



Vivaldi is a new desktop web browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux, built primarily for people who like to customize their browser to the nth degree. After over a year in development, it’s finally launched version 1.0–but is Vivaldi any better than the browsers you already use, and should you switch to it?

Vivaldi是一种适用于Windows,Mac和Linux的新型桌面Web浏览器,主要是为希望将其浏览器自定义为n级的用户而构建的。 经过一年多的开发,它终于发布了1.0版-但是Vivaldi是否比您已经使用的浏览器更好,您应该切换到它吗?

Vivaldi was created by Vivaldi Technologies, a company run by the ex-CEO of Opera, Jón S. von Tetzchner. Opera lost a lot of its popular features when Opera Software transitioned from the Presto layout engine to the Blink web engine in 2013. Vivaldi aims to bring back those popular Opera features and to introduce new, innovative features to Opera’s original base of users.

维瓦尔第(Vivaldi)由维瓦尔第技术公司(Vivaldi Technologies)创建,维瓦尔第技术公司由歌剧院前首席执行官JónS. von Tetzchner经营。 2013年,Opera软件从Presto布局引擎转换为Blink Web引擎时,Opera失去了许多流行功能。Vivaldi的目标是带回那些流行的Opera功能,并向Opera的原始用户群引入新的创新功能。

We installed Vivaldi and tested out some of the main features the company claims set the browser apart. Here’s how they stack up against the two other power user browsers, Chrome and Firefox.

我们安装了Vivaldi,并测试了该公司声称使浏览器与众不同的一些主要功能。 这是它们与其他两种高级用户浏览器(Chrome和Firefox)的比较方式。

使用快速拨号自定义新标签页 (Customize Your New Tab Page with Speed Dial)

There are several features in Vivaldi that make your web browsing experience more efficient. The Speed Dial from Opera is included in Vivaldi, with some improvements. You can now collect your speed dial websites into named groups as well as change the background on the Speed Dial page.

Vivaldi中有几个功能可以使您的网络浏览体验更加有效。 Opera的快速拨号包含在Vivaldi中,并进行了一些改进。 现在,您可以将快速拨号网站收集到命名组中,也可以在“快速拨号”页面上更改背景。


Firefox used to have a similar feature in the form of tiles on the New Tab page, but now you need to install an add-on, called New Tab Override, to get this capability. Chrome saves the last eight websites you visited as thumbnails on the New Tab page, but you can’t customize the page with your own websites, so it’s not quite the same thing. However, you can install an extension, such as New Tab Page, in Chrome to obtain functionality similar to Vivaldi’s built-in Speed Dial.

Firefox以前在“新标签页”页面上以图块的形式具有类似的功能,但是现在您需要安装一个名为“新标签页覆盖”的加载项才能获得此功能。 Chrome会将您访问过的最后八个网站保存为“新标签”页面上的缩略图,但是您无法使用自己的网站自定义该页面,因此并非完全相同。 但是,您可以在Chrome中安装扩展程序,例如New Tab Page ,以获得类似于Vivaldi内置的快速拨号的功能。

使用快捷命令搜索任何内容 (Search for Anything with Quick Commands)

If you like keyboard shortcuts, you’ll like Vivaldi’s Quick Commands feature. It allows you to search for just about anything in open tabs, bookmarks, browsing history, and settings simply by pressing F2. The Quick Commands dialog box also shows you keyboard shortcuts for commands.

如果您喜欢键盘快捷键,那么您会喜欢Vivaldi的快速命令功能。 它使您只需按F2即可搜索打开的选项卡,书签,浏览历史记录和设置中的几乎所有内容。 “快速命令”对话框还向您显示命令的键盘快捷键。


I did not find any feature equivalent to Vivaldi’s Quick Commands in Firefox or Chrome, nor did I find any add-ons or extensions that provide that kind of functionality.


