aka协议_PlayerUnknown的战场入门指南(aka PUBG)



So you want  to try out the new Battle Royale sensation that’s sweeping the nation, but you don’t know how to get started. That’s understandable: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is a full game based on an old ARMA mod, and it’s still in early access. The game is missing a lot of features, chief among them any kind of tutorial or player guide for people just getting started. but if you’re ready to jump into the deep end of this winner-take-all online multiplayer arena, here are a few tips to get you on your feet…so someone else can blow you off them.

因此,您想尝试席卷全国的新的大逃杀(Battle Royale)刺激,但您不知道如何开始。 这是可以理解的: PlayerUnknown的Battlegrounds是一款基于旧ARMA mod的完整游戏,并且仍处于早期访问中。 游戏缺少许多功能,其中主要包括针对刚入门者的任何教程或玩家指南。 但是,如果您准备好进入这个赢家通吃的在线多人游戏竞技场的最深处,这里有一些提示可帮助您站起来……以便其他人可以使您失望。

基础知识:什么是PUBG? (The Basics: What Is PUBG?)

If you haven’t read up on “PUBG,” as it’s frequently abbreviated, here’s the gist: you and up to 99 other real-time players are all dropped onto a remote island by parachute. The island was formerly inhabited, but now it’s abandoned, with all the towns and buildings left to nature. Randomly distributed across the island are weapons, ammunition, clothing and armor, healing items, and power-ups that you can find inside buildings, as well as a few still-running vehicles.

如果您没有读过“ PUBG”(通常被缩写),那么这里的主旨是:您和多达99个其他实时播放器都将通过降落伞降落到偏僻的岛屿上。 该岛曾有人居住,但现在已被废弃,所有城镇和建筑物都留给大自然。 在岛上随机分布的是建筑物内的武器,弹药,衣服和装甲,治疗用品和道具,以及一些仍在行驶的车辆。

Your objective: be the last man or woman standing. Every player is trying to kill every other player. You can do this in any manner you choose: run and gun your way across the island, wait and hide for an ambush or seek out a sniper nest, lay low while the other players finish each other off, or even find a car and run players over GTA-style. But eventually you’ll have to get up, move, and head to a more densely-populated portion of the playing field.

您的目标:成为最后一个男人或女人。 每个玩家都试图杀死其他所有玩家。 您可以选择以下任何一种方式进行操作:在岛上奔跑,枪杀,等待和躲藏伏击,寻找狙击手巢,在其他玩家互相撞倒时放低脚步,甚至找到汽车奔跑GTA风格的玩家。 但是最终,您必须起身,移动并前往运动场中人口稠密的部分。

PUBG keeps the game moving by contracting the playing field into restricted zones: the white circle is the safe area, while the blue circle contracts and harms players who are caught by it.
PUBG通过将比赛场地收缩到限制区域中 保持游戏的前进:白色圆圈是安全区域,而蓝色圆圈则收缩并伤害被其抓住的玩家。

The game starts out with a gigantic eight kilometer square grid, but slowly condenses the area of play into smaller and smaller circles. Each time the play area is restricted, you’ll have a few minutes to get there by foot or by vehicle, engaging or retreating from any players you see on the way, and checking buildings for more weapons and loot. If you’re outside of the restricted circle when the countdown reaches zero, another blue circle will condense into the play area, slowly killing any players it catches. If your health reaches zero and you’re not in the safe zone, you’re out.

游戏从一个巨大的八公里方格开始,但逐渐将游戏区域缩小为越来越小的圆圈。 每当游戏场地受到限制时,您都需要几分钟的步行或乘车到达那里,与途中看到的任何玩家交战或撤退,并检查建筑物是否有更多武器和战利品。 如果您在倒数计时为零时不在限制圈内,则另一个蓝色圈会凝结到游戏区域中,慢慢杀死它抓到的所有玩家。 如果您的健康状况为零,并且您不在安全区中,那么您就出局了。

Other environmental variables can affect play, like the randomized path the plane takes to para-drop players in, weather and time of day that shift each game, the randomized “Red Zone” where bombs can finish off any player outside of shelter, and the supply drops that the plane periodically puts into the field of play. As the number of players remaining dwindles, the survivors are condensed into smaller and smaller zones, until hiding or sniping is no longer an option and you’ll have to duke it out with whoever’s left.

