充分利用Internet Explorer 9的最佳技巧和调整


If you use Internet Explorer 9, we have many tips and tricks for you to improve your web surfing experience, from customizing the interface to using the many features, and to make your time online more secure with IE9’s many security and privacy enhancements.

如果您使用Internet Explorer 9,我们将为您提供许多技巧和窍门,从自定义界面到使用多种功能,以及通过IE9的多种安全性和隐私保护功能,使您的上网时间更加安全,从而改善您的网络冲浪体验。

使用一个框浏览或搜索(地址栏) (Surf or Search Using the One Box (Address Bar))

In IE versions prior to 9, the address bar and search bar were separate. They are now combined into the One Box in IE9, allowing you to navigate to websites or start a search from a single place. According to Microsoft, if you enter a single word that represents a valid URL, such as “microsoft” or “howtogeek,” the word will be evaluated as a URL and you can click on the URL or press Shift + Enter to load that site.

在9之前的IE版本中,地址栏和搜索栏是分开的。 现在,它们已合并到IE9的“单一框”中,使您可以导航到网站或从单个位置开始搜索。 根据Microsoft的说法,如果您输入代表有效URL的单个单词,例如“ microsoft”或“ howtogeek”,则该单词将被评估为URL,您可以单击该URL或按Shift + Enter加载该网站。


The One Box also provides inline autocomplete functionality, so you only have to type a few letters to quickly get to your favorite sites. IE9 autocompletes what you are typing with popular websites, as well as with items from your Favorites and History lists.

单一框还提供了内联自动完成功能,因此您只需输入几个字母即可快速到达您喜欢的网站。 IE9会自动完成您在热门网站以及“收藏夹”和“历史记录”列表中键入的内容。

You can also use the One Box as a search box, entering a search term, such as “Sacramento weather,” and press Enter, rather than specifically navigating to a weather site. When using the One Box as a search box, you can also switch search providers on the fly. Additional search providers are available on the drop-down list that displays as you search. Click Add to access the IE add-ons site from which you can add additional search providers, such as Google. See our article about adding Google as a search provider to IE9 for more information. The add-ons site looks different now, but the procedure is pretty much the same to add Google as a search provide in IE9.

您也可以将“一个盒子”用作搜索框,输入搜索词(例如“萨克拉门托天气”),然后按Enter键,而不是专门导航到气象站点。 将单一框用作搜索框时,您也可以即时切换搜索提供程序。 搜索时显示的下拉列表中提供了其他搜索提供程序。 单击“添加”访问IE加载项站点,您可以从中添加其他搜索提供程序,例如Google。 有关更多信息,请参见有关将Google作为搜索提供程序添加到IE9的文章。 附加站点现在看起来有所不同,但是将Google添加为IE9中的搜索内容的过程几乎相同。


To change your default search provider, remove a search provider, switch the order of the buttons in the search box, or manage other add-ons, show the menu bar using the Alt key (if it’s not already visible) and select Manage Add-ons from the Tools menu. On the Manage Add-ons dialog box, under Add-on Types, select Search Providers. To add more search providers from the Add-ons site, click the Find more search providers link at the bottom of the dialog box.

要更改您的默认搜索提供程序,请删除搜索提供程序,切换搜索框中按钮的顺序,或管理其他加载项,使用Alt键(如果尚不可见)显示菜单栏,然后​​选择管理添加项-从“工具”菜单打开。 在“管理加载项”对话框的“加载项类型”下,选择“搜索提供程序”。 要从“加载项”站点添加更多搜索提供程序,请单击对话框底部的“查找更多搜索提供程序”链接。


You can also use the One Box to easily access your web history by clicking the down arrow.



管理加载项 (Manage Add-ons)

You can also use the Manage Add-ons dialog box mentioned earlier to manage other add-ons besides search providers, such as toolbars and extensions. IE9 may display notifications about different add-ons you’ve installed. In some cases, add-ons can adversely affect the performance of IE, and these notifications may help you decide what to do about certain add-ons.

您还可以使用前面提到的“管理加载项”对话框来管理除搜索提供程序之外的其他加载项,例如工具栏和扩展名。 IE9可能会显示有关您已安装的其他加载项的通知。 在某些情况下,附加组件可能会对IE的性能产生不利影响,并且这些通知可以帮助您决定如何处理某些附加组件。

However, you don’t need to wait for notifications about your add-ons. You can manage your add-ons using the Manage Add-ons dialog box accessed using the Tools menu.

但是,您无需等待有关加载项的通知。 您可以使用通过“工具”菜单访问的“管理加载项”对话框来管理加载项。

Under Add-on Types on the Manage Add-ons dialog box, there are different add-on categories. Select an add-on to see information such as its name, publisher, version, and type in the details section of the window. Depending on the type of add-on it is, you can disable or enable it (displayed in the Status column), or remove it entirely. Before you disable or remove an add-on, remember that some webpages, or even Internet Explorer itself, might not display correctly if certain add-ons are disabled.

