diyer 电脑_每个DIYer应该拥有的基本工具

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They say you can never have too many tools, but everyone has to start somewhere. If you’re just getting into the DIY scene, are are some basic tools that everyone should have in their toolbox.

他们说您永远不能拥有太多工具,但是每个人都必须从某个地方开始。 如果您只是进入DIY领域,那么每个人都应该在工具箱中拥有一些基本工具。

These are tools that are pretty much an absolute must if you plan on doing any kind of DIY work around the house, even if it’s as minor as hanging curtains or picture frames on the wall. Even if you’re a renter and aren’t responsible for repairs, it’s still a good idea to learn how to do basic home improvement tasks. Plus, if you’re thinking about installing a smart thermostat or other smarthome devices, you’ll probably need to know how to do a little drilling and screwing.

如果您计划在房屋内进行任何种类的DIY工作,这些工具几乎是绝对必须的,即使它像在墙上悬挂窗帘或相框一样小。 即使您是房客并且不负责维修,学习如何完成基本的家居装修任务仍然是一个好主意。 另外,如果您正在考虑安装智能恒温器或其他智能家居设备,则可能需要知道如何进行一些钻Kong和拧紧。

锤子 (Hammer)


One of the most quintessential beginner tools that most people think of is the hammer, and it’s easy to see why. It’s awesome for smashing stuff, but it’s also a required tool for doing something as simple as hanging a picture frame on the wall.

大多数人都想到的最典型的初学者工具之一是锤子,很容易理解原因。 它非常棒,可以粉碎东西,但它也是进行诸如将相框悬挂在墙上这样简单的事情所必需的工具。

In fact, if all you’ll ever do is hang pictures on the wall, you can get a compact, short-handled hammer that you can keep in a drawer somewhere and quickly grab it whenever you need it.


An addition to a hammer, a rubber mallet is great to have as well. A hammer can dent wood and other materials pretty easily, so if you’re banging on something to work it loose, but need to keep it intact, a rubber mallet is a great tool to use, since the rubber is soft enough to not create dents, but still hard enough to…make an impact.

除了锤子外,橡胶槌也很不错。 锤子可以很容易地使木材和其他材料凹陷,因此,如果要敲打使其松动,但需要保持完整性,则橡胶锤是使用的理想工具,因为橡胶足够柔软,不会产生凹痕,但仍足以...产生影响。

螺丝起子 (Screwdrivers)


Pretty much anything you install in your house will require a screwdriver, so it’s a good idea to get a set of both Phillips and flat-headed screwdrivers that are of varying sizes. The last thing you want to do is strip a screw because you were using the wrong size screwdriver.

您在家中安装的几乎所有物品都需要螺丝起子,因此最好同时购买一套不同尺寸的十字和一字螺丝刀。 您最后要做的就是剥掉一个螺丝,因为您使用的螺丝刀尺寸错误。

Get yourself a set of 6-10 screwdrivers and it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to go back to the hardware store to get a different size. Something like this cheap Stanley set will do the job just fine for basic tasks. You can also spend a little bit more money and get a ratcheting screwdriver with multiple bits, which adds a whole new level of convenience.

给自己准备一套6到10个螺丝起子,您不太可能需要回到五金店来获得不同的尺寸。 像这样便宜的Stanley套装可以完成基本任务。 您还可以多花一些钱,然后购买多头棘轮螺丝刀,这将为您带来全新的便利。

卷尺 (Tape Measure)


A tape measure isn’t just a carpenter’s best friend. Anyone of any skill level can take huge advantage of a tape measure, even if it’s just measuring your window for curtains or seeing how big of a vanity you can squeeze into your bathroom.

卷尺不仅仅是木匠的好朋友。 任何水平的人都可以利用卷尺的巨大优势,即使它只是测量窗帘的窗户或看到可以挤进浴室的梳妆台的大小。

I’m a big fan of the self-lock tape measure that automatically locks in place and releases whenever you press the button, instead of the (more common) other way around. I also like having a mini tape measure to use around the house in tighter places, but they tend to only be about 6-10 feet in length, whereas most full-size tape measures are 25 feet. Most of the time you’ll never need that long of a tape measure, but it never hurts to have it during those rare times when you need it.

