账户与同步功能设置_如何禁用和删除Windows 10帐户同步设置



Windows 10 lets you synchronize settings on all devices you sign into with your Microsoft Account. Some of these settings include themes, language preferences, and passwords. But what if you don’t want your old settings to transfer over? Here’s how to disable and remove all account Sync settings on Windows 10.

Windows 10允许您同步使用Microsoft帐户登录的所有设备上的设置。 其中一些设置包括主题,语言首选项和密码。 但是,如果您不希望旧设置转移过来怎么办? 以下是在Windows 10上禁用和删除所有帐户同步设置的方法。

同步设置如何工作? (How Do Sync Settings Work?)

Sync Settings were first introduced with Windows 8 and are available for any Windows 10 device you sign into with your Microsoft account.

同步设置最初是Windows 8引入的,可用于您使用Microsoft帐户登录的任何Windows 10设备。

By default, when you enable Sync settings, Windows uploads various system settings and preferences to OneDrive. When you sign in to another device with the same account and on which you’ve also enabled sync settings, those settings all transfer over. It’s really handy if, for example, you like your desktop and laptop to look the same or you want to retain all your settings on a fresh install.

默认情况下,启用同步设置后,Windows会将各种系统设置和首选项上载到OneDrive。 当您使用相同的帐户登录另一台设备并且还启用了同步设置时,这些设置都会全部转移。 例如,如果您希望台式机和笔记本电脑看起来一样,或者想在全新安装中保留所有设置,那真的很方便。

The following is a list of the settings that get synced to your Microsoft account:


  • Theme – Desktop background, user tile, taskbar position, etc.


  • Passwords – Windows credential manager, including Wi-Fi profiles

    密码– Windows凭据管理器,包括Wi-Fi配置文件

  • Language Preferences – Spelling dictionary, system language settings


  • Ease of Access – Narrator, on-screen keyboard, magnifier


  • Other Windows SettingsA full list of Other Windows Settings


如何在设备上禁用帐户同步设置(How to Disable Account Sync Settings on a Device)

Disabling Sync settings in Windows 10 lets you limit what information Microsoft sends to the cloud and stores on their servers. Whether you want to disable a single setting or stop syncing altogether, this is how you can gain control of your settings once and for all.

通过在Windows 10中禁用同步设置,您可以限制Microsoft发送到云并存储在其服务器上的信息。 无论您是要禁用单个设置还是完全停止同步,这都是您可以一劳永逸地控制设置的方式。

Note: If you have multiple devices that all use Sync settings with your Microsoft account, you need to follow these steps for each device to disable and remove Sync settings completely.


Open up the Settings app by clicking the Start button and then the Settings cog. You can also press Win+I.

通过单击“开始”按钮,然后单击“设置”齿轮,打开“设置”应用程序。 您也可以按Win + I。

In the Settings window, click the “Accounts” option.


On the left side of the Accounts page, click “Sync Your Settings.”


If you still like the idea of syncing some of your setting across devices but want to limit how much information is stored, try toggling specific options off under the “Individual Sync Settings” heading.


Otherwise, to disable Sync settings altogether, switch the main “Sync Settings” toggle to the “Off” position. This disables all the sub-options completely.

否则,要完全禁用同步设置,请将“同步设置”主开关切换到“关”位置。 这将完全禁用所有子选项。

如何删除同步设置 (How to Remove Sync Settings)

Disabling Sync Settings prevents your device from transferring or receiving any settings to OneDrive. That might be all you want to do. If, for example, you have multiple computers and want most of them to sync, you can disable Sync Settings on the ones you don’t want to be synced up.

禁用同步设置可防止您的设备将任何设置传输或接收到OneDrive。 那可能就是您要做的。 例如,如果您有多台计算机并希望它们中的大多数同步,则可以在不想同步的计算机上禁用“同步设置”。

On the other hand, if you’ve disabled sync settings on all your devices, you can also remove any stored settings from OneDrive. Maybe you don’t plan on using the feature again at all and just want that information off of OneDrive, or maybe you only want to delete all the settings and then re-enable Sync Settings on your devices to get a fresh start. Either way, here’s how to do it.

另一方面,如果您已禁用所有设备上的同步设置,则还可以从OneDrive中删除所有存储的设置。 也许您根本不打算再次使用该功能,而只希望从OneDrive中获得该信息,或者您只想删除所有设置,然后在设备上重新启用“同步设置”以重新开始。 无论哪种方式,这都是操作方法。

Note: To remove all data from your OneDrive account you must first turn off Sync settings on all devices connected to your Microsoft account.


Fire up your browser and go to the Delete your personal settings from the cloud OneDrive page. Scroll to the bottom and click “Remove” to remove the settings stored in the cloud. If you have to sign in, do so using the account from which you want to remove the settings info.

启动浏览器,然后转到“从云OneDrive”页面删除“删除您的个人设置” 。 滚动到底部,然后单击“删除”以删除存储在云中的设置。 如果必须登录,请使用要从中删除设置信息的帐户登录。

Click “Yes” when asked for confirmation.


Your account settings are now removed from Microsoft’s servers. Any new device you sign in with using your Microsoft account won’t carry over any settings from your old PC. And if you do re-enable Sync Settings on any of your devices, those settings will start getting saved to OneDrive again.

您的帐户设置现已从Microsoft的服务器中删除。 您使用Microsoft帐户登录的任何新设备都不会保留旧PC上的任何设置。 而且,如果您确实在任何设备上重新启用了“同步设置”,则这些设置将再次开始保存到OneDrive。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/399568/how-to-disable-and-remove-windows-10-account-sync-settings/


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