


There are probably countless streaming media services that you use regularly – YouTube for music videos, and any number of websites for listening to streaming music and live radio. Forget using endless apps and website after website; Tomahawk lets you access everything in the same place.

您可能经常使用无数的流媒体服务-YouTube上的音乐视频,以及任意数量的网站上的流媒体音乐和现场广播。 忘了使用无尽的应用程序和网站之后的网站战斧让您可以访问同一位置的所有内容。

Download a free copy of the application (it’s available for Windows, OS X and Linux), run through the installation and then start to configure the services you would like to use in conjunction with Tomahawk.

下载该应用程序的免费副本(适用于Windows,OS X和Linux),在安装过程中运行,然后开始配置要与Tomahawk结合使用的服务。

Click the Settings menu and select the Configure Tomahawk option. In the Services section, there are an impressive number of music and streaming sites for you to choose from – just tick those you are interested in using.

单击设置菜单,然后选择配置战斧选项。 在“服务”部分,您可以选择数量众多的音乐和流媒体站点,只需勾选您有兴趣使用的站点即可。

There are a number of familiar names here –Grooveshark, Spotify, YouTube et al – and while in some cases you can simply tick the box to activate the service in question, some require that you have an account already in place (a paid-for account in some cases).


However, there are plenty of streaming services that require no sort of account, and there is also the option of connecting the app to your social networking accounts so you can not only share your currently playing tracks with your friends and followers, but also discover new music by browsing through what they have been listening to.


Linking to Twitter, Jabber and Google Talk is not essential, but it does open up a new world of music discovery, so it is certainly worth considering.

链接到Twitter,Jabber和Google Talk并不是必需的,但是它确实打开了音乐发现的新世界,因此当然值得考虑。

It’s likely that you already have a sizable collection of music stored on your hard drive and network devices. Tomahawk is not just about listening to online music, it’s about being able to access anything you might want to listen to.

您的硬盘驱动器和网络设备上可能已经存储了大量音乐。 战斧不仅可以听在线音乐,还可以访问任何您想听的音乐。

Move to the Collection tab and select the folders in which you have stored music files. If you have files stored in network locations, you’ll have to map these to a drive letter so that they can be accessed through Tomahawk.

移至“收藏”选项卡,然后选择存储音乐文件的文件夹。 如果文件存储在网络位置,则必须将它们映射到驱动器号,以便可以通过“战斧”访问它们。

When you’re happy with the settings you’ve put in place, click OK and you’re ready to start listening to music. You may have to wait for a while as your local music collection is scanned and cataloged – you can keep an eye on this in the My Collection section of the main page.

当您对已完成的设置感到满意时,请单击“确定”,您就可以开始听音乐了。 在扫描和分类本地音乐收藏时,您可能需要等待一会儿–您可以在主页的“我的收藏”部分中关注此情况。

Searching for music in your own collection is easy enough; just head to the My Collection section and enter your search term in the Filter box. Playlist and song queues can be built up by right clicking on a track a selecting the Add to Queue option.

在您自己的收藏集中搜索音乐非常容易; 只需转到“我的收藏”部分,然后在“过滤器”框中输入搜索词。 可以通过右键单击曲目并选择“添加到队列”选项来建立播放列表和歌曲队列。

Things start to get more interesting when you incorporate online music services in your searches. To do this, you need to use the search box at the very top of the program window. Enter the name of a song, album, or artist and Tomahawk will scour your own offline music collection as well as the online repositories you have enabled.

在搜索中加入在线音乐服务后,事情开始变得越来越有趣。 为此,您需要使用程序窗口顶部的搜索框。 输入歌曲,专辑或歌手的名称,“战斧”将搜寻您自己的离线音乐收藏以及已启用的在线存储库。

If you have opted to link Tomahawk to Google Talk and Twitter, head to the Super Collection section and you can perform a search of the music collections of your contacts in addition to your own.

如果您选择将“战斧”链接到Google Talk和Twitter,请转到“超级收藏”部分,除了自己的联系人之外,您还可以搜索联系人的音乐收藏。

In addition to regular playlists, Tomahawk also offers the chance to create ‘radio stations’. These pull in tracks that match the search terms you specify, and there is scope to get very specific or leave things more open if you prefer.

除了常规的播放列表,“战斧”还提供了创建“广播电台”的机会。 这些拉入轨道与您指定的搜索词相匹配,并且有一定的范围可以变得非常具体,或者如果您愿意,可以让事情更加开放。

Click the ‘Create new station link’ to the lower left of the program window and enter a name for the station you would like to create.  Now use the first drop down menu to choose the criteria that should be used to set up the station – this can be a particular genre of music, artists that are similar to each other, length of track and much more.

单击程序窗口左下方的“创建新电台链接”,然后输入要创建的电台的名称。 现在,使用第一个下拉菜单选择设置电台所应使用的标准-这可以是音乐的特定流派,彼此相似的艺术家,曲目的长度等等。

You can get more specific by clicking the + button to the right and specifying additional criteria.


The Browse section to the upper left provides an interesting way to discover new tracks and artists. ‘Charts’ lets you know what is proving popular at the moment, while New Releases can be used to browse through the latest additions to iTunes and Rovi from the same place.

左上角的“浏览”部分提供了一种有趣的方式来发现新的曲目和艺术家。 “图表”可让您知道目前流行的是什么,而“新版本”可用于从同一位置浏览iTunes和Rovi的最新版本。

Has the emergence of ever more online music services changed the way you consume music? What are your favorites? Share your thoughts and experiences.

越来越多的在线音乐服务的出现改变了您消费音乐的方式吗? 你最喜欢什么? 分享您的想法和经验。



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