ps 卸载失败 更多故障_如何给自己更多时间来卸载Windows 10更新

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By default, Windows 10 gives you ten days to roll back major upgrades like the October 2018 Update or April 2018 Update, which are released every six months. But you can extend this ten-day window and give yourself more time.

默认情况下,Windows 10为您提供十天的时间来回滚主要升级,如2018年10月更新2018年4月每六个月发布一次。 但是您可以延长这十天的时间,并给自己更多的时间。

This only works right after you’ve upgraded, when you’re in the ten-day period before Windows removes the files. You can’t increase the amount of time before you upgrade—only after.

这仅在升级后,Windows删除文件之前的十天内有效。 您不能增加升级之前的时间,而只能在之后。

运作方式 (How This Works)

The upgrade process, which happens once every six months, is just like upgrading to a new version of Windows. When you upgrade, Windows 10 save your old operating system files in a Windows.old folder. You can roll back to the previous version of Windows 10 if you encounter a problem, and Windows will restore the files from the Windows.old folder.

升级过程每六个月进行一次,就像升级到Windows的新版本一样。 升级时,Windows 10将旧的操作系统文件保存在Windows.old文件夹中。 如果遇到问题,可以回滚到Windows 10的早期版本,Windows将从Windows.old文件夹中还原文件。

However, Windows only gives you ten days to make this decision. After ten days, Windows deletes those old files to free up disk space. This is a change from the initial versions of Windows 10, which gave you 30 days to decide.

但是,Windows仅给您十天的时间来做出此决定。 十天后,Windows将删除这些旧文件以释放磁盘空间。 这与Windows 10的初始版本有所不同,Windows 10的初始版本使您可以决定30天。

You can increase the number of days you have to restore the old version if you like. This gives you a more extended amount of time to make your decision. For example, you could increase the uninstall window from 10 days to 30 days, and you’d be able to roll back if you ran into a problem around day 20.

您可以根据需要增加还原旧版本的天数。 这使您有更多时间来做出决定。 例如,您可以将卸载期限从10天增加到30天,如果在第20天左右遇到问题,则可以回退。

This won’t give you additional time to roll back an upgrade if Windows has already deleted the files. This trick just makes Windows wait longer before deleting the files.

如果Windows已经删除了文件,这将不会给您额外的时间来回滚升级。 此技巧只会使Windows等待更长的时间才能删除文件。

These files will use space on your system drive for longer if you extend the window. However, that’s the only downside. You can still remove these files to free up space any time you like. If you’re not hurting for space, there’s no downside to doing this—you’re just giving yourself more flexibility.

如果扩展窗口,这些文件将占用系统驱动器上的空间更长的时间。 但是,这是唯一的缺点。 您仍然可以随时删除这些文件以释放空间。 如果您不为空间所伤,那么这样做没有任何弊端,您只是在给自己提供更多的灵活性。

如何增加您的卸载窗口 (How to Increase Your Uninstall Window)

First, you must open either a Command Prompt or PowerShell window. Whichever you launch, you must open it with Administrator permissions.

首先,您必须打开命令提示符或PowerShell窗口。 无论您启动哪个程序,都必须在具有管理员权限的情况下打开它。

To quickly open a command line as Administrator, right-click your Start button and select “Windows PowerShell (Admin).”

要以管理员身份快速打开命令行,请右键单击“开始”按钮,然后选择“ Windows PowerShell(Admin)”。

Run the following command to see how many days you have to roll back:


DISM /Online /Get-OSUninstallWindow

You’ll see “10” if you haven’t changed anything yet, which means you have ten days to roll back before Windows deletes the files.

如果您尚未进行任何更改,则会看到“ 10”,这意味着您有十天的时间可以回滚,Windows才删除文件。

Note: If you see “Error 1168” with the message “Element not found” while running any of these commands, this indicates that you don’t have operating system rollback files on your computer. You can only run these commands while the OS uninstall files are on your PC. You’ll have to wait until just after your Windows PC has performed a major upgrade before running these commands.

注意:如果在运行以下任何命令时看到“错误1168”和消息“找不到元素”,则表明您的计算机上没有操作系统回滚文件。 您只能在PC上有OS卸载文件时运行这些命令。 您必须等到Windows PC执行重大升级后,才能运行这些命令。

To increase the number of days, you have to roll back an upgrade, run the following command, replacing # with the number of days you want to use:


DISM /Online /Set-OSUninstallWindow /Value:#

For example, to increase the uninstall window from the default ten days to 30 days (the maximum), run the following command:


DISM /Online /Set-OSUninstallWindow /Value:30

如何回滚更新 (How to Roll Back an Update)

To uninstall a Windows 10 upgrade, just head to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. If any previous operating system version files are available, you’ll see a “Go back to the previous version of Windows 10” option. Click the “Get Started” button to start the rollback.

卸载Windows 10升级,只需转到设置>更新和安全>恢复。 如果有任何以前的操作系统版本文件可用,您将看到“返回到Windows 10的先前版本”选项。 单击“入门”按钮开始回滚。

You can also initiate an uninstall from DISM if you prefer. Just run the following command:

如果愿意,还可以从DISM启动卸载。 只需运行以下命令:

DISM /Online /Initiate-OSUninstall0

如何删除以前的Windows安装文件 (How to Delete the Previous Windows Installation Files)

You can delete these files at any point in time to free up space, even if you just upgraded earlier today. You won’t be able to roll back after deleting the files.

您可以随时删除这些文件以释放空间,即使您今天才进行了升级。 删除文件后将无法回滚。

To remove the old Windows files, head to Settings > System > Storage > Free Up Space Now. Ensure “Previous Windows Installation(s)” is checked and click the “Remove Files” button.

要删除旧的Windows文件,请转到设置>系统>存储>立即释放空间。 确保选中“以前的Windows安装”,然后单击“删除文件”按钮。

This same option is also available in the old Disk Cleanup utility.


You can also remove these files from the command line if you want. To do so, run the following command:

如果需要,还可以从命令行删除这些文件。 为此,请运行以下命令:

DISM /Online /Remove-OSUninstall

较小的Windows更新如何? (What About Smaller Windows Updates?)

The rollback process is different from uninstalling smaller Windows updates. You have as much time to uninstall smaller Windows updates as you like. However, when Windows 10 upgrades to a new major release, you can no longer uninstall those smaller updates—they’re just part of the new base version of Windows 10.

回滚过程与卸载较小的Windows更新不同。 您有足够的时间来卸载较小的Windows更新。 但是,当Windows 10升级到新的主要版本时,您将无法再卸载这些较小的更新,它们只是Windows 10新基本版本的一部分。

If Windows has removed the downgrade files and you want to roll back to the previous Windows 10 system, there’s no way to do so. All you can do is reinstall Windows 10 on your PC using older installation media.

如果Windows已删除降级文件,并且您想回滚到以前的Windows 10系统,则无法这样做。 您所能做的就是使用较旧的安装媒体在您的PC上重新安装Windows 10


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