ios 文档添加手写签名_如何在iOS Mail中签名文档和标记附件

ios 文档添加手写签名

ios 文档添加手写签名


As of Mac OS X Yosemite, you can mark up email attachments, including PDF files and image files, in Apple Mail on the Mac, making Mail a powerful productivity app. Now, that feature is also available in the iOS Mail app.

从Mac OS X Yosemite开始,您可以在Mac上的Apple Mail中标记电子邮件附件,包括PDF文件和图像文件,从而使Mail成为功能强大的生产力应用程序。 现在,该功能在iOS Mail应用程序中也可用。

That means you can add your signature to a document, make notes on a document or image, and otherwise mark up the file any way you want–all within the Mail app. Markup works on both incoming and outgoing attachments, which means you can mark up files you receive and files you attach and send out.

这意味着您可以将签名添加到文档,在文档或图像上做笔记,或者以其他任何方式标记文件-在Mail应用程序中都可以。 标记适用于传入和传出附件,这意味着您可以标记接收的文件以及附加和发送的文件

I’ll show you how to mark up both a PDF file and an image file directly in iOS Mail.

我将向您展示如何在iOS Mail中直接标记PDF文件和图像文件。

NOTE: If you’re using an iPhone 6S/6S Plus or 7/7Plus, when I say to tap and hold on an item, do so lightly to avoid activating the 3D touch feature.

注意:如果您使用的是iPhone 6S / 6S Plus或7 / 7Plus,当我说要点按并按住某个项目时,请小心轻放,以免激活3D触摸功能。

如何在iOS Mail中标记PDF文件附件 (How to Mark Up a PDF File Attachment in iOS Mail)

To mark up a PDF file in iOS Mail, tap and hold on the attached file in the email message.

要在iOS Mail中标记PDF文件,请点击并按住电子邮件中的附件。


Swipe left on the bottom row of icons on the share sheet and tap “Markup and Reply”.



If this is an attachment you’re sending, rather than receiving, you may not see the share sheet when you tap and hold on the attachment. If a popup displays, tap “Select” to select the attachment file.

如果这是您要发送的附件,而不是要接收的附件,则在按住该附件时可能看不到共享表。 如果显示弹出窗口,请点击“选择”以选择附件文件。


Then, tap “Markup” on the next popup.



The PDF file displays and some markup tools are available at the bottom of the screen. In my example, I’m first going to draw some arrows on the document using the freehand drawing tool. Tap the pen tool at the bottom of the screen.

屏幕底部显示PDF文件,并且提供了一些标记工具。 在我的示例中,我首先要使用徒手绘制工具在文档上绘制一些箭头。 点击屏幕底部的钢笔工具。


Colored circles display above the toolbar. Tap on a color to draw with that color.

彩色圆圈显示在工具栏上方。 点击一种颜色以绘制该颜色。


To change the width of the pen, tap the horizontal lines icon on the right. There are three widths from which you can choose and the middle width is the default. Tap the width you want.

要更改笔的宽度,请点击右侧的水平线图标。 您可以选择三种宽度,中间的宽度是默认宽度。 点击所需的宽度。


Use your finger or a stylus to draw on the attachment.



I drew arrows pointing to each line requiring information.



Now, in my example, say I receive the email with the attachment pointing to where I need to sign and fill out information. Open the attachment for markup using one of the methods described above. First, I’ll sign the document, and then I’ll print the name and add the date. To sign the document, tap the signature icon.

现在,在我的示例中,说我收到了带有附件的电子邮件,该附件指向我需要在何处签名和填写信息。 使用上述方法之一打开用于标记的附件。 首先,我将在文档上签名,然后打印名称并添加日期。 要签名文档,请点击签名图标。


The New Signature screen displays in landscape orientation. Sign your name with your finger or with a stylus. If you’re not happy with your signature, tap “Clear” and redo it. When you’re satisfied, tap “Done”.

