ember使用第三方类库_如何使用Ember Media Manager整理您的媒体收藏




A media center isn’t nearly as fun if all your media is mislabeled poorly organized. Read on to learn how to use Ember Media Manager to whip your media into shape and make your collection sparkle.

如果您所有媒体的标签都组织不善,那么媒体中心就不会那么有趣。 请继续阅读,以了解如何使用Ember Media Manager鞭打您的媒体,使您的收藏品更闪耀。

为什么需要媒体管理器? (Why Do I Need a Media Manager?)

Perhaps you’ve never heard of a media manager or if you have you’ve written it off as something for those obsessive types to tinker with. Media managers are invaluable for ensuring that what your media center displays is accurate, custom tuned, and ultimately shows off how awesome your media collection is.

也许您从未听说过媒体管理器,或者如果您已将其注销,作为那些痴迷的类型可以修改的东西。 媒体经理对于确保您的媒体中心显示的内容准确,自定义调整,并最终展示您的媒体收藏有多么出色,无价​​之宝。

So what is a media manager? A media manager is simply an application that catalogs your media and writes images and metadata to the directory the media is stored in so that media center applications can access that data in order to display the correct information for the movie (ratings, reviews, cast listings, etc.) and media for the movie (box art, movie posters, fan art, etc.).

那么什么是媒体经理? 媒体管理器只是一个应用程序,可以对您的媒体进行分类,并将图像和元数据写入媒体存储的目录中,以便媒体中心应用程序可以访问该数据,以显示电影的正确信息(评分,评论,演员表)等)和电影的媒体(美术,电影海报,粉丝艺术等)。

Why would you want one if your media center already has built in media scraping? Most media centers do have some sort of scraper built in—a scraper is a small script that combs through online databases like the Internet Movie Database to look for media matches. Unfortunately media scrapers range from decent to downright crappy and correcting their mistakes using your HTPC remote or a media center keyboard is tedious. Further more nearly every media center stores the data it scrapes locally. You know what that means? If you turf your media center and have to reinstall, all that data has to be rescraped. Install another media center elsewhere in the house? Time to rescrape again or gamble at exporting and importing the data if your media center software even supports it. Scraping can take hours on a large media collection. On top of waiting for the media collection to scrape you then have to go through and correct the errors all over again. It’s tedious and there’s no reason you should do it.

如果您的媒体中心已经内置了媒体抓取功能,为什么还要一个呢? 大多数媒体中心的确内置了某种类型的抓取工具-抓取工具是一个小的脚本,可通过Internet电影数据库等在线数据库进行梳理以查找媒体匹配项。 不幸的是,介质刮板的范围从体面到破烂不堪,使用HTPC遥控器或介质中心键盘纠正它们的错误很繁琐。 此外,几乎每个媒体中心都将其抓取的数据存储在本地。 你知道这意味着什么? 如果您在移动媒体中心,必须重新安装,则所有数据都必须重新存储。 在房子的其他地方安装另一个媒体中心? 如果您的Media Center软件甚至支持数据,那么该是再次重新抓紧时间还是要冒险导出和导入数据。 进行大型媒体收藏可能需要花费数小时的时间。 除了等待媒体集被抓取之外,您还必须重新检查并纠正错误。 这很乏味,没有理由您应该这样做。

When you use a media manager all that information is stored with the movies and television shows. If you add a new media center to your home network all that media center needs to do is read the data from your media shares and load it instead of grinding away for hours rescraping your media.

使用媒体管理器时,所有这些信息都电影和电视节目一起存储。 如果将新的媒体中心添加到家庭网络,则媒体中心所需要做的就是从媒体共享中读取数据并加载,而不是花费数小时重新整理媒体。

For the following guide we’ll be using Ember Media Manager, a popular and open-source media management tool. Ember Media Manager was originally created for XBMC media centers but you can modify your settings to scrape data for other popular media center applications. For this tutorial, however, we’ll be using it to configure media for XBMC.

对于以下指南,我们将使用流行的开源媒体管理工具Ember Media Manager。 Ember Media Manager最初是为XBMC媒体中心创建的,但是您可以修改设置以刮擦其他流行的Media Center应用程序的数据。 但是,在本教程中,我们将使用它来配置XBMC的媒体。

安装和配置Ember Media Manager (Installing and Configuring Ember Media Manager)


Installing and configuring Ember Media Manager (EMM) is a breeze if you know the right settings to key in. In the following screenshots we’ll walk you through configuring EMM for an optimum media center experience. Remember, we’re setting things up for XBMC, you’ll need to tweak the settings to fit how your media center accesses movie information, thumbnails, and fan art.

