



This week we take a look at tweaking the Window’s start menu search for fast and focused searching, locking down a hyperactive Android screen, and fueling your torrenting habit through Dropbox.


Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag to help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you in the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每周一次,我们浸入我们的读者邮袋,以帮助读者解决他们的问题,并在此过程中与您分享有用的解决方案。 请继续阅读以了解本周读者困境的修复方法。

聚焦Windows“开始”菜单搜索 (Focus the Windows Start Menu Search)

2011-02-07_150726 copy

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I want to love the Windows start menu search because it seems like such a useful thing but it’s so slow and it returns so many results I don’t care about. I want to use it like a super-speedy application launcher, not a slow and stuttering file search tool. What can I do or am I stuck using a third-party application launcher?

我想喜欢Windows的“开始”菜单搜索,因为它看起来像是很有用的事情,但是它是如此之慢,并且返回了很多我不在乎的结果。 我想像超级快速的应用程序启动器一样使用它,而不是缓慢而停顿的文件搜索工具。 使用第三方应用程序启动器该怎么办?



Stuttering Start Menu


Dear Stuttering,


You’re not the first person to complain that the start menu search is attempting two things but not shining at either one of them. We’d suggest trimming back the scope of the start menu functionality and supplementing it with a much speedier file search tool. First, read our guide to tweaking the Windows 7 start menu here; pay special attention to the section on making the start menu search only your applications. Second, grab a copy of the so-fast-it-hurts file indexing tool Everything. Between tweaking the start menu and using Everything to search for files things will be so fast you won’t know what to do with yourself.

您不是第一个抱怨“开始菜单搜索”正在尝试两种方法,但没有对其中任何一种发亮的人。 我们建议缩小开始菜单功能的范围,并以更快的文件搜索工具进行补充。 首先,在此处阅读有关调整Windows 7开始菜单的指南; 请特别注意使“开始”菜单仅搜索您的应用程序的部分。 其次,获取如此快速的文件索引工具Everything的副本。 在调整“开始”菜单和使用“全部”搜索文件之间,操作如此之快,以至于您不知道该如何处理。

锁定跳动的Android屏幕 (Lock Down Your Jumpy Android Screen)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

This feels like a RTFM question but my Android phone’s manual makes absolutely no mention of it. The auto-rotate feature on my phone is totally out of control. Even the slightest tilt causes the phone to rotate and it makes it totally impractical to read your email laying in bed or other things where you’re not holding the phone in a traditional way. How the hell do I calm this thing down so I can use the phone the way I want?

这听起来像是一个RTFM问题,但是我的Android手机手册上完全没有提及它。 手机上的自动旋转功能完全无法控制。 即使是最小的倾斜也会导致手机旋转,这使得在床上或其他非传统方式握住手机的电子邮件中阅读电子邮件完全不切实际。 我该如何使这件事平静下来,以便我可以按自己的方式使用电话?



Jittery Android


Dear Jittery,


Man do we feel your pain, we’ve got an HTC phone floating around the office that has the most sensitive auto-rotate ever. If you so much as turn the phone at an angle to hold it to your ear the screen flips sideways. There are two solutions to your problem, both of them detailed in this guide. If there are situations where you want to use the auto-rotate feature (such as when you mount the phone on your dashboard as a GPS device), you might want to install AutoRotate Switch to easily toggle the rotation on and off. If you’re completely sick of it and just want the phone to stay in portrait mode all the time, navigate to Settings –> Display –> Uncheck “Auto-rotate screen” to completely display auto-rotation.

伙计,我们确实会感到您的痛苦,我们的HTC电话在办公室周围漂浮着,具有迄今为止最灵敏的自动旋转功能。 如果您以一定角度旋转手机以将其握在耳朵上,则屏幕会向侧面翻转。 对于您的问题,有两种解决方案,本指南中都对它们进行了详细介绍。 如果在某些情况下要使用自动旋转功能(例如,将手机作为GPS设备安装在仪表板上),则可能需要安装“自动旋转开关”以轻松打开和关闭旋转。 如果您完全厌倦了它,只是想让手机一直处于纵向模式,请导航至设置->显示->取消选中“自动旋转屏幕”以完全显示自动旋转。

通过Dropbox加载Torrent (Load Torrents via Dropbox)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My job involves a lot of down time and I’d love to be able to add torrents to my home machine while I’m sitting at my desk at work or out in the field waiting on clients to show up. Is there a quick and dirty way to do this? I don’t really need to control my torrents remotely I just need to be able to load them. Thanks!

我的工作涉及大量的停机时间,我很希望能够在工作中坐在办公桌旁或在外地等待客户露面时将洪流添加到我的家用计算机中。 有没有一种快速而肮脏的方法来做到这一点? 我真的不需要远程控制我的种子,我只需要能够加载它们即可。 谢谢!

Torrent Crazy in Tulsa


Dear Torrent Crazy,

亲爱的Torrent Crazy,

If all you want to do is load up torrents to download while you’re away, it’s easy peasy. You’ll need a torrent client that will monitor a folder for torrent files (such as uTorrent or Transmission) and a free Dropbox account. Essentially you’re going to make a Dropbox folder called Torrents and set your client to monitor that folder. Any torrents you dump into that folder will start downloading. You’ll be able to add them through Dropbox’s web interface, from another computer with Dropbox installed on it, and even from a mobile device like an Android phone with the Dropbox application installed. Hit up our step-by-step guide here to get started.

如果您要做的只是在外出时加载种子下载,这很容易做到。 您需要一个洪流客户端,该洪流客户端将监视文件夹中的洪流文件(例如uTorrent或Transmission)和一个免费的Dropbox帐户。 本质上,您将创建一个名为Torrents的Dropbox文件夹,并将客户端设置为监视该文件夹。 您转储到该文件夹​​的所有种子文件都将开始下载。 您将可以通过Dropbox的Web界面,从安装了Dropbox的另一台计算机,甚至从安装了Dropbox应用程序的移动设备(如Android手机)中添加它们。 在此处找到我们的分步指南以开始使用。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at
您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ask@howtogeek.com and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. ask@howtogeek.com ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42941/ask-how-to-geek-speeding-up-the-start-menu-search-halting-auto-rotating-android-screens-and-dropbox-powered-torrenting/


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