在“管理加载项”对话框上的“加载项类型”下,有不同的加载项类别。 选择一个加载项以查看其名称,发布者,版本等信息,然后在窗口的“详细信息”部分中键入内容。 根据附件的类型,您可以禁用或启用它(显示在“状态”列中),也可以完全删除它。 在禁用或删除加载项之前,请记住,如果禁用了某些加载项,则某些网页甚至Internet Explorer本身可能无法正确显示。

To see the choices you have for managing a specific add-on, such as enabling or disabling it, right-click on the add-on. You can also find more add-ons of the selected type or learn more about each type of add-on using the links in the lower, left corner of the window.

要查看管理特定加载项的选择(例如启用或禁用它),请右键单击该加载项。 您还可以使用窗口左下角的链接找到所选类型的更多插件,或了解每种插件的更多信息。

NOTE: We’ve previously written about a useful add-on that adds spell-checking to IE, which is available on the IE Gallery site and also on its own site. Also see our articles about enhancing IE9 with add-ons and disabling add-ons to speed up browsing in IE9.

注意:前面我们已经写了一个有用的插件,该插件将拼写检查添加到IE ,可在IE Gallery网站上或在其自己的网站上找到。 另请参阅有关通过附加组件增强IE9禁用附加组件以加快IE9浏览速度的文章


将收藏夹中心固定到IE窗口的左侧 (Pin the Favorites Center to the Left Side of the IE Window)

Your Favorites can be accessed from the Favorites bar at the top of the IE window. If you don’t see this bar, you can display it by pressing Alt to access the menu bar and then selecting Toolbars | Favorites bar from the View menu.

可以从IE窗口顶部的“收藏夹”栏中访问“收藏夹”。 如果看不到此栏,则可以通过按Alt进入菜单栏,然后​​选择“工具栏” |“显示”来显示它。 “视图”菜单中的“收藏夹”栏。


There is also a “Favorites Center” that provides quick access to your Favorites, Feeds and History. You can access this center by clicking the star icon in the upper, right corner of the IE window. This temporarily displays the Favorites Center on the right side of the window. As soon as you select a Favorite, the Favorites Center is hidden again. If you want the Favorites Center to be accessible all the time, you can pin it to the left side of the window. To do this, click the green arrow pointing left.

还有一个“收藏夹中心”,可以快速访问您的收藏夹,提要和历史记录。 您可以通过单击IE窗口右上角的星形图标来访问此中心。 这会在窗口右侧临时显示“收藏夹中心”。 选择“收藏夹”后,“收藏夹中心”再次被隐藏。 如果您希望一直可以访问“收藏夹中心”,则可以将其固定在窗口的左侧。 为此,请单击向左的绿色箭头。


The IE window is now divided into two panes, with the Favorites Center pane on the left. You can access any of your Favorites, Feeds, or History, and add sites to your Favorites list and the pane will stay available. To close the Favorites Center, click the X in the upper, right corner of the pane. The next time you open the Favorites Center it will temporarily display on the right again. You must click the green left arrow again to pin it on the left.

IE窗口现在分为两个窗格,左侧的“收藏夹中心”窗格。 您可以访问任何“收藏夹”,“提要”或“历史记录”,并将站点添加到“收藏夹”列表中,窗格将保持可用状态。 要关闭“收藏夹中心”,请单击窗格右上角的X。 下次打开收藏夹中心时,它将再次临时显示在右侧。 您必须再次单击绿色的左箭头以将其固定在左侧。

NOTE: You can adjust the width of the pinned Favorites Center by moving your mouse pointer over the right border until it turns into a double arrow pointer. Then click and hold on the right border, and drag the border to the left or right to adjust it’s width. Release the mouse button when you’ve reached the desired width.

注意:您可以通过将鼠标指针移到右边框上直到变成双箭头指针来调整固定的“收藏夹中心”的宽度。 然后单击并按住右侧边框,然后向左或向右拖动边框以调整其宽度。 达到所需的宽度后,释放鼠标按钮。


将网站固定到任务栏,桌面和“开始”菜单 (Pin Websites to the Taskbar, Desktop, and Start Menu)

Besides pinning the Favorites Center, you can also pin websites to the Taskbar, Desktop, and Start menu so you can quickly access your favorites sites without opening IE first.


To pin a website to the Taskbar, simply visit the website you want to pin to the Taskbar and drag the favicon from the One Box to the Taskbar.



You’ll see a transparent box containing the favicon display and a message saying Pin to Taskbar. Release your mouse button, and the site will now be available on your Taskbar.