如果您知道要键入的正确设置,那么安装和配置Ember Media Manager(EMM)会很容易。在以下屏幕截图中,我们将引导您完成配置EMM以获得最佳媒体中心体验。 记住,我们正在为XBMC进行设置,您需要调整设置以适合媒体中心访问电影信息,缩略图和粉丝艺术的方式。

The first thing you want to do is skip the installation assistant tool found on the main Ember Media Manager web site. It’s a small 216kb installer that checks your computer OS version and then downloads the most current version for you. It’s been broken for some time (as official development on Ember Media Manager has been suspended). Instead visit  the Ember Media Manager download directory at SourceForge and grab the appropriate version from the current release (1.2 as of this writing).

您要做的第一件事是跳过在Ember Media Manager主网站上找到的安装助手工具。 这是一个216kb的小型安装程序,它会检查您的计算机操作系统版本,然后为您下载最新版本。 它已经被破坏了一段时间(由于Ember Media Manager的正式开发已被暂停)。 而是访问SourceForge上Ember Media Manager下载目录,并从当前发行版(撰写本文时为1.2 )中获取适当的版本。

Once you have the appropriate file just extract the contents wherever you want to store Ember Media Manager, open the directory, and run it for the first time. No true installation necessary—you could call it portable, but since it is so intimately tied to your media collection unless you cart it around on your media drive it’s portable in principle only.

有了合适的文件后,只需将内容提取到要存储Ember Media Manager的任何位置,打开目录并首次运行即可。 无需进行真正的安装-您可以将其称为可移植的,但是由于它与媒体库紧密相关,除非您将其随身携带在媒体驱动器上,否则原则上只能是可移植的。


Language selection aside, the first real prompt you’ll come across is a request for the location of your movie files. Click on Add button, name your source, enter the source path, and set your source options. Scan Recursively instructs EMM to dig down through folder directories and look for movies in sub-folders. Since we keep all our movies in a simple one-movie-per-folder configuration, we left this unchecked. Only Detect One One Movie From Each Folder is critically important for most of the thumbnail and artwork functionality in XBMC. If you currently have all your movies jumbled in a big folder and not sorted into individual sub-folders we recommend doing a quick cleanup before proceeding. Finally Use Folder Name for Initial Listing should be checked so EMM will use the folder names to pull the movie names before the initial scraping.

除了语言选择之外,您遇到的第一个真正的提示是要求电影文件的位置。 单击添加按钮,命名源,输入源路径,并设置源选项。 递归扫描指示EMM深入浏览文件夹目录并在子文件夹中查找电影。 由于我们将所有电影都保存在一个简单的每个文件夹一个电影的配置中,因此我们未对其进行检查。 对于XBMC中的大多数缩略图和插图功能,仅从每个文件夹中检测一部电影至关重要。 如果您当前将所有电影混在一个大文件夹中,而不是归类到各个子文件夹中,我们建议在继续操作之前进行快速清理。 最终应检查“将文件夹名称用于初始列表”,以便EMM在初始抓取之前将使用文件夹名称拉动影片名称。

NOTE: We highly, strongly, passionately recommend you copy a few of your movie directories as a test. We selected a few movies from our collection and put them specifically in a folder labeled /EMM Test/. This way you can get familiar with EMM without risking making sweeping and hard to repair changes to your entire media collection. Once you feel confident with EMM then you can switch the source back to your main media folder. Once you’ve set up a test folder for your movies do the same for your TV shows.

注意:我们强烈,强烈,强烈地建议您复制一些电影目录作为测试。 我们从收藏集中选择了几部电影,并将它们专门放在标记为/ EMM Test /的文件夹中。 这样,您就可以熟悉EMM,而不必冒险进行扫描并且很难修复整个媒体集的更改。 一旦对EMM充满信心,便可以将源切换回主媒体文件夹。 为电影设置测试文件夹后,对电视节目进行相同操作。


Once you’ve set your movie source EMM will prompt you to pick how it should save posters, fan art, and NFO files. If you’re setting things up for XBMC you’ll want to check folder.jpg, movie.tbn, poster.jpg, fanart.jpg, <movie>-fanart.jpg, and <movie>.nfo. Some of these, such as folder.jpg and <movie>.tbn are semi-redundant but they serve a purpose. Folder.jpg will put in a thumbnail that both XBMC’s file browser and other file browsers like Windows Explorer will recognize and <movie>.tbn is the default format for movie cover thumbnails within XBMC. Putting them both in makes browsing on multiple systems easier and decreases load times in XBMC. NFO files are simple text files that store media metadata. Ember Media Manager will create a file in each movie folder that has all the scraped movie data. This way, in the future, XBMC will never go looking for it. It will pull your custom data right from the movie directory. Magic!

