b站 画中画 chrome_如何使用Chrome的画中画模式播放本地视频

本文介绍了如何在Google Chrome浏览器中利用内置的画中画功能或PiP扩展程序,观看本地视频。首先,需要允许扩展程序访问文件URL,然后选择用Chrome打开本地视频文件,或者直接将视频拖到新标签页。打开视频后,启用画中画模式,视频将以迷你播放器的形式浮在其他窗口上方,可以自由移动。播放结束后,通过关闭迷你播放器或点击返回图标即可。
b站 画中画 chrome

b站 画中画 chrome

Google Chrome Picture-in-Picture Local Videos

The Picture-in-Picture (PiP) extension for Google Chrome lets you watch videos on the internet in PiP mode. However, if you want to watch a video from your local drive, you can use Chrome to play it in a PiP window.

Google Chrome的画中画(PiP)扩展程序可让您以画中画模式在互联网上观看视频。 但是,如果您想从本地驱动器观看视频,则可以使用Chrome在画中画窗口中播放。

For this guide, you can use either the built-in PiP mode or the official Chrome extension. If you haven’t already, head over to the Chrome web store and install the PiP extension to continue.

对于本指南,您可以使用内置的画中画模式或官方的Chrome扩展程序。 如果还没有,请前往Chrome网上应用店并安装PiP扩展程序以继续。

Note: Not all video file formats are supported for playback in Google Chrome. However, Chrome supports WebM and MP4 formats natively, though some MP4 files may fail to open due to different types of codecs.

注意:并非所有视频文件格式都支持在Google Chrome浏览器中播放。 但是,Chrome浏览器本机支持WebM和MP4格式,尽管某些MP4文件可能由于编解码器类型不同而无法打开。

For this guide, we’ll be using Windows as the operating system. The process should work identically on all desktop platforms including macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.

对于本指南,我们将使用Windows作为操作系统。 在包括macOS,Linux和Chrome OS在内的所有桌面平台上,该过程应完全相同。

For Google’s PiP extension to work with files stored locally on your computer, you have to grant permission to the extension to access a file’s URL. Right-click the extension’s icon located in the toolbar and then select “Manage Extensions.”

为了使Google的PiP扩展程序可以处理本地存储在计算机上的文件,您必须授予该扩展程序访问文件URL的权限。 右键单击工具栏中的扩展程序图标,然后选择“管理扩展程序”。

Right-click the extension's icon, and then click "Manage extensions."

Scroll down until you see “Allow Access to File URLs” and toggle the switch to the “On” position.


Scroll down until you see "Allow access to file URLs," and then toggle it to the On position.

Next, navigate to the folder of the video you want to watch in Chrome. Right-click the video, point to “Open With,” and then click “Google Chrome.”

接下来,导航至要在Chrome中观看的视频的文件夹。 右键单击视频,指向“打开方式”,然后单击“ Google Chrome”。

Right-click the video, hover over "Open with," and then choose "Google Chrome" from the list provided.

If you don’t see Chrome as a suggestion, click “Choose Another App” from the context menu that opens. From the list of apps, select “Google Chrome” and then click “OK.”

如果您没有看到Chrome的建议,请从打开的上下文菜单中单击“选择其他应用”。 从应用列表中,选择“ Google Chrome”,然后单击“确定”。

If you don't see it in the list, click "Choose another app," click "Google Chrome" from the window that opens, and then click "OK."

Alternatively, you can drag the video file directly into a new tab and Chrome will open the video automatically.


Alternatively, just drag the video file into a new tab of Chrome and it will open automatically.

After the video opens, click on the PiP extension icon, and the video will pop out on top of all other windows in a mini-player.


Click the PiP extension icon to enable PiP mode.

If you aren’t using the Chrome extension and instead want to use the built-in PiP feature, right-click the video, and then click “Picture in Picture.”


Alternatively, if you don't want to install the extension, right-click the video, and then click "picture in picture" from the context menu.

Just as with any other video in PiP mode, you can move the player by dragging it anywhere on the screen.


After you finish the video, either click the “X” in the mini-player window to close it or select the box and arrow icon at the bottom left of the player to return to the tab where the video was playing.

完成视频播放后,请在迷你播放器窗口中单击“ X”将其关闭,或者选择播放器左下方的框和箭头图标以返回到播放视频的选项卡。

Done with the video? Click the 'X' in the top corner of PiP mode to close the video and return to the tab where it's playing.

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/438468/how-to-use-chromes-picture-in-picture-mode-to-play-local-videos/

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