
Manufacturers and carriers often load Android phones with their own apps. If you don’t use them, they just clutter your system, or–even worse–drain your battery in the background. Take control of your device and stop the bloatware.

制造商和运营商通常会使用自己的应用加载Android手机。 如果您不使用它们,它们只会使您的系统混乱,甚至更糟的是会耗尽您的电池电量。 掌控您的设备并停止膨胀软件。

卸载与禁用Bloatware (Uninstalling vs. Disabling Bloatware)

You have a few choices when it comes to removing bloatware from your system.


Uninstalling an app is exactly what it sounds like: the app is entirely removed from your device. However, this has some downsides. Uninstalling some preinstalled apps may result in problems or instability, though, and in some cases may block your phone from getting updates. Furthermore, once these apps are gone, you might not be able to get them back. You may not think you want them back now, but you might in the future—who knows?

卸载应用的确切过程是这样的:该应用已从设备中完全删除。 但是,这有一些缺点。 但是,卸载一些预装的应用程序可能会导致问题或不稳定,并且在某些情况下可能会阻止您的手机获取更新。 此外,一旦这些应用程序消失了,您可能将无法取回它们。 您可能不认为自己现在想要他们,但是将来您可能会知道。

Some manufacturers have actually started to put their apps in Google Play—Samsung has been good about this, so if you remove something like S Health and then just need it back, you can get it from the Play Store. But others are not.

实际上,一些制造商已经开始将其应用程序放入Google Play中,三星对此非常有帮助,因此,如果您删除了诸如S Health之类的东西,然后只需要回来,则可以从Play商店中获取。 但是其他人不是。

Lastly, uninstalling apps usually requires you to root your phone. This is not a process most users have gone through (or will want to).

最后,卸载应用程序通常需要您将手机植根。 这不是大多数用户已经(或想要)进行的过程。

That’s why, instead of uninstalling bloatware, we recommend disabling those apps instead. Android has a built-in way to do this, and it should work for most apps.

这就是为什么我们建议您禁用那些应用程序,而不是卸载bloatware。 Android具有内置的方法来执行此操作,并且它应适用于大多数应用程序。

If you stumble upon an app that refuses to be disabled—which is rare these days—you can “freeze” it with a third-party app, which is essentially the same thing—though once again, this requires a rooted phone. So that is a last resort.

如果您偶然发现一个拒绝禁用的应用程序(这种情况现在很少见),则可以使用第三方应用程序“冻结”该应用程序,这基本上是相同的事情,尽管这再次需要扎根的手机。 所以这是不得已的方法。

Got it? Good. Let’s talk about how to actually do this stuff.

得到它了? 好。 让我们讨论一下如何实际执行此操作。

如何使用Android的内置设置禁用Bloatware (How to Disable Bloatware With Android’s Built-In Setting)

Disabling bloatware on newer phones is easy, and shouldn’t require root access. I’ll be using an unrooted Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge for this tutorial, but the process will be exactly the same regardless of which phone you have—the interface may just look a little different.

在较新的手机上禁用膨胀软件很容易,并且不需要root用户访问权限。 在本教程中,我将使用未扎根的Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge,但无论使用哪种手机,其过程都将完全相同-界面可能看起来有些不同。

First, open the Settings menu. You can do this by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the little gear icon. Note: on some phones you may have to pull the shade down twice before the gear shows up.

首先,打开“设置”菜单。 您可以通过下拉通知栏并点击小齿轮图标来做到这一点。 注意:在某些手机上,可能需要先将窗帘拉下两次才能显示齿轮。

Next, scroll down to Apps (or “Applications” on some phones). Tap that.

接下来,向下滚动到Apps(或在某些手机上为“ Applications”)。 点一下

Find the app that’s causing you much pain, and tap it. I’m just going to use the “Dictionary” app here, because…why is this even on here in the first place?

找到引起您极大痛苦的应用程序,然后点击它。 我将在这里使用“词典”应用程序,因为……为什么这首先还是在这里?

On the app’s info page, there are two buttons at the top (again, assuming this is a pre-installed application): Disable and Force Stop. I’ll give you two guesses which one we’re going to use here.

在应用程序的信息页面上,顶部有两个按钮(同样,假设这是预安装的应用程序):禁用和强制停止。 我给您两个猜测,我们将在这里使用哪一个。

Once you tap the Disable button, you’ll get a scary little popup that tells you it may cause errors in other apps. Tread forward, brave soldier. Tap “Disable. ”

点击“禁用”按钮后,您会看到一个可怕的小弹出窗口,告诉您它可能会导致其他应用程序中的错误。 向前踩,勇敢的士兵。 点击“禁用。 ”

Bam, that’s it. After disabling it, you may also want to tap the “Force Stop” and “Clear Data” buttons as well.

巴姆,就是这样。 禁用后,您可能还需要点击“强制停止”和“清除数据”按钮。

If you ever need to re-enable the app, just jump back into it’s App Info page and tap “Enable.” It’s so easy.

如果您需要重新启用该应用程序,只需跳回其“应用程序信息”页面并点击“启用”即可。 它是如此容易。

Note that not all apps will have this disable option–but in most cases, they should. If they don’t, you’ll need to use the rooted method below to disable them.