“新签名”屏幕以横向显示。 用手指或手写笔在您的名字上签名。 如果您对签名不满意,请点击“清除”并重做。 如果满意,请点击“完成”。


A box with your signature is added to the document. Initially, it will probably be a bit big. To make it smaller, tap and hold on one of the corners of the box and drag it in. To move the signature to the correct place on the PDF file, tap and hold inside the box and drag it to the desired location.

带有您签名的框将添加到文档中。 最初,它可能会有点大。 要使其变小,请点击并按住框的一个角并将其拖入。要将签名移至PDF文件上的正确位置,请点击并按住框的内部并将其拖动到所需的位置。


Now, I’ll add my printed name. To add text to the PDF file, tap where you want the text to be inserted.

现在,我将添加打印名称。 要将文本添加到PDF文件,请点击要在其中插入文本的位置。


A box displays and the keyboard activates. You’ll also see a Paste option in case you copied text from elsewhere that you want to paste here. Type your text or paste it.

出现一个框,键盘激活。 如果您从其他地方复制了要粘贴到此处的文本,则还将看到“粘贴”选项。 输入您的文字或粘贴。


Move the text box to where you want it the same way you moved the signature.



I added the date the same way I added the printed name.



However, I got the date wrong, but I can tap on the date text box and then tap “Edit” on the popup to correct it.



You can also change the font, size, and alignment of the text. To do so, tap on the icon with the different sized letter “A”. There’s a sans serif font (Helvetica), a serif font (Georgia), and a handwriting-style font (Noteworthy). Use the slider bar to change the size of the text and tap on one of the four buttons below the slider to change the alignment.

您还可以更改字体,大小和文本的对齐方式。 为此,请点击带有不同大小字母“ A”的图标。 有Sans Serif字体(Helvetica),Serif字体(Georgia)和手写样式字体(Noteworthy)。 使用滑块改变文本的大小,然后点击滑块下方的四个按钮之一来更改对齐方式。


Once you’re happy with your markups, tap “Done” at the top of the screen.



An email reply is automatically created and the marked up attachment is added to the reply. If you decide to change the markups you made, add more, or delete some, tap on the attached file in the email reply.

电子邮件回复会自动创建,并且标记的附件会添加到回复中。 如果您决定更改所做的标记,添加更多或删除一些标记,请在电子邮件回复中点击附件。


The PDF file displays, but notice that there are no options to do anything on the PDF file. To access options, tap once on the PDF file.

将显示PDF文件,但请注意,没有任何选项可对PDF文件执行任何操作。 要访问选项,请在PDF文件上点击一次。


Now, you’ll see the Share Sheet and the Markup and Reply icons at the bottom of the screen. Use these buttons to make your changes and share the file if you want. When you’re finished, tap “Done” at the top of the screen. You are returned to the email reply where you can send your message with the marked up PDF file attachment.

现在,您将在屏幕底部看到“共享表”以及“标记和回复”图标。 如果需要,请使用这些按钮进行更改并共享文件。 完成后,点击屏幕顶部的“完成”。 您将返回到电子邮件回复,您可以在其中发送带有标记的PDF文件附件的消息。


如何在iOS Mail中标记图像附件 (How to Mark Up an Image Attachment in iOS Mail)

Marking up an image attachment is similar to marking up a PDF file. An image file generally displays in the body of the email. To mark up an image file attachment, tap and hold on the image in the email message.

标记图像附件类似于标记PDF文件。 图像文件通常显示在电子邮件的正文中。 要标记图像文件附件,请点击并按住电子邮件中的图像。


On the share sheet, tap “Markup and Reply”.



To add your signature, tap the signature button at the bottom of the screen.



Because we already added a signature to another attachment, that signature is available to be added to this attachment. If you want to use the same signature again, tap on it. Otherwise, tap on “Add or Remove Signature” to create a new signature.

因为我们已经在另一个附件中添加了签名,所以可以将该签名添加到该附件中。 如果要再次使用相同的签名,请点击它。 否则,请点击“添加或删除签名”以创建新签名。


If you tapped Add or Remove Signature, the Signatures screen displays. Tap the plus icon to add a new signature. To delete an existing signature, tap the red minus icon on the left and then tap “Delete” on the right. When you’re finished, tap “Done”.

