dubbo 订阅服务订阅_如何选择最适合您的音乐订阅服务

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It seems like over the past year, streaming services have become a dime a dozen, with big names like Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, and Tim Cook all trying their hand at dethroning the current king of “all-you-can-eat” music mayhem, Spotify. With so many sub-par streamers flooding the market, how can you know which will get you the best bang (and bandwidth) for your buck?

似乎在过去的一年中,流媒体服务已成为一角钱,像Jay-Z,Dre博士和Tim Cook这样的大人物都在努力废除现任国王,“任您选择”音乐混乱,Spotify。 如此众多的低于标准杆的流光排进了市场,您如何知道哪一个将为您带来最佳的性价比(和带宽)?

Spotify (Spotify)

When you think of music streaming, whether you’ve been following these apps for years or just jumping on board, the first service that probably comes to mind is Spotify. The service has become so inseparable from the idea of monthly subscribed music streaming, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t use either it or Pandora as their primary source of auditory assault on a daily basis.

当您想到音乐流媒体时,无论您是多年来一直关注这些应用程序还是刚加入游戏,都可能想到的第一项服务是Spotify 。 这项服务已经变得与每月订阅音乐流的想法密不可分,您很难找到每天都不使用它或Pandora作为其听觉攻击的主要来源的任何人。

Spotify has dominated the streaming space for a number of years now and, as such, has drawn its fair share of controversy from both the record labels and musicians alike. Accusations of everything from dreadfully low rates for per-stream payouts to unfairly featuring specific artists over others have plagued the Swedish-based company since it first launched worldwide in 2011. Since then, Spotify has surged in popularity and claims an impressive roster of 60 million users around the globe listening to its library of 30 million+ songs that grows larger by the day.

如今,Spotify一直在流媒体领域占据主导地位,因此,唱片公司和音乐家都引起了争议。 自从这家瑞典公司自2011年在全球范围内首次成立以来,从每流支付的低费率到不公平地表现特定艺术家而不是其他艺术家的指控都困扰着这家瑞典公司。自那以后,Spotify的人气Swift飙升,并获得了令人印象深刻的6000万名册全世界的用户都在聆听它的3000万首歌曲库,并且每天都在增长。


But, despite its reputation, aside from Taylor Swift and a few select cuts from the Beatles, Spotify has still managed to maintain a good relationship with almost every major and indie artist on its service without an overwhelming number of complaints. Its popularity continues to grow on a year-over-year basis (even if profits continue to elude the company), while more and more independent singers and songwriters are lining up to be a part of an ecosystem which actively and often looks to feature smaller artists on playlists that are normally populated by big name acts exclusively.

但是,尽管享有声誉,除了泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)和甲壳虫乐队的一些精选剪辑外,Spotify仍设法与几乎所有主要和独立艺术家在其服务中保持良好的关系,而没有太多的抱怨。 它的受欢迎程度每年都在继续增长(即使利润继续躲避公司),而越来越多的独立歌手和词曲作者正在排队成为一个生态系统的一部分,该生态系统通常会以较小的规模活跃。通常由知名人士组成的播放列表中的艺术家都是独家演员。

If you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck, at $9.99 monthly, Spotify is going to be your best bet (at least until Apple Music releases at the end of this month, more on that later).

如果您希望以每月9.99美元的价格获得最大的收益,Spotify将是您最好的选择(至少在本月底Apple Music发行之前,再等等)。

潮汐 (Tidal)

Oh Tidal. You tried so hard to change the way we did things, and while your ambition was admirable, your overblown marketing campaign and out-of-touch approach to changing how we all streamed our favorite songs was anything but.

哦,潮汐。 您非常努力地改变了我们做事的方式,尽管您的野心令人钦佩,但您过分的营销活动和改变我们所有人流式传输喜欢的歌曲的脱节方法却无济于事。

Owned and operated by big name acts like Jay-Z, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, and Madonna, the service rode on the laurels of its “artist-owned, artists-first” model that was a refreshing take on an industry that had slowly been inching toward a mentality of putting business profits ahead of artist well-being. Besides being the best choice for anyone who wants to support their favorite musicians, the one glaring advantage that Tidal holds over its domineering competition is the inclusion of lossless streaming to desktop devices. For true audiophiles, paying just $19.99 a month for a massive library of FLAC audio files is just about as good a deal as you’ll find anywhere.