您会看到一个透明的框,其中包含网站图标显示和一条消息,提示固定到任务栏。 释放鼠标按钮,该站点现在将在任务栏上可用。


You can pin any website to the Start menu as well by dragging the site’s favicon to the Start orb. The website is added to the top of the Start menu just like pinned applications. To create a shortcut on the Desktop, drag the favicon to the desktop.

您也可以通过将网站的图标拖动到“开始”球上,将任何网站固定到“开始”菜单。 该网站就像固定的应用程序一样被添加到“开始”菜单的顶部。 要在桌面上创建快捷方式,请将收藏夹图标拖到桌面上。

When you open a website from a shortcut pinned to the Taskbar, Start menu, or Desktop, a special IE window opens. The normal Home button is replaced with a special home button that takes you to the website you pinned. Once you close this special window, and open an IE window using a normal IE shortcut, the normal Home button is available again.

当您通过固定在任务栏,“开始”菜单或桌面上的快捷方式打开网站时,将打开一个特殊的IE窗口。 常规的“主页”按钮已替换为特殊的“主页”按钮,可将您带到您固定的网站。 关闭此特殊窗口并使用常规IE快捷方式打开IE窗口后,即可再次使用常规“主页”按钮。


搜索您的收藏夹 (Search Your Favorites)

If you have a lot of Favorites in IE, there are a couple of ways you can easily search through your Favorites to find specific sites. You can search through your Favorites from within IE using an add-on or you can create a shortcut to quickly search your IE Favorites folder in Windows Explorer.

如果IE中有很多“收藏夹”,可以通过两种方法轻松地搜索“收藏夹”以查找特定站点。 您可以使用附加组件在IE中搜索收藏夹,也可以创建快捷方式以在Windows资源管理器中快速搜索IE收藏夹文件夹

NOTE: The article about searching through your IE Favorites within IE using an add-on was written a while ago, but the add-on still exists and works in IE9. We tested it and it’s displayed in use in the image below.

注意:有关使用插件在IE中搜索IE收藏夹的文章是一阵子写的,但是该插件仍然存在,并且可以在IE9中使用。 我们对其进行了测试,并在下图中显示了使用情况。


更改默认位置以保存IE收藏夹 (Change the Default Location for Saving IE Favorites)

By default, in Windows 7, Favorites for Internet Explorer are saved in the C:\Users\[username]\Favorites folder. However, you may want to save them to a different location so they are easier to backup or even on a drive where Windows is not installed.

默认情况下,在Windows 7中,Internet Explorer的收藏夹保存在C:\ Users \ [用户名] \ Favorites文件夹中。 但是,您可能希望将它们保存到其他位置,以便更容易备份它们,甚至可以将它们保存在未安装Windows的驱动器上。


撕纸 (Tear-off tabs)

If you have two web pages on two different tabs in the same IE window in Windows 7 and you need to view them side-by-side, you can easily do this by “tearing off” the tabs to new IE windows and using the Aero Snap feature. To do this, see our article about using Aero Snap with IE9 in Windows 7. You should have two separate IE windows next to each other, similar to the image below.

如果您在Windows 7的同一IE窗口中的两个不同选项卡上有两个网页,并且需要并排查看它们,则可以通过将这些选项卡“撕下”到新的IE窗口并使用Aero来轻松地做到这一点。捕捉功能。 为此,请参阅有关在Windows 7中将Aero Snap与IE9一起使用的文章。 您应该将两个独立的IE窗口彼此相邻,如下图所示。


在IE的单独行中显示选项卡 (Display Tabs in IE on a Separate Row from the One Box)

By default, IE puts the tab bar on the same row as the One Box. This may save you some screen real estate for your web pages, but if you open a lot of tabs, it doesn’t leave room for them. It also limits the size of the One Box. However, you can choose to display your tabs on a separate row by right-clicking on the tab bar and selecting Show tabs on a separate row from the popup menu.

默认情况下,IE将选项卡栏与“单一框”放在同一行。 这可以为您的网页节省一些屏幕空间,但是如果您打开许多选项卡,则不会为它们留出空间。 这也限制了One Box的大小。 但是,您可以选择通过在选项卡栏上单击鼠标右键,然后从弹出菜单中选择“在单独的行上显示选项卡”来在单独的行上显示选项卡。


快速打开新标签页 (Quickly open a New Tab)

Normally, to open a new tab, you must click in the small empty tab at the end of the tab bar. However, if you have space to the right of your open tabs, you can double-click that space to open a new tab.

通常,要打开新选项卡,必须单击选项卡栏末尾的空白小选项卡。 但是,如果打开的选项卡右边有空间,则可以双击该空间以打开新的选项卡。


使用“新标签页”快速访问您喜欢的网站 (Quickly Access Your Favorite Sites Using the New Tab Page)

In addition to the Favorites bar, the Favorites Center, and pinning your favorite sites to the Taskbar, Start menu, or Desktop, you can also access your Favorites on the New Tab page. The sites you visit are tracked by the New Tab page (unless you are in an InPrivate browsing session), allowing it to suggest other sites you might like.

