


After months in beta, Valve has finally released Steam Family Sharing for everyone. Read on as we show you how to share your game library with friends and family (and highlight some of the limitations of the system in the process).

经过几个月的测试,Valve终于为所有人发布了Steam家庭共享。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何与亲朋好友共享您的游戏库(并在此过程中强调系统的某些局限性)。

什么是Steam家庭共享? (What Is Steam Family Sharing?)

Steam Family Sharing is a new feature in Valve’s Steam game distribution network/client that allows you to share your personal game library (the games you have downloaded/purchased from the Steam service) with friends and family.

Steam Family Sharing是Valve的Steam游戏发行网络/客户端中的一项新功能,可让您与亲朋好友共享您的个人游戏库(您从Steam服务下载/购买的游戏)。

There was a lot of confusion over what exactly that entailed during the beta test and, fresh off the public release, there’s still a lot of confusion over what exactly Family Sharing does. First, let’s clear up the biggest misconceptions. Steam Family Sharing does not allow you to purchase one copy of a game and then share it with all your friends. You can’t buy one copy of Left 4 Dead, for example, and then share it with all your buddies for a nearly-free LAN party. Also, Steam Family Sharing is a totally separate entity from Steam Family Options (Steam’s version of parental controls).

对于Beta测试期间到底需要做什么,存在很多困惑,而对于刚刚发布的最新版本,对于家庭共享所做的事情仍然存在很多困惑。 首先,让我们清除最大的误解。 Steam Family Sharing不允许您购买游戏的一个副本,然后与所有朋友共享。 例如,您不能购买一份《 Left 4 Dead》,然后将其与所有伙伴共享以进行几乎免费的LAN派对。 此外,Steam家庭共享是与Steam家庭选项(Steam的家长控制版本)完全独立的实体。

So what can you do with Steam Family Sharing? You can share your library, in totality, with up to 5 other Steam accounts and up to 10 devices authorized on the Steam network. Why would you want to do this? Unlike simply letting your roommate, spouse, or child sit down and play on your computer (or using your account on their computer) Steam Family Sharing allows for the other user to retain access to their own games while gaining the ability to play yours as well as maintain their own set of Steam achievements.

那么,您可以使用Steam家庭共享做什么? 您最多可以与最多5个其他Steam帐户和Steam网络上授权的10台设备共享您的媒体库。 你为什么想做这个? 与简单地让您的室友,配偶或孩子坐下来在您的计算机上玩(或在您的计算机上使用您的帐户)不同,Steam Family Sharing允许其他用户保留自己的游戏访问权限,同时也可以玩您的游戏保持自己的Steam成就集。

The system is not without limitations, however. You have to share your entire library (you can’t share a single game or set of games). Only one device or user can access the library at one time. The account owner is always given preference, but that means if you share your account with your child, only one of you can use the library at a time. While we absolutely understand restricting double access to individual games, it’s really silly that dad can’t play Skyrim in the den while junior plays Portal on his laptop. During the beta testing you could circumvent that restriction by setting one of the Steam clients to offline mode, but the security on that was tightened before the public release and the one online/one offline trick no longer works.

但是,该系统并非没有限制。 您必须共享整个库(您不能共享一个游戏或一组游戏)。 一次只能有一个设备或用户可以访问该库。 始终会优先考虑帐户所有者,但这意味着,如果您与孩子共享帐户,则一次只能使用一个人。 尽管我们绝对理解限制对个人游戏的双重访问,但是,当大三在他的笔记本电脑上玩Portal时,父亲不能在书房里玩Skyrim真的很可笑。 在Beta测试期间,您可以通过将其中一个Steam客户端设置为离线模式来规避该限制,但是在公开发布之前,已经加强了该客户端的安全性,并且一个在线/一个离线技巧不再起作用。

The other quirk is that Family Options and Family Sharing don’t play nice together. You can only apply the game-by-game restrictions available in Family Options to games owned by that account; there is no way to apply restrictions to games available through the Family Sharing system. Given that Family Sharing shares the entire library in an all-or-nothing fashion, it’s problematic that you can’t use the parental controls found in Family Options to lock down inappropriate games delivered by Family Sharing.

另一个怪癖是“家庭选择”和“家庭共享”不能很好地结合在一起。 您只能将“家庭选项”中可用的逐个游戏限制应用于该帐户拥有的游戏; 无法对通过家庭共享系统提供的游戏施加限制。 鉴于“家庭共享”以全有或全无的方式共享整个图书馆,因此,您无法使用“家庭选项”中的父母控制来锁定“​​家庭共享”提供的不当游戏的问题。

Hopefully Valve comes up with a solution that can both protect game publishers while allowing more practical in-family sharing of games.


