


When you get a dedicated virtual server to run your website, chances are good that it’s configured for everybody, and not customized to maximize performance for running a website.







There’s a number of problem areas where we want to maximize performance:


  • Linux configuration


    There are usually services running that don’t need to be, wasting memory that could be used for more connections.


  • MySQL configuration


    Often the default settings are based on a small server, we can add a few key changes to increase performance a great deal.


  • Apache configuration


    By default most hosting providers install apache with nearly every module installed. There’s no reason to load modules if you aren’t ever going to use them.

    默认情况下,大多数托管服务提供商会在安装了几乎所有模块的情况下安装apache。 如果您永远不会使用模块,则没有理由加载它们。

  • PHP configuration


    The default PHP configuration is similarly bloated, there are usually a ton of unnecessary extra modules installed.


  • PHP Opcode Cache


    Instead of allowing PHP to recompile the scripts every single time, an opcode cache will cache the compiled scripts in memory for huge performance boosts.


  • Backups


    Should probably setup some automated backups, since your hosting provider isn’t going to do it for you.


  • Security


    Sure, Linux is secure enough by default, but there’s usually some glaring security issues that you can fix with a few quick settings.


Linux配置 (Linux Configuration)

There’s quite a number of tweaks you can do, which will vary slightly based on the server you are using. These tweaks are for a server running CentOS, but they should work for the majority of DV servers.

您可以做很多调整,具体取决于您使用的服务器。 这些调整适用于运行CentOS的服务器,但它们应适用于大多数DV服务器。

禁用DNS (Disable DNS)

If your hosting provider handles the DNS for your domain (likely), then you can disable the DNS service from running.


disable dns
/etc/init.d/named stop
chmod 644 /etc/init.d/named

The chmod command removes execute permission from the script, stopping it from running on startup.


禁用SpamAssassain (Disable SpamAssassain)

If you aren’t using email accounts on your server itself, you shouldn’t bother running anti-spam tools. (Also you should check out Google Apps, much better email solution)

如果您未在服务器上使用电子邮件帐户,则不必费心运行反垃圾邮件工具。 (此外,您应该查看Google Apps,这是更好的电子邮件解决方案)

/etc/init.d/psa-spamassassin stop
chmod 644 /etc/init.d/psa-spamassassin

禁用xinetd (Disable xinetd)

The xinetd process houses a number of other processes, none of which are useful for a typical web server.


/etc/init.d/xinetd stop
chmod 644 /etc/init.d/xinetd

限制Plesk内存使用 (Limit Plesk Memory Usage)

If you use the plesk panel, you can force it to use less memory by adding an options file.


vi /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/httpsd.custom.include

Add the following lines to the file:


MinSpareServers 1 
MaxSpareServers 1 
StartServers 1 
MaxClients 5

Note that this option is known to work on MediaTemple DV servers, but has not been checked on any others. (See References)

请注意,此选项在MediaTemple DV服务器上有效,但在其他任何服务器上均未选中。 (请参阅参考资料)

禁用或关闭Plesk(可选) (Disable or Turn Off Plesk (optional))

If you only use Plesk once a year, there’s very little reason to leave it running at all. Note that this step is completely optional, and slightly more advanced.

如果您每年仅使用一次Plesk,则几乎没有理由让它继续运行。 请注意,此步骤是完全可选的,并且稍微先进一些。

Run the following command to turn off plesk:


/etc/init.d/psa stop

You can disable it from running at startup by running the following command:


chmod 644 /etc/init.d/psa

Note that if you disable it, then you can’t start it manually without changing the file permissions back (chmod u+x).

请注意,如果禁用它,则无法手动启动它,而无需将文件权限改回(chmod u + x)。

MySQL配置 (MySQL Configuration)

启用查询缓存(Enable Query Cache)

Open your /etc/my.cnf file and add the following lines in your [mysqld] section like this:


query-cache-type = 1
query-cache-size = 8M

You can add more memory to the query cache if you’d like, but don’t use too much.