自定义您的书签 (Customize Your Bookmarks)

What would a browser be without bookmarks? Vivaldi includes a Bookmarks panel, as well as a Bookmarks bar that can be activated in the settings (it does not display by default).

没有书签的浏览器会是什么? Vivaldi包括一个“书签”面板,以及一个可以在设置中激活的书签栏(默认情况下不显示)。


Vivaldi also provides a bookmark manager that allows you to easily add, delete, and organize bookmarks.



You can also import bookmarks from various other browsers, as well as bookmarks files. The options for what you can choose to import changes depending on which browser or type of bookmarks file you select. So, rest assured, if you switch to Vivaldi from a browser like Chrome or Firefox, or even Internet Explorer or Edge, you will be able to preserve your current collection of bookmarks.

您还可以从其他各种浏览器以及书签文件中导入书签。 您可以选择导入哪些选项,这些取决于您选择的浏览器或书签文件类型。 因此,请放心,如果您从Chrome或Firefox甚至Internet Explorer或Edge之类的浏览器切换到Vivaldi,您将能够保留当前的书签集合。


However, the best bookmarks feature in Vivaldi is bookmark nicknames. You can assign a nickname to each bookmark, which you can then type in the address bar to quickly load that webpage.

但是,Vivaldi最好的书签功能是书签昵称。 您可以为每个书签分配一个昵称,然后可以在地址栏中键入一个昵称以快速加载该网页。


Most of this is pretty standard–Vivaldi’s bookmarks may open in a panel, rather than a new box or tab like Firefox and Chrome, but it’s not that mind-blowing of an improvement. The Keyword property for bookmarks in Firefox is similar to the bookmark nickname feature in Vivaldi as well. In Chrome, however, you’ll have to use a workaround to create keyword bookmarks.

其中大多数是非常标准的-Vivaldi的书签可能会在面板中打开,而不是像Firefox和Chrome这样的新框或标签打开,但这并不是令人惊讶的改进。 Firefox中书签的Keyword属性也类似于Vivaldi中的书签昵称功能。 但是,在Chrome中,您必须使用变通方法来创建关键字书签

通过网页面板将网页“停靠”到侧面 (“Dock” a Web Page to the Side with Web Panels)

Web Panels allow you to display the mobile or desktop view or any webpage in a panel either on the left or right side of the browser window. Follow your social media accounts, read news, chat with your friends and family, all while browsing other sites separately in the main browser window. Note that this feature may not be as useful on smaller screens.

Web面板允许您在浏览器窗口左侧或右侧的面板中显示移动视图或桌面视图或任何网页。 跟随您的社交媒体帐户,阅读新闻,与您的朋友和家人聊天,同时在主浏览器窗口中分别浏览其他网站。 请注意,此功能在较小的屏幕上可能没有用。


You can add a website to the web panel by clicking the plus sign on the panel toolbar on the left side of the browser window, or by right-clicking on a webpage and selecting “Add Page to Web Panel”.



You can adjust the size of the panel by holding the mouse over the border between the panel and the main site window and dragging until the panel is the size you want.



I couldn’t find any similar functionality to Vivaldi’s web panels in Firefox or Chrome, or any add-ons or extensions that would provide the web panels feature. If you know of a way to get something similar to web panels in Firefox or Chrome, let us know in the forum–otherwise, this is a pretty nice exclusive feature.

我在Firefox或Chrome中找不到与Vivaldi的Web面板类似的功能,也找不到能够提供Web面板功能的附加组件或扩展。 如果您知道在Firefox或Chrome中获得类似于Web面板的方法,请在论坛中告知我们-否则,这是一个非常不错的独家功能。

管理您的下载 (Manage Your Downloads)

Just like Firefox and Chrome, you can access files you downloaded, remove downloaded files from the list (which does not delete the actual files), and clear the whole list. You can also retry or re-download any item in the list. There is nothing too special here.