我是自锁式卷尺的忠实拥护者,它会在每次按下按钮时自动锁定并释放,而不是(更常见的)其他方法。 我还喜欢在狭窄的地方在房子周围使用迷你卷尺,但是它们的长度通常只有6-10英尺,而大多数全尺寸卷尺只有25英尺。 在大多数情况下,您将不需要那么长的卷尺,但是在极少数需要的时候,使用它不会带来任何伤害。

电钻 (Power Drill)


If you need to create holes in the wall or screw anything into something greater than drywall, a power drill is pretty much a requirement. Installing a smart thermostat, for example, requires you to drive in some screws to mount the backplate to the wall. While you could probably screw into drywall by hand, it’s much easier using a power drill.

如果您需要在墙壁上打Kong或将任何东西拧入比干墙大的东西,则几乎需要电钻。 例如,安装智能恒温器时,您需要拧入一些螺钉才能将背板安装到墙上。 虽然您可能会用手拧入石膏板,但使用电钻要容易得多。

Luckily, unless you plan on doing some serious drilling, you don’t need to buy one of those honkin’ huge 18-volt power drills. Instead, you can easily get away with something smaller, like a 12-volt power drill. It’ll still have the power you need for doing basic drilling and driving, but it comes in a much smaller form factor and is usually cheaper than more powerful drills.

幸运的是,除非您计划进行一些严重的钻Kong,否则您无需购买那些honkin的大型18伏电钻之一。 相反,您可以轻松使用较小的东西,例如12伏电钻。 它仍然具有执行基本钻探和驱动所需的功能,但它的外形尺寸要小得多,通常比功能更强大的钻头便宜。

扳手 (Wrenches)


America was built with nuts and bolts, and the only way to work with nuts and bolts is by using a wrench. You can get a crescent wrench, which is an adjustable wrench that can fit all different sizes of nuts and bolts, but you’re actually better off with a set of combination wrenches that have distinct sizes.

America是用螺母和螺栓制成的,而使用螺母和螺栓的唯一方法是使用扳手。 您可以使用新月形扳手,这是一种可调扳手,可以适合所有不同尺寸的螺母和螺栓,但实际上,最好使用一尺寸不同的组合扳手

A crescent wrench can be fine in some cases, but when you have a stubborn bolt that needs a lot of leverage to break free, there’s a high risk of stripping the nut or bolt when using a crescent wrench, so it’s best to use the right size wrench for the job.


Perhaps a better tool for dealing with nuts and bolts is a socket wrench. The ratcheting action, along with the socket that completely encloses the nut or bolt, makes it way easier and quicker to remove or tighten bolts down. You don’t need to go super crazy and get a 94-piece set or anything, but a small kit with a handful of both metric and standard measurements is a great start, and it’s likely all you’ll need.

套筒扳手也许是处理螺母和螺栓的更好工具。 棘轮动作以及完全封闭螺母或螺栓的套筒,使拆卸或拧紧螺栓的方式变得更加轻松快捷。 您不需要太疯狂,就可以得到94件套或其他任何东西,但是一个包含少数公制和标准度量的小套件是一个不错的开始,这很可能就是您所需要的。

Both traditional wrenches and socket wrenches are great, and may be required for any given job–traditional wrenches are great for tight spaces, while socket wrenches are sometimes necessary for recessed bolts.




Sometimes you need a better grip on something, whether you’re trying to yank it out or just hold onto something while you work on it. Pliers are great little tools that don’t get the recognition they deserve.

有时,无论是尝试将其拖出,还是在处理某件商品时仅握住某件商品,您都需要更好地把握。 钳子是很棒的小工具,无法得到应有的认可。

Furthermore, pliers are an absolute must for any kind of electrical work, especially if you’re swapping out traditional outlets with ones that have USB built in (screwdrivers are also a must here). Pliers make it a lot easier to twist wire together and bend wire to get it to do what you want it to do. Get yourself a small set of pliers and you’re good to go, but absolutely do not substitute wrenches for pliers (or vice versa). You may think that you can twist off that nut with some pliers, but that’s a great way to strip it.

