


If you order a lot of stuff off of Amazon, you probably have an extensive order history. Today, we want to discuss how you can manage past orders and even archive them so they’re no longer visible in the list.

如果您从亚马逊订购了很多东西,那么您可能拥有广泛的订购历史。 今天,我们要讨论如何管理过去的订单,甚至将其存档,以便它们不再显示在列表中。

Your Amazon order history likely stretches back several years and may contains hundreds, maybe thousands of previous orders. While the past six months to a year are the most relevant, you may still have dozens or hundreds of orders to sort through. Amazon gives customers a plethora of powerful tools to view, track, and cancel orders, as well as leave meaningful feedback to sellers and even regarding packaging and delivery.

您的亚马逊订单历史可能可以追溯到几年前,其中可能包含数百个,甚至数千个以前的订单。 尽管过去六个月至一年最相关,但您可能仍然需要整理数十个或数百个订单。 亚马逊为客户提供了许多强大的工具,可以查看,跟踪和取消订单,并向卖方甚至对包装和交货提供有意义的反馈。

To see your orders, open your account and view “Your Orders” from the proceeding screen. You can already see there are a couple of “Order Actions” on this screen, but you can see all your previous order history in one list by clicking the “Your Orders” button.

要查看您的订单,请打开您的帐户并在后续屏幕上查看“您的订单”。 您已经可以在该屏幕上看到几个“订单操作”,但是您可以通过单击“您的订单”按钮在一个列表中查看所有以前的订单历史记录。

You may have to sign in at the next screen.


At the top of the “Your Orders” screen, you will see four categories, and you will be able to select the timeframe in which you view past orders. Anything beyond six months is viewable by year.

在“您的订单”屏幕的顶部,您将看到四个类别,您将能够选择查看过去的订单的时间范围。 一年中可以看到超过六个月的所有内容。

Any order in your history should have up to seven options, including the ability to quickly buy it again. Along the top row you can see when you placed the order, how much it cost, to whom it shipped, order details, or pull up an invoice.

您历史记录中的任何订单都应有多达七个选项,包括能够快速再次购买的能力。 在第一行中,您可以看到何时下订单,花费多少,向谁发货,订单明细或提取发票。

The “Track Package” page will show when the item was ordered, shipped, and when or if it was delivered.


If you want to return an item, you will have a narrow window of opportunity. You will see how long you have until you can return something, and choose the reason why.

如果您想退货,则机会之窗将很狭窄。 您将看到自己需要多长时间才能退货,并选择原因。

If you need or want to leave feedback to the seller, you can do so on the “Leave Seller Feedback” page. You can give the seller a star rating and express your thoughts in the comments.

如果您需要或希望将反馈留给卖方,则可以在“留下卖方反馈”页面上进行。 您可以给卖家评分,并在评论中表达您的想法。

You can also rate your delivery and package experience, such as whether it was delivered on time as well if it was adequately packaged to provide enough protection.


On that note, if you found the packaging too difficult open, you can let Amazon know, as well as share feedback with comments, and even upload an image to illustrate a point.


You will probably have some thoughts and feelings about your recent purchase, or maybe you want to return to an order from a while back and provide feedback. Leaving feedback is as simple as giving your item or items a star rating and then, if desired, penning a short review.

您可能会对最近的购买有一些想法和感觉,或者您想返回一段时间后再订购并提供反馈。 留下反馈就像给您的一个或多个项目评分,然后根据需要进行简短审核一样简单。

Finally, we get to order archiving. You can archive up to 100 orders, so if you buy an item repeatedly, you can hide old orders, or if there’s something on your list you don’t want prominently displayed on your order list, you archive that too.

最后,我们开始订购存档。 您最多可以存档100个订单,因此,如果您重复购买某件商品,可以隐藏旧订单,或者如果您不想在列表上突出显示某个商品,也可以将其存档。

You will still be able to view archived order from “Your Account” by clicking the “View Archived Orders” link.


If you’re an Amazon junkie then managing your order history gives you a range of powerful tools all consolidated in one convenient location.


Better managing your account, and knowing the tools and options available to you, such as managing Kindles and their content, will greatly improve your Amazon buying experience.


If you have anything you would like to add, such as a comment or question, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.








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