与Firefox和Chrome一样,您可以访问下载的文件,从列表中删除下载的文件(这不会删除实际文件),并清除整个列表。 您也可以重试或重新下载列表中的任何项目。 这里没有什么特别的。


从任何网页做笔记 (Make Notes from Any Web Page)

In addition to viewing your bookmarks, downloads, and webpages in the side panel, you can also create and store notes there. Notes can contain selected portions of webpages or your own typed thoughts. Notes can even contain screenshots of webpages and attached files. You create a note from content on a webpage by selecting the content, right-clicking on it, and selecting “Add Selection as New Note” from the popup menu.

除了在侧面板中查看书签,下载和网页外,您还可以在其中创建和存储注释。 笔记可以包含网页的选定部分或您自己打过的想法。 注释甚至可以包含网页和附件的屏幕截图。 通过选择内容,右键单击内容,然后从弹出菜单中选择“将所选内容添加为新注释”,可以从网页上的内容创建注释。


The note is added to the list of Notes in the side panel and includes the URL of the webpage so you can quickly return to that page.



To create notes in Firefox, you’ll have to install an add-on, such as Notepad (QuickFox). In Chrome, you can install the Nimbus Notes extension to get the same functionality.

要在Firefox中创建笔记,您必须安装一个附件,例如Notepad(QuickFox) 。 在Chrome中,您可以安装Nimbus Notes扩展程序以获得相同的功能。

堆叠标签以减少混乱 (Stack Your Tabs to Reduce Clutter)

I tend to open many tabs in a browser session, making it hard to find certain webpages I have open. The Quick Commands feature I mentioned earlier allows you to search through open tabs, so that can help you find webpages. However, Vivaldi also allows you to stack tabs, reducing the amount of separate tabs on the tab bar. Simply drag one tab over another until the text on the other tab turns gray.

我倾向于在浏览器会话中打开许多选项卡,这使得很难找到我打开的某些网页。 前面提到的“快速命令”功能使您可以搜索打开的选项卡,从而可以帮助您查找网页。 但是,Vivaldi还允许您堆叠选项卡,从而减少了选项卡栏上单独选项卡的数量。 只需将一个选项卡拖到另一个选项卡上,直到另一选项卡上的文本变为灰色即可。


When you move your mouse over the stacked tabs, thumbnails of the webpages on those tabs display. Click on a thumbnail to go to that webpage.

将鼠标移到堆叠的选项卡上时,将显示这些选项卡上的网页的缩略图。 单击缩略图以转到该网页。


Firefox used to have a tab groups (Panorama) feature, which was similar to stacking tabs in Vivaldi, but it was removed as of version 45. However, you can use an extension, such as Tab Groups, to group your tabs in Firefox. In Chrome, as well, you’ll have to use an extension, such as Group Your Tabs. But Vivaldi’s solution is awfully slick.

Firefox曾经具有选项卡组(全景)功能,该功能类似于在Vivaldi中堆叠选项卡,但自版本45起已被删除。但是,您可以使用扩展名(例如Tab Groups)在Firefox中对选项卡进行分组。 同样,在Chrome浏览器中,您必须使用扩展程序,例如“将标签分组” 。 但是维瓦尔第的解决方案非常巧妙。

使用标签平铺一次查看两页 (View Two Pages at Once with Tab Tiling)

You can also view two or more page at once in Vivaldi using the tab tiling feature. You can display stacked tabs or single tabs you select side by side or in a grid layout. For example, you could tile a stack of tabs by right-clicking on the tab stack and selecting “Tile Tab Stack” from the popup menu.

您还可以使用标签平铺功能在Vivaldi中一次查看两个或更多页面。 您可以并排显示或以网格布局显示堆叠的选项卡或单个选项卡。 例如,您可以通过右键单击选项卡堆栈并从弹出菜单中选择“平铺选项卡堆栈”来平铺选项卡堆栈。


By default, the webpages from the tab group or that you selected are displayed side by side.


NOTE: You can select multiple tabs using the “Shift” and “Ctrl” keys while clicking on tabs, the same way you would select multiple files in File Explorer (or Windows Explorer).