除了“收藏夹”栏,“收藏夹中心”以及将您喜欢的网站固定到任务栏,“开始”菜单或“桌面”之外,您还可以在“新建选项卡”页面上访问“收藏夹”。 “新标签页”会跟踪您访问的网站(除非您处于InPrivate浏览会话中),从而可以建议您可能喜欢的其他网站。

The New Tab page also allows you to reopen the last 10 closed tabs, reopen your last set of open tab if IE crashed, and start an InPrivate browsing session. You can also hide or show the sites on the New Tab page. Just like you can pin sites from the One Box to the Taskbar, Start menu, or Desktop, you can also pin sites from the New Tab page.

“新建选项卡”页面还允许您重新打开最后10个关闭的选项卡,如果IE崩溃,则重新打开最后一组打开的选项卡,并启动InPrivate浏览会话。 您还可以在“新建选项卡”页面上隐藏或显示网站。 就像您可以将站点从“单一框”固定到任务栏,“开始”菜单或“桌面”一样,您也可以从“新建标签”页面固定站点。


在新标签页上显示更多网站 (Show More Sites on the New Tab Page)

By default, there are two rows of sites on the New Tab page. However, you can display up to five rows. To display more rows, open the Registry Editor by entering “regedit” (without the quotes) in the Search box on the Start menu. Navigate to the following key:

默认情况下,“新标签”页面上有两行网站。 但是,最多可以显示五行。 若要显示更多行,请在“开始”菜单的“搜索”框中输入“ regedit”(不带引号)以打开注册表编辑器。 导航到以下键:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing\NewTabPage

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ TabbedBrowsing \ NewTabPage

Right-click on the NewTabPage key and select New | DWORD (32-bit) Value from the popup menu to create a new value in the right pane. Name that new value NumRows and set the value to a number from 2 to 5.

右键单击NewTabPage键,然后选择“新建” |“新建”。 从弹出菜单中选择DWORD(32位)值,以在右窗格中创建一个新值。 将该新值命名为NumRows并将该值设置为2到5之间的一个数字。

NOTE: This can also be done easily using a free tool called IE9 Tweaker Plus, which we discuss later in this article.

注意:这也可以使用名为IE9 Tweaker Plus的免费工具轻松完成,我们将在本文后面进行讨论。


将IE9中的文件下载到自定义位置 (Download Files in IE9 to Custom Locations)

By default, the files you download using IE9 get saved in your Downloads directory, which is typically found at C:\Users\<username>\Downloads in Windows 7 and Vista. However, if you download a lot of files, you might want to put them in custom locations by clicking the arrow to the right of Save on the popup dialog box, then choosing Save As in the drop-down list that displays.

默认情况下,使用IE9下载的文件将保存在“下载”目录中,该目录通常位于Windows 7和Vista中的C:\ Users \ <用户名> \ Downloads中。 但是,如果下载了大量文件,则可能需要通过单击弹出对话框中“保存”右边的箭头,然后在显示的下拉列表中选择“另存为”,将它们放在自定义位置。


临时或永久显示隐藏的菜单栏 (Display the Hidden Menu Bar Temporarily or Permanently)

The menu bar in IE9 is now hidden by default, but it’s still there. You can quickly access the menu bar by pressing the Alt key. However, once you select an item from a menu, the menu bar becomes hidden again. There is a way to always show the menu bar and other toolbars by changing the registry.

IE9中的菜单栏现在默认情况下处于隐藏状态,但仍然存在。 您可以通过按Alt键快速访问菜单栏。 但是,一旦从菜单中选择了一个项目,菜单栏就会再次隐藏。 有一种方法可以通过更改注册表来始终显示菜单栏和其他工具栏


快速跳回上一页 (Quickly Jump Back to Previous Pages)

If you’ve experienced trying to go back from a website that doesn’t let you page back, then this tip will be useful. You can jump back to a specific page by clicking and holding the back arrow or right-clicking the back arrow, and then selecting a page from the drop-down list.

如果您尝试过从不允许您返回页面的网站返回的经验,那么此技巧将非常有用。 通过单击并按住向后箭头或右键单击向后箭头,然后从下拉列表中选择一个页面,可以跳回到特定页面。


在IE9中设置自定义首页网址 (Set a Custom Homepage URL in IE9)

Here’s a simple, but useful, tip. To set a custom URL as your homepage in IE9, open Internet Explorer and navigate to the desired web page. Click the Tools button in the upper, right corner of the IE window and select Internet Options.

