Python社区采访Mahdi Yusuf

Today I’m joined by Mahdi Yusuf, one of the founders of Pycoder’s Weekly.

今天,Pycoder周刊的创始人之一Mahdi Yusuf加入了我的行列。

By day he’s the CTO of Gyroscope, the OS for the human body. By night, he’s a sports and movie fan with a controversial opinion on who is the best Batman… Let’s get into it.

如今,他是陀螺仪的CTO,陀螺仪是人体的操作系统。 到了晚上,他是体育和电影迷,对谁是最好的蝙蝠侠存有争议。让我们开始吧。

Ricky: Let’s start with an easy one. How’d you get into programming, and when did you start using Python?

瑞奇:让我们从一个简单的开始。 您是如何开始编程的?何时开始使用Python?

Mahdi Yusuf

Mahdi: I was actually quite a late bloomer. I didn’t even know what a pointer was until I was in university studying computer engineering, but I was always into computers and always playing around with machines. (Mostly Windows. Gasp!)

马赫迪(Mahdi):我实际上是一个晚熟的人。 直到我上大学学习计算机工程之前,我什至不知道指针是什么,但是我总是沉迷于计算机,并且总是在玩弄机器。 (大多数是Windows。喘气!)

I started using Python in the last couple years of university, and I really enjoyed how simple and “batteries included” it was. Almost everything I wanted to do had a library for it, and in the last 10 years it’s only gotten better.

我在大学的最后几年开始使用Python,我真的很喜欢它是如此简单和“包含电池”。 我几乎想做的所有事情都为它准备了一个图书馆,在最近的十年中,它变得越来越好。

What drew me to it was that you could do anything you wanted. You weren’t niched into a specific role like you would be with some other programming languages.

让我着迷的是,您可以做任何您想做的事。 您并没有像其他编程语言那样扮演特定的角色。

Ricky: People may know you as one of the founders of Pycoder’s Weekly. For those reading who may not be aware of Pycoder’s Weekly, can you briefly explain what you offer to your readers, and how it came to fruition?

Ricky:人们可能认识到您是Pycoder的Weekly的创始人之一。 对于那些可能不了解Pycoder周刊的读者,您能否简要解释一下您向读者提供的内容以及它如何实现?

Mahdi: It was actually just a by-product of having no way to get Python news in a nice, curated manner that was consistent.


Mike (co-founder) and I were just chatting and thought it would be something cool to do, so we just got it started. I bought the domain and created our first landing page, and we were off to the races.

迈克(共同创始人)和我聊天,认为这样做很有趣,所以我们才开始。 我购买了域名并创建了我们的第一个登陆页面,然后我们开始了比赛。

Next thing you know, before we even sent out the first issue, we had 2,000 subscribers.


Ricky: You gave a talk at PyCon Canada 2013, titled “How to Make Friends and Influence Developers.” It’s a great talk where you emphasize how developers can grow their community and products by focusing on the value they can offer and not just the problems they can solve. Do you still feel this is an area that developers can work on in 2018? What challenges do you think developers will be facing in 2019?

瑞奇:您在2013年加拿大PyCon大会上做了题为“ 如何结交朋友并影响开发人员 ”的演讲。 在精彩的演讲中,您强调开发人员如何通过专注于他们所提供的价值而不仅仅是他们可以解决的问题来发展自己的社区和产品。 您是否仍然认为这是开发人员可以在2018年进行的工作? 您认为开发人员在2019年将面临哪些挑战?

Mahdi: Absolutely. Moving forward, I think most problems have been trivialized, from racking your own servers in the early 2000s to points in click in the 2010s. Things are only getting easier, but the problems people have will always be there, so focusing on user goals instead of problems is always the best way to think.

