
The latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge only support the Flash plugin. You’ll need to find an alternative browser if you want to use Java, Silverlight, or any other ActiveX or NPAPI-based plugin.

最新版本的Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Microsoft Edge仅支持Flash插件。 如果要使用Java ,Silverlight或任何其他基于ActiveX或NPAPI的插件,则需要找到其他浏览器。

Most web users can get by without these plugins. That’s why browser developers no longer support them. But some websites, especially old business and government applications, still require these old technologies. So if you need them, what should you use?

没有这些插件,大多数网络用户可以轻松应对。 这就是为什么浏览器开发人员不再支持它们的原因。 但是某些网站,尤其是旧的企业和政府应用程序,仍然需要这些旧技术。 因此,如果您需要它们,应该使用什么?

使用Internet Explorer(即使在Windows 10上也是如此) (Use Internet Explorer (Even on Windows 10))

Internet Explorer is Microsoft’s legacy browser, and Microsoft still supports it with security updates. Even on Windows 10, where Microsoft Edge is the default web browser, Microsoft still includes the old version of Internet Explorer 11 for compatibility purposes. This is important because Microsoft Edge, Microsoft’s modern browser, doesn’t support any ActiveX-based plugins. It only supports its own built-in version of Adobe Flash.

Internet Explorer是Microsoft的旧版浏览器,Microsoft仍通过安全更新支持它。 即使在Windows 10(Microsoft Edge是默认的Web浏览器)上,出于兼容性目的,Microsoft仍包括旧版本的Internet Explorer 11。 这很重要,因为Microsoft Edge(Microsoft的现代浏览器)不支持任何基于ActiveX的插件。 它仅支持自己的内置Adobe Flash版本。

Whether you’re using Windows 7, 8, or 10, you’ll find Internet Explorer in your Start menu. On Windows 10, you’ll find it hidden under Start > Windows Accessories > Internet Explorer. If you use Microsoft Edge, you can click menu > Open With Internet Explorer on any web page to quickly open that web page in Internet Explorer.

无论您使用的是Windows 7、8还是10,您都可以在“开始”菜单中找到Internet Explorer。 在Windows 10上,您会发现它隐藏在“开始”>“ Windows附件”>“ Internet Explorer”下。 如果使用Microsoft Edge,则可以在任何网页上单击菜单>“使用Internet Explorer打开”以在Internet Explorer中快速打开该网页。

You probably won’t want to use Internet Explorer as your browser all the time, but you can launch it whenever you need to use a website that requires a plugin. To install these plugins, just launch IE and visit the appropriate website—Oracle’s Java site or Microsoft’s Silverlight site, for example.

您可能不希望一直使用Internet Explorer,但是只要需要使用需要插件的网站,就可以启动Internet Explorer。 要安装这些插件,只需启动IE并访问相应的网站,例如Oracle的Java站点Microsoft的Silverlight站点

If Java doesn’t run properly, make sure the browser plugin is enabled in its control panel. You’ll find the Java control panel at Control Panel > Programs > Java. On the “Security” tab, ensure “Enable Java content in the browser” is enabled. You may need to restart your browser after changing this setting.

如果Java无法正常运行,请确保在其控制面板中启用了浏览器插件。 您可以在控制面板>程序> Java中找到Java控制面板。 在“安全性”选项卡上,确保启用“在浏览器中启用Java内容”。 更改此设置后,您可能需要重新启动浏览器。

If you have to access an old web page that doesn’t work with Internet Explorer 11 and requires an older version of Internet Explorer, you can use Internet Explorer 11’s Enterprise Mode. This requires the Professional version of Windows 10, though, and isn’t available on the Home version.

如果您必须访问无法与Internet Explorer 11一起使用并且需要较旧版本的Internet Explorer的旧网页,则可以使用Internet Explorer 11的企业模式。 不过,这需要Windows 10的专业版,而家庭版则不可用。

在Windows,macOS或Linux上安装Mozilla Firefox ESR (Install Mozilla Firefox ESR on Windows, macOS, or Linux)

Mozilla ended support for traditional NPAPI browser plugins, aside from Flash, with Firefox 52 on March 7, 2017.

Mozilla于2017年3月7日终止了对除Flash之外的传统NPAPI浏览器插件的支持,以及Firefox 52。

However, Mozilla offers an “Extended Support Release”, or ESR, branch of the Firefox browser. This browser is intended for organizations to have a stable, long-term platform that only receives security updates, not the frequent feature updates and changes that the main version of Firefox receives.

但是,Mozilla提供了Firefox浏览器的“扩展支持版本”或ESR分支。 该浏览器旨在使组织拥有一个稳定的长期平台,该平台仅接收安全更新,而不接收Firefox主版本收到的频繁的功能更新和更改。

Firefox 52 ESR was released on March 7, 2017 and includes support for non-Flash browser plugins. Mozilla will continue supporting Firefox 52 ESR with security updates until sometime in the second quarter of 2018. At that point, the next ESR version of Firefox will drop support for NPAPI plugins.