设置电影源后,EMM会提示您选择如何保存海报,粉丝艺术和NFO文件。 如果要为XBMC进行设置,则需要检查folder.jpg,movie.tbn,poster.jpg,fanart.jpg,<movie> -fanart.jpg和<movie> .nfo。 其中一些文件夹(例如folder.jpg和<movie> .tbn)是半冗余的,但它们是有目的的。 Folder.jpg将放入一个缩略图,XBMC的文件浏览器和Windows Explorer等其他文件浏览器都将识别该缩略图,并且<movie> .tbn是XBMC中电影封面缩略图的默认格式。 将它们都放入其中可以简化在多个系统上的浏览,并减少XBMC中的加载时间。 NFO文件是存储媒体元数据的简单文本文件。 Ember Media Manager将在每个影片文件夹中创建一个包含所有已抓取影片数据的文件。 这样,将来XBMC将永远不会寻找它。 它将从电影目录中直接提取您的自定义数据。 魔法!

After you set up the movie folder you will repeat the process for TV shows. Skip this if you have no TV shows. If you do, heed our earlier warning! Make a test folder! You’ll select the source in the same fashion and check the following options in the settings menu:

设置影片文件夹后,将重复执行电视节目的过程。 如果没有电视节目,请跳过此步骤。 如果这样做,请注意我们之前的警告! 制作一个测试文件夹! 您将以相同的方式选择来源,并在设置菜单中检查以下选项:


For this round you’ll check folder.jgp, fanart.jpg, season-all.tbn, <ep>.tbn, and then in the seasons section seasonXX.tbn, folder.jpg, and fanart.jpg.

在本轮中,您将检查folder.jgp,fanart.jpg,season-all.tbn,<ep> .tbn,然后在季节部分中查看seasonXX.tbn,folder.jpg和fanart.jpg。

If you’re curious about the structure of the XBMC thumbnail system you can check out the full guide to the thumbnail system in the XBMC wiki here.

如果您对XBMC缩略图系统的结构感到好奇,可以在XBMC Wiki上查看有关缩略图系统完整指南


When you’re finished selecting your sources, click Next to finish and launch Ember Media Manager. You’ll see the full interface (which, for a moment will be empty). Down in the lower left corner you’ll see movie and TV show titles whirling by as EMM scans your folders. The initial scan is not a scrape. It’s just EMM getting the file names and pulling up any clues it finds in the folder. We had 17 movies, for example, in our test folder and based on what was stored in the folders along with the movie file itself EMM pulled up information ranging from nothing more than the title to fan art, ratings and more. This is entirely dependent on whether or not you’ve scraped the files before with another media manager or if the files you downloaded already had the extras attached.

选择源之后,单击“下一步”完成并启动Ember Media Manager。 您会看到完整的界面(一会儿是空的)。 在EMM扫描文件夹时,在左下角,您会看到电影和电视节目的标题在旋转。 初始扫描不是刮擦。 只是EMM获取文件名并提取其在文件夹中找到的任何线索。 例如,我们的测试文件夹中有17部电影,并且基于文件夹中存储的内容以及电影文件本身,EMM收集的信息不外乎标题,粉丝艺术,评分等。 这完全取决于您是否在与其他媒体管理器之前刮过文件,或者下载的文件是否已附加了附件。


Don’t be surprised if there is no media information what so ever. For a virgin collection or a collection you hand-ripped that’s most likely how you’ll find it. Don’t worry though! By the end of this tutorial you’ll have completely updated and sparkling media collection.

如果没有媒体信息,请不要感到惊讶。 对于原始收藏或您手工收藏的收藏,很可能会找到它。 不过不要担心! 在本教程结束时,您将完全更新和更新媒体集。

使用Ember Media Manager抓取您的媒体收藏 (Scraping Your Media Collection with Ember Media Manager)


At this point you have the application set up, you’ve done an initial scan, and now you need to start filling in the additional information about your media files.


