双耳节拍 枕头_枕头的故事

双耳节拍 枕头

On March 4, 2013 I got an email from the Python Software Foundation


On March 4, 2013 I got an email from the Python Software Foundation (PSF):


This email notification is being sent to you to inform you of the PSF Board’s decision to fund the facilitation of a Python 3 compatible release of the Python Imaging Library for the amount of $1,300 USD. Please see the resolution that was passed unanimously on March 4, 2013 via email below:
这封电子邮件通知已发送给您,以通知您PSF董事会决定为简化Python 3兼容版本的Python Imaging Library提供的资助,金额为1,300美元。 请查看以下通过电子邮件在2013年3月4日一致通过的决议:

Yay! That was in response to my proposal asking for funding to finish a Pillow 2.0.0 release. In that proposal, I presented the “story of Pillow” which I’d like to present again now, for anyone interested:

好极了! 那是对我提出的要求资金完成Pillow 2.0.0版本的建议的回应。 在该提案中,我向有兴趣的人介绍了“枕头的故事”,我现在想再次介绍它:

Tired of seeing the proliferation of third party packagings of the Python Imaging Library, in 2010 Alex Clark took Hanno Schlicting’s repackaging and used it to create a fork of the Python Imaging Library on GitHub. He subsequently released that fork to PyPI as Pillow 1.0. The ability to add additional development library paths to setup.py (e.g. 64 bit library and headers directories) and make releases quickly eventually led to widespread adoption of Pillow.

厌倦了看到Python Imaging Library第三方包装的泛滥,Alex Clark在2010年接受了Hanno Schlicting的重新包装,并用它在GitHub上创建了Python Imaging Library的分支。 随后,他将该叉子作为Pillow 1.0发布给了PyPI。 向setup.py添加其他开发库路径(例如64位库和标头目录)并快速发布的能力最终导致Pillow的广泛采用。

A little over a year later on 2011-09-08, Takayuki Shimizukawa uploaded the first Windows (win32) eggs. Since then, every Pillow release included Windows eggs thanks to Takayuki. And on 2013-02-02, the first 64-bit Windows eggs (amd64) were uploaded to PyPI by Takayuki.

一年多以后的2011-09-08,Takayuki Shimizukawa上传了第一个Windows(win32)鸡蛋。 从那时起,由于Takayuki,每个Pillow版本都包含Windows鸡蛋。 然后在2013-02-02,Takayuki将首个64位Windows鸡蛋(amd64)上传到PyPI。

For the first 3 years, the fork focused on packaging fixes only. Now a Python 3 compatible pull request from Brian Crowell has been merged, and the final stages of release preparation are underway. In early 2013, Barry Warsaw created an Ubuntu Personal Package Archive and tested it with Python 3. And the Fedora Project is now planning to include Pillow with their release of Fedora 19. Finally, the Pillow project has promised a Python 3 compatible release of Pillow by PyCon 2013.

在最初的三年中,前叉仅专注于包装修复。 现在,来自Brian Crowell的Python 3兼容拉取请求已合并,发布准备的最后阶段正在进行中。 2013年初,Barry Warsaw创建了一个Ubuntu Personal Package Archive并使用Python 3对其进行了测试。FedoraProject现在正计划在其Fedora 19发行版中包含Pillow。由PyCon 2013提供。

That release is now done! And I have had an absolute blast working on Pillow full time over the course of the last week or so. So much so, that I’m going to propose you help me continue to have fun and be productive with Pillow… but more on that later. First, about the new release.

该版本现已完成! 在过去的一周左右的时间内,我对Pillow进行了全职工作。 如此之多,以至于我提议您帮助我继续玩得开心,并与Pillow保持合作关系…………稍后再讲。 首先,关于新版本。

约2.0.0 (About 2.0.0)

alternate text

This release marks the first “serious effort” I have put into Pillow. While I’ve always enjoyed working on it in my spare time, I knew that there was no way I could finish it in time for PyCon 2013 (as I promised) without getting some financial assistance.