其他环境变量也会影响比赛,例如飞机随机降落到玩家身上的路径,天气和一天中每个时段的时间变化,随机的“红色区域”,炸弹可以炸毁庇护所以外的任何玩家,以及飞机定期进入比赛场地的补给滴。 随着剩余玩家数量的减少,幸存者被缩小到越来越小的区域,直到不再选择隐藏或狙击,并且您必须与剩下的任何人杜绝。

Even if you’re not the last player standing (“winner winner chicken dinner,” as the game infamously rewards you), that doesn’t mean that your time spent playing is a wash. The in-game currency rewards stack with your survival time, how many players are left when you die, and how many other players you finished off personally. Currency can be traded for loot crates, which give some admittedly paltry cosmetic rewards on the form of clothes and accessories you can wear at the beginning of the match, instead of swapping out in the middle.

即使您不是最后一个站立的人(“臭名昭著的鸡大餐”,因为游戏声名狼藉地奖励您),这也不意味着您花费的时间就是洗钱。 游戏中的货币奖励与您的生存时间,死亡时剩下多少玩家以及您个人完成的其他玩家数量有关。 可以将货币换成战利品箱,这可以在比赛开始时穿上一些衣服和配件,从而获得一些公认的微不足道的化妆品奖励,而不必在中间进行交易。

And that’s about it: parachute in, find a weapon, find a hiding spot or a vehicle or just wander around, move to the shrinking play area as you’re directed, kill any other players you come across, and survive for as long as you can. For something so simple, and with only one winner out of every hundred, it’s amazing that you can find a mostly-full game on any server at any time of the day.

就是这样:降落伞,找到武器,找到躲藏处或车辆或只是四处走动,按照指示移动到缩小的游戏区域,杀死遇到的任何其他玩家并可以生存长达您可以。 对于这么简单的事情,每百个赢家中只有一个赢家,您可以在一天中的任何时间在任何服务器上找到一个完整的游戏,这真是令人惊讶。

开始播放之前检查设置 (Check Your Setup Before You Start Playing)

Before you start your first game, be sure to go into the settings for visuals and controls to customize things to your liking. Here are few things to be aware of.

在开始第一个游戏之前,请确保进入视觉效果和控件设置,以根据自己的喜好自定义事物。 这里有几件事要注意。

PUBG is based on an ARMA mod, so the action tends to be more about technical shooting and less about cartoon-style action. So be aware of more technical settings, like the firing mode switch: many weapons can switch from single fire to burst fire or full auto. They’ll always start in single fire (semi-automatic) mode if multiples are available.

PUBG基于ARMA mod,因此动作通常更多地是关于技术射击,而不是卡通风格的动作。 因此,请注意更多技术设置,例如射击模式切换:许多武器可以从单发切换为爆发或全自动。 如果有多个副本,它们将始终以单发(半自动)模式启动。

PUBG uses a double-click action to look through iron sights or scopes. A single tap will zoom in only slightly.

PUBG使用双击动作浏览铁制瞄准具或瞄准镜。 轻按一下只会放大一点。

Players can swap between first-person and third-person views at any time with the “Toggle Camera” button. Double-tapping will activate iron sights, even in third-person. Third-person is obviously best for moving fast with situational awareness, while first-person is best for fast and accurate shooting and sniping.

玩家可以随时通过“切换相机”按钮在第一人称视角和第三人称视角之间切换。 双击即使在第三人称视角中也会激活铁景。 第三人称显然是最适合情境感知的快速行动,而第一人称则是快速准确射击和狙击的最佳选择。

Make sure the map and inventory buttons are easy to access for at-a-glance guidance and upgrades. Also take note of the freelook button: it’s extremely useful for checking your surroundings, even while you’re on the move.

确保可以轻松访问地图和库存按钮,以便快速获得指导和升级。 还要注意freelook按钮:即使在旅途中,它对于检查周围环境也非常有用。

You might want to set the foliage setting very low—the game is prettier with a lot of plants, but the fewer that are rendered, the better you’ll be able to see other players.


