微软windows10镜像_Windows 10会将您的活动历史记录发送给Microsoft,即使您不告诉您...



Windows 10 collects an “Activity History” of applications you launch on your PC and sends it to Microsoft. Even if you disable or clear this, Microsoft’s Privacy Dashboard still shows an “Activity History” of applications you’ve launched on your PCs.

Windows 10会收集您在PC上启动的应用程序的“活动历史记录”,并将其发送给Microsoft。 即使禁用或清除此设置,Microsoft的“隐私控制板”仍会显示您在PC上启动的应用程序的“活动历史记录”。

Update: Microsoft’s Marisa Rogers reached out to us with the following statement:

更新:微软的玛丽莎·罗杰斯(Marisa Rogers)通过以下声明与我们联系:

“Microsoft is committed to customer privacy, being transparent about the data we collect and use for your benefit, and we give you controls to manage your data. In this case, the same term “Activity History” is used in both Windows 10 and the Microsoft Privacy Dashboard. Windows 10 Activity History data is only a subset of the data displayed in the Microsoft Privacy Dashboard. We are working to address this naming issue in a future update.”

“ Microsoft致力于保护客户的隐私,对我们为您的利益收集和使用的数据保持透明,我们为您提供管理数据的控件。 在这种情况下,Windows 10和Microsoft Privacy Dashboard中都使用相同的术语“活动历史记录”。 Windows 10活动历史记录数据只是Microsoft隐私仪表板中显示的数据的一部分。 我们正在努力在将来的更新中解决此命名问题。”

In addition to simply disabling the “Send my activity history to Microsoft” option, Microsoft told us you must set your diagnostic data level to “Basic.” This will prevent Windows 10 from sending app usage history to Microsoft.

除了简单地禁用“将我的活动历史记录发送给Microsoft”选项之外,Microsoft还告诉我们必须将诊断数据级别设置为“基本”。 这将阻止Windows 10将应用使用历史记录发送给Microsoft。

This problem was recently discussed on Reddit, and it’s pretty easy to confirm. Head to Settings > Privacy > Activity History and disable “Send my activity history to Microsoft.” It was already disabled on our PC, so it made this easy to test.

最近在Reddit上讨论了这个问题,很容易确认。 转到设置>隐私>活动历史记录,然后禁用“将我的活动历史记录发送给Microsoft。” 它已在我们的PC上被禁用,因此使它易于测试。

For bonus points, you can also click the “Clear” button under Clear Activity History. This should, theoretically, clear all that data from Microsoft’s servers. But, apparently, it doesn’t.

对于奖励积分,您还可以单击“清除活动历史记录”下的“清除”按钮。 从理论上讲,这应该从Microsoft的服务器中清除所有数据。 但是,显然不是。

Finally, click the “Privacy Dashboard” link on the Activity History settings page.


This takes you to Microsoft’s Privacy Dashboard page in your web browser. Click the “Activity History” link at the top of the page to see the Activity History associated with your Microsoft account.

这将带您到Web浏览器中的Microsoft隐私仪表板页面。 单击页面顶部的“活动历史记录”链接,以查看与您的Microsoft帐户关联的活动历史记录。

You’ll see a list of applications you’ve launched on your connected PCs, even if you’ve disabled or cleared your Activity History on those PCs.


This is pretty strange and confusing, but we think there’s a simple explanation: Microsoft also collects a history of applications you launch through Windows 10’s diagnostics. We think the “Activity History” page in the Privacy Dashboard has an incorrect name. It’s not part of the Windows 10 “Activity History” feature, which is associated with the Timeline.

这是非常奇怪和令人困惑的,但是我们认为这里有一个简单的解释:Microsoft还会收集您通过Windows 10的诊断程序启动的应用程序的历史记录。 我们认为“隐私”信息中心中的“活动历史记录”页面名称不正确。 它不是Windows 10“活动历史记录”功能的一部分,该功能与时间轴关联。

Windows 10’s default diagnostic setting, “Full,” says it sends “info about websites you browse and how you use apps and features,” so this data may just be sent to Microsoft through Windows 10’s normal telemetry. You can find these options at Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback.

Windows 10的默认诊断设置为“完全”,它会发送“有关您浏览的网站以及您如何使用应用和功能的信息”,因此该数据可能只是通过Windows 10的常规遥测发送给了Microsoft。 您可以在设置>隐私>诊断和反馈中找到这些选项。

Update: Microsoft has confirmed this, telling us you’ll need to set this option to “Basic” to stop Windows from sending your app usage history to Microsoft.

更新:Microsoft已经确认这一点,告诉我们您需要将此选项设置为“ Basic”才能阻止Windows将您的应用使用历史记录发送给Microsoft。

This whole confusing mess highlights how Microsoft has failed to explain exactly what data Windows 10 collects and how you can control it.

整个混乱的混乱局面凸显了Microsoft如何无法准确解释Windows 10收集的数据以及如何控制它。

The Privacy Dashboard was designed to make this more transparent, but even the dashboard is confusing and uses incorrect names that don’t match the associated features in Windows 10. Microsoft still has a lot of work to do here.

隐私控制面板旨在使此操作更加透明,但即使控制面板也令人困惑,并且使用了与Windows 10中的相关功能不匹配的不正确名称。Microsoft在此仍有很多工作要做。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/windows-10-sends-your-activity-history-to-microsoft-even-if-you-tell-it-not-to/






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