注意:您可以在单击选项卡时使用“ Shift”和“ Ctrl”键选择多个选项卡,与在文件资源管理器(或Windows资源管理器)中选择多个文件的方式相同。


You can change the tiling pattern using the Page tiling button on the right side of the status bar at the bottom of the window.



If you don’t have that may tabs open and you want to tile all of them, there are some useful shortcuts for doing that:


  • Ctrl-F7 tiles all tabs to a grid

  • Ctrl-F8 tiles all tabs horizontally

  • Ctrl-F9 tiles all tabs vertically


To tile tabs in Firefox or Chrome, you need to install an extension, such as Tile Tabs, which is available for both browsers. Of course, you can also make them separate windows and use Windows’ built-in Aero Snap feature to do something similar.

要在Firefox或Chrome中平铺标签,您需要安装一个扩展程序,例如Tile Tabs ,这两个浏览器均可用。 当然,您也可以使它们成为独立的窗口,并使用Windows的内置Aero Snap功能执行类似的操作。

通过Hibernate背景选项卡节省内存 (Save Memory by Hibernating Background Tabs)

Do you have so many tabs open that Vivaldi is starting to get sluggish? There’s an easy solution to that. The Tab Hibernation feature in Vivaldi unloads sites on non-active tabs, but keeps the tabs open in the browser. This frees up resources used by the browser.

您是否打开了太多标签以至于Vivaldi开始变得迟钝? 有一个简单的解决方案。 Vivaldi中的“选项卡Hibernate”功能会卸载非活动选项卡上的站点,但会使这些选项卡在浏览器中保持打开状态。 这样可以释放浏览器使用的资源。


To put all your background tabs into hibernation, right-click on the active tab and select “Hibernate Background Tabs” from the popup menu. Your currently active tab stays active.

要将所有背景选项卡置于Hibernate状态,请右键单击活动选项卡,然后从弹出菜单中选择“Hibernate背景选项卡”。 您当前处于活动状态的选项卡保持活动状态。


You can also hibernate individual tabs. To do this, right-click on the tab you want to hibernate and select “Hibernate Tab” from the popup menu.

您也可以Hibernate各个选项卡。 为此,请右键单击要Hibernate的选项卡,然后从弹出菜单中选择“Hibernate选项卡”。

Neither Firefox or Chrome seem to have a built-in tab hibernation feature, but you can install an add-on, such as UnlockTab in Firefox, or an extension, such as The Great Suspender, in Chrome, to accomplish the same thing.

Firefox或Chrome似乎都没有内置的选项卡Hibernate功能,但是您可以安装附加组件(例如Firefox中的UnlockTab)或扩展(例如Chrome中的The Great Suspender)来完成相同的任务。

查看打开的选项卡的缩略图预览 (View Thumbnail Previews of Open Tabs)

Vivaldi offers a way to view a small version of the content of a tab (a thumbnail preview) without having to activate that tab. Simply move your mouse over the tab to see a thumbnail preview of the webpage on that tab. If you move your mouse over a set of stacked tabs, you’ll see thumbnail previews of all the webpages on those tabs.

Vivaldi提供了一种查看选项卡内容的较小版本(缩略图预览)的方法,而无需激活该选项卡。 只需将鼠标移到选项卡上,即可在该选项卡上查看网页的缩略图预览。 如果将鼠标移到一组堆叠的选项卡上,将会在这些选项卡上看到所有网页的缩略图预览。


If you want a static view of all the thumbnail previews of your tabs, move your mouse over the top border of the address bar until the cursor becomes a two-way arrow. Then, click and drag down on that border until you see the thumbnail previews of all your tabs display.