游戏开始:滚出并武装 (Game Start: Get Out and Get Armed)

When you jump out of the airplane at the start of the match, your number one priority is to get armed. Even the lowest-level guns or a grenade will put you at an advantage if you meet someone who hasn’t been able to find one yet. If all you’ve got are your fists or a melee weapon, get in close as quickly as possible, and jump and attack at the same time. This will make you harder to hit and do a little bonus damage as well.

当您在比赛开始时跳出飞机时,首先要准备武装。 如果遇到未找到的人,即使是最低级的枪支或手榴弹也会使您处于优势。 如果您只剩下拳头或近战武器,请尽快靠近并同时跳跃和进攻。 这将使您更难命中,并且还会造成一点额外的伤害。

From the airplane, it’s possible to move one and a half to two kilometers (squares) away before you hit the ground, depending on when you deploy your parachute. So, at the start of the match, the player distribution will look something like this:

在飞机着陆之前,可以从飞机上移动一个半到两公里(正方形)的距离,具体取决于部署降落伞的时间。 因此,在比赛开始时,球员分布看起来像这样:

Keep that in mind as the map condenses and players are forced into smaller and smaller areas—it will let you make a rough guess of where players are coming from.


Avoid hotspot areas like the school, the hospital, the firing range, and the military base at the start of the game. These big buildings are tempting because they house a lot of weapons and gear, but they also attract lots of other players looking for the same thing. The more players in one spot, the less likely you are to come out alive in the first couple of minutes.

游戏开始时,避开热点区域,例如学校,医院,射击场和军事基地。 这些大型建筑物之所以诱人,是因为它们拥有大量的武器和装备,但是它们也吸引了许多其他玩家寻找相同的东西。 一个地点中的玩家越多,您在前几分钟内存活下来的可能性就越小。

Be aware of the signs of other players around you: an open door means that either someone is already inside the building looting the place, or has been and gone, meaning all of the good loot is taken anyway. Of course, crafty players will close doors behind them to set traps. The long and short of it is, be prepared for a fight whenever you enter a structure.

请注意周围其他玩家的标志:开着的门意味着有人已经在建筑物内抢劫该地方,或者已经有人走了,这意味着所有好人都被抢走了。 当然,狡猾的玩家会在他们身后关上门以设置陷阱。 总之,无论何时进入建筑物,都要做好战斗准备。

游戏中期:移动,清除,移动,重复 (Mid-Game: Move, Clear, Move, Repeat)

Remember the path of the plane and the likely distribution of players: no more than two squares away from the plane on the main map at the start of the game. Players who find vehicles might travel farther, but generally speaking, most will move in an almost straight line from their original landing spot to the outer edge of the play area. You can predict the direction of movement of other players and avoid them by taking a less direct route, or hide in likely locations to pick them off as they travel.

记住飞机的路径和可能的玩家分布:游戏开始时,在主地图上与飞机的距离不超过两个正方形。 找到车辆的玩家可能会走得更远,但一般来说,大多数人会从其原始着陆点到游戏区域的外边缘几乎成一直线。 您可以预测其他玩家的运动方向,并采取不太直接的路线避开他们,或者躲在可能的位置以在他们旅行时将他们摘下。

Be aware of your time limits. You don’t die instantly as soon as the play area is restricted, you have extra time as the blue circle contracts into the white one to get to safety. Players can’t outrun the blue circle on foot, but if you’re close to the white circle and the blue is still kilometers away, you probably have time to do a little looting or scouting. Even if it’s close, being behind the blue circle won’t kill you immediately.

注意您的时间限制。 一旦游乐区受到限制,您不会立即死亡,而是有更多的时间,因为蓝色圆圈会收缩成白色圆圈以确保安全。 玩家不能步行越过蓝色圆圈,但是如果您靠近白色圆圈并且蓝色仍然在几公里之外,则可能有时间进行掠夺或侦察。 即使很近,在蓝色圆圈后面也不会立即杀死您。

If you’ve just barely made it to the safe zone in time, it’s not necessarily time to relax: the safe zone will contract again in another few minutes. It might be more prudent to use the downtime to move closer to the center of the safe zone, especially if you’re on foot. The next safe zone is always entirely inside the last one, generally towards the center.