启用S​​team家庭共享 (Enabling Steam Family Sharing)

Setting up Steam Family Sharing is easy, albeit slightly counter-intuitive. In order to set up sharing you need to have access to both the computer the shared library will be accessed on as well as the account of the user you’ll be sharing with (you don’t need their password, but you do need them there to log into the Steam service). Again, for emphasis, you need to be on the secondary user’s computer, not your own.

设置Steam家庭共享很容易,尽管有点违反直觉。 为了设置共享,您需要同时访问共享库的计算机和将要共享的用户的帐户(您不需要他们的密码,但确实需要他们的密码)在那里登录Steam服务)。 再次强调一下,您需要使用辅助用户的计算机,而不是您自己的计算机

Sit down at the computer you wish to authorize the other user on. Prior to starting the sharing process, launch the Steam client and have the user you’re going to share your library with log onto Steam at least once. (This step ensures that their username is listed as a potential share option). After the other user has logged in and back out, it’s time for you to log into the Steam client using the login credentials of the account (presumably yours) that has the games you wish to share.

坐在您要授权其他用户使用的计算机上。 在开始共享过程之前,请启动Steam客户端,并让您要共享您的库的用户至少登录一次Steam。 (此步骤确保将其用户名列为潜在的共享选项)。 在其他用户登录并注销后,您该使用拥有您想要共享的游戏的帐户(大概是您的)的登录凭据登录Steam客户端了。

Once logged in, navigate to Steam -> Settings. In the settings menu look for for the Family option in the left hand panel:

登录后,导航至Steam->设置。 在设置菜单中,在左侧面板中查找“家庭”选项:

Look for the Family Library Sharing section. Remember, Family View is a completely separate function (but you can read our guide to setting it up here).

查找“家庭图书馆共享”部分。 请记住,“全家福”是一个完全独立的功能(但您可以在此处阅读我们的设置指南)。

In the Family Library Sharing section, click the “Authorize This Computer” button to authorize the computer you’re on to use to access your game library. After you’ve clicked the authorization button, check up to 5 user accounts from the “Authorized Accounts” list to authorize them to use your Steam library on the computer. When you’re done, the Family Library Sharing panel should look like this:

在“家庭库共享”部分中,单击“授权此计算机”按钮以授权您要用来访问游戏库的计算机。 单击授权按钮后,最多可以从“授权帐户”列表中检查5个用户帐户,以授权他们使用计算机上的Steam库。 完成后,“家庭图书馆共享”面板应如下所示:

Computer authorized, account(s) checked. Click OK to return to the main menu. Navigate to Steam -> Change User… to log out of the primary account and into the secondary account you just authorized with the sharing system.

已授权计算机,已检查帐户。 单击确定以返回到主菜单。 导航到Steam->更改用户...以注销主要帐户,并登录到您刚刚使用共享系统授权的辅助帐户。

Now you’ll see not only the games that belong to the secondary account, but all the games that belong to the primary account, too (indicated by “My Games” and “UserAccount’s Games” respectively). The secondary account holder is free to play any of the games on the primary account as if they belonged to them.

现在,您不仅将看到属于辅助帐户的游戏,而且还将看到属于主帐户的所有游戏(分别由“我的游戏”和“ UserAccount的游戏”指示)。 次要帐户持有者可以自由玩弄主帐户中的任何游戏,就像它们属于它们一样。

The only time it will become apparent they are borrowed games is if the primary account holder logs into their Steam account and begins playing a game. At that point a small notification will pop up in the lower right hand corner on any computer using the shared account (beside’s the primary account holder’s, that is) notifying them that the primary account holder is requesting access to the library and they have a few minutes to save their progress and exit.

唯一一次可以看出他们是借用游戏的情况是主账户持有者登录到他们的Steam账户并开始玩游戏。 届时,使用共享帐户(在主帐户持有人的旁边)的任何计算机上,都会在右下角弹出一条小通知,通知他们主帐户持有人正在请求访问库,并且他们有一些分钟保存进度并退出。

Back in the main menu, the secondary user will see the following entry in place of the usual “Play” option:


Whenever the primary account holder is using their library, the secondary account holder will be given the option to purchase the game so they can continue playing it.


Finally, to reverse the entire process and revoke access to the library sharing plan, either login to your Steam account via the web portal and go to Settings -> Family Sharing, or (using your Steam client) navigate to Steam -> Settings -> Family -> Manage Other Computers. You’ll see a list of the computers and users you’ve authorized like so:

最后,要撤消整个过程并撤消对图书馆共享计划的访问权,请通过Web门户登录到您的Steam帐户,然后转到“设置”->“家庭共享”,或者(使用您的Steam客户端)导航到“ Steam”->“设置”->家庭->管理其他计算机。 您将看到已授权的计算机和用户的列表,如下所示:

Clicking on the (Revoke) option allows you to revoke account authorization status and computer authorization status.


For additional information about Steam’s Family Sharing system, check out the official page and the user discussion forums.








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