



The heavy, stylized shadows of HDR Photography are a professional, very dramatic look many photographers use. Here’s how a few moments with Photoshop or freeware Raw Therapee can get you a similar effect with your photos.

HDR摄影的沉重,程式化的阴影是许多摄影师使用的专业,非常生动的外观。 这是使用Photoshop或免费软件Raw Therapee的一些时间,可以使您的照片获得类似的效果。

初学者:Photoshop方法 (Beginner: The Photoshop Method)


We’ll begin by firing up Photoshop to work with a photo with good detail. Blurry photos or images lacking detail are reasonably okay for this technique, but are not ideal. Pick one with good detail and a good value range for best results.

我们将首先启动Photoshop,以处理具有出色细节的照片。 缺乏细节的模糊照片或图像对于这种技术是可以的,但并不理想。 选择一个细节详尽,价值范围广的产品,以获得最佳效果。

Your image should be flattened (no layers) to begin with. Save an alternate version of your image before you start working to make sure you don’t accidently overwrite your original.

首先,您的图像应该变平(无层)。 在开始工作之前,请保存图像的备用版本,以确保不会意外覆盖原始图像。


Our first move is to switch our color mode to “Lab Color” by navigating to Image > Mode > Lab Color.



The next step is simple as well. We have to go to our channels panel and pick the “Lightness” channel. Your image should transform into this sort of grayscale image, since it’s displaying on the “Lightness” channel.

下一步也很简单。 我们必须转到我们的频道面板,然后选择“亮度”频道。 您的图像应该转换为这种灰度图像,因为它显示在“亮度”通道上。


This is how your Channels panel should look with this channel selected. If you don’t have a Channels panel on screen, turn it on by going to Window > Channels.

这是您的“频道”面板在选定此频道后的外观。 如果屏幕上没有“通道”面板,请转到“窗口”>“通道”将其打开。


With your Lightness channel still selected, navigate to Filters > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.



While this is an acceptable setting for Unsharp Mask, this is a very obvious and overdone setting. You can use different, more subtle settings if you prefer. When you’re satisfied with your preview, press OK.

虽然这是“不锐化蒙版”可接受的设置,但这是一个非常明显且过度的设置。 如果愿意,可以使用其他更微妙的设置。 对预览满意后,请按OK。


Your lightness channel should now be transformed. The benefit of using Lab Color (as opposed to RGB) is that your shadows are transformed, leaving your colors untouched and uncorrupted from your filter.

您的明暗度通道现在应该进行了转换。 使用Lab Color(与RGB相对)的好处是可以对阴影进行变换,使您的颜色保持不变,并且滤镜不会损坏。


We’ll flip our color mode back to RGB by navigating to Image > Mode > RGB Color. Your image should jump back to color.

通过导航到“图像”>“模式”>“ RGB颜色”,将颜色模式切换回RGB。 您的图像应跳回彩色。

adjustment layer

Create a “Levels” adjustment layer, either by using the Adjustment panel, as shown above left, or by going to your Layers panel and clicking the icon. You’ll want to adjust your levels to suit your image specifically. For some tips on using the Levels adjustment tool to fix your image, you can check out this older article on how to adjust your contrast like a pro. You can simply copy the five values above, if you prefer.

通过使用“调整”面板(如左上方所示)或通过转到“图层”面板并单击图标,创建“级别”调整层。 您需要调整级别以特别适合您的图像。 有关使用“色阶”调整工具修复图像的一些技巧,您可以查看这篇较旧的文章,了解如何像pro一样调整对比度。 如果愿意,您可以简单地复制上面的五个值。


Our next move is to simulate a white balance adjustment, so that our final product looks like it is being lit with a harsh blue or white light. This is an optional step, if you’re already happy with your image.

我们的下一步是模拟白平衡调整,以使我们的最终产品看起来像被刺眼的蓝光或白光照亮。 如果您已经对图像感到满意,这是一个可选步骤。

adjustment layer

Since we’re working with JPG (not Raw), we have to use a “Photo Filter” adjustment layer. Create one as shown above left in the Adjustment Panel, or click the in your Layers Panel. “Cooling Filter (80)” is the best option for this particular image, and should work for most photos with this same warm, yellow cast.

