
在升级Kindle前,确保先注销设备,从你的Amazon账户中删除,以保护个人信息安全。可选地,重置Kindle至出厂设置,使其对新用户一尘不染。清洁Kindle表面,然后通过Craigslist、Amazon、eBay或Swappa等平台出售,或者直接赠送给爱读书的朋友。考虑设置Amazon Household,如果Kindle是给家人用的,以便共享购买的内容,同时能控制孩子阅读的内容。


Kindles have an incredible lifespan. My six year old Paperwhite is still going strong. You’re pretty likely to still have a working Kindle if you upgrade to a newer model, so here’s what you need to do before selling or giving away your old one.

Kindle的使用寿命令人难以置信。 我六岁的Paperwhite仍然很强壮。 如果您升级到较新的型号,您仍然很有可能会使用Kindle,因此,在出售或放弃旧的Kindle之前,您需要执行以下操作。

从您的帐户中注销 (Deregister It From Your Account)

Your Kindle is connected seamlessly to your Amazon account. You almost never need to enter your password or confirm your credit card details to buy a book. This is great when you’re the only person using your Kindle, but if you’re planning to give it to someone else, you don’t want them to have free reign on your bank account.

您的Kindle无缝连接到您的Amazon帐户。 您几乎不需要输入密码或确认信用卡详细信息即可购买书。 当您是唯一使用Kindle的人时,这非常好,但是如果您打算将其赠送给其他人,则不希望他们在您的银行帐户中享有免费支配权。

On the Kindle, go to Menu > Settings.


Next, head to My Account > Deregister Device.


In the confirmation window that pops up, tap “Deregister” again and the Kindle will be disconnected from your Amazon account.


Now it’s ready for someone else to set up.


重置Kindle(可选) (Reset the Kindle (Optional))

This step is technically optional, but it’s a good idea to reset your Kindle to its factory settings before selling it or giving it away. The new owner will be able to start from a totally blank slate.

从技术上讲,此步骤是可选步骤,但在出售或赠送Kindle之前,将其重置为出厂设置是一个好主意。 新所有者将能够从完全空白的状态开始。

Go to Menu > Settings.


On the Settings page, tap the Menu button again, and then select the “Reset” option.


In the confirmation window, tap “Yes” and the Kindle will take a few minutes to restart and reset. Once it’s finished, the Kindle will be like it was on the day you got it.

在确认窗口中,点击“是”,Kindle将需要几分钟来重启和重置。 完成后,Kindle就像您购买当天的样子。

清洁Kindle (Clean the Kindle)

Let’s be honest, people are filthy, filthy creatures. Any personal device you’ve had for more than a few weeks is smothered in bacteria. Something like a Kindle that you’ve had for years and used everywhere in your house is practically a petri dish. Before giving away or selling your Kindle, do the decent thing and give it a good cleaning.

老实说,人是肮脏的东西。 您拥有数周以上的任何个人设备都被细菌窒息。 您已经拥有多年并且在房屋中到处使用的Kindle之类的东西实际上就是皮氏培养皿。 赠送或出售Kindle之前,请先做个体面的工作并将其清洁干净。

Since Kindles are almost all screen, grab some screen cleaning wipes and give your Kindle a good wipe down. Don’t use household cleaning products or rubbing alcohol, as they could damage the device. It’s much the same process as cleaning your phone (which you should also be doing).

由于Kindle几乎是所有屏幕,请抓取一些屏幕清洁湿纸巾,然后将其擦拭干净。 请勿使用家用清洁产品或擦酒精,因为它们可能会损坏设备。 这与清洁手机的过程大致相同(您也应该这样做)。

出售或赠予您的Kindle (Selling or Giving Away Your Kindle)

With your Kindle clean on the inside and out, it’s time to get it in the hands of another loving owner. There are lots of options for where you can sell your Kindle, but one of the old reliables like Craigslist, Amazon, eBay, or Swappa is going to give you the best results.

借助Kindle的内里外清洁功能,现在该将它交给另一个有爱心的主人了。 有很多出售Kindle的选择,但是Craigslist,Amazon,eBay或Swappa等老旧可靠产品之一将为您带来最佳效果。

Unfortunately, since Kindles are pretty cheap to begin with, you probably aren’t going to get a lot of money for an older, used model. A brand new Kindle Paperwhite retails for $119.99 on Amazon. Someone is listing one for $105 on Swappa but the most recent sale was for $85. Used, older, or cheaper Kindles are going to sell for less.

不幸的是,由于Kindle起初非常便宜,所以对于旧的二手型号,您可能不会获得很多钱。 全新的Kindle Paperwhite在亚马逊上的零售价为119.99美元。 某人在Swappa上以$ 105的价格列出了一张,但最近的一笔交易是$ 85。 二手,更旧或更便宜的Kindle的价格会更低。

Personally, I prefer to hand my old Kindles on to someone I know who loves to read, but doesn’t have one yet. Books have always been my favorite gifts and a Kindle is the closest digital equivalent.

就我个人而言,我更喜欢将旧的Kindle交给我认识的,喜欢读书但还没有读书的人。 书籍一直是我最喜欢的礼物,而Kindle是最接近的电子书。

If you’re passing your Kindle on to a family member, you should set up Amazon Household. This way you both keep your own Amazon accounts but you’re able to share any Kindle purchases either of you make. There are also children’s profiles available, so you can control what your kids are able to read; you don’t want them left with unfettered access to Amazon’s copious amount of bad literotica.

如果要将Kindle传递给家庭成员,则应设置Amazon Household 。 这样,您既可以保留自己的Amazon帐户,又可以共享自己进行的任何Kindle购买。 还提供了儿童资料,因此您可以控制孩子的阅读能力; 您不希望他们不受限制地访问亚马逊大量的不良文盲。

Kindles, since they’re so simple, can easily last for years. Most people I know end upgrading their Kindle before it breaks just to get the latest features. This makes them perfect for giving away or selling.

Kindle非常简单,因此可以轻松使用多年。 我认识的大多数人在升级Kindle之前就只是为了获得最新功能而结束了升级。 这使得它们非常适合赠送或出售。

Image Credits: Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash.

图片来源: Masaaki KomoriUnsplash拍摄的照片。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/357888/how-to-sell-or-give-away-your-kindle/






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