Let’s start off by using The Nightmare Before Christmas as an example. It’s sitting in EMM but it has absolutely no data; it’s just a raw movie file. That’s not very interesting and it gives our media center absolutely nothing interesting to load up. Let’s do a single scrape of that individual movie to show you how the process works. You won’t have to individually scrape every movie, mind you! Ember Media Manager does a great job bulk scraping. If you’re new to this business of media organization and scraping, however, we want you to see the process in step-by-step action. Pick a movie and right click on it, we’ll be using The Nightmare Before Christmas, and select (Re)Scrape Movie.

让我们以圣诞节前的噩梦为例开始。 它位于EMM中,但绝对没有数据。 这只是一个原始的电影文件。 那不是很有趣,它给我们的媒体中心绝对没有什么有趣的加载空间。 让我们对单个电影进行一次刮擦,以向您展示该过程的工作方式。 请注意,您不必逐个抓取每部电影! Ember Media Manager在批量抓取方面做得很好。 但是,如果您是媒体组织和抓取的新手,我们希望您逐步了解该过程。 选择一部电影并右键单击它,我们将使用“圣诞节前的噩梦”,然后选择“ (重新)抓取电影”。


For nearly every movie, save for an odd foreign film or barely-known indie film, EMM should almost instantly kick back a response. It found The Nightmare Before Christmas in a matter of seconds.

对于几乎每部电影,除了奇怪的外国电影或鲜为人知的独立电影外,EMM几乎都应该立即做出回应。 它在几秒钟内发现了圣诞节前的噩梦。


Select the match and click OK. EMM will scrape for another moment and then show you a display of movie posters. Some movies only have one poster, some have dozens. Pull down the largest image you can, you never know how high-resolution the media centers and HDTVs of tomorrow will be—it’s a tiny bit of future-proofing.

选择匹配项,然后单击“确定”。 EMM会再刮一下,然后向您展示电影海报。 有些电影只有一张海报,有些只有几十张。 拉下最大的图像,您将永远不知道明天的媒体中心和HDTV的分辨率将有多高,这只是面向未来的一小部分。


After the movie poster selection comes the fan art. “Fan art” as it were, can range in everything from movie stills from popular scenes, promotional wallpaper released by the studio, custom images made by fans, and even completely original fan-generated artwork. Most movies have quite a few images to choose from. If you can’t make up your mind EMM has a caching feature built in. If you check off more than one fan art only the one you select in blue will be the primary fan art, all the others will be locally cached with the movie in the /extrathumbs/ category for easy future access.

电影海报选择之后,便出现了粉丝艺术。 实际上,“风扇艺术”的范围很广,从电影剧照到流行场景,工作室发行的促销壁纸,粉丝制作的自定义图像,甚至是完全由粉丝生成的艺术品。 大多数电影都有很多图像可供选择。 如果您不能下定决心,则EMM内置了缓存功能。如果您检查了多个粉丝作品,则只有蓝色选择的一个才是主要的粉丝作品,其他所有粉丝都将在电影中本地缓存在/ extrathumbs /类别中,以便将来访问。


When you’re done picking out movie posters and fan art, Ember Movie Manager will kick you over to the Edit Movie dashboard for the movie you’re working on. There you can review all the changes it has made including things like the cast list, plot summary, rating, genre tagging, and the poster/fan art/extra thumbs you’ve acquired.

挑选完电影海报和粉丝艺术之后,Ember Movie Manager将带您转到正在制作的电影的“编辑电影”仪表板。 在这里,您可以查看它所做的所有更改,包括演员表,剧情摘要,评分,类型标记以及您获得的海报/粉丝艺术/额外的拇指。


If everything looks good click OK in the corner. What was an empty gray box that simply said “No Information is Available for This Movie” is now a colorful movie summary with a movie poster, fan art, ratings (both critical ratings and parental warning ratings) as well as icons indicating the resolution and sound quality of the movie. Like what you see? Take a moment to right click on the movie you just scraped and select Lock. This is a new feature in Ember Media Manager that allows you to lock an entry you’re happy with so that future scraping won’t accidently replace your hand picked artwork. Entries for locked items have a light blue background.

