

Software engineers and computer programmers both develop software applications needed by working computers. The difference between the two positions lies in the responsibilities and the approach to the job. Software engineers use well-defined scientific principles and procedures to deliver an efficient and reliable software product.

软件工程师和计算机程序员都开发工作计算机所需的软件应用程序。 这两个职位之间的区别在于职责和工作方式。 软件工程师使用定义明确的科学原理和程序来交付高效且可靠的软件产品。

软件工程 ( Software Engineering  )

Software engineering treats the approach to developing software as a formal process much like that found in traditional engineering. Software engineers begin by analyzing user needs. They design software, deploy, test it for quality and maintain it. They instruct computer programmers how to write the code they need. Software engineers may or may not write any of the code themselves, but they need strong programming skills to communicate with the programmers and are frequently fluent in several programming languages.

软件工程将软件开发方法视为正式过程,这与传统工程中的方法非常相似。 软件工程师首先要分析用户需求。 他们设计软件,部署,测试其质量并进行维护。 他们指导计算机程序员如何编写所需的代码。 软件工程师可能会或可能不会自己编写任何代码 ,但是他们需要强大的编程技能才能与程序员进行交流,并且经常精通多种编程语言。

Software engineers design and develop computer games, business applications, network control systems, and software operating systems. They are experts in the theory of computing software and the limitations of the hardware they design for. 

软件工程师设计和开发计算机游戏 ,业务应用程序,网络控制系统和软件操作系统。 他们是计算软件理论和设计硬件的局限性方面的专家。

计算机辅助软件工程 ( Computer-Aided Software Engineering )

The whole software design process has to be formally managed long before the first line of code is written. Software engineers produce lengthy design documents using computer-aided software engineering tools. The software engineer then converts the design documents into design specification documents, which are used to design code. The process is organized and efficient. There is no off-the-cuff programming going on.

在编写第一行代码之前,就必须对整个软件设计过程进行正式管理。 软件工程师使用计算机辅助软件工程工具制作冗长的设计文档。 然后,软件工程师将设计文档转换为设计规范文档,以用于设计代码。 该过程井井有条,高效。 没有现成的编程正在进行。

文书工作 ( Paperwork )

One distinguishing feature of software engineering is the paper trail that it produces. Designs are signed off by managers and technical authorities, and the role of quality assurance is to check the paper trail. Many software engineers admit that their job is 70% paperwork and 30% code. It's a costly but responsible way to write software, which is one reason why avionics in modern aircraft are so expensive.

软件工程的一个显着特征是它产生的纸张记录。 设计由经理和技术主管部门批准,质量保证的作用是检查纸迹。 许多软件工程师承认他们的工作是70%的文书工作和30%的代码。 这是一种昂贵但负责任的软件编写方式,这也是现代飞机中航空电子设备如此昂贵的原因之一。

软件工程挑战 ( Software Engineering Challenges )

Manufacturers cannot build complex life-critical systems like aircraft, nuclear reactor controls, and medical systems and expect the software to be thrown together. They require the whole process to be thoroughly managed by software engineers so that budgets can be estimated, staff recruited and the risk of failure or expensive mistakes minimized.

制造商无法构建复杂的,对生命至关重要的系统,例如飞机,核React堆控制系统和医疗系统,并期望将这些软件组合在一起。 他们要求整个过程都必须由软件工程师进行全面管理,以便可以估算预算,招募人员并最大程度地减少失败或昂贵错误的风险。

In safety-critical areas such as aviation, space, nuclear power plants, medicine, fire detection systems, and roller coaster rides, the cost of software failure can be enormous because lives are at risk. The ability of the software engineer to anticipate problems and eliminate them before they happen is critical.

在航空,航天,核电站,医药,火灾探测系统和过山车等对安全至关重要的领域中,由于生命危险,软件故障的代价可能是巨大的。 软件工程师预见问题并在问题发生之前消除问题的能力至关重要。

认证与教育 ( Certification and Education )

In some parts of the world and in most U.S. states, you cannot call yourself a software engineer without formal education or certification. Several of the large software companies, including as Microsoft, Oracle and Red Hat offer courses toward certifications. Many colleges and universities offer degrees in software engineering. Aspiring software engineers may major in computer science, software engineering, mathematics or computer information systems.

在世界某些地区和美国大多数州,未经正规教育或认证,您不能称自己为软件工程师。 一些大型软件公司,包括Microsoft,Oracle和Red Hat,都提供有关认证的课程。 许多学院和大学都提供软件工程学位。 有抱负的软件工程师可能会主修计算机科学,软件工程,数学或计算机信息系统。

电脑程式设计师 ( Computer Programmers )

Programmers write code to the specifications given to them by software engineers. They are experts in the major computer programming languages. Although they aren't usually involved in the early design stages, they may be involved in testing, modifying, updating and repairing the code. They write code in one or more of the in-demand programming languages, including:

程序员按照软件工程师给出的规范编写代码。 他们是主要计算机编程语言的专家。 尽管它们通常不参与早期设计阶段,但它们可能涉及测试,修改,更新和修复代码。 他们使用一种或多种按需编程语言编写代码,包括:

工程师与程序员 ( Engineers vs. Programmers )

  • Software engineering is a team activity. Programming is primarily a solitary activity. 

    软件工程是团队活动。 编程主要是一项单独的活动。
  • A software engineer is involved in the complete process. Programming is one aspect of software development. 

    软件工程师参与了整个过程。 编程是软件开发的一方面。
  • A software engineer works on components with other engineers to build a system. A programmer writes a complete program. 

    软件工程师与其他工程师一起使用组件来构建系统。 程序员编写一个完整的程序。

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-software-engineering-958652


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