由于我们正在使用JPG(而非Raw) ,因此必须使用“照片滤镜”调整层。 如上图所示,在“调整面板”中创建一个,或在“图层面板”中单击。 “冷却滤镜(80)”是此特定图像的最佳选择,并且适用于大多数具有相同暖黄色偏光的照片。


There’s no “one size fits all” setting that will work, but try this one and see if it appropriately cools your image as shown.



With our photo filter simulating a white balance shift, our stylization is complete.



We can see obvious stylization in both our highlights and shadows, giving our Faux HDR image great, sharp details ideal for print. But what about those of us that want to replicate this with a freeware graphics solution? Despite this How-To being GIMP friendly (Unsharp Mask and Levels work out of the box), here’s a few tips on how to get a similar effect in freeware Raw Therapee, an excellent way to play with camera Raw without paying for Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom.

我们可以在高光和阴影中看到明显的样式感,从而使Faux HDR图像具有出色的锐利细节,非常适合打印。 但是,我们这些想要通过免费软件图形解决方案来复制它的人呢? 尽管这种方法对GIMP友好(即开即用的“不清晰的蒙版和色阶”),但这里有一些技巧,可帮助您在免费软件Raw Therapee中获得类似的效果,这是一种无需支付Adobe Photoshop或付费即可使用Raw相机的绝佳方法灯房

高级:原始治疗方案 (Advanced: The Raw Therapee Solution)


If you’ve not tried Raw Therapee, it’s an excellent program, and very similar to both Photoshop Camera Raw and Adobe Lightroom, except for free and cross platform. While it is primarily for adjusting Camera Raw files, Raw Therapee can also open and adjust JPG images (as can Lightroom and Photoshop Camera Raw). Simply open your image in Raw Therapee to start stylizing it.

如果您尚未尝试过Raw Therapee,那么它是一个很棒的程序,除了免费和跨平台外,它与Photoshop Camera Raw和Adobe Lightroom非常相似。 虽然主要用于调整Camera Raw文件,但是Raw Therapee也可以打开和调整JPG图像(Lightroom和Photoshop Camera Raw也可以)。 只需在Raw Therapee中打开图像即可开始对其进行样式化。


Raw Therapee starts you with the “Exposure” sidebar. For our example below, we’ve used these settings. “Exposure” controls the bulk of your tones, simulating adding and subtracting light to your photo. We’ve also added a lot of black to our image and also included a lot of Shadow Recovery to shift our midtones away from our darkest blacks. To stylize our image, we’ve also shifted the saturation to appear more muted.

Raw Therapee从“曝光”侧边栏开始。 对于下面的示例,我们使用了这些设置。 “曝光”控制色调的大部分,模拟对照片的增减光。 我们还为图像添加了很多黑色,还包括很多阴影恢复功能,以使中间色调从最暗的黑色移开。 为了使图像风格化,我们还改变了饱和度以使其显得更加柔和。


White balance can be adjusted on the “Color” tab on the right sidebar. This will allow you to adjust the yellow/blue cast light, like we did in our photoshop how-to.

可以在右侧栏中的“颜色”选项卡上调整白平衡。 就像我们在photoshop中的操作方法一样,这将允许您调整黄色/蓝色投射光。


“Detail” tab adjustments will allow us to stylize our blacks, since Raw Therapee uses a similar Unsharp Mask filter to Photoshop’s. You may find that “Halo” control looks best turned on.

“详细信息”选项卡的调整将使我们能够风格化黑色,因为Raw Therapee使用了与Photoshop类似的“不锐化蒙版”滤镜。 您可能会发现“ Halo”控件看上去最好已打开。


Our final result is slightly different from our Photoshop image. It’s personal taste as to which one is better; we also weren’t really trying to create the same image again. It does give us a pretty good idea of the program’s ability to stylize an image.

我们的最终结果与Photoshop图像略有不同。 哪个更好,这是个人喜好; 我们也没有真正尝试再次创建相同的图像。 它确实使我们对程序样式化图像的能力有了一个很好的认识。


If you’ve not downloaded it already, give Raw Therapee a shot. It’s cross platform and free, apart from being excellent.

如果尚未下载,请试试Raw Therapee。 它跨平台且免费,除了出色。

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article.

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

Image Credit: Old Man at Manali by Nanda Kishore, available under Creative Commons.

图片提供: Nanda Kishore的《 Manali老人》 ,可在“知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/72378/give-your-photos-a-stylish-touch-with-harsh-shadows-and-details/


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