不要运行explorer_如何使用虚拟机同时运行Internet Explorer 7、8和9




If you develop websites, you need to use multiple versions of different browsers for testing your sites. There are ways to run multiple versions of IE on the same computer, but some versions cannot be run at the same time.

如果开发网站,则需要使用不同浏览器的多个版本来测试您的网站。 有几种方法可以在同一台计算机上运行IE的多个版本,但是某些版本不能同时运行。

However, we will show you a way around this limitation that allows you to run Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9 at the same time in Windows. Microsoft has created some custom Windows VHD files to allow web designers to test their websites in Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9 for free. You can import these files into Microsoft Virtual PC. The following versions of Internet Explorer are available in Windows virtual machines.

但是,我们将向您展示解决此限制的方法,该方法允许您在Windows中同时运行Internet Explorer 7、8和9。 Microsoft已创建了一些自定义Windows VHD文件,以允许Web设计人员免费在Internet Explorer 7、8和9中测试其网站。 您可以将这些文件导入Microsoft Virtual PC。 Windows虚拟机中提供了以下版本的Internet Explorer。

  • IE7 in Windows Vista – The install files for IE8 and IE9 are also available for install in this virtual machine.

    Windows Vista中的IE7 – IE8和IE9的安装文件也可以在此虚拟机中安装。
  • IE8 in Windows 7 with install files for IE9 – The install files for IE9 are also available for install in this virtual machine.

    Windows 7中的IE8,带有IE9的安装文件– IE9的安装文件也可以在此虚拟机中安装。
  • IE9 in Windows 7

    Windows 7中的IE9

Be warned that the Windows 7 and Vista VHD files are large and are split across several files. Download all the files for each virtual machine for the versions of IE you want to run. We will show you how to unpack these files so they create the complete VHD file. You will also need to download Microsoft Virtual PC, which is actually an update to Windows. The download links for the virtual machines and Virtual PC are at the end of this article. To download Virtual PC, you must validate Windows. The download links are at the end of this article.

警告Windows 7和Vista VHD文件很大,并且分为多个文件。 下载要运行的IE版本的每个虚拟机的所有文件。 我们将向您展示如何解压缩这些文件,以便它们创建完整的VHD文件。 您还需要下载Microsoft Virtual PC,它实际上是Windows的更新。 虚拟机和Virtual PC的下载链接位于本文的末尾。 要下载Virtual PC,您必须验证Windows。 下载链接位于本文的末尾。

NOTE: If you install a later version of IE in one of the virtual machines, it replaces the earlier version. If you need to run all three versions, create a virtual machine for each version.

注意:如果您在其中一个虚拟机中安装了更高版本的IE,它将替换早期版本。 如果需要运行所有三个版本,请为每个版本创建一个虚拟机。

To install Virtual PC, double-click on the .msu file you downloaded.

要安装Virtual PC,请双击下载的.msu文件。


A confirmation dialog box displays. Click Yes to install the update.

显示确认对话框。 单击“是”以安装更新。


Read through the license terms and click I Accept to continue with the installation.



The progress of the installation displays.



When the installation of the update is finished, the following dialog box displays. To restart your PC immediately, click Restart Now. If you want to make sure everything is closed before restarting, click Close. However, be sure to restart your PC before using Virtual PC.

更新安装完成后,将显示以下对话框。 要立即重新启动PC,请单击立即重新启动。 如果要确保在重新启动之前所有内容都已关闭,请单击“关闭”。 但是,在使用Virtual PC之前,请确保重新启动PC。


To expand an IE virtual machine, double-click on the .exe file, which is the first part of the compressed files. For this example, we are going to extract the IE8 Windows 7 virtual machine and import it into Virtual PC.

要展开IE虚拟机,请双击.exe文件,该文件是压缩文件的第一部分。 对于此示例,我们将提取IE8 Windows 7虚拟机并将其导入Virtual PC。


If the Open File – Security Warning dialog box displays, click Run to continue with the installation.



Read through the License Agreement and click Accept to continue extracting the virtual machine files.



The WinRAR self-extracting archive dialog box displays. Either accept the default location for the Destination folder, which should be the current location of the compressed files, or click Browse to select a different location for the resulting virtual machine files. We accepted the default location. Click Install.

显示WinRAR自解压归档对话框。 接受“目标”文件夹的默认位置,该默认位置应该是压缩文件的当前位置,或者单击“浏览”为生成的虚拟机文件选择其他位置。 我们接受了默认位置。 单击安装。


The installation progress displays.



When the files have been extracted, you will see a .vhd file, which is the virtual machine hard drive, and a .vmc file which contains the settings for the virtual machine.