如果要静态查看选项卡的所有缩略图预览,请将鼠标移到地址栏的顶部边框上,直到光标变为双向箭头。 然后,在该边框上单击并向下拖动,直到看到所有选项卡的缩略图预览显示。


手动保存任何会话以备后用 (Manually Save Any Session for Later)

The session management feature in Vivaldi allows you to easily save all your open tabs as a session that you can open at a later time, even after you close Vivaldi and reopen it. Simply select “Save Open Tabs as Session” from the “File” menu.

Vivaldi中的会话管理功能使您可以轻松地将所有打开的选项卡另存为以后可以打开的会话,即使关闭并重新打开Vivaldi也是如此。 只需从“文件”菜单中选择“将打开的标签另存为会话”。


Firefox and Chrome can save your sessions automatically when you exit the browser, or open the browser on another computer. You can also save your session as a list of bookmarks, but it isn’t quite as dedicated a feature as it is in Vivaldi. Alternatively, in Chrome, you can install an extension, such as Session Buddy and in Firefox you can install an add-on, such as Session Manager.

退出浏览器或在另一台计算机上打开浏览器时,Firefox和Chrome可以自动保存会话。 您也可以将会话保存为书签列表,但是它不像Vivaldi那样具有专用功能。 另外,在Chrome中,您可以安装扩展程序,例如Session Buddy,在Firefox中,您可以安装插件,例如Session Manager

快退和快进 (Rewind and Fast Forward)

You’re probably familiar with the Back and Forward buttons in your browser’s toolbar, but Vivaldi adds some useful Rewind and Fast Forward buttons as well, each with their own specific uses.


Rewind goes back to the first page you visited on that specific site. For example, say you arrived on a certain page on a site, maybe from a search. Then, you end up clicking link after link and now you want to get to the page you started on. In Vivaldi, simply click the “Rewind” button on the toolbar, and it’ll take you to the first page you visited on that domain.

倒带回到您在该特定站点上访问的第一页。 例如,假设您到达某个网站的某个页面,也许是通过搜索。 然后,您最终单击了一个接一个的链接,现在您想要进入开始的页面。 在Vivaldi中,只需单击工具栏上的“倒带”按钮,它将带您到该域上访问的第一页。


Fast Forward is a little different: for any site that has multiple pages, it’ll navigate to the next page, without you having to find the link. So, you could click it to go to the next page of Google search results, or the next page of articles on blogs like How-To Geek, No matter where you are on the current page, you can just click this button for all sites that support fast forward navigation.

快进有点不同:对于具有多个页面的任何站点,它将导航到下一页,而无需查找链接。 因此,您可以单击它以转到Google搜索结果的下一页,或者诸如How-To Geek之类的博客文章的下一页,无论您在当前页面上的什么位置,都可以对所有网站单击此按钮支持快进导航。


The Rewind and Fast Forward buttons can make navigation faster and more efficient. Neither Firefox or Chrome have these features and I did not find any add-ons or extensions that would fit the bill.

快退和快进按钮可以使导航更快,更有效。 Firefox和Chrome都没有这些功能,我没有找到任何符合要求的插件或扩展程序。

立即将任何网站添加为自定义搜索引擎 (Add Any Site as a Custom Search Engine Instantly)

Every browser has a search box, whether it be a separate one or one that’s integrated into the address bar. Most browsers also allow you to add multiple search engines and select a default one to use. However, Vivaldi makes this a little easier and more direct than Firefox and Chrome. You can add almost any search engine to the search box with just a right-click. For example, you can add How-To Geek as a search engine available on Vivaldi’s Search box. Simply, right-click in the Search box on the site you want to add as a search engine and select “Add as search engine” on the popup menu. That’s pretty convenient.

