macos 系统占用空间_macOS占用了“其他”存储空间是什么?

macos 系统占用空间

macos 系统占用空间


Your Mac can tell you what’s taking up space on your hard drive…but it isn’t very detailed. Click the Apple at the top-right of your screen, then click “About This Mac,” and the “Storage” tab gives you a visual overview like the one above. But for many users, particularly those with multiple hard drives, the “Other” category is comically large.

您的Mac可以告诉您硬盘驱动器上正在占用的空间……但是它不是很详细。 单击屏幕右上角的苹果,然后单击“关于本机”,“存储”选项卡为您提供如上所示的直观概览。 但是对于许多用户,尤其是那些具有多个硬盘驱动器的用户,“其他”类别可笑地很大。

So what’s taking up all that space? Happily there’s third party software out there that can clarify things.

那么什么占用了所有空间呢? 令人高兴的是,那里有可以澄清问题的第三方软件。

使用磁盘清单X扫描驱动器 (Scan Your Drive With Disk Inventory X)

Disk Inventory X is an older application, but it’s open source and still works great on the latest version of macOS. Go ahead and download the latest version, mount the DMG file, then drag the application to your Applications folder.

Disk Inventory X是一个较旧的应用程序,但是它是开源的,并且在最新版本的macOS上仍然可以很好地工作。 继续并下载最新版本,安装DMG文件,然后将应用程序拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。


This is an application without a developer’s license, so depending on your settings you might need to right-click the application and click open to get things working. Once you do, you’ll see a list of your currently connected hard drives.

这是一个没有开发人员许可应用程序,因此根据您的设置,您可能需要右键单击该应用程序,然后单击“打开”以使工作正常。 完成后,您将看到当前连接的硬盘驱动器的列表。


Click the drive you want to scan, then click “Open Volume.” The process will begin.

单击您要扫描的驱动器,然后单击“打开卷”。 该过程将开始。


This will take a while, particularly if you have a lot of data on your drive. Make some tea or browse Twitter for a bit; eventually you’ll see a list of the folders on the right and a graphical representation of the contents on the left.

这将需要一段时间,特别是如果驱动器上有大量数据。 喝点茶或浏览一下Twitter。 最终,您会在右侧看到文件夹列表,在左侧看到内容的图形表示。


A pop-out panel lets you know which sorts of files are taking up the most space.


I suggest taking a good look at the visual representation, and clicking anything that seems unusually large: the bigger the box, the bigger the file. You can also browse the folder structure, giving you a clear idea of which directories are taking up most of your memory. Together, these two panels can give you a clear idea of what, exactly, is taking up all of your storage.

我建议仔细看一下视觉表示,然后单击看起来异常大的任何内容:框越大,文件越大。 您还可以浏览文件夹结构,从而清楚地了解哪些目录占用了您的大部分内存。 这两个面板在一起可以使您清楚地了解正在使用什么存储空间。

常用存储使用罪犯 (Common Storage Usage Culprits)

We’ve shown you a few ways to free up disk space on your Mac, including emptying the trash and deleting extra languages. As you explore your disk’s contents, you’ll probably notice a few things you don’t recognize. Here are a few large files I found on my Mac, just for reference.

我们向您展示了几种释放Mac上磁盘空间的方法,包括清空垃圾箱和删除其他语言。 浏览磁盘的内容时,您可能会注意到一些您不认识的东西。 这是我在Mac上找到的一些大文件,仅供参考。

  • If you’ve got a lot of RAM, there’s a large file called “sleepimage.” The contents of your memory is written to this file when your Mac hibernates, and if you delete this file it will just come back later. I haven’t had any luck disabling this feature in macOS Sierra.

    如果您有大量RAM,则有一个大文件称为“ sleepimage”。 Mac进入Hibernate状态时,内存中的内容将写入此文件,如果删除此文件,它将稍后返回。 我在macOS Sierra中禁用此功能没有任何运气。
  • If you use local Voice dictation to talk to your Mac, you’ll find that the speech recognizers in /System/Library/Speech take up a gigabyte or two. Disable the feature to delete those files.

    如果您使用本地语音命令与Mac通话,则会发现/ System / Library / Speech中的语音识别器占用了1到2 GB的数据。 禁用该功能以删除那些文件。

  • If you use Time Machine to back up your Mac, Time Machine’s local backups might be taking up space. You can disable that feature to free up some more space (though it is handy to have).

    如果使用Time Machine备份Mac,则Time Machine的本地备份可能会占用空间。 您可以禁用该功能以释放更多空间(尽管很方便)。

  • If you work a lot with video files, you’ll probably notice that they take up more space than anything. Delete any raw footage you don’t need anymore.

    如果您处理大量视频文件,您可能会注意到它们占用的空间比任何东西都要多。 删除您不再需要的任何原始素材。
  • If you have any iOS devices that you sync with iTunes, old backups can eat up a decent amount of space in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup. You can check out our guide for information on how to clear those out.

    如果您有任何要与iTunes同步的iOS设备,则旧备份可能会占用〜/ Library / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup中的大量空间。 您可以查看我们的指南以获取有关如何清除这些内容的信息。

We could go on. There are all sorts of things that might be taking up a lot of space on your drive, and the only way to definitively find out what’s clogging yours is to dive into Disk Inventory X’s results. In most cases, if you find a gigantic folder or file you didn’t create with a cryptic name, the answer is just a Google search away.

我们可以继续。 各种各样的事情可能会占用您的驱动器上的大量空间,并且要确定到底是什么阻塞了,唯一的方法就是深入研究Disk Inventory X的结果。 在大多数情况下,如果您找到的不是用神秘名称创建的巨大文件夹或文件,答案就是Google搜寻。

One thing you’ll probably discover: macOS’ built-in tools don’t properly recognize everything. In my case, some Applications weren’t included in that category, and thrown into Other instead. Similarly the System category didn’t show up at all. This made that “Other” category seem bigger than it really was, in my case.

您可能会发现一件事:macOS的内置工具无法正确识别所有内容。 在我的情况下,某些应用程序未包含在该类别中,而是扔入了“其他”中。 同样,“系统”类别根本没有出现。 就我而言,这使“其他”类别看起来比实际的更大。

Your case may vary, but at least now you have the tools to find out what’s going on. Hopefully Apple will provide a little more context in future macOS releases.

您的情况可能会有所不同,但是至少现在您有了工具来了解正在发生的事情。 希望苹果公司将在未来的macOS版本中提供更多背景信息。


macos 系统占用空间





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