linux mint换桌面_在Ubuntu上安装Linux Mint的新Cinnamon桌面

linux mint换桌面

linux mint换桌面

Tired of Ubuntu’s Unity desktop environment? Try Cinnamon, the latest desktop environment from Linux Mint. Cinnamon offers a more traditional, GNOME 2-like layout, but it’s based on the modern GNOME Shell — and you can install it on Ubuntu.

厌倦了Ubuntu的Unity桌面环境? 尝试Cinnamon,这是Linux Mint的最新桌面环境。 Cinnamon提供了更传统的,类似于GNOME 2的布局,但它基于现代的GNOME Shell –您可以将其安装在Ubuntu上。

One day, Cinnamon will be Linux Mint’s default desktop environment. It’s forked from GNOME Shell instead of being based on GNOME 2, so it can take advantage of modern technologies and shed GNOME 2’s outdated software.

有一天,Cinnamon将成为Linux Mint的默认桌面环境。 它是从GNOME Shell派生出来的,而不是基于GNOME 2,因此它可以利用现代技术并摆脱GNOME 2的过时软件。

肉桂vs.MGSE vs.MATE (Cinnamon vs. MGSE vs. MATE)

Linux Mint has quite a few different desktop environments. Mint GNOME Shell Extensions (MGSE) offers several extensions that modify the way GNOME Shell works — Cinnamon builds on MGSE and replaces it. Linux Mint also includes the MATE desktop, which is a fork of the outdated GNOME 2 desktop environment. Cinnamon is more forward-looking than MATE, but doesn’t abandon GNOME’s traditional interface like GNOME Shell does.

Linux Mint有很多不同的桌面环境。 薄荷GNOME Shell扩展(MGSE)提供了几个扩展,这些扩展修改了GNOME Shell的工作方式— Cinnamon在MGSE上构建并替换了它。 Linux Mint还包括MATE桌面,它是过时的GNOME 2桌面环境的分支。 Cinnamon比MATE更具前瞻性,但没有像GNOME Shell那样放弃GNOME的传统界面。

安装肉桂 (Installing Cinnamon)

You don’t have to use Mint to get the Cinnamon desktop. It’s available in a personal package archive (PPA) for Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04.

您不必使用Mint即可获得Cinnamon桌面。 可在Ubuntu 11.10和12.04的个人软件包存档(PPA)中找到它。

First, you’ll need to bring up a terminal and run the following command, which adds the personal package archive to your Ubuntu system as a software source:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:merlwiz79/cinnamon-ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:merlwiz79 / cinnamon-ppa

Press Enter when it prompts you


Second, download a list of available packages by running this command:


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get更新

Now you’re ready to install Cinnamon’s packages with this command:


sudo apt-get install cinnamon cinnamon-session cinnamon-settings

sudo apt-get install肉桂肉桂会议会话肉桂设置

Type Y and press Enter when prompted.


Use another Linux distribution? You can find instructions for your distribution, or just a link to download the source code, on Cinnamon’s official download page.

使用其他Linux发行版? 您可以在Cinnamon的官方下载页面上找到有关分发的说明,或者只是下载源代码的链接。

开始肉桂 (Starting Cinnamon)

Cinnamon doesn’t replace your existing Ubuntu desktop environment. It just adds a new option to your login screen. You’ll need to log out before starting Cinnamon.

Cinnamon不会取代您现有的Ubuntu桌面环境。 它只是向您的登录屏幕添加了一个新选项。 您需要先注销才能启动Cinnamon。

After logging out, select Cinnamon from the login screen and log back in.


使用肉桂 (Using Cinnamon)

Cinnamon comes with a single panel on the bottom of the screen, just like Linux Mint’s GNOME 2 desktop environment did. At the left side, you’ll find a menu that’s more similar to Linux Mint’s traditional applications menu than it is to GNOME Shell’s full-screen applications menu. Unlike GNOME Shell, the panel also contains a traditional window list.

Cinnamon在屏幕底部带有一个面板,就像Linux Mint的GNOME 2桌面环境一样。 在左侧,您会找到一个菜单,该菜单与Linux Mint的传统应用程序菜单更为相似,而与GNOME Shell的全屏应用程序菜单更为相似。 与GNOME Shell不同,该面板还包含传统的窗口列表。

At the right side, you’ll find music and network icons, a clock and workspace switcher. The music applet is particularly polished — it lets you control music players from your panel.

在右侧,您将找到音乐和网络图标,时钟和工作区切换器。 音乐小程序经过特别抛光,可让您从面板上控制音乐播放器。

You can launch the Cinnamon Settings application from the menu, but it has few options at the moment. Linux Mint want Cinnamon to be much more configurable — another difference from GNOME 3 — but most options aren’t available yet.

您可以从菜单中启动Cinnamon Settings应用程序,但目前没有太多选择。 Linux Mint希望Cinnamon更具可配置性-与GNOME 3的另一个不同-但大多数选项尚不可用。

禁用全局菜单 (Disabling the Global Menu)

You might notice Ubuntu’s global menu bar still appears at the top of the screen. If you want to get rid of it, just run the following command, then log out and back in:

您可能会注意到,Ubuntu的全局菜单栏仍显示在屏幕顶部。 如果要摆脱它,只需运行以下命令,然后注销并重新登录:

sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

sudo apt-get删除appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

Want it back? Just replace “remove” with “install” to reinstall the packages:


sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

Cinnamon is still new, so don’t be surprised if some features are rough around the edges. Still, it’s an impressively modern take on a traditional Linux desktop layout. Cinnamon and Linux Mint are projects to keep an eye on.

肉桂仍然很新,因此如果边缘有些功能粗糙,请不要感到惊讶。 不过,这是对传统Linux桌面布局的令人印象深刻的现代化。 Cinnamon和Linux Mint是值得关注的项目。


linux mint换桌面





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