每个浏览器都有一个搜索框,无论是单独的搜索框还是集成在地址栏中的搜索框。 大多数浏览器还允许您添加多个搜索引擎并选择要使用的默认搜索引擎。 但是,与Firefox和Chrome相比,Vivaldi使此操作更容易,更直接。 只需右键单击,几乎可以将任何搜索引擎添加到搜索框中。 例如,您可以将How-To Geek添加为Vivaldi的“搜索”框上可用的搜索引擎。 只需在要添加为搜索引擎的站点上的“搜索”框中单击鼠标右键,然后在弹出菜单上选择“添加为搜索引擎”。 那很方便。


On the Add Search Engine dialog box, the URL for the site’s search engine is entered in the top edit box and the site’s URL displays in the edit box below that by default. However, you can replace that with a name for the site that will display on the list of search engines. You can also enter a nickname in the edit box bordered in blue on the image below. The nickname allows you to enter that followed by your search term in the address bar, in case you don’t want to change your current search engine at the time. For example, once I add How-To Geek to my list of search engines with a nickname of “htg”, I can enter something like “htg vivaldi” in the address bar to search for Vivaldi on How-To Geek.

在“添加搜索引擎”对话框上,在顶部编辑框中输入网站搜索引擎的URL,默认情况下,该网站的URL显示在其下方的编辑框中。 但是,您可以将其替换为将显示在搜索引擎列表中的网站名称。 您还可以在下图中以蓝色框住的编辑框中输入一个昵称。 如果您不想此时更改当前的搜索引擎,则可以使用昵称在地址栏中输入后跟搜索词的名称。 例如,将“ How-To Geek”添加到昵称为“ htg”的搜索引擎列表中后,我可以在地址栏中输入“ htg vivaldi”之类的内容,以在How-To Geek上搜索Vivaldi。


To change the search box to use How-To Geek as the search engine, click the magnifying glass button on the Search box and select “HTG Search” (or whatever you named it) from the drop-down list.

要更改搜索框以将How-To Geek用作搜索引擎,请单击搜索框上的放大镜按钮,然后从下拉列表中选择“ HTG搜索”(或任何您命名的名称)。


Again, both Chrome and Firefox have similar features, but they take a bit more legwork to get to. Having that option in a right-click menu is a pretty nice little addition.

同样,Chrome和Firefox具有相似的功能,但是要花更多的精力。 在右键菜单中具有该选项是一个不错的补充。

使用页面动作自定义网站的外观 (Customize the Look and Feel of a Website with Page Actions)

Page Actions in Vivaldi allow you to make websites easier to read or to just make them display to suit your preferences. Click the “<>” icon on the status bar in the lower-right corner of the browser window. Select the check boxes for the filters you want to apply to the current website. Selected page actions apply to the webpage you’re currently viewing. So, you can apply different filters to different websites in the same browsing session.

使用Vivaldi中的页面操作,您可以使网站更易于阅读或仅根据自己的喜好进行显示。 单击浏览器窗口右下角状态栏上的“ <>”图标。 选中要应用于当前网站的过滤器的复选框。 选定的页面操作将应用于您当前正在查看的网页。 因此,您可以在同一浏览会话中将不同的过滤器应用于不同的网站。


自定义界面 (Customize the Interface)

There are a couple of interesting customization features in Vivaldi I’d like to point out. The User Interface Zoom setting in Vivaldi allows you to change the size of the browser interface elements, such as the icons, buttons, etc., without affecting the page zoom.

我想指出,Vivaldi有几个有趣的自定义功能。 Vivaldi中的“用户界面缩放”设置允许您更改浏览器界面元素(例如图标,按钮等)的大小,而不会影响页面缩放。


You can change the color of the interface in Vivaldi, but what’s more interesting is you can have Vivaldi change the color of the interface to match the theme of the webpage currently being viewed. Just turn on the Use Page Theme Color in User Interface appearance setting. This makes the browser sort of blend in like a chameleon and allows you to concentrate on the content of the webpages you view.

您可以在Vivaldi中更改界面的颜色,但更有趣的是,您可以让Vivaldi更改界面的颜色以匹配当前正在查看的网页的主题。 只需打开“用户界面”外观中的“使用页面主题颜色”即可。 这使浏览器像变色龙一样融合在一起,使您可以专注于所查看网页的内容。


Vivaldi allows full customization of keyboard shortcuts you can set up in the settings to control the whole browser.