如果您几乎没有及时到达安全区域,则不一定是放松时间:安全区域将在另外几分钟内再次收缩。 最好使用停机时间将其移近安全区域的中心,尤其是在步行的情况下。 下一个安全区始终完全位于最后一个安全区内,通常朝向中心。

Choke points on the map, especially the north-south bridges over water, are where you’re most likely to encounter other players. Pass them with caution. If you have plenty of time, it might make sense to swim across: it’s much, much slower, but you’re less likely to attract attention, and diving for short sessions can help you avoid gunfire.

地图上的阻塞点,尤其是水上的南北桥梁,是您最可能遇到其他玩家的地方。 谨慎通过它们。 如果您有充裕的时间,那么畅游可能是有意义的:速度要慢得多,但是却不太可能引起人们的注意,短时间潜水可以帮助您避免开火。

Picking up a vehicle is always something of a mixed blessing. It makes getting to the restricted play area a piece of cake, but the high value of your ride and the loud noise from the engine makes you an instant target. Avoid the main roads (where other players are already looking for randomly-spawned vehicles) and go offroad if you can. Be careful: it’s possible to damage yourself if you crash. If you get out of your vehicle, get away on foot quickly: other players will see it and be on the lookout. It’s a good idea to leave it near a building, then immediately move to another one to throw them off your trail. Also note that all random vehicles spawn facing east, so if you see one facing another direction, another player has moved it and might be setting up a trap.

捡起车总是一件好事。 到达受限游戏区域可谓小菜一碟,但是您的乘车乐趣和引擎发出的巨大噪音使您立即成为目标。 避开主要道路(其他玩家已经在寻找随机产生的车辆),如果可以的话,走上越野道路。 小心:如果撞车,很可能会损坏自己。 如果您下车,请快速步行:其他玩家将看到它并一直监视在外。 最好将其放置在建筑物附近,然后立即移至另一建筑物,以将其从轨道上移开。 另请注意,所有随机车辆都朝东产生,因此,如果您看到一个朝另一个方向,则是另一位玩家移动了它,并可能正在设置陷阱。

Supply drops from the plane are the best place to find high-level weapons, but they’re also lightning rods for other players. Be prepared for a fight whenever you’re approaching one. Other players may be hiding in the surrounding area, waiting to pick off anyone who gets close.

从飞机上掉落的补给品是找到高级武器的最佳地点,但对于其他玩家而言,它们也是避雷针。 随时准备战斗。 其他玩家可能躲在周围区域中,等着接下任何接近的人。

在游戏进行中寻找装备 (Finding Gear as the Game Progresses)

If you’ve played first-person shooters before, you probably have a particular play style you’re used to: long-range snipers, medium-range automatic rifles, short-range shotguns. Unfortunately the randomized nature of Battlegrounds means you won’t always have your choice of guns, or even gun types. It’s a good idea to get familiar with all the weapons, especially the more common pistols, SMGs, and low-level rifles, to make yourself more competitive.

如果您以前玩过第一人称射击游戏,那么您可能会习惯于一种特殊的游戏风格:远程狙击手,中程自动步枪,短程shot弹枪。 不幸的是,战场的随机性质意味着您将永远不会选择枪支,甚至枪支类型。 熟悉所有武器(尤其是较常见的手枪,SMG和低级步枪)是一个好主意,以使自己更具竞争力。

Remember, every gun starts unloaded. When you get a new one, switch to it immediately and press the reload button to get it ready for combat.

请记住,每把枪都开始卸下。 当您得到一个新的时,立即切换到它并按下重新加载按钮以使其准备战斗。

Battlegrounds is a highly technical shooter, and you can expect to miss quite a lot in the run-and-gun action. It might be more prudent to keep a lower-level gun with fewer mods than a higher-level one with less ammunition available.

《战地风云》是一门技术含量很高的射击游戏,您可以期望在“奔跑与射击”行动中错过很多机会。 与具有较少弹药的高级枪相比,保持低级别枪机具有更少的mod可能更为谨慎。

Wait to apply modifications or stat-boosting power-ups until you’re safe, especially in the early part of the game. That holographic sight won’t help you at all if someone bursts into the building and blows you away while you’re in the inventory screen.