这是一个简单但有用的提示。 要将自定义URL设置为IE9中的主页,请打开Internet Explorer并导航到所需的网页。 单击IE窗口右上角的“工具”按钮,然后选择“ Internet选项”。

To use the current web page as your homepage, click Use current. To use a blank page, click Use blank. If you want to return to the default homepage, which is the MSN site, click Use default. Click OK to accept your change.

要将当前网页用作主页,请单击“使用当前网页”。 要使用空白页,请单击“使用空白”。 如果要返回到默认主页,即MSN网站,请单击“使用默认值”。 单击确定以接受您的更改。


在Windows 7中的任务栏上禁用IE9缩略图预览 (Disable IE9 Thumbnail Previews on the Taskbar in Windows 7)

When you have multiple tabs open in IE9, they display as multiple thumbnails on the Taskbar, if you have the Aero thumbnail feature enabled. This can take up a lot of room on your desktop. However, you can turn these off with a simple tweak to a setting in IE.

在IE9中打开多个选项卡时,如果启用了Aero缩略图功能,它们将在任务栏上显示为多个缩略图。 这会占用您桌面上的大量空间。 但是,您可以通过对IE中的设置进行简单的调整将其关闭

NOTE: The article refers to IE8, but the setting is still available in IE9.



更改浏览器的用户代理 (Change Your Browser’s User Agent)

Websites identify browsers by their user agents. You can make your browser appear as a different browser or as a browser running on a different type of device, such as a smartphone or tablet by modifying your browser’s user agent.

网站通过其用户代理识别浏览器。 您可以通过修改浏览器的用户代理,使浏览器显示为其他浏览器或在其他类型的设备(例如智能手机或平板电脑)上运行的浏览器


使用免费工具修复IE (Fix IE Using a Free Utility)

If you are experiencing problems with IE, there’s a free utility that re-registers around 89 .dll and .ocx files that are required for IE to run smoothly.


The utility does not need to be installed. Simply download and extract the .zip file and run the .exe file. The utility has been tested on IE9 (as well as IE7 and IE8) in Windows 7 and Vista.

该实用程序不需要安装。 只需下载并解压缩.zip文件并运行.exe文件。 该实用程序已在Windows 7和Vista中的IE9(以及IE7和IE8)上经过测试。

NOTE: Before running the utility, be sure all your IE windows are closed.



清除IE9中的浏览历史记录 (Clear your Browsing History in IE9)

If you share a computer and you’ve done some browsing in IE without going into “InPrivate” mode, you can easily clear your web history. You can also use the same dialog box to delete other items such as temporary internet files, cookies (discussed below), and download history.

如果您共享一台计算机,并且在IE中进行了一些浏览而没有进入“ InPrivate”模式,则可以轻松清除您的网络历史记录。 您也可以使用同一对话框删除其他项目,例如临时Internet文件, Cookie (在下面讨论)和下载历史记录。

NOTE: The article also mentions how to delete your web history in Firefox and Chrome.



清除Internet Explorer 9中所有Cookie或仅特定站点的Cookie (Clear All Cookies or Only Cookies for a Specific Site in Internet Explorer 9)

In addition to clearing all cookies using the dialog box pictured above, you can also choose to clear cookies for a specific website and keep your other cookies. You may want to do this if you want to preserve log in information for other sites, but you visited a site that you don’t want tracking you.

除了使用上图所示的对话框清除所有cookie外,您还可以选择清除特定网站的cookie并保留其他cookie。 如果要保留其他站点的登录信息,但是您访问了不想跟踪的站点,则可能需要这样做。

To delete cookies for a specific site, visit that website in IE and press F12 to open the developer console at the bottom of the window. Select Clear cookies for domain from the Cache menu.

要删除特定网站的Cookie,请在IE中访问该网站,然后按F12键以打开窗口底部的开发人员控制台。 从“缓存”菜单中选择“清除域的cookie”。


如何从Windows 7和Vista中删除IE9的过期Cookie (How to Remove IE9’s Expired Cookies From Windows 7 and Vista)

As you browse the web, more and more cookies are stored on your PC. Each cookie has a lifetime of its own that can range from several seconds to several years. However, Internet Explorer does not delete expired cookies from your PC.

当您浏览网页时,越来越多的cookie存储在您的PC中。 每个cookie都有自己的生命周期,范围从几秒钟到几年。 但是,Internet Explorer不会从您的PC中删除过期的Cookie。

This can cause hundreds or even thousands of unused, useless files to collect on your PC over time. As we discussed earlier, you can manually delete cookies from your hard drive. However, if you want to keep useful cookies around so you can automatically log into websites you use often or preserve your personalized settings, you can choose to automatically delete expired cookies or optimize them.

