
Mobile Safari—the web browser on your iPhone and iPad—has a number of privacy features you might not be using, like blocking all cookies and preventing cross site tracking. Let’s look at what options are available and how to enable them.

移动Safari(iPhone和iPad上的Web浏览器)具有许多您可能未使用的隐私功能,例如阻止所有cookie和阻止跨站点跟踪。 让我们看一下可用的选项以及如何启用它们。

You’ll find Safari’s various Privacy and Security features in one place. Just head to Settings > Safari, and then scroll down to the “Privacy & Security” section.

您可以在一处找到Safari的各种隐私和安全功能。 只需转到“设置”>“ Safari”,然后向下滚动到“隐私和安全性”部分。

You’ll find six settings here:


  • Prevent Cross-Site Tracking: Some websites use third-party services to track what you do across the internet in order to serve you targeted ads. If you enable this setting, Safari regularly deletes tracking data unless you visit the third-party directly. For example, if you don’t visit Amazon for a while, Safari deletes their ad tracking data so Amazon ads won’t show you products you’ve looked at in the past.

    防止跨站点跟踪:某些网站使用第三方服务来跟踪您在Internet上所做的工作,以便向您投放目标广告。 如果启用此设置,则Safari会定期删除跟踪数据,除非您直接访问第三方。 例如,如果您有一段时间没有访问Amazon,那么Safari会删除其广告跟踪数据,以便Amazon广告不会向您显示您过去看过的产品。

  • Block All Cookies: Cookies really aren’t that scary and a lot of websites need them to work. But if you want to block them, you can. Just toggle this setting on.

    阻止所有Cookies: Cookies确实不是那么可怕,很多网站都需要它们来工作。 但是,如果您想阻止它们,则可以。 只需启用此设置即可。

  • Ask Websites Not to Track Me: With this setting turned on, every time you visit a site, Safari initiates a Do Not Track request with the site. The downside is that it’s up to the site to respect the request—and lots don’t. If you’re concerned about your privacy, it’s worth turning on this setting; just be aware that it might not do much on some sites.

    要求网站不要追踪我:启用此设置后,每次您访问网站时,Safari都会对该网站发起“不追踪”请求。 不利之处在于,要由网站来尊重请求,而很多人则不会。 如果您担心自己的隐私,则值得启用此设置。 请注意,在某些网站上可能做的并不多。

  • Fraudulent Website Warning: Google and Tencent both maintain lists of millions of suspected scam and phishing websites. With this setting enabled, Safari checks each site you visit to see if it’s on one of those lists. If it is, you’ll get a warning that proceeding might not be safe.

    欺诈性网站警告: Google和腾讯都维护着数百万个可疑欺诈网站和网络钓鱼网站的列表。 启用此设置后,Safari会检查您访问的每个站点,以查看它是否在这些列表之一中。 如果是这样,您将收到一条警告,提示进行操作可能不安全。

  • Camera & Microphone Access: Some web apps—like video chat apps—need access to your iPhone’s camera and microphone to work. With this option on, you’ll automatically grant them permission. It’s better to keep it off and work on a case by case basis.

    摄像头和麦克风访问:某些Web应用程序(例如视频聊天应用程序)需要访问iPhone的摄像头和麦克风才能正常工作。 启用此选项后,您将自动授予他们权限。 最好不要使用它,并且要逐案工作。

  • Check for Apple Pay: Apple Pay doesn’t just work in physical stores; some online stores also support it. With this setting enabled, when you use one of these stores, they can check to see if you’re browsing on your iPhone and can confirm purchases using Touch ID or Face ID.

    检查Apple Pay: Apple Pay不仅可以在实体商店使用; 一些在线商店也支持它。 启用此设置后,当您使用这些商店之一时,他们可以检查您是否在iPhone上浏览,并可以使用Touch ID或Face ID确认购买。

And if you’re interesting in optimizing your desktop Safari web browser for privacy, we have you covered there, too.

并且,如果您有兴趣优化桌面Safari Web浏览器的隐私性,我们也将在此进行介绍。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351017/how-to-use-safari’s-privacy-and-security-features-on-iphone/





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