


Sometimes, you want to include the data on an Excel spreadsheet in your Microsoft Word document. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on whether or not you want to maintain a connection with the source Excel sheet. Let’s take a look.

有时,您希望将数据包含在Microsoft Word文档中的Excel电子表格中。 有两种方法可以执行此操作,具体取决于您是否要与源Excel工作表保持连接。 让我们来看看。

链接和嵌入之间有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between Linking and Embedding?)

You actually have three options for including a spreadsheet in a Word document. The first is by simply copying that data from the spreadsheet, and then pasting it into the target document. For the most part, this only works with really simple data because that data just becomes a basic table or set of columns in Word (depending on the paste option you choose).

实际上,在Word文档中包含电子表格时,您实际上有三个选择。 首先是简单地从电子表格中复制该数据,然后将其粘贴到目标文档中。 在大多数情况下,这仅适用于非常简单的数据,因为该数据仅成为Word中的基本表或列集(取决于您选择的粘贴选项)。

While that can be useful sometimes, your other two options—linking and embedding—are much more powerful, and are what we’re going to show you how to do in this article. Both are pretty similar, in that you end up inserting an actual Excel spreadsheet in your target document. It will look like an Excel sheet, and you can use Excel’s tools to manipulate it. The difference comes in how these two options treat their connection to that original Excel spreadsheet:

尽管有时这很有用,但是您的其他两个选项(链接和嵌入)功能更强大,这就是本文将向您展示的方法。 两者非常相似,最终您会在目标文档中插入实际的Excel电子表格。 它看起来像一个Excel工作表,您可以使用Excel的工具进行操作。 区别在于这两个选项如何处理它们与原始Excel电子表格的连接:

  • If you link an Excel worksheet in a document, the target document and the original Excel sheet maintain a connection. If you update the Excel file, those updates get automatically reflected in the target document.

    如果在文档中链接Excel工作表,则目标文档和原始Excel工作表将保持连接。 如果您更新Excel文件,这些更新将自动反映在目标文档中。

  • If you embed an Excel worksheet in a document, that connection is broken. Updating the original Excel sheet does not automatically update the data in the target document.

    如果您Excel工作表嵌入文档中,则该连接将断开。 更新原始Excel工作表不会自动更新目标文档中的数据。

There are advantages to both methods, of course. One advantage of linking a document (other than maintaining the connection) is that it keeps your Word document’s file size down, because the data is mostly still stored in the Excel sheet and only displayed in Word. One disadvantage is that the original spreadsheet file needs to stay in the same location. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to link it again. And since it relies on the link to the original spreadsheet, it’s not so useful if you need to distribute the document to people who don’t have access to that location.

当然,这两种方法都有优点。 链接文档(而不是保持连接)的一个好处是,它可以减小Word文档的文件大小,因为数据大部分仍存储在Excel工作表中,并且仅显示在Word中。 缺点之一是原始电子表格文件需要保留在同一位置。 如果不是,则必须再次链接。 而且,由于它依赖于原始电子表格的链接,因此如果您需要将文档分发给无法访问该位置的人员,它就没有太大用处。

Embedding a document, on the other hand, increases the size of your Word document, because all that Excel data is actually embedded into the Word file. There are some distinct advantages to embedding, though. For example, if you’re distributing that document to people who might not have access to the original Excel sheet, or if the document needs to show that Excel sheet at a specific point in time (rather than getting updated), embedding (and breaking the connection to the original sheet) makes more sense.

另一方面,嵌入文档会增加Word文档的大小,因为所有Excel数据实际上都已嵌入到Word文件中。 但是,嵌入有一些明显的优势。 例如,如果您正在将该文档分发给可能无法访问原始Excel工作表的人员,或者该文档需要在特定时间点显示该Excel工作表(而不是进行更新),则嵌入(并中断)与原始工作表的连接)更为合理。

So, with all that in mind, let’s take a look at how to link and embed an Excel Sheet in Microsoft Word.