随着时间的推移,这可能导致数百甚至数千个未使用的无用文件收集到您的PC上。 如前所述,您可以从硬盘驱动器中手动删除Cookie 。 但是,如果您想保留有用的Cookie,以便可以自动登录经常使用的网站或保留个性化设置,则可以选择自动删除过期的Cookie或对其进行优化。

What does it mean to optimize cookies? One cookie file may contain more than one cookie, each of which may expire at a different time. If only some cookies in one cookie file are expired, then these cookies are deleted and the ones that are not expired remain. The cookie file is then considered optimized.

优化cookie是什么意思? 一个cookie文件可能包含多个cookie,每个cookie可能在不同的时间到期。 如果一个cookie文件中只有一些cookie过期,则这些cookie会被删除,而那些没有过期的cookie则会保留。 然后将cookie文件视为已优化。

There is a free tool, called Expired Cookies Cleaner, helps you clean out expired cookies from your cookie files, speed up your PC, and even free some hard disk space (especially on FAT and FAT32 file systems).

有一个名为Expired Cookies Cleaner的免费工具,可以帮助您从cookie文件中清除过期的cookie,加快PC速度,甚至释放一些硬盘空间(尤其是在FAT和FAT32文件系统上)。


报告IE9中的恶意网站 (Report Malicious Websites in IE9)

If you come across what seems like a malicious website that may be a phishing website or may contain links to malicious software, you can report the website to Microsoft using the SmartScreen Filter in IE9. See our article about how to report a malicious website using the SmartScreen Filter for more information.

如果您遇到的似乎是一个恶意网站,可能是网络钓鱼网站,或包含指向恶意软件的链接,则可以使用IE9中的SmartScreen筛选器将该网站报告给Microsoft。 有关更多信息,请参阅有关如何使用SmartScreen筛选器报告恶意网站的文章。


避免在互联网上被跟踪 (Avoid Being Tracked on the Internet)

When visiting websites, you share information with them. However, you may not realize it, but you are sharing information with more websites than just the one you see in the address bar. There may be advertisements on someone’s sites that track your online activities using third-party cookies. You can avoid being tracked by these websites using the Tracking Protection List in IE9.

访问网站时,您与他们共享信息。 但是,您可能没有意识到,但是您正在与更多网站共享信息,而不仅仅是在地址栏中看到的。 某人的网站上可能有广告会使用第三方Cookie跟踪您的在线活动。 您可以使用IE9中的“跟踪保护列表”避免被这些网站跟踪

NOTE: IE monitors your browsing behavior and populates Your Personalized List with common scripts. However, you have to visit the website before its content provider can be “blacklisted.” Microsoft also provides a way for third parties to create predefined lists that you can download. Some of these lists are available on the IE9 Test Drive website.

注意:IE监视您的浏览行为,并使用常见脚本填充“个性化列表”。 但是,您必须先访问该网站,然后才能将其内容提供商列入“黑名单”。 Microsoft还为第三方提供了一种创建可以下载的预定义列表的方法。 其中的一些列表可在IE9 Test Drive网站上找到


帮助防止IE9中的基于驱动器的病毒 (Help Prevent Drive-By Viruses in IE9)

ActiveX control are notorious for having security problems. However, in IE9, you can use ActiveX filtering to prevent being hijacked by a virus while you’re browsing.

ActiveX控件因存在安全问题而臭名昭著。 但是,在IE9中,您可以使用ActiveX过滤来防止浏览时被病毒劫持


轻松打开IE9的私人浏览模式 (Easily Open IE9’s InPrivate Browsing Mode)

IE9’s InPrivate browsing mode allows you to surf the web without leaving traces behind. When you open an InPrivate Browsing window, IE stores some information, such as cookies and temporary internet files, so the web pages you view will work correctly. However, when you close the window to end your InPrivate browsing session, these files are deleted.

IE9的InPrivate浏览模式使您可以上网冲浪而不会留下任何痕迹。 当您打开“ InPrivate浏览”窗口时,IE将存储一些信息,例如cookie和临时Internet文件,因此您查看的网页将正常运行。 但是,当您关闭窗口以结束InPrivate浏览会话时,这些文件将被删除。

Normally, to open an InPrivate browsing window, you must open IE and select Safety | InPrivate Browsing from the gear menu. However, there are a couple of simpler ways to open an InPrivate browsing window. You can use the jump list on the IE icon on the Taskbar, or create a shortcut for the desktop to directly open an InPrivate browsing window.

