
Bringing up  Task Manager is not much of a task itself, but it’s always fun knowing different ways of doing things. And some of them might even come in handy if you can’t open Task Manager the way you’re used to.

提出任务管理器本身并不是任务本身,但了解不同的工作方式总是很有趣。 如果您无法像以往那样打开“任务管理器”,其中一些甚至会派上用场。

按Ctrl + Alt + Delete (Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete)

You’re probably familiar with the three-finger salute—Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Up until Windows Vista was released, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete brought you directly to Task Manager. Since Windows Vista, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete now brings you to the Windows Security screen, which provides options for locking your PC, switching users, signing out, and running Task Manager.

您可能熟悉三指致敬-Ctrl + Alt + Delete。 在Windows Vista发布之前,按Ctrl + Alt + Delete可以直接将您带到任务管理器。 从Windows Vista开始,现在按Ctrl + Alt + Delete即可进入Windows安全屏幕,该屏幕提供了用于锁定PC,切换用户,注销和运行任务管理器的选项。

按Ctrl + Shift + Esc (Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc)


The quickest way to bring up Task Manager—assuming your keyboard’s working—is to just press Ctrl+Shift+Esc. As a bonus, Ctrl+Shift+Esc offers a quick way to bring up Task Manager while using Remote Desktop or working inside a virtual machine (since Ctrl+Alt+Delete would signal your local machine instead).

假设键盘工作正常,启动任务管理器的最快方法是仅按Ctrl + Shift + Esc。 另外,Ctrl + Shift + Esc提供了一种在使用远程桌面或在虚拟机中工作时启动任务管理器的快速方法(因为Ctrl + Alt + Delete会向您的本地计算机发出信号)。

按Windows + X访问高级用户菜单 (Press Windows+X to Access the Power User Menu)

Windows 8 and Windows 10 both feature a Power User menu that you can access by pressing Windows+X. The menu features quick access to all kinds of utilities, including Task Manager.

Windows 8和Windows 10均具有Power User菜单,您可以通过按Windows + X来访问。 该菜单可让您快速访问各种实用程序,包括任务管理器。

右键单击任务栏 (Right-Click the Taskbar)

If you prefer mouse to keyboard, one of the fastest ways to bring up Task Manager is to right-click any open space on your taskbar and choose “Task Manager.” Just two clicks and you’re there.

如果您喜欢鼠标键盘,那么启动任务管理器的最快方法之一就是右键单击任务栏上的任何空白区域,然后选择“任务管理器”。 只需单击两次,您就可以到达那里。

从“运行”框或“开始”菜单中运行“ taskmgr” (Run “taskmgr” from the Run Box or Start Menu)

The name of the executable file for Task Manager is “taskmgr.exe.” You can launch Task Manager by hitting Start, typing “taskmgr” in the Start menu search box, and hitting Enter.

任务管理器的可执行文件的名称为“ taskmgr.exe”。 您可以通过单击开始,在“开始”菜单搜索框中键入“ taskmgr”,然后单击Enter来启动任务管理器。

You can also run it by hitting Windows+R to open the Run box, typing “taskmgr,” and then hitting Enter.

您也可以通过以下方式运行它:点击Windows + R打开“运行”框,键入“ taskmgr”,然后点击Enter。

在文件资源管理器中浏览到taskmgr.exe (Browse to taskmgr.exe in File Explorer)

You can also launch Task Manager by opening its executable directly. This is definitely the longest way of opening Task Manager, but we’re including it for the sake of completeness. Open up File Explorer and navigate to the following location:

您也可以通过直接打开其可执行文件来启动任务管理器。 这绝对是打开任务管理器的最长方法,但是为了完整起见我们将其包括在内。 打开文件资源管理器,然后导航到以下位置:


Scroll down and look (or search) for taskmgr.exe, and then double click it.


创建任务管理器的快捷方式 (Create a Shortcut to Task Manager)

And last on our list is creating a nice, accessible shortcut to Task Manager. You can do this in a couple of ways. To pin a shortcut to your taskbar, go ahead and run Task Manager using any of the methods we’ve covered. While it’s running, right-click the Task Manager icon on the taskbar and choose “Pin to Taskbar.” After that, you’ll be able to click the shortcut to run Task Manager anytime.

最后,我们创建了一个不错的,易于访问的任务管理器快捷方式。 您可以通过以下两种方式进行操作。 要将快捷方式固定到任务栏,请继续使用我们介绍的任何方法运行“任务管理器”。 在运行时,右键单击任务栏上的任务管理器图标,然后选择“固定到任务栏”。 之后,您可以随时单击快捷方式以运行任务管理器。

If you want to create a shortcut on your desktop (or in a folder), right-click any empty space where you want to create the shortcut, and then choose New > Shortcut.


In the Create Shortcut window, enter the following location into the box and then press “Next.”



Type a name for the new shortcut, and then click “Finish.”


That’s the end of our list! Some methods are obviously more efficient than others, but if you’re in a tough situation—keyboard or mouse not working, battling pesky malware virus, or whatever—any method that works is a good one. You can also check out our guide on how to start Task Manager in minimized mode during startup, so it will always be open when you turn your computer on.

那是我们名单的结尾! 有些方法显然比其他方法更有效,但是如果您处在艰难的境地(键盘或鼠标无法正常工作,与讨厌的恶意软件病毒作斗争或其他原因),那么任何可行的方法都是一个好方法。 您还可以查看有关如何在启动过程中以最小模式启动任务管理器的指南,因此在您打开计算机电源时,它始终处于打开状态。

Image by moonstar909


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/66622/stupid-geek-tricks-6-ways-to-open-windows-task-manager/





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