windows桌面应用_现代Windows 8应用与Windows桌面应用不同的7种方式




Windows 8 apps – originally known as Metro-style apps and now known as Windows 8 style, Modern UI style, or Windows Store style apps, depending on which Microsoft employee you ask — are very different from traditional desktop apps.

Windows 8应用程序–最初称为Metro风格的应用程序,现在称为Windows 8风格,现代UI风格或Windows Store风格的应用程序,具体取决于您要求的Microsoft员工–与传统的桌面应用程序有很大不同。

The Modern interface isn’t just a fresh coat of paint. The new Windows Runtime, or WinRT, application architecture (not to be confused with Windows RT) is very different from the Windows desktop we’re used to.

Modern界面不仅仅是新鲜的油漆。 新的Windows运行时或WinRT应用程序体系结构(不要与Windows RT混淆)与我们过去使用的Windows桌面有很大不同。

仅在Windows应用商店中可用 (Only Available From the Windows Store )

Unlike standard Windows desktop applications, you can only install Modern-style applications from the Windows Store. Any applications you want to install must be submitted to the Windows Store and approved by Microsoft. If Microsoft removes an app or won’t approve it, you won’t be allowed to install it on your system.

与标准Windows桌面应用程序不同,您只能从Windows应用商店安装现代风格的应用程序。 您要安装的所有应用程序都必须提交到Windows应用商店并获得Microsoft的批准。 如果Microsoft删除或不批准某个应用程序,则将不允许您在系统上安装该应用程序。

Of course, this has some benefits – users can’t install malware from outside the Windows Store, particularly on Windows RT where users can’t install any desktop applications.

当然,这有一些好处-用户无法从Windows Store外部安装恶意软件,尤其是在Windows RT上,用户无法安装任何桌面应用程序。

It’s only possible to “sideload” and install unapproved applications if you’re using Windows on a domain (for example, a corporate network), or if you use a developer key to sideload the application.



沙盒 (Sandboxed )

Traditionally, standard Windows desktop applications have access to everything on the system. While this has changed with the introduction of User Account Control, which prevents applications from doing things that require administrator access, desktop applications still have a lot of room to wreak havoc. They could read your personal files and upload them to the internet, delete files from your computer to cause havoc, or key-log you to record your credit card numbers and online passwords. While installing (with administrator access), they could even do malicious things to the rest of your system without UAC stepping in.

传统上,标准Windows桌面应用程序可以访问系统上的所有内容。 尽管引入了User Account Control (用户帐户控制)已改变了这种情况,该功能阻止了应用程序执行需要管理员访问权限的操作,但桌面应用程序仍然有很大的空间来破坏。 他们可能会读取您的个人文件并将其上传到Internet,从您的计算机中删除文件而造成破坏,或者键入您的记录您的信用卡号和在线密码的记录。 在安装时(具有管理员访问权限),他们甚至可以在UAC不介入的情况下对系统的其余部分执行恶意操作。

Modern apps are sandboxed. They have a permissions system similar to Android’s. When you install an app, you’ll see the permissions it requires. While this increases security and allows users to download apps with less fear – similar to how playing a Flash game on a  web page is less risky than downloading an .exe file and running it – it can also be annoying. For example, you can’t use the included Photos app to view image files located outside your Pictures library.

现代应用程序是沙盒化的。 他们具有类似于Android的权限系统。 安装应用程序时,您将看到其所需的权限。 尽管这样做可以提高安全性并允许用户以更少的恐惧来下载应用程序(类似于在网页上玩Flash游戏比下载.exe文件并运行它的风险更低),但也可能很烦人。 例如,您不能使用附带的“照片”应用来查看图片库外部的图像文件。


不能同时运行多个应用程序 (No Running Multiple Apps At the Same Time )

Traditional desktop apps all run at the same time. You can have multiple application windows open and on-screen at the same time. Many applications can be running in the background.

传统的桌面应用程序都同时运行。 您可以同时打开多个应用程序窗口并在屏幕上显示它们。 许多应用程序可以在后台运行。

Modern apps function more like mobile apps. When you open a Modern app, it takes up your entire screen — you can’t view the full interface of two Modern apps on-screen at the same time. (Even if you have multiple monitors.) When you switch away from a Modern app, it goes into a suspended background mode, like a mobile app on a smartphone.

现代应用程序的功能更像移动应用程序。 当您打开Modern应用程序时,它将占据整个屏幕-您无法同时在屏幕上查看两个Modern应用程序的完整界面。 (即使您有多台显示器。)当您从Modern应用程序切换时,它会进入暂停的后台模式,就像智能​​手机上的移动应用程序一样。

However, the new interface does include some multitasking abilities. You can use the Snap feature to view two apps on-screen at the same time. However, one app will always take up 1/4 of your screen with a simplified interface, while the main app will take up 3/4 of your screen. There’s no Aero snap-like, split-screen, 50/50 multitasking in the Modern interface.

