


In today’s time, data visualization has become a significant part of the success story of an organization. With the help of right techniques, visualizing data can reveal insights which the management staff can use in their decision-making in order to make sound data-driven decisions. Mapping software is among the robust data visualization tools that you can avail today. With maps, you can find stories, trends, and insights that cannot be found in spreadsheets.

在当今时代,数据可视化已成为组织成功故事的重要组成部分。 借助正确的技术,可视化数据可以揭示管理人员可以在决策中使用的洞察力 ,以便制定可靠的数据驱动型决策。 映射软件是您今天可以使用的强大的数据可视化工具之一。 使用地图,您可以找到电子表格中找不到的故事,趋势和见解。

The business sector has abundant of data and information, which is keep growing exponentially as business and people are increasingly connecting online. Companies rely on countless metrics to maintain the records of their sales and customers. Such records have data related to their order history, value, gender, age, and size to geographical location.

商业部门拥有丰富的数据和信息,随着商业和人们在线连接的增加,这些信息和信息呈指数增长。 公司依靠无数的指标来维护其销售和客户的记录。 此类记录具有与其订单历史记录,值,性别,年龄和地理位置大小相关的数据。

Most of the data resides in spreadsheets, where it is hardly used by anyone. To achieve more from data, it must be organized and well-interpreted. Data visualization offers a way for businesses to present the data visually to reveal the insights that are usually invisible for the teams.

大多数数据驻留在电子表格中,几乎没有人使用。 为了从数据中获得更多收益,必须对其进行组织和合理解释。 数据可视化为企业提供了一种可视化呈现数据的方法,以揭示通常对于团队而言不可见的见解。

Why Data Visualization is considered as an important tool?


Due to the way the human brain processes data and information, using graphs or charts to visualize more complex data is simpler than feeding the spreadsheets or reports. Data Visualization is a swift, easy way to explain the concepts in most accepted way. This allows you to experiment with distinct scenarios by making minor adjustments.

由于人脑处理数据和信息的方式,使用图形或图表来可视化更复杂的数据比提供电子表格或报告更简单。 数据可视化是一种以大多数公认的方式快速,轻松地解释概念的方法。 这样,您可以通过进行一些小的调整来尝试不同的方案。

Data visualization can be considered as a wise investment in the big data future


Big Data brings more opportunities for businesses. But retail banks are challenged when it is about finding value in their big data investment. Say, how can they apply big data to enhance customer relationship? How to invest in Big Data and to what extent?

大数据为企业带来更多机会。 但是,零售银行要在大数据投资中寻找价值时会面临挑战。 说,他们如何应用大数据来增强客户关系? 如何在大数据上投资以及在什么程度上投资?

How to implement data visualization?


Regardless of the size or industry type, every business is using data visualization to help make sense of their data. How? Let’s read and find out.

无论规模大小或行业类型,每家企业都在使用数据可视化来帮助理解其数据。 怎么样? 让我们阅读并找出答案。

• Comprehending information quickly


With the help of graphs representing business data, companies are able to view more data in better way. Since the companies have recognized the significance of data and analytics to meet the requirements of the customers, they are taking their steps ahead towards visualization tools.

借助代表业务数据的图形,公司可以更好地查看更多数据。 由于两家公司已经认识到满足客户需求的数据和分析的重要性,因此他们正在朝着可视化工具迈进。

• Determining relationships and patterns


Even huge amount of complicated data commence to make sense when represented with proper graphs and diagrams. Businesses can identify parameters that are extremely correlated. Determining those relationships assists companies to focus on areas where enhancements are required.

当使用适当的图形和图表表示时,甚至大量的复杂数据也变得有意义。 企业可以识别高度相关的参数。 确定这些关系有助于公司专注于需要增强的领域。

• Highlighting emerging trends


Data visualization helps in finding the trends – both in the market and in the businesses. This will provide an edge to businesses and ultimately affect the bottom line. Trends help in recognizing the outliers that affect product quality and fix the issues before they become serious ones.

数据可视化有助于发现市场和业务中的趋势。 这将为企业提供优势,并最终影响利润。 趋势有助于识别影响产品质量的异常值,并在问题变得严重之前解决这些问题。

• Communicate the story to people


Once a business has revealed latest insights with visual analytics, the next step is to convey those insights to others. The management team uses charts, graphs and other available impactful representation tools to engage users and get message across quickly.

一旦企业通过可视化分析揭示了最新见解,下一步就是将这些见解传达给其他人。 管理团队使用图表,图形和其他可用的有影响力的表示工具来吸引用户并快速传达信息。

Data sources


Most organizations at present require monitoring of huge volume of data coming at a high velocity and from different sources as named under-


• Social media data
• Consumer complaints data
• Human resource data
• Financial data
• Google analytics data
• Others

• 财务数据
•Google Analytics(分析)数据
• 其他

With the help of data visualization, you can gather all the data coming from such sources at one place where you can apply next operations on it. Once your data is loaded, the tools will help you in-

借助数据可视化,您可以在一个地方收集来自此类来源的所有数据,然后对其进行下一个操作。 加载数据后,这些工具将帮助您-

• Clean the dataset for errors
• Determine relationships in data
• Create new columns
• Transform existing columns
Merge columns or models
• Present the data in an intuitive way with the visuals like graphs or charts
• Create insightful reports
• Share the reports with teams and colleagues


Is there any benefit to businesses?


Data visualization can add life of data piles by providing insightful visuals. You can empower your team by providing them a great way of looking at the data and analyzing it for making the best business strategies.

数据可视化通过提供具有洞察力的视觉效果,可以增加数据堆的寿命。 您可以通过为团队提供一种查看数据并进行分析以制定最佳业务策略的绝妙方法来增强他们的能力。

Big Data is the thing on which every company or business wants to focus. By providing data visualization tools to the teams, you can empower them with new ways to perform operations and allow senior management to drive business performance better.

大数据是每个公司或企业都希望关注的事物。 通过为团队提供数据可视化工具,您可以为他们提供新的方法来执行操作,并允许高级管理层更好地推动业务绩效。

In this way, the staff employees will get the reason for growth and will work on it, or find the root cause of the issue and fix it.


This is why data visualization is considered as important for businesses to make sound decisions for better outcomes.


In this post, experts of big data analytics solutions team have explained why data visualization is an important tool for businesses . If there is anything they skipped, you can tell in comments.

在这篇文章中, 大数据分析解决方案团队的专家解释了为什么数据可视化是企业的重要工具。 如果有任何跳过的内容,您可以发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/make-better-decisions-businesses-data-visualization/


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