如果一切正常,请单击角落的“确定”。 原来是一个空的灰色框,上面简单地说“此电影没有可用的信息”,现在是一个彩色的电影摘要,其中包含电影海报,粉丝艺术,等级(包括严重等级和父母警告等级)以及指示分辨率和电影的音质。 喜欢你看到的吗? 花一点时间右键单击刚抓取的电影,然后选择“锁定” 。 这是Ember Media Manager中的一项新功能,可让您锁定您满意的条目,以便将来进行抓取时不会意外替换您手工挑选的艺术品。 锁定项目的条目具有浅蓝色背景。


The initial movie scrape went so well, let’s scrape everything! Ember Media Manager makes it super easy to scrape your entire collection. Click on the Scrape Media icon located on the menu bar to the right of the Movies tab. A pull down menu will appear. Here in the menu you can select what media you want to scrape. Since we have a new collection with (save for the movie we just scraped!) no movie data, we’re going to scrape all the movies, require EMM to prompt us if it’s confused on a movie match, and to download all items. For the most part EMM does a great job figuring out which movie is which, but it occasionally has a question like whether or not the Transformers movie in question is the 1984 version or the 2007 version.

最初的电影刮擦效果非常好,让我们刮擦一切! Ember Media Manager使抓取整个收藏集变得非常容易。 单击“电影”选项卡右侧菜单栏上的“抓取媒体”图标。 将会出现一个下拉菜单。 在菜单中,您可以选择要刮擦的介质。 由于我们有一个新的收藏集(没有保存我们刚刚抓取的影片!)没有影片数据,因此我们将抓取所有影片,要求EMM提示我们是否在影片比赛中感到困惑,并下载所有项目。 在大多数情况下,EMM都可以很好地弄清楚哪部电影,但是偶尔会遇到诸如“变形金刚”电影是1984年还是2007年的问题。

There is one downside to mass scraping. EMM just picks the most popular movie covers and fan art for you. If you’re a customization fanatic you’ll want to manually scrape each movie. We like to strike a compromise; we let EMM do the bulk scrape, then we look through the listings and see if there are any covers or movie posters that we’d like to change. For the most part the default picks are OK with us and allowing EMM to do the heavy lifting saves quite a bit of time.

大规模刮擦有一个缺点。 EMM会为您挑选最受欢迎的电影封面和粉丝艺术。 如果您是自定义狂热者,则需要手动抓取每部电影。 我们喜欢妥协; 我们让EMM进行批量抓取,然后浏览清单,查看是否有需要更改的封面或电影海报。 在大多数情况下,默认选择适合我们,允许EMM进行繁重的工作可以节省大量时间。

When you’re done with movies, it’s time to do your TV shows. TV shows are done almost exactly the same way with a few minor differences—the process is so similar we’re going to skip with the step-by-step screenshots and just give you a run down of the differences.

电影看完之后,就可以开始电视节目了。 电视节目的制作方法几乎完全相同,但有一些细微的差异-过程是如此相似,我们将跳过分步截图,只介绍一些差异。


The TV Shows tab is located right next to the Movies tab in the main interface. You just click on it and browse your TV show listings. The big difference between the Movies and TV Shows interface is that you can’t bulk scrape your TV shows. There are a few extra steps involved in the process for TV Shows such as selecting the language the show is in, grabbing season thumbnails, and then of course the season/episode scraping. As a result you’ll need to right click and (Re)scrape each TV show. You can highlight multiple shows and then select (re)scrape to scrape them all, but you’ll still be prompted when it’s done with each show to make selections for the next show in the list.

电视节目标签位于主界面中的电影标签旁边。 您只需单击它,然后浏览您的电视节目列表。 电影和电视节目界面之间的最大区别在于,您无法批量抓取电视节目。 电视节目的处理过程中涉及一些额外的步骤,例如选择节目的语言,抓取季节缩略图,然后当然抓取季节/片段。 因此,您需要右键单击并(重新)抓取每个电视节目。 您可以突出显示多个节目,然后选择(重新)抓取以全部刮取,但是在完成每个节目后,仍会提示您选择列表中的下一个节目。

Scraping for a big show with multiple seasons and hundreds of episodes can take a few minutes—Buffy the Vampire Slayer took a good 10 minutes worth of scraping, for example. Unlike movies where EMM needs to scrape only a few images, TV show scraping involves grabbing multiple seasons worth of cover and fan art, episode summaries, episode screen grabs, and additional information. Thankfully because you’re scraping the data and storing it with your media, you only have to do it once! Just like with the movies if you scrap a TV show and you’re really happy with the results don’t forget to right click and Lock the entry so that it doesn’t accidently get rescraped in the future.