但是,新界面确实包含一些多任务处理能力。 您可以使用“捕捉”功能在屏幕上同时查看两个应用程序。 但是,通过简化的界面,一个应用程序将始终占据屏幕的1/4,而主应用程序将占据屏幕的3/4。 Modern界面中没有类似于Aero snap的分屏50/50多任务处理功能。


永远在线,不关闭 (Always-On, No Closing )

Because Modern apps function like mobile apps, there’s no reason to close them when you’re done with them. Just switch away from an app and it will stay in the background without using up a lot of your system’s resources. While you can close Modern apps, Microsoft made the method non-obvious for a reason – they don’t want users closing apps whenever they’re done with them. That’s why there’s no X button at the top-right corner of a Modern application.

由于现代应用程序的功能类似于移动应用程序,因此使用完它们后,没有理由将其关闭。 只需关闭某个应用程序,它便会保留在后台,而不会占用系统的大量资源。 尽管您可以关闭Modern应用程序,但是Microsoft将该方法设为非显而易见的原因是–他们不希望用户在使用完应用程序后就关闭它们。 这就是为什么Modern应用程序右上角没有X按钮的原因。


设计风格 (Design Style )

Whether you love Modern apps or hate them, there’s no denying that the new Windows 8 interface has a more consistent, cohesive design style than Windows desktop applications have had.

无论您是喜欢还是讨厌现代应用程序,无可否认,新的Windows 8界面比Windows桌面应用程序具有更一致,更具凝聚力的设计风格。

The interface was originally named “Metro” because of its focus on typography, like signs on public transit systems. Apps have a cohesive look that hides “chrome” – toolbars, buttons, window borders, and other elements that get in the way of the content you’re interested in. Apps generally hide their options by default – for example, the modern version of Internet Explorer 10 is a full-screen browser that hides browser tabs and the navigation bar until you call them up.

该界面最初被称为“ Metro”,因为它专注于排版,例如公共交通系统上的标志。 应用程序的外观具有凝聚力,可以隐藏“ chrome”(工具栏,按钮,窗口边框和其他妨碍您感兴趣的内容的元素)。应用程序通常默认情况下会隐藏其选项,例如现代版本的Internet Explorer 10是一种全屏浏览器,它将隐藏浏览器选项卡和导航栏,直到您调用它们为止。

Most Modern apps use left-to-right scrolling, along with a semantic zoom feature that allows you to zoom out, get a bird’s eye view, and zoom in on the content you’re interested in.



接口整合 (Interface Integration )

Instead of providing their own menus and ways of doing things, Modern apps integrate more with options built into the system. For example, if you want to change an app’s settings, you don’t have to hunt through an app’s menus (was it at Tools –> Options, or maybe Edit –> Preferences?). From within the app, open the charms bar, click Settings, and you’ll see the app’s options. (You can also press Ctrl+I to open the Settings charm.)

现代应用程序没有提供自己的菜单和操作方式,而是将更多功能与系统内置的选项集成在一起。 例如,如果您想更改应用程序的设置,则不必浏览应用程序的菜单(是在“工具”->“选项”,还是“编辑”->“首选项”中?)。 在应用程序中,打开超级按钮,单击“设置”,您将看到该应用程序的选项。 (您也可以按Ctrl + I打开“设置”超级按钮。)


To search an app, pull up the charms bar, select Search, and enter your search. You can search any app from one consistent interface – just start typing at the Start screen and you’ll see an option to search every app on your system.

要搜索应用程序,请拉出超级按钮,选择“搜索”,然后输入搜索内容。 您可以从一个一致的界面中搜索任何应用程序-只需在“开始”屏幕上开始输入,就会看到一个搜索系统中每个应用程序的选项。


Printing and sharing data between apps works similarly – use the Devices or Share charms.


编程语言 (Programming Languages )

While Modern apps can still be written in C/C++ or .NET languages, JavaScript and HTML5 are now first-class citizens. As on mobile platforms, Microsoft is reaching out to web developers and inviting them to create Windows 8 versions of their apps in the programming languages they know.

虽然现代应用仍然可以用C / C ++或.NET语言编写,但JavaScript和HTML5现在是一流的公民。 与在移动平台上一样,Microsoft正在与Web开发人员联系,并邀请他们以他们熟悉的编程语言创建其应用程序的Windows 8版本。

WinRT apps also support both the x86 and ARM architectures, allowing them to run on both Windows 8 and Windows RT systems.

WinRT应用程序还支持x86和ARM体系结构,从而使其可以在Windows 8和Windows RT系统上运行。

It’s impossible to look at Windows 8 and not conclude that Microsoft was inspired by mobile platforms and the web – not surprising, considering that Windows 8 is the first version of Windows that’s actually designed for tablets.

看待Windows 8并不能断定Microsoft受移动平台和网络的启发是不可能的-考虑到Windows 8是实际上是为平板电脑设计的Windows的第一个版本,这不足为奇。



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