ssd ntfs分区整数_NTFS或FAT32:为内部SSD数据分区选择最佳文件系统

ssd ntfs分区整数

ssd ntfs分区整数


When it comes to taking care of your SSD and valuable data, would it be better to use NTFS or FAT32 for the file system on an internal data partition? Today’s post looks at the ‘pros and cons’ of choosing the best file system to use.

当涉及到照顾您的SSD和有价值的数据时,将NTFS或FAT32用于内部数据分区上的文件系统会更好吗? 今天的帖子探讨了选择最佳文件系统来使用的“利弊”。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader frogsbottom wants to know if it would be better to use the FAT32 file system (rather than NTFS) for an internal SSD data partition:


Over time I’ve come to learn that NTFS does many more read/write operations than FAT32, thus possibly reducing the longevity of an SSD. That’s a factor, but not the main factor. What I’m really thinking about is the data partition. All external drives have the FAT32 file system, so I started to think maybe it would be better for the data partition to also use FAT32, maybe for cleaner backups and in case the drive ever needs to be pulled out and plugged in somewhere else, the data at least could be more easily recovered.

随着时间的流逝,我逐渐了解到NTFS比FAT32做更多的读/写操作,因此可能会降低SSD的寿命。 这是一个因素,但不是主要因素。 我真正想的是数据分区。 所有外部驱动器都具有FAT32文件系统,因此我开始认为对于数据分区也使用FAT32可能会更好,对于更干净的备份,以及万一需要将驱动器拔出并插入其他地方,至少可以更轻松地恢复数据。

Windows doesn’t have a native utility for NTFS -> FAT32, but AOMEI tech support tells me the following:

Windows没有用于NTFS-> FAT32的本机实用程序,但是AOMEI技术支持告诉我以下内容:

“Thank you so much for contacting us, if you convert a partition with NTFS file system to FAT32 file system, the creation/modified dates of all the files remain intact.”


The question has to do with AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard (which is free for home users and I’ve used it many times, so I do recommend it, and no I’m not affiliated but it deserves mention).

这个问题与AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard(对于家庭用户是免费的,我已经使用了很多次了,所以我推荐它,并且不隶属于我,但值得一提)有关。

Taking all of the above into consideration, here’s what I know so far:


1.) Is it possible? Yes


2.) Is the data backed up in case something goes wrong? Yes


3.) Are any of the files in question greater than 4GB, or likely to be in future? No

3.)有问题的文件是否大于4GB,或者将来可能存在? 没有

But, what I don’t know (and need advice on is)…


4.) Would it be better to use the FAT32 file system for a data partition? (Yes/No)

4.)将FAT32文件系统用于数据分区会更好吗? (是/否)

Would it be better to use the NTFS or FAT32 file system for a data partition on an internal SSD?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor allquixotic has the answer for us:


1.) Is it possible? Yes


2.) Is the data backed up in case something goes wrong? No

2.)如果发生问题,是否备份了数据? 没有

3.) Are any of the files in question greater than 4GB, or likely to be in the future? Maybe

3.)有问题的文件是否大于4GB,或者将来可能存在? 也许

4.) Would it be better to use the FAT32 file system for a data partition? (Yes/No) No

4.)将FAT32文件系统用于数据分区会更好吗? (是/否)

…and here’s why:


  • FAT32 is a less safe file system than NTFS. Because it doesn’t do journaling, which means that if you have a sudden power loss, BSOD, or other momentary unexpected interruption while the file system is writing data, the file system can wind up in an inconsistent state, and you can lose data. NTFS can still lose data, but it will always roll back to the most recent consistent state, even if it is shut off unexpectedly, so your files will at worst still work, even if they don’t have the most recent contents. By contrast, FAT32 breaks and lets you keep both pieces (of corrupt data).

    FAT32是比NTFS安全性更低的文件系统。 因为它不执行日志记录,这意味着如果在文件系统写入数据时突然断电,BSOD或其他暂时的意外中断,文件系统可能会处于不一致的状态,并且可能会丢失数据。 NTFS仍然会丢失数据,但是即使意外关闭,它也始终会回滚到最新的一致状态,因此即使文件没有最新内容,您的文件在最坏的情况下仍然可以工作。 相比之下,FAT32会损坏并让您保留这两部分(损坏的数据)。

  • NTFS does not do a significant-enough amount of extra writing to the SSD to make it worth the performance, feature, and data safety degradation that FAT32 suffers compared to NTFS.


Unless you have a very unusual workload for your computer, it is never a good idea to use FAT32 over NTFS. And by “very unusual”, I mean something like a constant amount of saturated writing to the disk in random files, etc. Otherwise, the SSD will not wear out appreciably slower using FAT32; you’ll just end up with less features in your file system and an increased chance of losing data.

除非您的计算机有非常不同的工作负载,否则在NTFS上使用FAT32永远不是一个好主意。 所谓“非常不寻常”,是指对随机文件中的磁盘进行恒定的饱和写入等操作。否则,使用FAT32,SSD不会明显变慢。 您最终将获得文件系统中较少的功能,并且丢失数据的机会增加。

Also, no file system on the planet can protect against hardware failure of your SSD/HDD if the only copy of the file you have is on that disk…not NTFS, not FAT32, not reFS, nothing; so “the data is only backed up” if you back it up to a separate machine. Just keep that in mind. (This part is in response to your second question.) “Is the data backed up in case something goes wrong?” — The answer is “only if you’re backing up the data to another storage device”.

另外,如果您拥有的文件的唯一副本在该磁盘上,那么地球上没有文件系统可以防止SSD / HDD发生硬件故障……不是NTFS,FAT32,reFS,什么也没有; 因此“数据仅备份”,如果备份到一个单独的机器。 要时刻铭记在心。 (这是对您的第二个问题的回答。)“万一出现问题,是否备份了数据?” —答案是“仅当您将数据备份到另一个存储设备时”。

When it comes to your valuable data, the NTFS file system is definitely the safer option to go with.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程


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