为多个季节和几百集的大型剧集进行爬取可能需要几分钟的时间,例如,吸血鬼猎人巴菲(Buffy)花费了10分钟来抓取相当不错的时间。 与EMM只需要抓取几张图像的电影不同,电视节目抓取涉及抓取多个季节的封面和粉丝艺术,情节摘要,抓取情节屏幕以及其他信息。 值得庆幸的是,由于您正在抓取数据并将其媒体一起存储,因此只需要做一次! 就像看电影一样,如果您抓取电视节目,并且对结果感到非常满意,请不要忘记右键单击并锁定条目,以免将来被意外抓取。

If your test of Ember Media Manager’s movie and TV show scraping abilities went well, go ahead and copy over all the folders from your test directory back into their respective media directories. Then go into the menu bar and click Edit –> Settings and in the Files and Sources section under both Movies and TV Shows, change the source location from your test directory to your main directory. It’s an extra step or two we know, but it’s far better to learn the ropes with a powerful tool like EMM in a test directory than it is to make a mess of your entire media directory. Once you’ve changed the source directories you can scan the rest of your media collection to bring everything up to speed and enjoy your gloriously organized collection!

如果您对Ember Media Manager的电影和电视节目抓取能力的测试进行得很顺利,请继续并将所有文件夹从测试目录复制回各自的媒体目录。 然后进入菜单栏,然后​​单击“编辑”->“设置”,然后在“电影和电视节目”下的“文件和源”部分中,将源位置从测试目录更改为主目录。 我们知道这是额外的一两个步骤,但是在测试目录中使用诸如EMM之类的功能强大的工具来学习这些方法要比弄乱整个媒体目录要好得多。 更改源目录后,您可以扫描其余的媒体收藏集,以加快一切发展,并享受您组织得井井有条的收藏!

在XBMC中查看更新的媒体 (Viewing Updated Media in XBMC)


All that work isn’t worth much if you can’t enjoy it on your TV. Go fire up XBMC and update your library. XBMC should rescan all your directories and use the locally cached data as it searches for local data before sending the scraper out onto the internet to fill in the gaps. Thanks to your handy work there shouldn’t be any gaps to fill in.

如果您无法在电视上欣赏所有工作,那么这些工作就没有什么价值。 启动XBMC并更新您的库。 XBMC应该重新扫描所有目录,并在将刮板发送到Internet上填补空白之前,在搜索本地数据时使用本地缓存的数据。 得益于您的便捷工作,应该不会有任何空白。

In the above screenshot we see the listing for The Nightmare Before Christmas as seen in XBMC’s default skin (Confluence) under the Media Info view. All the information we saw in Ember Media Manager and the great fan art is present. If you click the menu button you can view the additional information such as the cast listing.

在上面的屏幕截图中,我们在“媒体信息”视图下的XBMC的默认外观(合流)中看到了圣诞节前的噩梦清单。 我们在Ember Media Manager中看到的所有信息以及出色的粉丝艺术都存在。 如果单击菜单按钮,则可以查看其他信息,例如演员表。


In the screenshot here we see all the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer laid out in Poster Wrap view. We can drill down into the individual seasons for more information and screen captures.

在此处的屏幕截图中,我们可以看到海报包裹视图中展示了吸血鬼猎人巴菲的所有季节。 我们可以深入了解各个季节,以获取更多信息和屏幕截图。


Again, all the information that we carefully scraped and checked in Ember Media Manager is present in XBMC. Every television episode has a screen cap, a summary, and additional information like the type of encoding, display ratio, and more.

同样,XBMC中提供了我们在Ember Media Manager中仔细抓取并检查的所有信息。 每个电视节目都有一个屏幕截图,一个摘要以及其他信息,例如编码类型,显示比例等。

Have a question about Ember Media Manager that wasn’t covered in our guide? Ask here in our comments or hit up the official EMM thread at the XBMC forums here.

有没有关于我们指南中未涵盖的Ember Media Manager的问题? 在此处发表评论,或在XBMC论坛上找到EMM官方主题

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/61976/how-to-use-ember-media-manager-to-whip-your-media-collection-into-shape/






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