Firefox 52 ESR于2017年3月7日发布,其中包括对非Flash浏览器插件的支持。 Mozilla将继续通过安全更新支持Firefox 52 ESR,直到2018年第二季度的某个时候。 届时,Firefox的下一个ESR版本将不再支持NPAPI插件。

Visit the Download Firefox Extended Support Release page to download the ESR version of Firefox. If you’re not sure which version to download, choose the 32-bit version of Firefox for maximum compatibility with older plugins. Older plugins may not have 64-bit versions available.

访问“下载Firefox扩展支持版本”页面以下载Firefox的ESR版本。 如果不确定要下载哪个版本,请选择32位版本的Firefox,以获得与旧插件的最大兼容性。 较旧的插件可能没有64位版本。

You can verify you’re using the ESR version of Firefox by clicking menu > Help > About Firefox. You’ll see “Firefox ESR” here if you’re on the ESR update channel.

您可以通过单击菜单>帮助>关于Firefox来验​​证您使用的是ESR版本的Firefox。 如果您位于ESR更新频道,则将在此处看到“ Firefox ESR”。

在macOS的Safari中启用插件 (Enable Plugins in Safari on macOS)

Apple has disabled plugins by default in Safari on macOS. Even Flash won’t play by default, and you’ll have to enable it whenever you visit a web page you want to use Flash on.

Apple默认已在macOS的Safari中禁用了插件。 默认情况下,即使Flash也不会播放,并且您每次访问要使用Flash的网页时都必须启用它。

Despite these aggressive moves, Apple hasn’t removed NPAPI plugin support from Safari—at least as of macOS Sierra 10.12. Safari continues to support Java, Silverlight, Unity, and other NPAPI-based plugins. In fact, it’s the last modern browser to continue supporting these plugins. Even if you normally use Chrome or Firefox on your Mac, you’ll need to use Safari when you want to access a web page that requires a plugin.

尽管采取了这些积极措施,但苹果尚未从Safari中删除NPAPI插件支持,至少从macOS Sierra 10.12开始。 Safari继续支持Java,Silverlight,Unity和其他基于NPAPI的插件。 实际上,它是最后一个继续支持这些插件的现代浏览器。 即使您通常在Mac上使用Chrome或Firefox,当您要访问需要插件的网页时也需要使用Safari。

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Apple completely drop support for plugins in a future version of macOS. But Apple hasn’t publicly announced a timeline for this.

看到苹果在未来版本的macOS中完全放弃对插件的支持,我们不会感到惊讶。 但是苹果尚未公开宣布时间表。

You can use these plugins normally in Safari. You’ll just have to enable them first. To do so, install the plugin normally. For example, you can download Java from Oracle’s website.

您可以在Safari中正常使用这些插件。 您只需要先启用它们即可。 为此,请正常安装插件。 例如,您可以从Oracle网站下载Java

Head to Safari > Preferences > Security > Plug-in Settings. Enable the installed plugin you want to use.

转到Safari>首选项>安全>插件设置。 启用要使用的已安装插件。

You can enable the plugin for all websites or only for specific websites. For example, to make Safari ask you if you want to use a plugin whenever a web page you’re visiting wants it, select the plugin and then set the “When visiting other websites” option at the bottom of the window to “Ask”.

您可以为所有网站或仅特定网站启用该插件。 例如,要使Safari在您要访问的网页需要它时询问您是否要使用插件,请选择该插件,然后将窗口底部的“在访问其他网站时”选项设置为“问” 。

Of course, the real solution is moving on from web content that requires plugins. Applications created with Java, SIlverlight, and Unity still function properly outside of the web browser. Desktop applications written in Java or Silverlight are safe and will work normally.

当然,真正的解决方案正在从需要插件的Web内容继续发展。 使用Java,SIlverlight和Unity创建的应用程序仍然可以在Web浏览器之外正常运行。 用Java或Silverlight编写的桌面应用程序是安全的,并且可以正常运行。

For delivering video to web browsers, Microsoft now recommends HTML5 video instead of its own Silverlight plugin. Netflix was the most famous user of Silverlight, and has dropped Silverlight for cross-platform HTML5 video.

为了将视频传递到Web浏览器,Microsoft现在建议使用HTML5视频,而不是自己的Silverlight插件。 Netflix是Silverlight的最著名用户,并且已将Silverlight删除为跨平台HTML5视频。

Flash is still widespread, which is why it’s been spared the axe. It’s also integrated by default into Chrome and Edge, which helps keep it sandboxed and updated. But even Flash will likely be left behind one day.

Flash仍然很普遍,这就是为什么它没有被砍下。 默认情况下,它也已集成到Chrome和Edge中,从而有助于对其进行沙盒化和更新。 但是,甚至Flash也有可能会落后一天。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221720/how-to-use-java-silverlight-and-other-browser-plug-ins-on-windows-10/





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