)而有所不同。

If none of the pre-defined options are what you’re looking for, you can click the up and down arrows next to the “Percent” option to zoom in and out by 1 percent increments (compared to the 10 percent increments from the zoom bar).


Zoom options in the zoom dialog box

When you’re finished, select “OK” and the changes will take place.


一些方便的单词快捷方式 (A Few Handy Word Shortcuts)

There are also a few shortcuts for zooming in and out, depending on your device. If you’re using a touch screen (or touchpad), you can take advantage of the pinch-to-zoom functionality. This feature allows you to zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen and “pinching” to zoom out or separating your fingers to zoom in.

根据您的设备,还有一些用于放大和缩小的快捷方式。 如果您使用的是触摸屏(或触摸板),则可以利用双指缩放功能。 此功能使您可以通过将两个手指放在屏幕上并“捏”以缩小或分开手指来放大来放大和缩小。

Lastly, for those using a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can hold the “Ctrl” button and scroll the wheel up or down to zoom in and out, respectively.

最后,对于使用带有滚轮的鼠标的用户,您可以按住“ Ctrl”按钮并向上或向下滚动滚轮以分别放大和缩小。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450491/how-to-zoom-in-and-out-of-a-word-document/





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