通过扩展扩展Vivaldi的用途 (Expand Vivaldi’s Usefulness with Extensions)

Vivaldi does support Chrome extensions, just like Opera and many other Chromium-based browsers. However, not all extensions will work well and some may not work in Vivaldi at all, such as the very popular LastPass password manager. To install Chrome extensions in Vivaldi, go to Chrome’s extensions page, select an extension, and install it just as you would in Chrome.

Vivaldi确实支持Chrome扩展,就像Opera和许多其他基于Chromium的浏览器一样。 但是,并非所有扩展程序都能正常工作,有些扩展程序可能根本无法在Vivaldi中运行,例如非常流行的LastPass密码管理器。 要在Vivaldi中安装Chrome扩展程序,请转到Chrome的扩展程序页面,选择一个扩展程序,然后像在Chrome中一样进行安装。

Don’t be surprised if an extension you install causes Vivaldi to crash, however. That happened when I installed the Save to Pocket extension. I clicked the Save to Pocket button on the toolbar and Vivaldi spontaneously closed. Hopefully this will improve as Vivaldi matures, but–despite it officially “supporting” Chrome extensions–it doesn’t have nearly the widespread support that Chrome does.

但是,如果您安装的扩展程序导致Vivaldi崩溃,请不要感到惊讶。 当我安装了“保存到口袋”扩展程序时就发生了这种情况。 我单击了工具栏上的“保存到口袋”按钮,并自动关闭了Vivaldi。 希望随着Vivaldi的成熟,这种情况将有所改善,但尽管正式支持“ Chrome扩展”,但它几乎没有Chrome提供的广泛支持。


If you want to remove an extension that didn’t work correctly, you can manage extensions by entering “vivaldi://extensions” (without the quotes) in the address bar. You’ll see an extension manager on the current tab that looks suspiciously like Chrome’s extension manager. Simply click the trash can icon next to the extension you want to remove and the extension is removed from Vivaldi. You can also disable extensions you don’t want to use.

如果要删除无法正常使用的扩展名,则可以通过在地址栏中输入“ vivaldi:// extensions”(不带引号)来管理扩展名。 您会在当前标签上看到一个扩展程序管理器,看起来像Chrome的扩展程序管理器。 只需单击您要删除的扩展程序旁边的垃圾桶图标,即可从Vivaldi中删除该扩展程序。 您也可以禁用不需要的扩展名。


These are just some of the features available in Vivaldi. There are a lot more ways to customize the browser and make your browsing experience more efficient. For a newly installed browser, it did not open that quickly, but hopefully that will improve as they release updates. If you use many of the features, such as the panels and the tab tiling, the browser window can also get a bit too cluttered especially on smaller screens. However, you can enable and disable just about every feature in Vivaldi, so if you need to get a feature out of your way you can disable it, but be able to get it back later when you need it.

这些只是Vivaldi中可用的一些功能。 有很多方法可以自定义浏览器并提高浏览体验的效率。 对于新安装的浏览器,它并没有很快打开,但是希望随着他们发布更新而有所改善。 如果使用面板和标签平铺等许多功能,则浏览器窗口也可能会显得过于混乱,尤其是在较小的屏幕上。 但是,您可以启用和禁用Vivaldi中的几乎所有功能,因此,如果您需要以某种方式获得某个功能,可以禁用它,但是稍后可以在需要时将其取回。

It has a lot of the same features as Chrome and Firefox, and most that it doesn’t have are available as extensions. Vivaldi’s main advantage is building those into the browser, and making them very easy and quick to use. It also has a lot of customization options (though probably not as many as Firefox, if you consider Firefox’s about:config abilities). However, Vivaldi’s support for extensions is still buggy. Even though Vivaldi has a lot of features and customizations, Chrome and Firefox’s extensions still provide access to a lot more, so it’s hard for Vivaldi to measure up to them in true power.