该服务由Jay-Z,Kanye West,Lady Gaga和Madonna之类的大牌人物拥有和运营,其“艺术家拥有,艺术家至上”的模式赞誉不绝,这是一个缓慢发展的行业的崭新面貌一直倾向于将经营利润放在艺术家的福祉之上。 除了是任何想要支持自己最喜欢的音乐家的人的最佳选择之外,Tidal在其霸气竞赛中所拥有的一个明显优势是将无损流传输到桌面设备中。 对于真正的发烧友来说,每月只需支付19.99美元,即可购买一个庞大的FLAC音频文件库,这与在任何地方都可以找到的一样便宜。


Unfortunately for Tidal, the number of scrutinizing headphone-aficionados out there who are willing to switch from Spotify isn’t exactly enough to support an entire business model, and the streaming service has struggled to find its footing ever since it first went live in March. Since then, the service has only mustered together a measly 770,000 users, though Jay says he’s not worried, and that his company is “in it for the long haul.”

不幸的是,对于Tidal来说,愿意从Spotify转向的仔细检查耳机爱好者并不足以支持整个商业模式,而且自3月份首次启用以来,流媒体服务一直在努力寻找立足点。 从那以后,该服务仅吸引了大约770,000个用户,尽管杰伊说他并不担心,而且他的公司“长期存在”。

Even in the face of those poor numbers, for our dollar if you’re a stickler for sound quality, you aren’t going to find anything out there that matches the hi-fi experience of Tidal’s streaming library, however limited it may be. Tidal also features a regular streaming service for $9.99 a month with no hi-fidelity audio, however at this cost tier you’re better off going with Spotify, or our next contender below.

即使面对如此糟糕的数字,对于我们来说,如果您是追求音质的坚守者,对于我们来说,您将找不到任何与Tidal流媒体库的高保真体验相匹配的东西,尽管可能有限。 潮汐还提供每月9.99美元的常规流媒体服务,不提供高保真音频,但是在此费用级别,您最好选择Spotify或下面的下一个竞争者。

Google Play音乐(无限听) (Google Play Music (All Access))

Right from the start of diving into Google Play’s All Access Music service, you’ll notice that many of its core features are nearly identical to Spotify in a litany of ways – but that’s not a bad thing.

从开始使用Google Play的All Access Music服务开始,您会注意到,它的许多核心功能在很多方面都与Spotify几乎相同–但这不是一件坏事。

You can easily make playlists, browse the playlists of others, follow your favorite artists, and stream all the songs your ears can handle for just $9.99 a month. Music quality ramps up to a respectable 320 kbps, and through and through, the service carried many, if not all, of all the artists you could want out of a Netflix-style smorgasbord of sound. The apps are easy to use and available universally both on Android’s Google Play and Apple’s iTunes App Store.

您可以轻松制作播放列表,浏览其他人的播放列表,关注自己喜欢的艺术家,并以每月9.99美元的价格串流您的耳朵可以处理的所有歌曲。 音乐质量提高到了可观的320 kbps,并且不断地,该服务承载着很多(如果不是全部的话)您想要的来自Netflix风格的杂音的所有艺术家。 这些应用程序易于使用,并且可以在Android的Google Play和Apple的iTunes App Store上普遍使用。


Better still, you can even automatically import all your iTunes music right into the All Access cloud library, so in case you can’t find something you want to listen to through the All Access search function, you can simply purchase it in iTunes, or import over purchases you’ve made in the past and continue jamming out without skipping a beat.

更妙的是,您甚至可以将所有iTunes音乐直接自动导入到All Access云库中,因此,如果您无法通过All Access搜索功能找到想要收听的内容,则可以在iTunes中购买,或者汇入您过去购买的商品,然后继续不断前进,而不会跳过任何节奏。

To be clear, Google’s All Access shouldn’t be confused with the vanilla Google Music, which, like iTunes, will still allow you to purchase individual songs or entire albums to download and keep for your own, no subscription required.

需要明确的是,不要将Google的All Access与香草的Google Music混淆,后者像iTunes一样,仍可以让您购买单独的歌曲或整个专辑,以供自己下载和保存,而无需订阅。

苹果音乐 (Apple Music)

Long-rumored and recently launched, the Apple Music service is a music streaming suite of apps and desktop software that, much like the rest of the options on this list, lets you freely gorge on as many tunes as you can handle for a set fee each month. To gain access to the full library of tunes that Apple has in its archive, you can expect to shell out $9.99 per month, per account, or if you want to bump things up to a family plan, $14.99 for six accounts at once.

