dvi dp hdmi_HDMI vs DisplayPort vs DVI:您要在新计算机上使用哪个端口?

dvi dp hdmi

dvi dp hdmi

It doesn’t seem so long ago that we had only one reliable way to connect a computer to an external monitor. Now the good old VGA port, may it rest in peace, is only found on designated “business” machines and adapters. In its place, we have a variety of alternatives, all of which seem to be fighting each other for the limited space on your laptop or graphics card. Let’s break down the options for your next PC purchase.

似乎不久以前,我们只有一种可靠的方法将计算机连接到外部显示器。 现在,只能在指定的“企业”机器和适配器上找到可以使用的老式VGA端口了,可以放心使用。 取而代之的是,我们有多种选择,所有这些似乎都在为笔记本电脑或图形卡的有限空间而战。 让我们分解一下您下次购买PC的选项。


HDMI is the most widely-used of the three options here, if only because it’s the de facto standard for anything connecting to televisions. Because of its wide adoption, HDMI is also included on most recent monitors and many laptops, except for the smallest ultraportable models. The acronym stands for “High Definition Multimedia Interface.”

HDMI是这三个选项中使用最广泛的,仅因为它是连接到电视的任何东西的事实上的标准。 由于其被广泛采用,除了最小的超便携式机型外,HDMI还将被包括在最新的显示器和许多笔记本电脑中。 首字母缩写词代表“高清多媒体接口”。

The standard has been around since the early 2000s, but determining its capabilities is a bit tricky, because it’s gone through so many revisions. The latest release is HDMI 2.1, which supports a staggering 10K resolution (more than 10,000 pixels wide) at 120 hertz. But version 2.1 is just starting to appear in consumer electronics; the latest laptops that feature HDMI ports will probably top out at version 2.0b, which supports 4K video at 60 frames per second with high dynamic range (HDR).

该标准自2000年代初期就存在,但是确定其功能有点棘手,因为它已经进行了许多修订。 最新版本是HDMI 2.1,它以120赫兹的速度支持惊人的10K分辨率(超过10,000像素宽)。 但是2.1版才刚刚开始出现在消费电子产品中。 具有HDMI端口的最新笔记本电脑可能会在2.0b版本中达到最高水平,该版本支持以60帧每秒的速度提供4K视频和高动态范围(HDR)

HDMI’s biggest advantage over the older DVI standard is that it also carries and audio signal, allowing users to plug into a TV (or a monitor with built-in speakers) with a single cable. This is great for TVs, but most monitors still lack integrated speakers, so you’ll also have to use a more conventional headphone jack or simply rely on your laptop’s built-in speakers much of the time.

与旧版DVI标准相比,HDMI的最大优势在于它还可以传输音频信号,从而使用户可以通过单根电缆插入电视(或带有内置扬声器的显示器)。 这对于电视来说非常有用,但是大多数显示器仍然没有集成扬声器,因此您还必须使用更常规的耳机插Kong,或者大部分时间仅依靠笔记本电脑的内置扬声器。

HDMI comes in three primary connection sizes: standard, “Mini,” and “Micro,” getting progressively smaller. The Mini and Micro connections are popular with smaller portable electronics, but if your laptop has an HDMI port, it probably uses the full-sized version. This, combined with a wide variety of compatible monitors and televisions, makes HDMI the most convenient external display option for most users.

HDMI具有三种主要的连接尺寸:标准,“迷你”和“微型”,尺寸逐渐减小。 小型和微型连接在较小的便携式电子设备中很流行,但是如果您的笔记本电脑具有HDMI端口,则可能使用全尺寸版本。 结合各种兼容的监视器和电视,HDMI成为大多数用户最方便的外部显示选项。

显示端口 (DisplayPort)

DisplayPort is a bit newer than HDMI, though it’s also a proprietary system. The full-sized plugs look similar, but DisplayPort uses a asymmetrical notched design versus HDMI’s  equal trapezoid.

虽然DisplayPort还是专有系统,但它比HDMI稍微新一些。 全尺寸的插头看起来很相似,但是DisplayPort使用非对称的缺口设计,而不是HDMI的等效梯形。

As competing standards, they share a lot of features in their various incarnations. DisplayPort can also carry audio signals on a single cable, and the latest release supports up to 8K resolution at 60 hertz with high dynamic range. The next version is expected later this year.

作为竞争性标准,它们在其各种化身中共享许多功能。 DisplayPort还可以在单​​根电缆上传输音频信号,并且最新版本在60赫兹的动态范围内支持高达8K的分辨率。 下一个版本预计在今年晚些时候发布。

Those who work with professional-quality monitors might have a very particular reason for preferring DisplayPort: it supports a unique feature called a daisy chaining. This allows users to plug one DisplayPort cable into a single monitor, then another from the first monitor to a second monitor, then a third, and so on. It allows a laptop or desktop to use a multi-display setup without needing to plug multiple cables into the source computer. Unfortunately, support for this feature is quite rare, and it’s usually only found on high-end monitors.

使用专业品质显示器的人可能有一个选择DisplayPort的特殊原因:它支持称为菊花链的独特功能。 这使用户可以将一条DisplayPort电缆插入单个监视器,然后将另一根电缆从第一台监视器插入第二台监视器,再插入第三台,依此类推。 它允许笔记本电脑或台式机使用多显示器设置,而无需将多根电缆插入源计算机。 不幸的是,对该功能的支持很少见,通常只能在高端显示器上找到。

DisplayPort plugs come in the full-sized “notched” variety and also a mini variant, first used with Apple laptops. Unlike the smaller HDMI plugs, Mini DisplayPort connections are quite common on high-end machines. The smaller plug allows computer manufacturers more flexibility, but it also means that end users need either a dedicated mini-to-standard cable or an adapter.