因此,考虑到所有这些,让我们看一下如何在Microsoft Word中链接和嵌入Excel工作表。

如何在Microsoft Word中链接或嵌入Excel工作表 (How to Link or Embed an Excel Worksheet in Microsoft Word)

Linking or embedding an Excel worksheet into a Word is actually pretty straightforward, and the process for doing either is almost identical. Start by opening both the Excel worksheet and the Word document you want to edit at the same time.

将Excel工作表链接或嵌入到Word中实际上非常简单,并且执行这两个过程的过程几乎相同。 首先打开Excel工作表和要同时编辑的Word文档。

In Excel, select the cells you want to link or embed. If you would like to link or embed the entire worksheet, click on the box at the juncture of the rows and columns in the top left-hand corner to select the whole sheet.

在Excel中,选择要链接或嵌入的单元格。 如果要链接或嵌入整个工作表,请单击左上角行和列交界处的框以选择整个工作表。

Copy those cells by pressing CTRL+C in Windows or Command+C in macOS. You can also right-click any selected cell, and then choose the “Copy” option on the context menu.

在Windows中按CTRL + C或在macOS中按Command + C复制这些单元格。 您也可以右键单击任何选定的单元格,然后在上下文菜单上选择“复制”选项。

Now, switch to your Word document and click to place the insertion point where you would like the linked or embedded material to go. On Home tab of the Ribbon, click the down arrow beneath the “Paste” button, and then choose the “Paste Special” command from the dropdown menu.

现在,切换到您的Word文档,然后单击以将插入点放置在链接或嵌入材料所在的位置。 在功能区的“主页”选项卡上,单击“粘贴”按钮下方的向下箭头,然后从下拉菜单中选择“特殊粘贴”命令。

This opens the Paste Special window. And it’s here where you’ll find the only functional different in the processes of linking or embedding a file.

这将打开“选择性粘贴”窗口。 在这里,您会发现链接或嵌入文件过程中唯一的功能不同。

If you want to embed your spreadsheet, choose the “Paste” option over on the left. If you want to link your spreadsheet, choose the “Paste Link” option instead. Seriously, that’s it. This process is otherwise identical.

如果要嵌入电子表格,请选择左侧的“粘贴”选项。 如果要链接电子表格,请选择“粘贴链接”选项。 说真的,就是这样。 否则,此过程是相同的。

Whichever option you choose, you’ll next select the “Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object” in the box to the right, and then click the “OK” button.

无论选择哪个选项,都将在右侧的框中选择“ Microsoft Excel工作表对象”,然后单击“确定”按钮。

And you’ll see your Excel sheet (or the cells you selected) in your Word document.


If you linked the Excel data, you can’t edit it directly in Word, but you can double-click anywhere on it to open the original spreadsheet file. And any updates you make to that original spreadsheet are then reflected in your Word document.

如果链接了Excel数据,则无法直接在Word中进行编辑,但是可以双击它的任何位置以打开原始电子表格文件。 您对原始电子表格所做的任何更新都将反映在Word文档中。

If you embedded the Excel data, you can edit it directly in Word. Double-click anywhere in the spreadsheet and you’ll stay in the same Word window, but the Word Ribbon gets replaced by the Excel Ribbon and you can access all the Excel functionality. It’s kind of cool.

如果嵌入了Excel数据,则可以直接在Word中进行编辑。 双击电子表格中的任意位置,您将留在同一Word窗口中,但Word Ribbon被Excel Ribbon取代,您可以访问所有Excel功能。 挺酷的

And when you want to stop editing the spreadsheet and go back to your Word controls, just click anywhere outside the spreadsheet.


Note: If you working on a Word document and want to include a spreadsheet that you haven’t created yet, you can. You can actually insert an Excel Spreadsheet right from the Table dropdown menu on the Ribbon.

注意:如果您正在处理Word文档,并希望包括尚未创建的电子表格,则可以。 实际上,您可以直接从功能区上的“表格”下拉菜单中插入Excel电子表格

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/358380/how-to-link-or-embed-an-excel-worksheet-in-a-powerpoint-or-word-document/






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