长期以来一直传闻已久的Apple Music服务是一款音乐流媒体应用程序和桌面软件套件,与该列表中的其他选项非常相似,它使您可以以固定费用自由浏览尽可能多的音乐每一个月。 为了获得苹果档案库中完整的音乐库的访问权限,您可以期望每个帐户每月支付9.99美元,或者如果您希望将其纳入家庭计划,则一次可以为六个帐户支付14.99美元。

Apple has attempted to advertise its new ‘Connect’ radio service as a revolutionary way for artists to connect with their fans in realtime, though it conveniently ignores that Spotify’s ‘Follow’ feature has had the same customization and flexibility since its UI overhaul around the tail end of 2013. That said, Apple Music does have a few slight advantages over the competition, though for the most part, it seems only the hardcore streaming enthusiasts might be able to tell the difference.

苹果公司试图宣传其新的“连接”广播服务,这是艺术家实时与粉丝联系的一种革命性方式,尽管它很方便地忽略了Spotify的“关注”功能具有相同的自定义和灵活性,因为其UI的设计已经绕过尾巴。到2013年年底。尽管如此,Apple Music在竞争中确实有一些小优势,尽管在大多数情况下,似乎只有铁杆流媒体发烧友才能分辨出这一差异。


Of particular note is the Beats 1 radio network. Broadcasting from major hubs like New York, London, and LA, Beats 1 features DJs, artist interviews, as well as many of the same segments you’d expect from a real radio station. Only Apple Music subscribers are able to tune in, making the exclusive club an enticing place to be for users who want to feel like their service is actually alive, rather than just a static library of tracks.

特别值得注意的是Beats 1无线电网络。 Beats 1在纽约,伦敦和洛杉矶等主要枢纽进行广播,其中包括DJ,艺术家访谈以及您希望从真正的广播电台获得的许多相同细分市场。 只有Apple Music订户才能收听,这使独家俱乐部成为一个诱人的场所,适合希望感觉自己的服务真正活跃的用户,而不仅仅是静态的曲目库。

Even though the service is only in its infancy, it has the unique benefit of allowing you to combine your libraries with streaming content, as well as any music you buy through the iTunes store. Want to put the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in the same playlist? Simply purchase the Beatles tracks (or full albums) you want to listen to, and port them into a playlist filled with songs off the Stones streaming discography. Combine this with iTunes Match, and you’re ready to stream any song, any time, anywhere on all your favorite iOS devices.

即使该服务尚处于起步阶段,它也具有独特的优势,可让您将资料库与流媒体内容以及通过iTunes商店购买的任何音乐结合在一起。 要将甲壳虫乐队和滚石乐队放在同一个播放列表中? 只需购买您想听的甲壳虫乐队的曲目(或完整专辑),然后将其移植到播放列表中,该列表充满了Stones流媒体唱片中的歌曲。 将其与iTunes Match结合使用,您就可以随时随地在所有喜爱的iOS设备上流播任何歌曲。

Apple Music is just barely passing the one month mark past its debut, so it’s difficult to say whether it will dominate in similar fashion as the iPod or iPhone did before it. There were plenty of ways to download music before iTunes came along, but none of the other services did it quite as well or with as much polish as Apple’s eventual record distribution juggernaut eventually would. The company is always full of surprises, and though they may be a few years late into the streaming game, it wouldn’t be the first time they came in and changed the way we did things without us even realizing it.

Apple Music刚推出还不到一个月的时间,因此很难说它会以与iPod或iPhone之前的类似方式统治市场。 在iTunes出现之前,有很多下载音乐的方法,但是没有其他任何一种软件能像苹果最终的唱片发行大亨那样出色或完善。 该公司总是充满惊喜,尽管它们可能要比流媒体游戏晚几年了,但这并不是他们第一次没有改变我们就改变我们做事的方式。

So whichever avenue you decide to travel down, whether it’s Tidal’s crisply clean audio, Spotify’s massive library of songs, or Google Play’s respectable roster of new and emerging artists, it’s clear that there’s never been a better time in history to be a music junkie.

因此,无论您决定沿途走哪条路,无论是Tidal的清晰音频,Spotify的海量歌曲库,还是Google Play令人敬佩的新兴艺术家花名册,很明显,历史上没有比现在更适合成为音乐迷的时候了。

Whether Apple Music will live up to the promises set out by Tim Cook and Co. still remains to be seen, but we’re still optimistic that no matter who triumphs in the coming competition between these behemoths of brands, in the end, the consumer will still win out the most.

Apple Music是否能兑现蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和Co.提出的承诺还有待观察,但我们仍然乐观,无论谁在这些品牌庞然大物之间的竞争中胜出,最终消费者仍然会赢最多。

Image Credit: Apple Music 1, 2, Spotify, Google Music, Tidal


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219377/how-to-choose-which-music-subscription-service-is-right-for-you/

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