



Mozilla recently released a new Developer Edition for web developers to use, but how much difference is there between it and the regular version of Firefox? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answers to a curious reader’s question.

Mozilla最近发布了一个新的Developer Edition,供Web开发人员使用,但是它与Firefox的常规版本有什么区别? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Saurabh Lprocks wants to know what is different between the regular and developer editions of Firefox:

超级用户读者Saurabh Lprocks想了解Firefox普通版和开发版之间的区别:

Mozilla recently launched a new version of their web browser called Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition that is specifically geared toward web developers.

Mozilla最近推出了他们的Web浏览器的新版本,称为Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition,该版本专门针对Web开发人员。

I installed it, but I have not found much difference between the regular edition of Firefox and the developer edition. All the tools in the developer edition are also in the regular edition. I want to know what extras the developer edition comes with that the regular edition does not.

我安装了它,但是我发现普通版的Firefox和开发人员版之间没有太大区别。 开发人员版中的所有工具也均为普通版。 我想知道开发人员版本附带的普通版本没有的其他功能。

What are the differences between the regular and developer editions of Firefox?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors blade19899 and Dave have the answer for us. First up, blade19899:

超级用户贡献者blade19899和Dave为我们提供了答案。 首先,blade19899:

The Firefox Developer Edition is a modified version of Firefox that is specifically designed for web developers. It also uses a separate profile from the regular version so that running them side-by-side is an option. That does mean that all your add-ons and settings will not be available in the Firefox Developer Edition, but you can use Firefox Sync to get your add-ons and settings synchronized on both versions.

Firefox开发人员版Firefox的修改版本,专门为Web开发人员设计。 它还使用了与常规版本不同的配置文件,因此可以选择并行运行它们。 这确实意味着您所有的插件和设置都将在Firefox Developer Edition中不可用,但是您可以使用Firefox Sync来同步两个版本的插件和设置。

All features in the Firefox Developer Edition will be available 12 weeks before they are available in the regular version of Firefox.


Some features built into the Firefox Developer Edition that the regular version does not have are:




Web IDE allows you to develop, deploy, and debug web apps directly in your browser or on a Firefox OS device. It lets you create a new Firefox OS app (which is just a web app) from a template or open up the code of an existing app. From there you can edit the app’s files. It is one click to run the app in a simulator and one more to debug it with the developer tools. You can watch a video about Web IDE on YouTube here.

Web IDE使您可以直接在浏览器或Firefox OS设备上开发,部署和调试Web应用程序。 它使您可以从模板创建新的Firefox OS应用程序(仅仅是一个Web应用程序)或打开现有应用程序的代码。 在这里,您可以编辑应用程序的文件。 只需单击一下即可在模拟器中运行该应用程序,再单击一次即可使用开发人员工具对其进行调试。 你可以在YouTube上观看有关Web IDE的视频在这里


Previously called Firefox Tools Adapter, Valence lets you develop and debug your app across multiple browsers and devices by connecting the Firefox developer tools to other major browser engines. Valence also extends the awesome tools built to debug Firefox OS and Firefox for Android to the other major mobile browsers including Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS. So far these tools include Inspector, Debugger, and Console & Style Editor. You can watch a video about Valence on YouTube here.

Valence以前称为Firefox Tools Adapter,通过将Firefox开发人员工具连接到其他主要浏览器引擎,您可以跨多个浏览器和设备开发和调试应用程序。 Valence还将用于调试Firefox OS和Firefox for Android的强大工具扩展到其他主要的移动浏览器,包括Android上的Chrome和iOS上的Safari。 到目前为止,这些工具包括Inspector,Debugger和Console&Style Editor。 你可以在YouTube上观看有关录像价这里

Web Audio Editor


The Web Audio Editor lets you inspect and interact with Web Audio APIs in real time to ensure that all audio nodes are connected in the way you expect.


You can look through my Q/A on Ask Ubuntu for a more in depth answer: How do I Install the Firefox Developer Edition?

您可以在Ask Ubuntu上查看我的Q / A,以获得更深入的答案:如何安装Firefox Developer Edition?

Followed by the answer from Dave:


As I am sure you already know, it currently has these features out of the box:


  • Web IDE – Allows you to develop, deploy, and debug web apps.

    Web IDE –允许您开发,部署和调试Web应用程序。
  • Responsive Design View – Lets you see how the website will look in different screen sizes.

  • Valence – Debug in any browser (previously called Firefox Tools Adapter).

    价–在任何浏览器(以前称为Firefox Tools Adapter)中调试。
  • Web Audio Editor – Inspects web audio to ensure all audio nodes are connected as expected.

  • Page Inspector – Examines HTML and CSS.

  • Web Console – See logged info and interact with web pages using JavaScript.

  • JavaScript Debugger – Debugs JavaScript.

  • Network Monitor – See all network requests the browser makes and how long it takes.

  • Style Editor – Edit CSS styles.


You can watch a general video introduction here.


It also includes:


  • Firefox Hello – WebRTC (a tool allowing call and video chat with others from within the browser).

    Firefox Hello – WebRTC(一种允许从浏览器中与其他人进行通话和视频聊天的工具)。
  • Forget Button – Similar to clear history.

  • Eyedropper – Lets you ‘snap’ colors from a web page.

  • Scratch Pad – A stand alone JS console for testing JavaScript snippets.

    Scratch Pad –一个独立的JS控制台,用于测试JavaScript代码段。
  • Connect – Lets you connect to a remote device.


As you have likely noticed, some (most) of these features are already available in Firefox or via add-ons right now, and as time goes on, I suspect they will be available as plugins. For example, the Page Inspector, Console, Debugger, and a few more features are already part of the Firebug add-on.

您可能已经注意到,其中的某些(大多数)功能已在Firefox或通过附加组件提供,并且随着时间的流逝,我怀疑它们将作为插件提供。 例如,页面检查器,控制台,调试器和其他一些功能已经成为Firebug附加组件的一部分。

As for changing screen sizes and CSS, I use a tool called Developer Toolbar.

至于更改屏幕尺寸和CSS,我使用了一个称为Developer Toolbar的工具。

I have used the Firefox Developer Edition as a web developer and designer and it just feels like Firefox with plugins designed to suit a web designer (which is what I think they were aiming for). I am personally more interested in seeing how it develops.

我曾经将Firefox Developer Edition作为Web开发人员和设计师使用,感觉就像Firefox带有旨在适合Web设计人员的插件(这是我认为他们的目标)。 我个人对观察它的发展更感兴趣。

At the moment, it feels very similar to the debugger already built into Chrome and Internet Explorer 11 (although I have not tried every feature yet).

目前,它感觉与Chrome和Internet Explorer 11中已内置的调试器非常相似(尽管我尚未尝试所有功能)。

You can also view the Firefox Developer Edition notes for more detail.

您也可以查看Firefox Developer Edition注释以获取更多详细信息。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203225/what-is-the-difference-between-the-regular-and-developer-editions-of-firefox/






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