


Modern digital cameras all write the photos and videos you take to removable storage cards, but which ones do you need? Let’s look at which SD cards—and CompactFlash, CFast, or XQD cards—are right for you.

现代数码相机都将您拍摄的照片和视频都写入可移动存储卡,但是您需要哪些? 让我们看看哪种SD卡以及CompactFlash,CFast或XQD卡最适合您。

您应该购买哪种格式? (Which Format Should You Buy?)

The most important thing is to make sure you buy the right format card for your camera. There are four main form factors of card your camera could need:

最重要的是要确保为相机购买正确的格式卡。 您的相机可能需要四种主要的卡片形状:

  • SD, SDHC cards, and SDXC cards

  • CompactFlash cards

  • CFast cards

  • XQD cards


SD, SDHC, and SDXC cards (generally all just grouped as SD cards) are by far the most common; the vast majority of consumer digital cameras use them. SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) and SDXC (Secure Digital Xtra Capacity) are just newer versions of the SD (Secure Digital) standard that support larger storage capacities and faster processing speeds. If you’re using a new-ish digital camera, the chances are it takes SD format cards, and it should support all three versions. If your camera is a bit older, check the manual. It may only support SD and SDHC—or if it’s ancient, just SD cards.

到目前为止,SD,SDHC和SDXC卡(通常都被归类为SD卡)是最常见的。 绝大多数消费者数码相机都在使用它们。 SDHC(安全数字高容量)和SDXC(安全数字Xtra容量)只是SD(安全数字)标准的更新版本,支持更大的存储容量和更快的处理速度。 如果您使用的是新式数码相机,则可能需要SD格式的卡,并且它应该支持所有三个版本。 如果您的相机较旧,请查阅手册。 它可能仅支持SD和SDHC,或者如果它是古老的,则仅支持SD卡。

Different professional cameras might use CompactFlash, CFast, and XQD cards. CFast and XQD are competing successors to CompactFlash although they’re not backward compatible. It’s pretty unlikely your camera needs one of these formats but if you’re in doubt, check the manual or look at the card slots; they’re almost always labeled in some way. If your camera does take one of these formats, it may also have a second SD card slot.

不同的专业相机可能会使用CompactFlash,CFast和XQD卡。 CFast和XQD虽然不是向后兼容的,但它们是CompactFlash的竞争产品。 您的相机不太可能需要以下格式之一,但是如果您有疑问,请查阅手册或查看存储卡插槽。 他们几乎总是以某种方式贴上标签。 如果您的相机确实采用了其中一种格式,则它可能还会有另一个SD卡插槽。

您应该购买什么速度卡? (What Speed Card Should You Buy?)

Not all storage cards are equally fast at reading or writing data. There are slower, cheaper cards for less intensive uses and super high speed, high-end professional options. What speed card you need depends on your camera.

并非所有存储卡在读取或写入数据方面都同样快。 对于较不密集的使用,还有较慢,便宜的卡,以及超高速,高端专业选项。 您需要哪种速度卡取决于您的相机。

The speed of SD cards is measured in classes. Classes 2, 4, and 6 are too slow if you’re shooting RAW (and you should be). We consider 10/Ultra High Speed (UHS) Class 1 to be the sweet spot between speed and price. The faster UHS Class 3 cards are great if you’re shooting lots of really high-resolution images or video, but are probably overkill for general use.

SD卡的速度是按类衡量的。 如果要拍摄RAW,则第2、4和6类的速度太慢(应该是)。 我们认为10 /超高速(UHS)1类是速度和价格之间的最佳平衡点。 如果您要拍摄很多真正的高分辨率图像或视频,则速度更快的UHS 3类卡非常有用,但对于一般用途而言可能会适得其反。

For CompactFlash cards, 120 MB/s is enough for all but the most intensive shooting. 160 MB/s cards are great, but at almost twice the price, not necessary for most people.

对于CompactFlash卡,除了最密集的拍摄之外,其他所有拍摄都可以达到120 MB / s的速度。 160 MB / s的存储卡虽然很棒,但价格却几乎是其两倍,对于大多数人而言并不是必需的。

With CFast and XQD cards, the minimum speeds allowed by the standards are more than sufficient for photography and videography. It’s only serious professionals and researchers who are going to push the cards anywhere near their limits.

对于CFast和XQD卡,标准所允许的最低速度已足以满足摄影和摄像的需求。 只有认真的专业人士和研究人员才可以将卡推到极限附近。

您应该购买什么容量的卡? (What Capacity Card Should You Buy?)

There are two schools of thought when it comes to what size storage cards to buy:


  • The first is to buy a minimal number of big cards. This way, you rarely have to change cards, and you’re less likely to lose them. We’re talking 32 GB plus here, so that’s thousands of photos per card.

    首先是购买最少数量的大卡。 这样,您几乎不必更换卡,并且丢失卡的可能性也较小。 我们在这里说的是32 GB以上,因此每张卡有数千张照片。
  • The second to buy a large number of smaller cards (typically around 8GB). This way, if a card gets corrupted or you lose it some other way, you only lose a small portion of your photos.

    第二种是购买大量较小的卡(通常为8GB左右)。 这样,如果存储卡损坏或以其他方式丢失,则只会丢失一小部分照片。

There are merits to both schools of thought, and you need to decide which is right for you. I prefer to use 32GB cards because I think losing a card while I travel is far more likely than the data getting corrupted. I also back the photos up to my computer and the cloud at every opportunity. On the other hand, if you’re more concerned about data loss, then go with more smaller cards.

两种思想流派各有千秋,您需要确定最适合自己的。 我更喜欢使用32GB的卡,因为我认为旅行时丢失卡的可能性远大于数据损坏的可能性。 我还尽可能地将照片备份到计算机和云中。 另一方面,如果您更担心数据丢失,则可以选择更多的小卡。

For videographers, the point is kind of moot. Video takes up so much space that you should buy as many of the largest cards you can afford as possible.

对于摄像师来说,这是有争议的。 视频占用了太多空间,因此您应该购买尽可能多的最大卡。

几张好牌 (A Few Good Cards)

There are dozens of no-name companies making storage cards, but when it comes to trusting something to store your precious photos, we’d recommend sticking to one of the big reputable manufacturers like SanDisk, Lexar, Transcend, and Kingston. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some of our favorite cards:

有数十家不知名的公司在制作存储卡,但是当您要信任一些东西来存储您的珍贵照片时,我们建议您坚持使用SanDisk,Lexar,Transcend和Kingston等知名大公司之一。 以下是一些我们最喜欢的卡片的详尽列表:

Your photographs are important, so it’s worth spending just a bit more on a quality card.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/362177/what-sd-card-do-i-need-for-my-camera/


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