通常,要打开InPrivate浏览窗口,必须打开IE并选择“安全” |“安全”。 齿轮菜单中的InPrivate浏览。 但是,有两种简单的方法可以打开InPrivate浏览窗口。 您可以使用任务栏上IE图标上的跳转列表,或为桌面创建快捷方式以直接打开InPrivate浏览窗口。


在IE9中禁用地理位置 (Disable Geo-location in IE9)

IE9 contains a geolocation feature that uses your IP address to determine your location. This allows websites to provide content that is tailored to your geographic location. If you don’t want websites to know your location while you’re surfing, you can disable this feature. To do so, open IE9 and click the gear icon in the upper, right corner of the browser window. Select Internet Options from the drop-down menu and click the Privacy tab on the dialog box. In the Location section, select the Never allow websites to request your physical location check box so there is a check mark in the box. Also, click Clear Sites to clear preferences you’ve already set, such as always allowing or always denying location information for certain sites.

IE9包含地理定位功能,该功能使用您的IP地址来确定您的位置。 这使网站可以提供根据您的地理位置量身定制的内容。 如果您不希望网站在冲浪时知道您的位置,则可以禁用此功能。 为此,请打开IE9,然后点击浏览器窗口右上角的齿轮图标。 从下拉菜单中选择“ Internet选项”,然后单击对话框上的“隐私”选项卡。 在“位置”部分中,选中“从不允许网站请求您的实际位置”复选框,以使该复选框中有一个复选标记。 另外,单击“清除站点”以清除您已经设置的首选项,例如始终允许或始终拒绝某些站点的位置信息。


优化IE9以获得最大的隐私 (Optimize IE9 for Maximum Privacy)

In this article, we’ve discussed privacy features of IE9 that help protect you while surfing the internet, such as tracking protection lists, the SmartScreen filter, and cookies. For more information about these features and for information about search suggestions, see our article about optimizing IE9 for maximum privacy.

在本文中,我们讨论了IE9的隐私功能,这些功能可帮助您在上网时保护您,例如跟踪保护列表,SmartScreen筛选器和cookie。 有关这些功能的更多信息以及有关搜索建议的信息,请参阅有关优化IE9以获得最大隐私的文章


自定义IE9中的命令栏 (Customize the Command Bar in IE9)

The toolbars in IE9 are not as customizable as in other browsers like Firefox. However, you can select which buttons you want to add and in what order they’re displayed on the Command bar. To show the Command bar, right-click on an empty space on the toolbar or on the tab bar and select Command bar from the popup menu. You can also activate the menu bar (press the Alt key) and select Toolbars | Command bar from the View menu.

IE9中的工具栏可定制性不如Firefox之类的其他浏览器。 但是,您可以选择要添加的按钮以及在命令栏上显示的顺序。 要显示命令栏,请右键单击工具栏或选项卡栏上的空白区域,然后从弹出菜单中选择“命令栏”。 您也可以激活菜单栏(按Alt键),然后选择“工具栏” |“工具栏”。 从视图菜单中的命令栏。

Click the Tools button on the Command bar and select Toolbars | Customize from the drop-down menu.

单击命令栏上的“工具”按钮,然后选择“工具栏” |“工具栏”。 从下拉菜单中自定义。

NOTE: The Customize option is only available on the Toolbars submenu when selected from the Tools button on the Command bar. The Toolbars submenu on the View menu on the menu bar does not have this option.

注意:仅当从命令栏上的“工具”按钮中选择“自定义”选项时,该选项才在“工具栏”子菜单上可用。 菜单栏上“视图”菜单上的“工具栏”子菜单没有此选项。


On the Customize Toolbar dialog box, you can select items in the Available toolbar buttons list on the left and click Add to add them to the Command bar and select items in the Current toolbar buttons on the right and click Remove to remove them from the Command bar. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the items in the Current toolbar buttons list to rearrange the buttons on the Command bar.

在“自定义工具栏”对话框上,可以在左侧的“可用工具栏”按钮列表中选择项目,然后单击“添加”以将它们添加到命令栏中,并在右侧的“当前工具栏”按钮中选择项目,然后单击“删除”以从命令中删除它们。酒吧。 使用“当前”工具栏按钮列表中各项上的“上移”和“下移”按钮重新排列命令栏上的按钮。

NOTE: To go back to the default Command bar, click Reset.


Click Close when you are finished making your changes.



移动地址栏中的停止和刷新按钮 (Move the Stop and Refresh Buttons in the Address Bar)

By default, the Stop and Refresh buttons are on the right side of the Address bar (One Box) in IE9.



However, if you’re more comfortable with them on the left, you can easily move them. To do so, right-click on the buttons on the right side of the Address bar and select Show Stop and Refresh before Address bar.

但是,如果您对它们的左侧比较舒适,则可以轻松移动它们。 为此,请右键单击地址栏右侧的按钮,然后选择在地址栏之前显示停止和刷新。


The Stop and Refresh buttons are now located to the left of the Address bar, or One Box.