此版本标志着我对Pillow进行的首次“认真努力”。 尽管我一直很喜欢在业余时间上进行这项工作,但我知道如果没有一些经济援助,我无法及时完成PyCon 2013(如我所承诺)。

Enter: The PSF, who graciously offered to fund my work (and the work of one other contributor). Once I had funding in place, I knew exactly what needed to be done:

输入:PSF,他慷慨地提出要资助我的工作(以及另一位贡献者的工作)。 一旦有了资金,我就确切地知道需要做什么:

  • So much time has passed since the fork, no one seemed to care if we made image code changes (we were originally a packaging fork), so this release contains EVERY PATCH EVER SUBMITTED TO PIL but not released until now. I’m exaggerating, but we really crammed a lot of “goodness” in to the 2.0.0 release along with Python 3 support which is what prompted the release in the first place.
  • In order to fully test, I fine-tuned my tox environment on Mac OS X (tox is awesome) as well as fired up a new Windows VM (and used an already-existing Linux VM). Additionally, other folks joined in to test on their environments (most notably Christophe Gohlke and Eric Soroos). You’ll find the results here: https://github.com/python-imaging/Pillow#platform-support. That means: THIS RELEASE HAS BEEN FULLY, EXTENSIVELY, AND EXHAUSTIVELY DEVELOPED AND TESTED. Aside from the possible inconvenience of Pillow 2.0.0 dropping 2.4 and 2.5 support (use Pillow 1.x if you need Python 2.4,2.5), you should not have any trouble with it. If you do, please open a ticket here: https://github.com/python-imaging/Pillow/issues.
  • As important as quality software is to me, quality presentation is almost equally important. (That’s developer-eye quality, not designer-eye quality. ;-)) So I spent a lot of time cleaning up and enhancing the more subtle aspects of the release e.g. README.rst, docs/* (including the pythondoc documentation and HISTORY.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt). The pythondoc documentation has been converted to re-structured text and is hosted on ReadTheDocs: http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/latest/. The website has been updated to include an actual image generated by PIL http://python-imaging.github.com/.
  • 自从分叉以来已经过去了很多时间,似乎没有人关心我们是否更改了图像代码(我们最初是包装分叉),因此此版本包含了曾经提交给PIL的所有补丁,但直到现在为止都没有发布。 我太夸张了,但是我们确实对2.0.0版本以及对Python 3的支持塞满了很多“好处”,这正是促使它发布的原因。
  • 为了进行全面测试,我在Mac OS X上微调了Tox环境(tox很棒),并启动了一个新的Windows VM(并使用了已经存在的Linux VM)。 此外,其他人也参加了他们的环境测试(最著名的是Christophe Gohlke和Eric Soroos)。 您将在这里找到结果: https : //github.com/python-imaging/Pillow#platform-support 。 这意味着: 此发布已经过全面,广泛,全面的开发和测试 。 除了可能会带来Pillow 2.0.0放弃对2.4和2.5支持的麻烦(如果需要Python 2.4,2.5,请使用Pillow 1.x),您应该不会有任何麻烦。 如果这样做,请在此处打开票证: https : //github.com/python-imaging/Pillow/issues
  • 对我而言,与质量软件一样重要,质量表示几乎同样重要。 (那是开发人员的眼光,而不是设计师的眼光。;-))因此,我花了很多时间来清理和增强发行版的更多细微方面,例如README.rst,docs / *(包括pythondoc文档和HISTORY .txt和CONTRIBUTORS.txt)。 pythondoc文档已转换为重组后的文本,并托管在ReadTheDocs上: http ://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/latest/。 该网站已更新,以包含由PIL http://python-imaging.github.com/生成的实际图像。

I hope you enjoy and use Pillow 2.0.0. If you’d like to see me continue to devote significant time to maintaining Pillow, please consider a gittip! Thank you.

希望您喜欢并使用Pillow 2.0.0。 如果您希望我继续投入大量时间来维护Pillow,请考虑使用gittip ! 谢谢。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2013/03/the-story-of-pillow/

双耳节拍 枕头





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