请注意,并非所有应用程序都具有此禁用选项-但在大多数情况下,它们应该具有禁用选项。 如果没有,则需要使用下面的rooted方法禁用它们。

如何在根电话上禁用和卸载Bloatware (How to Disable and Uninstall Bloatware on a Rooted Phone)

If the app in question doesn’t have a disable option, or if you’re using an older version of Android that doesn’t have this feature, things get a bit more complicated. To start, you’ll need to root your phone, so if you haven’t done that, do that first. You’ll also need to enable USB debugging in Settings > Applications > Developer Options. And, as always, we recommend making a full nandroid backup before continuing in case something goes wrong.

如果所涉及的应用程序没有禁用选项,或者您使用的是不具备此功能的旧版Android,则情况会变得有些复杂。 首先,您需要对手机进行植根,因此,如果尚未这样做,请先进行此操作。 您还需要在设置>应用程序>开发人员选项中启用USB调试 而且,一如既往,我们建议您在继续进行完整的nandroid备份,以防出现问题。

There are many apps that claim to freeze bloatware, but at the end of the day, Titanium Backup is still the best on the block. We’ve already covered using Titanium Backup to back up and restore your Android Phone, but it has a number of other features too, including freezing and uninstalling bloatware. The only catch: you’ll need to pay $6 for the pro version.

有许多应用声称冻结了膨胀软件,但最终, Titanium Backup仍然是最好的应用。 我们已经介绍了使用Titanium Backup备份和还原Android Phone的方法,但是它也具有许多其他功能,包括冻结和卸载bloatware。 唯一要注意的是:您需要为专业版支付6美元。

If you’re dead set against paying $6 for Titanium Backup, you can try the free NoBloat or App Quarantine, but reviews are much more mixed. We’ve tested them and they worked fine for us, but your mileage may vary. Our previous recommendation, Gemini, no longer allows freezing in the free version. We have a lot of experience with Titanium Backup, and we know it works well on a variety of devices. Plus, it’s one of the most useful apps you can have on a rooted phone. So we’re going to use it for our tutorial.

如果您不愿意为Titanium Backup支付6美元,可以尝试使用免费的NoBloatApp Quarantine ,但评论要复杂得多。 我们对它们进行了测试,它们对我们来说很好用,但是您的行驶里程可能会有所不同。 我们先前的建议Gemini不再允许冻结免费版本。 我们在Titanium Backup方面拥有丰富的经验,并且我们知道它在各种设备上都能很好地工作。 另外,它是您可以在有根手机上拥有的最有用的应用程序之一。 因此,我们将在本教程中使用它。

To freeze an app with Titanium Backup, install Titanium Backup and the Pro key from Google Play. Launch the app and grant it superuser permissions when prompted.

要使用Titanium Backup冻结应用程序,请从Google Play安装Titanium BackupPro键。 启动应用程序,并在出现提示时授予其超级用户权限。

Head to the “Backup/Restore” tab to see a list of apps on your system. You’ll see both apps you’ve installed and normally hidden system apps. Disabling important system apps could cause problems–for example, if you froze the Package installer app here, you wouldn’t be able to install packages. Be careful about what you freeze. You can always unfreeze apps later, but only if your system remains stable enough to do so.

转到“备份/还原”选项卡以查看系统上的应用程序列表。 您将同时看到已安装的应用程序和通常隐藏的系统应用程序。 禁用重要的系统应用程序可能会导致问题-例如,如果您在此处冻结Package Installer应用程序,则将无法安装软件包。 请注意冻结的内容。 您始终可以稍后解冻应用程序,但前提是您的系统保持足够的稳定性才能这样做。

Find the app you’d like to freeze and tap it. I’m using Android Pay here, mostly because it was at the top of the list. Tap the “Freeze!” button at the top.

找到您想要冻结的应用,然后点击它。 我在这里使用Android Pay,主要是因为它位于列表顶部。 点击“冻结!” 顶部的按钮。

It should take just a few seconds and you’ll see a toast notification that the app has been frozen. You’re pretty much done at this point.

只需几秒钟,您将看到吐司通知,该应用已被冻结。 至此,您的工作已经完成。

It’s worth noting that the frozen app will still show up in Settings > Apps as “disabled.” For apps that can be disabled by default, simply tapping the “Enable” button will essentially unfreeze the app, which is nice. For apps that can’t be disabled, however, you’ll have to unfreeze them through Titanium Backup.

值得注意的是,冻结的应用程序仍将在“设置”>“应用程序”中显示为“已禁用”。 对于默认情况下可以禁用的应用程序,只需轻按“启用”按钮即可从本质上解冻该应用程序,这很好。 但是,对于无法禁用的应用程序,您必须通过Titanium Backup取消冻结它们。

To do that, just jump back into Titanium Backup, find the app in the Backup/Restore list, and tap “Defrost” at the top. Nothing to it.

为此,只需跳回Titanium备份,在“备份/还原”列表中找到该应用程序,然后点击顶部的“除霜”即可。 没什么

Once you run through either of these processes, those apps should be disabled completely, aside from taking up some space on your system. You won’t see them in the menus and they won’t run in the background. You may have to restart your device or launcher before the app icon disappears from the menus, but for all intents and purposes, they’re out of your hair for good.

一旦执行了这两个过程中的任何一个,就应该完全禁用这些应用程序,除了占用系统空间。 您不会在菜单中看到它们,它们也不会在后台运行。 您可能必须先重新启动设备或启动器,然后应用程序图标才会从菜单中消失,但是出于所有意图和目的,它们永远不在您的考虑范围之内。

Image Credit: Mark Gulm

图片来源: Mark Gulm

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/115533/how-to-disable-or-uninstall-android-bloatware/





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