
Instagram and Facebook now both have metrics that show you how much you use each platform, but they’re completely skewed for anyone with more than one device.


The idea is a good one: people spend too much time on social networking, and by letting them know how much time they’re wasting scrolling through their feed, they can maybe help curb some of the overuse. This feature is new to both platforms, with Instagram’s rolling out last week and Facebook’s starting today.

这个想法是一个好主意:人们在社交网络上花费了太多时间,并且通过让他们知道他们浪费了多少时间滚动他们的feed,他们也许可以帮助抑制一些过度使用。 这是两个平台的新功能,Instagram于上周推出,而Facebook则从今天开始。

您可以在哪里找到使用情况统计信息 (Where You Can Find Your Usage Statistics)

If you want to check out your stats, it’s nary more than a few taps away.


On Instagram, tap your profile icon, open the menu, then choose Your Activity.


On Facebook, tap on the menu, expand the Settings & Privacy menu, then choose Your Time on Facebook.


Easy enough to find, but there’s one catch: these aren’t all that useful.


这些统计信息并没有像他们可能有用的那样 (These Statistics Aren’t as Useful as They Could Be)

If you’ll notice, there’s a key phrase that you should pay attention to: on this device. While that may not be a big deal for Instagram since it’s primarily a mobile phone app, considering this any sort of real-world statistic for Facebook is just…innacurate.

如果您会注意到,您应该注意一个关键词:在此设备上。 尽管对于Instagram而言,这并不是什么大不了的事,因为它主要是一个手机应用程序,但考虑到Facebook的任何此类现实统计数据,都是……不准确。

At this point, Facebook is prolific. It’s available on phones, the web, and tablets, and if you’re a user who switches between these kinds of devices throughout the day, these numbers are meaningless to you. For example, you may look at Facebook on your phone in the morning over coffee, then on your computer throughout the day at work, then on a tablet in the evening while lounging on the couch. In that case, you’re using the service on three different devices, with each one offering its own set of use metrics.

在这一点上,Facebook多产。 它可以在手机,网络和平板电脑上使用,如果您是一整天在这些设备之间进行切换的用户,那么这些数字对您来说毫无意义。 例如,您可能早上在手机上喝咖啡时查看Facebook,然后在全天工作时在计算机上查看,然后晚上在沙发上闲逛时在平板电脑上查看。 在这种情况下,您将在三台不同的设备上使用该服务,每台设备都提供自己的一组使用指标。

But there’s no reason it should be like this. There’s no reason why Facebook can’t share its usage metrics for your account instead of that device. Except maybe that’s part of the plan—if you do spread your use across a few (or even two) devices, then your “Time per day” results will be skewed when you look at them, making it seem like you’re spending less time than you really are. If people don’t think they’re spending an unreasonable amount of time on Facebook, then they’re unlikely to change their usage habits. And that’s the problem this is supposed to help solve.

但是没有理由应该是这样。 没有理由为什么Facebook不能为您的帐户而不是该设备共享其使用指标 除非这是计划的一部分-如果您确实将使用范围分散到了几台(甚至两台)设备上,那么当您查看它们时,“每天的时间”结果就会出现偏差,这似乎使您的支出减少了比你真正的时间。 如果人们不认为自己在Facebook上花费了不合理的时间,那么他们不太可能改变其使用习惯。 这就是应该解决的问题。

但这并不全是坏事 (But It’s Not All Bad)

On the upside, there is one redeeming feature for both platforms: the daily reminder. If you’re at least somewhat aware of how much time you spend on each network and want to curb your usage, you can set an alert in the Your Activity/Your Time page to help keep yourself in check.

有利的一面是,两个平台都有一个兑换功能:每日提醒。 如果您至少在某种程度上了解在每个网络上花费了多少时间并希望减少使用量,则可以在“活动/您的时间”页面中设置警报,以保持检查状态。

And in the case of Facebook, where you’re likely to use it across multiple devices, just keep in mind how much you use it on your other gadgets, too. And maybe, eventually, Facebook will fix this to start showing your real usage—not just that particular device.

在Facebook上,您可能会在多种设备上使用它,只需记住您在其他小工具上使用了多少。 也许最终,Facebook将解决此问题,以开始显示您的实际使用情况,而不仅仅是该特定设备。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebook-wont-really-tell-you-how-much-time-you-spend-using-facebook/





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