等待进行修改或增强状态的通电,直到您安全为止,尤其是在游戏初期。 如果有人冲进建筑物并在您位于清单屏幕时将您炸开,那么全息视线将完全无济于事。

保持活力的高级技巧 (Advanced Tips for Staying Alive)

If you want to get better fast, you’re probably lamenting the lack of a practice range or a tutorial mode. If that’s the case, consider spending a few games in what I like to think of as “blow-off mode.” For a few rounds, intentionally go to the highly-packed areas of the map, looking for specific weapons or types of weapons, so you can immediately get a handle on how they perform in game. You’ll die a lot, but you’ll get some crucial experience quickly, since at all other times it’s a tactical error to fire and reveal your position when there’s no one in your sights. The picnic tables in the pre-game starting area are also a good place to try out new weapons quickly.

如果您想快速变得更好,您可能会对缺乏练习范围或教程模式感到遗憾。 如果是这样,请考虑以我喜欢的“淘汰模式”花费一些游戏。 在几回合中,有意进入地图高度密集的区域,查找特定武器或武器类型,因此您可以立即掌握它们在游戏中的表现。 您会死很多,但是您会很快获得一些关键的经验,因为在其他任何时候,当没有人看见时,开除并显示您的位置都是战术上的错误。 赛前出发区的野餐桌也是快速尝试新武器的好地方。

Play with headphones if at all possible. It’s much easier to determine the direction of noises, even if you have a stereo set instead of surround sound.

尽可能使用耳机播放。 即使设置了立体声而不是环绕声,确定噪声的方向也要容易得多。

In a vehicle, Ctrl+1 will move you to the driver’s seat, while Ctrl+2-through-5 will move you to the corresponding passenger seats. It’s much faster than getting out and back in when you’ve approached from the wrong side. High-level players will drive towards other players who are on foot, switch to a passenger seat (where they can use guns), get the kill, and switch back to the driver’s seat without ever stopping.

在车辆中,按Ctrl + 1可将您移至驾驶员座位,而按Ctrl + 2至5会将您移至相应的乘客座位。 这比从错误的方向走来走去和返回要快得多。 高级玩家将朝着步行的其他玩家前进,切换到乘客座位(他们可以在上面使用枪支),杀死他们,然后再回到驾驶员座位而无需停止。

A vehicle is great for getting to remote spots for gear and back to the play zone, but they get less and less useful as the game progresses, as most of the map becomes off limits and more players are forced into a smaller area. When the remaining player count dips below 20 and/or the play area gets below a square kilometer, it’s time to ditch it—the noise will make you a target for everyone.

车辆非常适合到达偏僻地点进行装备并返回比赛区域,但是随着游戏的进行,它们的用处越来越小,因为大多数地图都超出了限制,更多的玩家被迫进入较小的区域。 当剩余的玩家人数降至20以下和/或游戏区域低于平方公里时,就该放弃它了—噪音将使您成为所有人的目标。

Remember to check your surroundings with freelook constantly, especially while moving to a new area. It’s easy for someone to creep behind you for a quick kill, using your footstep sounds to mask their own.

记住要经常用freelook检查周围的环境,尤其是在搬到新区域时。 使用脚步声掩盖自己的声音,某人很容易在您身后爬行以快速杀死对方。

If you’re tracking someone, especially towards the end of the game, always wait for them to move first if possible. It might even be worth it to take damage from the blue circle for a few seconds to force them to come out of cover instead of making yourself an easy target.

如果要跟踪某人,尤其是在游戏快要结束时,请尽可能等待他们先移动。 甚至有必要对蓝圈造成的伤害持续几秒钟,迫使它们脱离掩体,而不是使自己成为容易的目标。

And finally: don’t get discouraged. Based on averages alone, you’ll only win one out of every hundred matches (and that’s assuming you’re as good as everyone else). But as your tactics and technique get more refined, you’ll get closer and closer to that chicken.

最后:不要气disc。 仅根据平均水平,每100场比赛您只会赢得一场比赛(这是假设您与其他所有人一样出色)。 但是,随着您的策略和技巧变得更加精致,您将越来越接近这只鸡。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328918/the-beginners-guide-to-playerunknowns-battlegrounds-aka-pubg/


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