禁用TCP / IP (Disable TCP/IP)

A surprising number of hosts enable access to MySQL on TCP/IP by default, which makes no sense for a website. You can figure out if mysql is listening on TCP/IP by running the following command:

数量惊人的主机默认情况下启用TCP / IP上MySQL访问,这对网站没有意义。 您可以通过运行以下命令来确定mysql是否正在侦听TCP / IP:

netstat -an | grep 3306

To disable, add the following line to your /etc/my.cnf file:



Apache配置 (Apache Configuration)

Open your httpd.conf file, often found in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


Find the line that looks like this:


Timeout 120

And change it to this:


Timeout 20

Now find the section that includes these lines, and adjust to something similar:


StartServers       2
MinSpareServers    2
MaxSpareServers    5
ServerLimit        100
MaxClients         100
MaxRequestsPerChild  4000

PHP配置 (PHP Configuration)

One of the things to keep in mind when tweaking a server on the PHP platform is that every single apache thread is going to load up PHP in a separate location in memory. This means if an unused module adds 256k of memory to PHP, across 40 apache threads you are wasting 10MB of memory.

在PHP平台上调整服务器时,要记住的一件事是,每个Apache线程都将在内存中的单独位置加载PHP。 这意味着,如果未使用的模块向PHP添加256k内存,那么在40个apache线程中,您将浪费10MB内存。

删除不需要PHP模块 (Remove Unneeded PHP Modules)

You’ll need to locate your php.ini file, which usually is found at /etc/php.ini (Note that on some distributions, there will be an /etc/php.d/ directory with a number of .ini files, one for each module.


Comment out any loadmodule lines with these modules:


  • odbc

  • snmp

  • pdo

  • odbc pdo

    odbc pdo
  • mysqli

  • ioncube-loader

  • json

  • imap

  • ldap

  • ncurses


Todo: Add more information here.


PHP操作码缓存 (PHP Opcode Cache)

There are a number of opcode caches that you can use, including APC, eAccelerator, and Xcache, the last one being my personal preference due to stability.


Download xcache and extract it into a directory, and then run the following commands from the xcache source directory:


./configure --enable-xcache 
make install

Open your php.ini file and add a new section for xcache. You’ll need to adjust the paths if your php modules are loaded from somewhere else.

打开您的php.ini文件,并为xcache添加一个新部分。 如果您的php模块是从其他地方加载的,则需要调整路径。

vi /etc/php.ini

Add the following section to the file:


zend_extension  = /usr/lib/php/modules/xcache.so
xcache.admin.user       = "myusername"
xcache.admin.pass       = "putanmd5hashhere"
; Change xcache.size to tune the size of the opcode cache
xcache.size         = 16M
xcache.shm_scheme   = "mmap"
xcache.count        = 1
xcache.slots        = 8K
xcache.ttl          = 0
xcache.gc_interval  = 0
; Change xcache.var_size to adjust the size of variable cache
xcache.var_size     = 1M
xcache.var_count    = 1
xcache.var_slots    = 8K
xcache.var_ttl      = 0
xcache.var_maxttl   = 0
xcache.var_gc_interval =     300
xcache.test         = Off
xcache.readonly_protection = On
xcache.mmap_path    = "/tmp/xcache"
xcache.coredump_directory =   ""
xcache.cacher       = On
xcache.stat         = On
xcache.optimizer    = Off

Todo: Need to expand this a bit and link to xcache in the references.


后备 (Backups)

There’s very little more important than having automated backups of your website. You may be able to get snapshot backups from your hosting provider, which are also very useful, but I prefer to have automated backups as well.

没有比对网站进行自动备份更重要的了。 您也许可以从托管服务提供商处获取快照备份,这也非常有用,但我也希望拥有自动备份。

创建自动备份脚本 (Create Automated Backup Script)

I usually start by creating a /backups directory, with a /backups/files directory beneath it. You can adjust these paths if you want.

我通常首先创建一个/ backups目录,并在其下面创建一个/ backups / files目录。 您可以根据需要调整这些路径。

mkdir -p /backups/files

Now create a backup.sh script inside the backups directory:


vi /backups/backup.sh

Add the following to the file, adjusting the paths and mysqldump password as necessary:



THEDATE=`date +%d%m%y%H%M`

mysqldump -uadmin -pPASSWORD DATABASENAME > /backups/files/dbbackup$THEDATE.bak

tar -cf /backups/files/sitebackup$THEDATE.tar /var/www/vhosts/my-website-path/httpdocs
gzip /backups/files/sitebackup$THEDATE.tar

find /backups/files/site* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
find /backups/files/db* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;

The script will first create a date variable so all the files will be named the same for a single backup, then dumps the database, tars up the web files and gzips them. The find commands are used to remove any files older than 5 days, since you don’t want your drive to run out of space.

该脚本将首先创建一个date变量,以便对单个备份将所有文件命名为相同的名称,然后转储数据库,将Web文件压缩为文件并对其进行gzip压缩。 find命令用于删除任何超过5天的文件,因为您不希望驱动器空间不足。

Make the script executable by running the following command:


chmod u+x /backups/backup.sh

Next you’ll need to assign it to run automatically by cron. Make sure that you use an account that has access to the backups directory.