此外,钳子对于任何类型的电气工作都是绝对必要的,特别是如果您要换成内置USB的传统插座(在这里螺丝刀也是必须的)。 钳子使将电线绞在一起和弯曲电线变得容易得多,以使其可以执行您想要的操作。 给自己买一小把钳子,就很好了,但是绝对不要用扳手代替钳子(反之亦然)。 您可能认为可以用钳子拧开螺母,但这是剥去螺母的好方法。

工具刀 (Utility Knife)


Sometimes scissors just won’t do the trick, which is why you need something more heavy duty. Utility knives are perfect for cutting through thick material, like cardboard, vinyl flooring, wooden shims, etc.

有时剪刀只是无法解决问题,这就是为什么您需要更重的工作。 多功能刀非常适合切割厚料,例如硬纸板,乙烯地板,木垫片等。

Heck, you can even use a utility knife for basic tasks like opening boxes, tearing open food packaging, and making precise cuts on things where you can’t be as careless. Utility knives, overall, have a lot of different uses around the house, and they’re cheap as chips.

哎呀,您甚至可以使用美工刀来完成一些基本任务,例如打开盒子,撕开食品包装盒以及精确切掉那些您可能会粗心的东西。 总体而言,多用途刀在房屋周围有许多不同用途,它们作为筹码便宜

水平 (Level)


When it comes to hanging anything on the wall, you want to make sure it’s level. You could eyeball it, but that’s not really that accurate. This is where a simple level comes into play.

当要在墙上悬挂任何东西时,您要确保它是水平的。 您可以盯上它,但这并不是那么准确。 这是一个简单级别起作用的地方。

I’m not talking about a 4-foot carpenter’s level or anything crazy like that, but a simple handheld torpedo level is great to have around the house for making sure everything is square and level. Yes, you can use your smartphone, but a real level is probably going to be more accurate.

我不是在谈论4英尺木匠的水平仪或类似的疯狂工具,但是在房子周围安装一个简单的手持鱼雷水平仪非常有用,可以确保所有东西都水平且水平。 是的,您可以使用智能手机,但实际水平可能会更准确。

Furthermore, while a torpedo level is great to have, a major upgrade would be a laser level, which shines an auto-leveling laser line across the wall, allowing you to work with both hands while you have a great reference point for hanging multiple picture frames. I personally like this Stanley laser level from Lowe’s, and while the mount is pretty much useless, the device can shine either auto-leveling vertical or horizontal lines, or a stationary line that you can angle up or down using the built-in protractor to get the precise angle that you want.

此外,虽然鱼雷水平仪很不错,但主要的升级将是激光水平仪,该激光水平仪会照亮整个墙壁上的自动找平激光线,使您可以在悬吊多张图片的绝佳参考点的同时双手工作框架。 我个人喜欢Lowe的这款Stanley激光水平仪,虽然安装座几乎没有用,但该设备可以照亮自动水平或垂直或水平线,也可以照亮固定线,您可以使用内置量角器来上下倾斜获得所需的精确角度。

螺柱查找器 (Stud Finder)


If you need hang anything remotely heavy into a wall, like a book shelf or a large piece of art, then it needs to be screwed into a stud for better support. A stud finder can–you guessed it–help locate studs inside your walls.

如果您需要将重物挂在墙上,例如书架或大件艺术品,则需要将其拧入螺柱中以获得更好的支撑。 您可能猜到了,螺柱查找器可以帮助您定位墙内的螺柱。

You can hang most picture frames just on the drywall itself, and drywall anchors are great to use if you absolutely can’t rely on a stud, but for the best reliability and ultimate strength, screwing right into a stud is the optimal choice. Stud finders can get really expensive, but a basic one can do the trick just fine.

您可以将大多数相框挂在石膏板本身上,如果绝对不能依靠螺柱,石膏板锚非常适合使用,但要获得最佳的可靠性和最大的强度,将螺钉拧入螺柱是最佳选择。 梭哈发现者可能真的很昂贵,但是基本的人可以做到这一点。

There are, of course, tons of other tools that are great to have, and you could fill up an entire room with useful tools and still not be satisfied, but the above tools mentioned make for a great starting point to building your collection.



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