To open Virtual PC, select Windows Virtual PC from the Windows Virtual PC folder on the Start menu.

若要打开Virtual PC,请从“开始”菜单上的Windows Virtual PC文件夹中选择Windows Virtual PC。


A Windows Explorer window opens to the location of the Virtual Machines, if any existed. Click the Create virtual machine button on the toolbar. If you can’t see the button, click the double right-pointing arrow button and select Create virtual machine from the drop-down menu.

Windows资源管理器窗口会打开到虚拟机的位置(如果存在)。 单击工具栏上的创建虚拟机按钮。 如果看不到该按钮,请单击右向箭头两次,然后从下拉菜单中选择“创建虚拟机”。


The Create a virtual machine wizard displays. Enter a name for the virtual machine in the Name edit box. Accept the default Location for the virtual machine file. It will be placed in the Virtual Machines folder that opened in the Windows Explorer window when you started Virtual PC. Click Next.

将显示“创建虚拟机”向导。 在名称编辑框中输入虚拟机的名称。 接受虚拟机文件的默认位置。 启动Virtual PC时,它将放置在Windows资源管理器窗口中打开的“虚拟机”文件夹中。 点击下一步。


The Specify memory and networking options screen displays. Enter the amount of RAM, in megabytes, you want the virtual machine to use in the edit box. To connect the virtual machine to your network, select the Use computer network connections check box. You will most likely need to turn on this option so your virtual machine can access the internet through your network.

显示“指定内存和网络选项”屏幕。 在编辑框中输入希望虚拟机使用的RAM量(以兆字节为单位)。 要将虚拟机连接到网络,请选中“使用计算机网络连接”复选框。 您很可能需要打开此选项,以便您的虚拟机可以通过网络访问Internet。


On the Add a virtual hard disk screen, select the Use an existing virtual hard disk radio button, and click Browse.



On the Select virtual hard disk dialog box, navigate to the folder where you extracted the .vhd and .vmc virtual machine files. Select the .vhd file and click Open.

在“选择虚拟硬盘”对话框上,导航到您提取.vhd和.vmc虚拟机文件的文件夹。 选择.vhd文件,然后单击“打开”。


Select the Enable Undo Disks check box.


NOTE: The Enable Undo Disks option allows you to return to the initial settings that exist when you first set up the virtual machine in Virtual PC. This is helpful because the versions of Windows in these virtual machines are not activated. They are essentially in trial mode. From the Microsoft site:

注意:启用撤消磁盘选项允许您返回到首次在Virtual PC中设置虚拟机时存在的初始设置。 这很有用,因为未激活这些虚拟机中的Windows版本。 他们基本上处于试用模式。 从Microsoft网站:

You may be required to activate the OS as the product key has been deactivated. This is the expected behavior. The VHDs will not pass genuine validation. Immediately after you start the Windows 7 or Windows Vista images they will request to be activated. You can cancel the request and it will login to the desktop. You can activate up to two “rearms” (type slmgr –rearm at the command prompt) which will extend the trial for another 30 days each time OR simply shutdown the VPC image and discard the changes you’ve made from undo disks to reset the image back to its initial state. By doing either of these methods, you can technically have a base image which never expires although you will never be able to permanently save any changes on these images for longer than 90 days.”

由于产品密钥已被停用,因此可能需要激活OS。 这是预期的行为。 VHD将无法通过真正的验证。 启动Windows 7或Windows Vista映像后,将立即请求将其激活。 您可以取消该请求,它将登录到桌面。 您最多可以激活两个“ rearm”(在命令提示符下键入slmgr –rearm ),每次将试用期再延长30天,或者仅关闭VPC映像并放弃对撤消磁盘所做的更改以重置VPC映像。图像恢复到其初始状态。 通过这两种方法中的任何一种,从技术上讲,您都可以拥有一个永不过期的基础映像,尽管您永远无法将这些映像上的任何更改永久保存超过90天。”

We will explain later in this article how to undo changes and reset the virtual machine to the initial settings.


Click Create.



You should see a .vmcx file in the Virtual Machines folder in the Explorer window that opened when you started Virtual PC.

您应该在启动Virtual PC时打开的“资源管理器”窗口的“虚拟机”文件夹中看到一个.vmcx文件。


To open the virtual machine, select the .vmcx file and then click the arrow button next to the Open button that becomes available. Select Windows Virtual PC from the drop-down menu.