马赫迪:当然。 展望未来,我认为大多数问题都被忽略了,从2000年代初期的机架式服务器到2010年代的点击率。 事情只会变得越来越容易,但是人们总是会遇到问题,因此关注用户目标而不是问题始终是思考的最佳方法。

Ricky: For your day job, you work as the CTO for Gyroscope. I first heard about the app in your interview with the legendary Scott Hanselman on the Hanselminutes Podcast. It’s an amazing app that has quite clear benefits for its users. Could you tell us a bit about the app and the plans you have for it going forward?

Ricky:您的日常工作是担任陀螺仪的CTO。 我在Hanselminutes播客上接受传奇的Scott Hanselman采访时首先听说了该应用程序。 这是一个了不起的应用程序,为用户带来了明显的好处。 您能否告诉我们一些有关该应用程序以及您未来的计划的信息?

Mahdi: Gyroscope is essentially the operating system for your body. It helps people keep track of their bodies much like they would their computers. Tracking important health metrics like their heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar in addition to simpler things like where they are spending all their time and how productive they are during work hours.

Mahdi: 陀螺仪本质上是您身体的操作系统。 它可以帮助人们像计算机一样跟踪自己的身体。 跟踪重要的健康指标,如心率,血压和血糖,以及更简单的事情,例如,他们在所有时间花费的时间以及工作时间的生产力。

We are working on a few things that are going to bridge the gap between your health and all the data you are generating and be a part of your everyday life. Stay tuned! You can follow us @gyroscope_app if this is something that interests you, or you can reach out to me @myusuf3.

我们正在做一些事情,以弥合您的健康状况与正在生成的所有数据之间的差距,并成为您日常生活的一部分。 敬请关注! 如果您对此感兴趣,可以关注我们@gyroscope_app ,也可以联系我@ myusuf3

Ricky: What other projects do you have going on that you’d like to share? What takes up your time outside of Gyroscope and Pycoder’s?

瑞奇:您还想分享哪些其他项目? 在陀螺仪和Pycoder之外,您需要花费什么时间?

Mahdi: I have been playing with building an AI-powered home monitoring system that can identify members of my family with trained pictures of them gathered around the house. It could fire notifications of who is around the house and potentially detect when people it doesn’t know enter the camera’s field of view and ignore my family members as they pass throughout the house.

马赫迪(Mahdi):我一直在构建一个由AI驱动的家庭监控系统,该系统可以通过收集训练有素的房屋周围照片来识别家人。 它可能会发出通知,通知房屋周围的人,并可能发现不认识的人何时进入相机的视野,并在家人经过房屋时忽略我的家人。

It’s been on the shelf for a couple of weeks. I’ve been busy with work, but it’s getting me writing more Python lately.

它已经搁置了几个星期。 我一直在忙于工作,但是最近让我编写更多的Python。

Ricky: And now for my last question: there’s more to us than coding, so what other hobbies and interests do you have? Any you’d like to share and/or plug?

Ricky:现在,我的最后一个问题是:除了编码我们还有很多东西,那么您还有什么其他爱好和兴趣? 您想分享和/或插入任何内容吗?

Mahdi: I love playing sports and am a huge movie guy.


I have been playing basketball since I was young, and it’s the sport I enjoy playing the most, but as I am getting older, I am spending more time icing my knees than I would like.


As for movies, the summer is just wrapping up, and there was tons of great stuff this summer, but I am just going to put it out there… I am Team Marvel. Ben Affleck is the real Batman.

至于电影,夏天刚刚结束,这个夏天有很多很棒的东西,但是我要把它放在那里……我是Marvel团队。 本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)是真正的蝙蝠侠。

Thank you Mahdi for the interview. You can follow Mahdi on Twitter here. If you haven’t already, you can sign up to the Pycoder’s Weekly newsletter here.

谢谢Mahdi的采访。 您可以在Twitter上关注Mahdi。 如果您还没有的话,可以在这里注册Pycoder的每周新闻

If there is someone you would like me to interview in the future, reach out to me in the comments below, or send me a message on Twitter.



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