DisplayPort插头有全尺寸的“缺口”款,也有微型款,最早用于Apple笔记本电脑。 与较小的HDMI插头不同,Mini DisplayPort连接在高端机器上非常普遍。 较小的插头使计算机制造商具有更大的灵活性,但这也意味着最终用户需要专用的微型标准电缆或适配器。


Digital Visual Interface is the oldest of these standards, first appearing in 1999, but it’s still present on enough monitors that it’s sometimes included even on new laptops and desktop graphics cards today. DVI’s older technology gives it more limitations than either HDMI or DisplayPort. It also uses a much larger plug design that lacks a self-latching mechanism, and requires the user to screw in the cable for safe extended use.

数字视觉接口是这些标准中最早的一个,于1999年首次出现,但是它仍然存在于足够多的显示器上,有时甚至在如今的新笔记本电脑和台式机图形卡中也包括在内。 DVI的较旧技术比HDMI或DisplayPort赋予了更多的限制。 它还使用了更大的插头设计,没有自动闩锁机制,并且要求用户拧入电缆以安全地延长使用时间。

The original single-link DVI is rarely used anymore: if your laptop has a DVI connection, it’s almost certainly using DVI Dual Link, with a maximum 60 hertz output of 2560×1600. This makes DVI incompatible with newer 4K displays (though technically the standard can handle the higher number of pixels at a lower 33 frames per second). Some professional graphics cards have DVI-D ports that can output audio that’s compatible with an HDMI adapter, but the vast majority of DVI ports are restricted to video-only capabilities.

原始的单链路DVI几乎不再使用:如果您的笔记本电脑具有DVI连接,则几乎可以肯定是使用DVI Dual Link,最大60赫兹输出为2560×1600。 这使DVI与较新的4K显示器不兼容(尽管从技术上讲,该标准可以以较低的每秒33帧的速度处理大量像素)。 一些专业的图形卡具有DVI-D端口,可以输出与HDMI适配器兼容的音频,但是绝大多数DVI端口仅限于仅视频功能。

As a visual standard, DVI is on its way out. If you’re searching for a new laptop or building a new computer, you should only consider a DVI port essential if you need it to connect to an older (but still high-quality) monitor. Even then, it’s quite easy to find DVI adapters for both HDMI and DisplayPort.

作为视觉标准,DVI即将淘汰。 如果要搜索新的笔记本电脑或构建新的计算机,则仅当需要DVI端口连接到较旧(但仍是高质量)的显示器时,才应考虑使用DVI端口。 即便如此,找到适用于HDMI和DisplayPort的DVI适配器还是很容易的。

您可以使用适配器,但是它们可能会引起问题 (You Can Use Adapters, but They May Introduce Problems)

A variety of adapters for managing different connections and cables are available, going to and from more or less all the plugs and standards listed above. So getting some kind of video out of your laptop or desktop and into a display shouldn’t be an insurmountable challenge. However, due to the complexity of transitioning video and audio from one standard to another, these can cause problems. Converting the digital signal between standards typically means using the lowest maximum resolution and refresh rate between them, and single-cable audio may or may not be available.

可以使用多种适配器来管理不同的连接和电缆,这些适配器或多或少地往返于上面列出的所有插头和标准。 因此,将某种视频从笔记本电脑或台式机中带入显示器并不是一个不可克服的挑战。 但是,由于将视频和音频从一种标准过渡到另一种标准的复杂性,可能会引起问题。 在标准之间转换数字信号通常意味着在标准之间使用最低的最大分辨率和刷新率,并且单电缆音频可能可用或可能不可用。

A Mini-DisplayPort to HDMI adapter. Many other types are available.
Mini-DisplayPort转HDMI适配器。 还有许多其他类型。

In addition, converting the digital video signal may break HDCP content encryption, forcing some video sources to display in low-resolution mode or not at all. (Here’s a primer on HDCP and the headaches it can cause for trying to watch high-definition video.) For this reason, it’s always best to stick to the same type of cable and connection for your computer and your display if at all possible.

此外,转换数字视频信号可能会破坏HDCP内容加密,从而迫使某些视频源以低分辨率模式显示或根本不显示。 (这是有关HDCP的入门知识,它可能会导致您尝试观看高清视频时感到头疼。)因此,如果可能的话,最好始终使用相同类型的电缆和电缆连接计算机和显示器。

USB Type-C (USB Type-C)

Some new, high-end, or especially small machines are starting to rely on the Thunderbolt standard, which can operate on a flexible USB Type-C connector for video out, audio, data, and power, all at once. These multi-purpose ports are still rare on monitors, but the flexibility they offer is making them quite popular on laptops and tablets. Unfortunately, using one with most monitors and televisions at the moment will require yet another adapter.

一些新的高端机器,特别是小型机器,开始依赖Thunderbolt标准,该标准可以在灵活的USB Type-C接口上运行,以同时实现视频输出,音频,数据和电源。 这些多功能端口在显示器上仍然很少见,但是它们提供的灵活性使它们在笔记本电脑和平板电脑上非常受欢迎。 不幸的是,目前在大多数监视器和电视上使用一个适配器将需要另一个适配器。

Image Credits: Martin Gooden/Flickr, Amazon

图片来源: Martin Gooden / Flickr,亚马逊

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305410/hdmi-vs-displayport-vs-dvi-which-port-do-you-want-on-your-new-computer/

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