接下来,您需要将其分配为由cron自动运行。 确保您使用有权访问备份目录的帐户。

crontab -e

Add the following line to the crontab:


1       1       *       *       *       /backups/backup.sh

You can test the script ahead of time by running it while logged on to the user account. (I usually run the backups as root)

您可以通过在登录用户帐户时运行脚本来提前测试脚本。 (我通常以超级用户身份运行备份)

使用Rsync异地同步备份 (Sync Backups Off-Site With Rsync)

Now that you have automated backups of your server running, you can sync them somewhere else by using the rsync utility. You’ll want to read this article on how to setup ssh keys for automatic login:Add Public SSH Key to Remote Server in a Single Command

现在,您已经运行了服务器的自动备份,您可以使用rsync实用程序将其同步到其他位置。 您将需要阅读有关如何设置ssh密钥以自动登录的文章:在单个命令中将SSH公钥添加到远程服务器

You can test this out by running this command on a linux or Mac machine at another location (I have a linux server at home, which is where I run this)


rsync -a user@website.com:/backups/files/* /offsitebackups/

This will take quite a while to run the first time, but at the end your local computer should have a copy of the files directory in the /offsitebackups/ directory. (Make sure to create that directory before running the script)

第一次运行将花费一些时间,但是最后,您的本地计算机应该在/ offsitebackups /目录中具有files目录的副本。 (确保在运行脚本之前创建该目录)

You can schedule this by adding it to a crontab line:


crontab -e

Add the following line, which will run rsync every hour at the 45 minute mark. You’ll notice that we use the full path to rsync here.

添加以下行,它将每隔45分钟运行一次rsync。 您会注意到,我们在此处使用完整路径进行rsync。

45 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -a user@website.com:/backups/files/* /offsitebackups/

You could schedule it to run at a different time, or only once per day. That’s really up to you.

您可以安排它在其他时间运行,或者每天运行一次。 这真的取决于你。

Note that there are a lot of utilities that will allow you to sync via ssh or ftp. You don’t have to use rsync.

请注意,有许多实用程序可让您通过ssh或ftp进行同步。 您不必使用rsync。

安全 (Security)

The first thing you want to do is make sure that you have a regular user account to use through ssh, and make sure that you can use su to switch to root. It’s a very bad idea to allow direct login for root over ssh.

您要做的第一件事是确保您具有通过ssh使用的常规用户帐户,并确保可以使用su切换到root用户。 允许通过ssh直接登录root是一个非常糟糕的主意。

通过SSH禁用根登录 (Disable Root Login Over SSH)

Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, and look for the following line:

编辑/ etc / ssh / sshd_config文件,然后查找以下行:

#PermitRootLogin yes

Change that line to look like this:


PermitRootLogin no

Make certain that you have a regular user account and can su to root before you make this change, otherwise you might lock yourself out.


禁用SSH版本1 (Disable SSH Version 1)

There’s really no reason to use anything other than SSH version 2, as it’s more secure than previous versions. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, and look for the following section:

除了SSH版本2之外,实际上没有任何理由使用它,因为它比以前的版本更安全。 编辑/ etc / ssh / sshd_config文件,然后查找以下部分:

#Protocol 2,1
Protocol 2

Make sure that you are only using Protocol 2 as shown.


重启SSH服务器 (Restart SSH Server)

Now you’ll need to restart the SSH server to make this take effect.


/etc/init.d/sshd restart

检查开放端口 (Check for Open Ports)

You can use the following command to see which ports the server is listening on:


netstat -an | grep LISTEN

You really shouldn’t have anything listening other than ports 22, 80, and possibly 8443 for plesk.


设置防火墙 (Setup a Firewall)

Main Article: Using Iptables on Linux‎


You can optionally setup an iptables firewall to block more connections. For instance, I usually block access to any other ports other than from my work network. If you have a dynamic IP address you’ll want to avoid that option.

您可以选择设置iptables防火墙来阻止更多连接。 例如,我通常禁止访问除我的工作网络以外的任何其他端口。 如果您有动态IP地址,则应避免使用该选项。

If you have already followed all of the steps in this guide so far, it’s probably not necessary to also add a firewall to the mix, but it’s good to understand your options.


也可以看看 (See Also)

参考文献 (References)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/168166/tweaking-a-dedicated-virtual-web-server/






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