icloud日历服务器_如何在Windows 10上设置iCloud电子邮件和日历访问



Set Up iCloud Email on Windows 10
Kevin Parrish

If you own an iPhone and use Apple’s email service, you can easily access those emails on a Windows PC. This guide shows you how to set up iCloud email and calendar access in Windows 10.

如果您拥有iPhone并使用Apple的电子邮件服务,则可以在Windows PC上轻松访问这些电子邮件。 本指南介绍了如何在Windows 10中设置iCloud电子邮件和日历访问。

Apple provides iCloud software developed specifically for Windows. Once installed, you can access files stored on your iCloud Drive, synchronize your Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer bookmarks with Safari, synchronize iCloud Mail, and more.

苹果提供专门为Windows开发的iCloud软件。 安装完成后,您可以访问存储在iCloud驱动器上的文件,将Chrome / Firefox / Internet Explorer书签与Safari同步,同步iCloud Mail,等等。

But you don’t need Apple’s software to access iCloud-based emails and calendar events on Windows 10. Tools to access both are built into the operating system. All you need to do is add an iCloud account in the Mail app, and you’re good to go.

但是您不需要Apple的软件即可在Windows 10上访问基于iCloud的电子邮件和日历事件。访问这两者的工具都内置在操作系统中。 您需要做的就是在Mail应用程序中添加一个iCloud帐户,一切顺利。

Keep in mind that you’ll need to take an additional step if your iCloud account uses two-factor authentication. This essentially prevents hackers from accessing your account if they obtain your password. But it also requires you to create app-specific passwords. Without these passwords, you can’t access your iCloud email account using base Apple ID credentials.

请记住,如果您的iCloud帐户使用两因素身份验证,则需要采取其他步骤。 这实质上可以防止黑客在获得您的密码后访问您的帐户。 但这也需要您创建应用专用密码。 没有这些密码,您将无法使用基本的Apple ID凭据访问iCloud电子邮件帐户。

If you don’t have two-factor authentication enabled, skip to the next section.


创建一个特定于应用程序的密码(仅两层) (Create an App-Specific Password (Two-Factor only))

Open a browser on your Windows PC and sign in to your Apple ID account page. Once the page loads, scroll down to the “Security” section and click the “Generate Password” link located under “App-Specific Passwords.”

在Windows PC上打开浏览器,然后登录到Apple ID帐户页面。 页面加载完成后,向下滚动到“安全”部分,然后单击“应用专用密码”下的“生成密码”链接。

Enter a password label in the pop-up windows and then click the blue “Create” button.


Create App-Specific Password

Take a screenshot of this password or write it down. You cannot retrieve this password at a later date.

拍摄此密码的屏幕快照或将其写下来。 您以后无法再获取此密码。

If you need to delete the password later, return to the “Security” section and click the “Edit” button. You’ll see a “View History” link to the right of “App-Specific Passwords.” Click on the “X” listed to the right of the password you want to delete, followed by the “Done” button.

如果以后需要删除密码,请返回“安全性”部分,然后单击“编辑”按钮。 您会在“应用专用密码”右侧看到“查看历史记录”链接。 单击要删除的密码右侧列出的“ X”,然后单击“完成”按钮。

将您的iCloud帐户添加到邮件 (Add Your iCloud Account to Mail)

Once you add an iCloud account to the Mail app, everything stored in the account’s email, calendar, and contacts synchronizes to Windows 10 by default. You do not need to enter multiple iCloud credentials.

将iCloud帐户添加到Mail应用程序后,默认情况下,该帐户的电子邮件,日历和联系人中存储的所有内容都会同步到Windows 10。 您无需输入多个iCloud凭据。

First, open the “Mail” app and then click on the “Accounts” heading listed on the pane to the left. This opens the “Manage Accounts” panel on the right.

首先,打开“邮件”应用程序,然后单击左侧窗格中列出的“帐户”标题。 这将打开右侧的“管理帐户”面板。

You can also click the “gear” icon located at the bottom of the Accounts pane on the left. This opens the Mail app’s settings.

您也可以单击左侧“帐户”窗格底部的“齿轮”图标。 这将打开“邮件”应用程序的设置。

Open Settings in Windows Mail App

Once the “Settings” rollout menu appears on the right, select the “Manage Accounts” option at the top of the list.


Mail App Manage Accounts

Click the “+ Add Account” option on the following menu.

点击以下菜单上的“ +添加帐户”选项。

Windows Mail App Add Account

A popup window appears. Select the “iCloud” entry on the list.

出现一个弹出窗口。 选择列表中的“ iCloud”条目。

Windows Mail App iCloud Account

On the following screen, enter the email address and password used to access your iCloud account. If your account uses two-step authentication, enter the app-specific password you created in the previous section.

在以下屏幕上,输入用于访问iCloud帐户的电子邮件地址和密码。 如果您的帐户使用两步验证,请输入您在上一节中创建的应用专用密码。

Click the “Sign In” button, followed by the “Done” button on the next screen to complete.


iCloud Account Signin Windows Mail

If you need to delete the account or change the synchronization settings at a later date, head back to the “Manage Accounts” panel and click on the iCloud account.


On the following “Account Settings” pop-up window, click the “Remove This Account from Your Device” link to delete your iCloud account from Windows 10.

在以下“帐户设置”弹出窗口中,单击“从设备中删除此帐户”链接以从Windows 10中删除您的iCloud帐户。

Windows Mail iCloud Account Settings

To change the synchronization settings, click the “Options for Syncing Your Content” link. On the following screen, you can change how and when the Mail app synchronizes with this account. You can also toggle on and off synchronization for iCloud-based email, calendar, and contacts.

要更改同步设置,请单击“同步内容的选项”链接。 在以下屏幕上,您可以更改Mail应用程序与此帐户同步的方式和时间。 您还可以为基于iCloud的电子邮件,日历和联系人打开和关闭同步。

Mail App iCloud Sync Options

Customizable options for this account include:


  • When to download new mail

  • When to sync contacts and calendars

  • Download emails from the last # days/weeks/months

  • Send your email using this name


Click “Done,” followed by the “Save” button when finished.


If you want to set up iCloud email and calendar access on Android, read our detailed guide!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450624/how-to-set-up-icloud-email-and-calendar-access-on-windows-10/






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