使用IE9 Tweaker Plus轻松自定义Internet Explorer 9 (Easily Customize Internet Explorer 9 Using IE9 Tweaker Plus)

So far, we’ve shown you different ways of manually tweaking and customizing IE9. There is also a free tool, called IE Tweaker Plus, that allows you to easily tweak many settings in IE, setup shortcuts to easily open an InPrivate browsing session in IE9, and even allows you to create a custom homepage you can use in other browsers, as well.

到目前为止,我们已经向您展示了手动调整和自定义IE9的不同方法。 还有一个名为IE Tweaker Plus的免费工具,可让您轻松调整IE中的许多设置,设置快捷方式以轻松打开IE9中的InPrivate浏览会话,甚至允许您创建可在其他浏览器中使用的自定义首页。 ,以及。


IE9的有用键盘快捷键 (Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for IE9)

In addition to the Alt key for accessing the menu bar, IE9 has several other keyboard shortcuts to make working with IE quicker and more efficient. Here is a list of some of the more useful shortcuts:

IE9除了用于访问菜单栏的Alt键之外,还具有其他几个键盘快捷键,以使IE的工作更快,更高效。 这是一些更有用的快捷方式的列表:

  • Alt + Home – Go to your homepage

    Alt +主页–转到您的主页
  • Ctrl + L – Highlight the One Box (or Address Bar)

    Ctrl + L –高亮显示一个框(或地址栏)
  • Ctrl + D – Add the current web page to your Favorites

    Ctrl + D –将当前网页添加到收藏夹
  • Ctrl + B – Display a dialog box for organizing your Favorites

    Ctrl + B –显示用于组织收藏夹的对话框
  • Alt + C – Display the Favorites Center on the right with your Favorites, Feeds, and History. You can also use Ctrl + I (letter ‘I’)

    Alt + C –在右侧显示“收藏夹中心”,其中包含“收藏夹”,“提要”和“历史记录”。 您也可以使用Ctrl + I(字母“ I”)
  • Ctrl + J – Open the Download Manager

    Ctrl + J –打开下载管理器
  • F11 – Toggle between Full Screen Mode and regular viewing mode

    F11 –在全屏模式和常规查看模式之间切换
  • Alt + Right Arrow – Go to the next page on the same tab

    Alt +右箭头–转到同一标签上的下一页
  • Alt + Left Arrow (or Backspace) – Go to the previous page on the same tab

    Alt +向左箭头(或Backspace)–转到同一标签上的上一页
  • Ctrl + K – Duplicate the current tab

    Ctrl + K –复制当前标签
  • Ctrl + O (letter ‘O’) – Open a new website or page

    Ctrl + O(字母'O')–打开新的网站或页面
  • Ctrl + N – Open a new window

    Ctrl + N –打开一个新窗口
  • Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Delete browsing history

    Ctrl + Shift +删除–删除浏览记录
  • Ctrl + H – Open the History tab on the Favorites Center

    Ctrl + H –打开“收藏夹中心”上的“历史记录”选项卡
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – Reopen the last tab you closed

    Ctrl + Shift + T –重新打开上一个关闭的标签页
  • Ctrl + W – Close the current window (if you only have one tab open)

    Ctrl + W –关闭当前窗口(如果仅打开一个选项卡)

There are many more keyboard shortcuts for IE9 listed on Microsoft’s site.


We hope all these tips and tricks make surfing with IE9 a more enjoyable and productive experience.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/116553/the-best-tips-and-tweaks-for-getting-the-most-out-of-internet-explorer-9/

Internet Explorer 9是微软为Windows 7操作系统开发的一款网络浏览器。作为最新版本的Internet Explorer,它带来了许多新功能和改进,为用户提供了更好的浏览体验。 首先,Internet Explorer 9在性能方面进行了优化。它采用了全新的JavaScript引擎,使得网页加载更快,响应更迅速。此外,它还提供了硬件加速功能,可以利用计算机的图形处理器来加速图形和动画的渲染,进一步提高了浏览器的速度和流畅度。 其次,Internet Explorer 9注重了用户界面的简洁和易用性。它采用了“单一栏式”设计,将地址栏和搜索框合二为一,使得用户可以更方便地输入网址和进行搜索。同时,它还提供了一系列快捷键和手势操作,方便用户浏览和导航网页。 另外,Internet Explorer 9还引入了一些新的安全功能,以保护用户的隐私和计算机的安全。它提供了一种称为“沙盒模式”的保护机制,可以隔离网页中的恶意代码,防止其对操作系统和个人数据造成损害。此外,它还支持SmartScreen过滤器,可以帮助用户识别和阻止潜在的恶意网站和下载。 总而言之,Internet Explorer 9为Windows 7用户带来了更快速、简洁和安全的网络浏览体验。无论是在性能、用户界面还是安全性方面,它都有了显著的改进,对于那些使用Windows 7操作系统的用户来说,它无疑是一款值得考虑的浏览器。




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