如何为Windows 10应用设置默认位置

Windows 10 can find your device’s location in a variety of ways, often by examining nearby Wi-Fi networks. But this doesn’t always work well, especially on desktop PCs. That’s why Windows 10 offers a way to set a “default location” that is reported to apps if it can’t get a solid read on your location.

Windows 10通常可以通过检查附近的Wi-Fi网络以多种方式找到设备的位置。 但这并不总是很好,特别是在台式机上。 这就是为什么Windows 10提供一种设置“默认位置”的方法的原因,如果无法在您的位置上获得可靠的阅读,它会向应用程序报告。

This default location will be sent to any application that uses the Windows location services, including Maps, Cortana, Weather, and Microsoft Edge.

该默认位置将被发送到使用Windows位置服务的任何应用程序,包括地图, Cortana ,Weather和Microsoft Edge。

For whatever reason, this option is not available in the main Settings app. Instead, Microsoft has hidden it in the Maps app. But don’t worry: Despite the location of this setting, it doesn’t just apply to the Maps app. It applies to every application that uses Windows 10’s location services.

无论出于何种原因,此选项在主“设置”应用中均不可用。 相反,Microsoft已将其隐藏在Maps应用程序中。 但请放心:尽管此设置位于适当位置,但它不仅适用于“地图”应用。 它适用于使用Windows 10位置服务的每个应用程序。

To access the option, open the “Maps” app from your Start menu. Click or tap the “…” button at the top-right corner of the window and select “Settings”.

要访问该选项,请从“开始”菜单中打开“地图”应用。 单击或点击窗口右上角的“…”按钮,然后选择“设置”。

Scroll down and click the “Change Default Location” button under Default Location.


You’ll be taken to the map with a “Default Location” box visible. Click the “Set Default Location” button.

您会在“默认位置”框可见的情况下进入地图。 点击“设置默认位置”按钮。

To set a default location, you can either type a street address into the box or click “Set Location” and select a specific position on the map.


If you’re using a stationary desktop PC, the choice is clear–use the address the computer is located at. If you’re using a laptop or tablet that moves between locations, you’ll probably want to choose the address you most frequently use the device at.

如果您使用的是台式台式电脑,那么选择是明确的-使用计算机所在的地址。 如果您使用的笔记本电脑或平板电脑在不同位置之间移动,则可能需要选择最常使用该设备的地址。

To change or clear the default location you set in the future, open the Maps app again, open the menu, select “Settings”, and click “Change Default Location” again. From the window that pops up, you can click “Change” to change the default location or “Clear” to unset your default location.

要更改或清除您以后设置的默认位置,请再次打开“地图”应用,打开菜单,选择“设置”,然后再次单击“更改默认位置”。 在弹出的窗口中,您可以单击“更改”更改默认位置,或单击“清除”取消设置默认位置。

While various apps will use this default location if they can’t get a read on your location, you can always set different locations in individual apps. For example, you can set any city of your choice in the Weather app to receive weather for that location. But this option helps individual apps know where you are if Windows can’t detect your location on its own.

如果各种应用程序无法读取您的位置信息,则会使用此默认位置,但是您始终可以在各个应用程序中设置不同的位置。 例如,您可以在“天气”应用程序中设置您选择的任何城市,以接收该位置的天气。 但是,如果Windows无法自行检测到您的位置,此选项可以帮助单个应用程序知道您的位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/264809/how-to-set-your-default-location-for-windows-10-apps/





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