pymol设置dash_如何设置和使用Amazon Dash Wand



Amazon’s new $20 Dash Wand is a handy little device for Prime customers that lets you order anything from Amazon just by scanning a bar code. It also comes with Alexa built in, so you can ask it questions or add items to your shopping cart that you don’t have a bar code for. Best of all, you get $20 in free Amazon credit when you set it up, so it’s essentially free. Here’s how to set yours up and start using it in your home.

亚马逊新推出的售价20美元的Dash Wand是为Prime客户使用的一种方便的小型设备,您只需扫描条形码即可从亚马逊订购任何商品。 它还具有内置的Alexa,因此您可以提出问题或将您没有条形码的商品添加到购物车中。 最棒的是,您在设置时会获得20美元的免费Amazon信用额,因此它基本上是免费的。 以下是设置您的产品并开始在家里使用它的方法。

如何设置短跑魔杖 (How to Set Up Your Dash Wand)

To get started, you’ll need the Amazon Shopping app for Android or iOS. Download the app to your phone. The included instructions tell you to open up your browser and head to On this screen, you can choose either US or UK set up, but in my experience this led to a redirect error. Instead, you can simply add a new device from the Amazon app.

首先,您需要适用于AndroidiOS的Amazon Shopping应用程序。 将应用程序下载到手机。 随附的说明告诉您打开浏览器并转到 。 在此屏幕上,您可以选择美国或英国设置,但是以我的经验,这会导致重定向错误。 相反,您可以简单地从Amazon应用添加新设备。

To do this, open the app and tap the menu button in the top left corner, then select Your Account.


Next, scroll down and select “Set up a new device” under Dash Buttons & Devices.


Next, choose Dash Wand and on the next screen, specify which model you have. If you bought yours recently, it’s probably the second generation. The app will show you a picture of each model wand so you can confirm which one you have.

接下来,选择破折号魔杖,然后在下一个屏幕上,指定您拥有的型号。 如果您是最近购买的,则可能是第二代。 该应用程序将为您显示每种型号魔杖的图片,以便您确认拥有哪种魔杖。

After you’ve selected your Dash Wand model, you should see a screen like the one below. Tap “Get started.”

选择Dash Wand模型后,您应该会看到类似下面的屏幕。 点击“开始使用”。

Next, you’ll need to give the Amazon app permission to use your location in order to set up Wi-Fi on your Dash Wand.

接下来,您需要授予Amazon应用程序使用您的位置的权限,以便在Dash Wand上设置Wi-Fi。

At this point, if you haven’t already, open up your Dash Wand by sliding the two halves apart and inserting the included AAA batteries.


Press and hold the round button on the side of the Dash Wand to enter setup mode. The wand will take a moment to configure itself.

按住短跑魔杖侧面的圆形按钮进入设置模式。 魔杖将花费一些时间进行自我配置。

When a list of available networks appears, choose yours.


Once you see this screen, your Dash Wand is set up and you’re ready to start using it.

看到此屏幕后,您的Dash Wand将被设置好,您可以开始使用它了。

如何使用短跑魔杖扫描东西并与Alexa交谈 (How to Use Your Dash Wand to Scan Stuff and Talk to Alexa)

There are two main ways you can use your Dash Wand. You can either use it as a bar code scanner, or as a handheld Alexa device. The wand cleverly distinguishes between which mode based on how you hold it. If you hold the want straight up like a microphone, as in the picture below, and hold down the button, it will listen for Alexa commands.

您可以使用两种主要方法来使用短跑魔杖。 您可以将其用作条形码扫描仪或手持式Alexa设备。 魔杖根据您的握持方式巧妙地区分出哪种模式。 如果您像麦克风一样将要紧的东西按住起来,如下图所示,然后按住按钮,它将监听Alexa命令。

Alternatively, if you point the wand away from you, the bar code scanner will turn on. Point it at any product and the wand will automatically add it to your shopping cart (yes, it’s just in your cart—you’ll have to open the Amazon site or app to complete the purchase). When it successfully scans an item, you’ll hear an upbeat “Ding!” letting you know it was successful.

或者,如果将魔杖指向远离您的位置,则条形码扫描仪将打开。 将其指向任何产品,魔杖将自动将其添加到购物车中(是的,它就在购物车中,您必须打开Amazon网站或应用程序才能完成购买)。 成功扫描项目后,您会听到乐观的“叮!” 让您知道它是成功的。

Amazon will try to match the products you search for exactly. If it can find a product that matches the bar code you scanned, it will add that item to your shopping cart. If it can’t find an exact match, it will make a note of it in your cart and let you search for an approximate product.

亚马逊将尝试完全匹配您搜索的产品。 如果它找到与您扫描的条形码匹配的产品,它将把该产品添加到您的购物车中。 如果找不到完全匹配的商品,它将在购物车中记下该商品,并让您搜索近似商品。

If any products you search for are only available via Amazon Fresh, then Amazon will put them in a special cart just for Fresh orders. The Dash Wand comes with a free 90-day subscription to Amazon Fresh, but after that you’ll have to pay $15/month (on top of your Prime subscription) just to order from Fresh. If you decide not to do this, though, you can still use your Dash Wand to order non-Fresh items like trash bags, laundry detergent, or pet food.

如果您搜索的任何产品仅可通过Amazon Fresh购买,则Amazon会将它们放在专门用于Fresh订单的特殊购物车中。 The Dash Wand随附90天免费的Amazon Fresh订阅,但之后,您必须每月从Fresh订购,每月支付15美元(Prime订阅之外)。 但是,如果您决定不这样做,您仍然可以使用短跑魔杖订购非新鲜物品,例如垃圾袋,洗衣粉或宠物食品。







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