要打开虚拟机,请选择.vmcx文件,然后单击“打开”按钮旁边的箭头按钮。 从下拉菜单中选择Windows Virtual PC。


Two users display on the virtual machine screen during boot up. Each virtual machine has two users, but only one seems to work. Choose the following usernames for each of the virtual machines:

启动过程中,两个用户在虚拟机屏幕上显示。 每个虚拟机都有两个用户,但似乎只有一个可以使用。 为每个虚拟机选择以下用户名:

  • IE7 in Windows Vista: Administrator

    Windows Vista中的IE7:管理员
  • IE8 in Windows 7: IEUser

    Windows 7中的IE8:IEUser
  • IE9 in Windows 7: Administrator

    Windows 7中的IE9:管理员

Use the password “Password1” (without the quotes) for each of the virtual machines to log in to Windows.

为每个虚拟机使用密码“ Password1”(不带引号)登录Windows。

The Windows Activation dialog box displays saying that the activation period has expired. Click Cancel in the lower, right corner of the dialog box.

Windows激活对话框显示,说激活期已过。 单击对话框右下角的“取消”。


The Microsoft Security Essentials dialog box may display. Click Close.

可能会显示“ Microsoft Security Essentials”对话框。 单击关闭。


Once Windows has started in the virtual machine, click the Internet Explorer icon on the Taskbar to open IE.

Windows在虚拟机中启动后,单击任务栏上的Internet Explorer图标以打开IE。


IE opens. You can set your default home page and view any web pages you need to test in this version of IE.

IE即会打开。 您可以设置默认主页,并查看需要在此版本IE中测试的任何网页。


You can check the version by selecting About Internet Explorer from the Help menu.

您可以通过从“帮助”菜单中选择“关于Internet Explorer”来检查版本。


To close the virtual machine, select Close from the Action menu.



In the Windows Virtual PC dialog box, select Shut down from the drop-down list. If you want Shut down to be the default option, select the Make it the default and don’t show this message again check box. Click OK.

在“ Windows Virtual PC”对话框中,从下拉列表中选择“关闭”。 如果要将“关闭”设为默认选项,请选中“设为默认值,并且不再显示此消息”复选框。 单击确定。


You can change the settings for a virtual machine once it is shut down. To do so, select the .vmcx file for the virtual machine you want to change. Click Settings on the toolbar in Explorer.

关闭虚拟机后,您可以更改其设置。 为此,为要更改的虚拟机选择.vmcx文件。 单击资源管理器中工具栏上的“设置”。


If you are getting to end of your 30-day trial period in your Windows virtual machine, you can reset the virtual machine to the initial settings, therefore resetting the trial period. To do so, select Undo Disks in the list on the left of the Windows Virtual PC Settings dialog box. Make sure the Enable Undo Disks check box is selected and then click Discard changes.

如果您要在Windows虚拟机中结束30天试用期,则可以将虚拟机重置为初始设置,从而重置试用期。 这样做,请在“ Windows Virtual PC设置”对话框左侧的列表中选择“撤消磁盘”。 确保选中“启用撤消磁盘”复选框,然后单击“放弃更改”。


A warning dialog box displays. To continue resetting the virtual machine settings, click Continue. Remember that any changes you made to the Windows system in your virtual machine will be lost.

显示警告对话框。 要继续重置虚拟机设置,请单击继续。 请记住,您在虚拟机中对Windows系统所做的任何更改都将丢失。


You are returned to the Settings dialog box. Click OK to close it.

您将返回到“设置”对话框。 单击确定将其关闭。


You can install IE8 or IE9 in the IE7 virtual machine. There are icons on the desktop to easily install either version. Remember, however, that installing IE8 or IE9 replaces IE7.

您可以在IE7虚拟机中安装IE8或IE9。 桌面上有图标可以轻松安装任何一个版本。 但是请记住,安装IE8或IE9会取代IE7。


In the IE8 virtual machine, you’ll find the file to install IE9 in the C:\Internet Explorer Versions directory.

在IE8虚拟机中,您会在C:\ Internet Explorer版本目录中找到要安装IE9的文件。


Once you have opened the virtual machine once, the login process is a little different. The following dialog box displays the next time you open the virtual machine.

一次打开虚拟机后,登录过程将有所不同。 下次打开虚拟机时,将显示以下对话框。


Click IEUser and enter “Password1” in the edit box. Click OK.

单击IEUser,然后在编辑框中输入“ Password1”。 单击确定。


A dialog box displays while the integration features of the virtual machine are enabled.



The virtual machine opens and you can run IE.


Download Microsoft Virtual PC from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/default.aspx.

http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/default.aspx下载Microsoft Virtual PC。

Download the virtual machines from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=11575.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102261/how-to-run-internet-explorer-7-8-and-9-at-the-same-time-using-virtual-machines/


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