它具有与Chrome和Firefox相同的功能,并且大多数它不具有扩展功能。 Vivaldi的主要优势是将它们内置到浏览器中,并使它们非常易于使用。 它还具有许多自定义选项(如果考虑Firefox的about:config功能,则可能不如Firefox那样多)。 但是,Vivaldi对扩展的支持仍然存在问题。 尽管Vivaldi具有许多功能和自定义功能,但是Chrome和Firefox的扩展仍然提供对更多功能的访问,因此Vivaldi很难真正发挥作用。

Overall, Vivaldi shows promise, even in its early stages, and I might just give it a spin for a while. But most power users won’t be giving up Firefox and Chrome just yet. Download Vivaldi, try it out, and let us know what you think.

总体而言,维瓦尔第(Vivaldi)即使在早期阶段也显示出希望,我可能会暂时试用一下。 但是,大多数高级用户还不会放弃Firefox和Chrome。 下载Vivaldi ,尝试一下,然后让我们知道您的想法。



36MB Vivaldi在Opera的基础上,增添了许多功能,如将多个页面整合成一个页面。 这款浏览器支持Windows、Mac和Linux等多种操作系统,虽然目前还处于早期开发阶段,但是已提供了Opera用户耳熟能详的很多功能。它支持鼠标手势浏览和用户们熟悉的“快速拨号”(Speed Dial)界面,可以在页面上显示用户最喜爱的页面。 Vivaldi还增加了一些功能。比如,用户们可以将多个页面整合成一个页面,以便快速浏览相关网站。如果你在使用网络搜索服务,你可以将所有相关的页面整合成一个页面,然后保存下来,这样就可以节省空间。 另一项功能是支持用户浏览器中直接记笔记,同时还可以将屏幕截图保存下来,这样用户日后就能更容易记起为什么当时认为那些网站是重要的。 我曾在Vivaldi正式发布前试用了几天,它是一款风格简洁明快、酷似Opera的浏览器。当你切换网站时,浏览器界面的色彩发生轻微的淡化,以便与页面上的主要色彩相匹配。我认为这对某些用户来说很有用,尤其是“快速命令”功能,它能够让你像使用OS X的Spotlight一样搜索或运行命令。 Vivaldi是Opera前CEO和联合创始人谭咏文(Jon von Tetzchner)启动的一个项目。你也许对谭咏文还有一些印象,当初发布Opera 8时,他曾表示如果Opera 8在发布后的前4天内的下载量达不到100万人次,他就从挪威游到美国。 2011年离开Opera公司后,谭咏文在2013年12月创办了Vivaldi。 我问Vivaldi的联合创始人Tatsuki:为什么他们要开发浏览器软件,毕竟市场上已有很多浏览器了。他回答说:“我们认为人们需要一款更加强大的浏览器,因为人们想从浏览器中获得更多的东西;市场上的大多数浏览器提供的功能大同小异,没有特色而且相对都比较简单。” 我问Vivaldi提供了哪些Opera没有的功能以及为什么Vivaldi给人似曾相识的感觉。Tatsuki回答说:“Opera提供了许多独特而强大的功能,比如我刚才所说的,Opera现在也推出了更加简单的产品。我们知道,现在还有上千万人在使用老版本的Opera。” 有鉴于此,Vivaldi的初步重点是提供过去的Opera中已有的某些功能,同时添加更多功能。 与Chrome一样,Vivaldi使用了Chromium渲染引擎,但其自身几乎完全是利用现代网页技术开发出来的,包括React、Node.js和很多Node模块等。 现在,Vivaldi浏览器只有技术预览版,但其未来必定有很大的规划。在未来的几个月里,他们计划给Vivaldi浏览器添加同步和邮件支持,进一步改善性能和提供更多插件。Tatsuki还说,Vivaldi将主要按社区的需求来定制,其功能配置将由用户需求来决定。 不说太多,产品




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