如果点击“添加或删除签名”,则显示“签名”屏幕。 点击加号图标以添加新签名。 要删除现有签名,请点击左侧的红色减号图标,然后点击右侧的“删除”。 完成后,点击“完成”。


You can resize and move the signature on an image attachment just like you can on a PDF attachment.



One difference between marking up an image file and marking up a PDF file is how you add text to the image. You can’t just tap on the document to add a text box. You’ll end up with a mark in the color selected at the bottom. To add a text box, tap the text box icon at the bottom of the screen. A text box is added in the middle of the document. Move it to approximately where you want it. You may have to move it again once you type your text.

标记图像文件和标记PDF文件之间的区别是您如何向图像添加文本。 您不能只点击文档来添加文本框。 您将在底部选择一个颜色作为标记。 要添加文本框,请点击屏幕底部的文本框图标。 在文档中间添加一个文本框。 将其移至所需位置。 输入文字后,您可能不得不再次移动它。


To add your text to the text box, tap once on it and then tap “Edit” on the popup. Type your text and the adjust the location of the text box if needed. Add the date or any other text the same way.

要将文本添加到文本框中,请在其上点击一次,然后在弹出窗口上点击“编辑”。 键入您的文本,并根据需要调整文本框的位置。 以相同方式添加日期或任何其他文本。


If you want to call attention to a specific area of your document, you can magnify part of it. To do this, tap the magnifier tool at the bottom of the screen.

如果要引起对文档特定区域的注意,可以将其放大。 为此,请点击屏幕底部的放大镜工具。


A circular magnifier is added to the document. Move the circle over the part of the document you want to magnify. Drag the blue dot on the circle border to change the size of the circular magnifier and drag the green dot to change the level of magnification.

圆形放大镜将添加到文档中。 将圆圈移到要放大的文档部分上。 拖动圆形边框上的蓝色点以更改圆形放大镜的大小,并拖动绿色点以更改放大率。


If you make a mistake or change your mind about any markup on your document, simply tap on the drawing, signature, or text and tap “Delete” on the popup that displays. You can also duplicate items using this popup.

如果您对文档中的任何标记有误或心不在mark,只需点击图形,签名或文本,然后在显示的弹出窗口中点击“删除”。 您也可以使用此弹出窗口复制项目。


Once you’ve added all your markups, tap “Done”.



An email reply is automatically created and the image file is attached to it. Tap “Send” to send the email.

将自动创建电子邮件回复,并将图像文件附加到该电子邮件。 点击“发送”发送电子邮件。


When you send an email with an image attachment, Mail gives you the choice of changing the size of the file. This is useful if you’re sending a really large image. You don’t have to use another app to reduce its size first. Tap “Small”, “Medium”, or “Large” to reduce the size, or tap “Actual Size” to send the image as is.

当您发送带有图像附件的电子邮件时,“邮件”使您可以选择更改文件的大小。 如果您要发送非常大的图像,这很有用。 您不必先使用其他应用来减小其大小。 点按“小”,“中”或“大”以减小尺寸,或点按“实际尺寸”以按原样发送图像。


The email is sent. When the recipient views the email in iOS Mail, they’ll see the marked up image directly in the message. If they open the message in another email app or on an email program on a PC, the marked up file may be only visible as an attached file that can be downloaded or opened.

电子邮件已发送。 收件人在iOS Mail中查看电子邮件时,将直接在消息中看到标记的图像。 如果他们在另一个电子邮件应用程序中或在PC上的电子邮件程序中打开消息,则标记的文件可能仅显示为可以下载或打开的附件。


The markup feature in iOS Mail makes the app even more useful, now that you don’t have to use your Mac to mark up email attachments.

现在,您不必使用Mac来标记电子邮件附件,iOS Mail中的标记功能使该应用程序更加有用。


ios 文档添加手写签名

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