oss js直传到oss_资助OSS

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It’s time to have a conversation, folks.


At PyCon AU this year, Russell Keith-Magee just gave an extremely interesting talk about the difficulty of funding OSS sustainably. I recommend watching that talk before reading the rest of this post if you have the time.

在今年的PyCon AU上,Russell Keith-Magee谈到了关于可持续性资助OSS的难度的非常有趣的演讲。 如果您有时间,建议您在阅读本文的其余部分之前先观看该演讲。

Russell’s talk ends with something of a call to arms: he wants the community to start talking about how we can more sustainably fund open source software. He explicitly asks people not to ask questions of him: instead, he wants a dialogue. I agree with Russell: I think Open Source is at real risk

Russell的演讲以某种呼声为结尾:他希望社区开始谈论我们如何能够更可持续地为开源软件提供资金。 他明确要求人们不要问他的问题:相反,他希望进行对话。 我同意Russell的观点:我认为开放源代码确实存在风险

This blog post is my contribution to that dialogue.


Author’s Note: Like Russell, I also don’t want direct feedback on this post,


假设 (Hypothesis)

Effective immediately, there will be no further feature development on Hypothesis for the foreseeable future. http://t.co/09MsjhYakH

立即生效,在可预见的将来,关于假设的功能将不会进一步发展。 http://t.co/09MsjhYakH

— David R. MacIver (@DRMacIver) August 8, 2015

— David R. MacIver(@DRMacIver) 2015年8月8日

David MacIver has decided to abandon further feature development on the excellent Hypothesis library. This is extremely unfortunate: Hypothesis is one of those great examples of someone porting a simple idea into Python and turning it into a best-in-class version of the tool (a good summary of Hypothesis is “QuickCheck for Python”).

David MacIver已决定放弃对出色的假设库的进一步功能开发 。 这是非常不幸的:假设是将简单的想法移植到Python中并将其转变为该工具的同类最佳版本的一个很好的例子(假设的一个很好的摘要是“ QuickCheck for Python” )。

This, while tragic, is hardly new. Generally speaking, getting funding for OSS is extremely hard. Most projects struggle for funding and resources, even big ‘professional’ projects like Django. When it comes to smaller ones, run by an individual or a small team (Hypothesis, Requests), it’s often even harder to get sustainable funding for the work, despite the amount of value it returns.

尽管这很悲惨,但这并不是什么新鲜事。 一般来说,获得OSS资金非常困难。 大多数项目都在争夺资金和资源,甚至是像Django这样的大型“专业”项目。 当涉及到由个人或小团队(假设,要求)管理的较小规模的项目时,尽管获得了可观的价值,但通常很难获得可持续的资金支持。

公地的悲剧 (Tragedy Of The Commons)

This, as Russell points out, is a tragedy of the commons. Open Source and Free Software provides enormous value to the world, both economic and social. However, the value that it provides rarely makes its way back to those doing the work. This causes so many problems. It causes us to lose motivated, talented engineers. It’s also a major contributing factor to the relative lack of diversity in the OSS community: you can only really get involved in OSS if you have the time and wealth to do it for free (or almost for free), and it turns out that time and wealth are disproportionately possessed by the young, white, middle-class, and male.

正如罗素指出的那样,这是公地的悲剧。 开源和自由软件为世界带来了巨大的经济和社会价值。 但是,它提供的价值很少会回溯到从事这项工作的人。 这导致了很多问题。 它使我们失去了积极进取的,有才能的工程师。 这也是导致OSS社区相对缺乏多样性的一个主要因素:只有当您有时间和财富免费(或几乎免费)进行OSS时,您才能真正参与OSS。年轻人,白人,中产阶级和男性拥有的财富和财富不成比例。

It’s extremely hard, in a world where startups get billion dollar valuations, to see the developers who build the tools they use get shafted. Let’s take Uber as an example. Now, a warning: I don’t particularly begrudge Uber their success. They have lots of problems, but those problems are not the subject of this post.

在初创公司获得数十亿美元估值的世界中,要看到开发使用他们所使用工具的开发人员感到十分困惑,这是极其困难的。 让我们以Uber为例。 现在,警告:我并不特别particularly惜Uber的成功。 他们有很多问题,但是这些问题不是本文的主题。

So, Uber. They were recently valued at more than $50 billion, by means of a seed round in which they raised $1 billion in capital. According to StackShare, Uber uses Python as part of their work. So, let’s pose the question: how much Python OSS does Uber use?

所以,Uber。 通过种子轮融资,他们最近的市值超过500亿美元 ,其中他们筹集了10亿美元的资金。 根据StackShare的说法 ,Uber使用Python作为其工作的一部分。 因此,让我们提出一个问题:Uber使用了多少Python OSS?

Quite aside from Python itself (which has never seen a dime of Uber’s money as far as I know), the odds that they use Requests are pretty damn high. But to the best of my knowledge they have never, ever, contributed any money to fund the ongoing maintenance of Requests. Not a dime. And this is one project amongst the many hundreds they inevitably use.

除了Python本身(据我所知,Uber从未赚过一毛钱)之外,他们使用Requests的几率实在是太高了。 但是据我所知,他们从未,从未捐款来资助正在进行的Requests。 不是一角钱。 这是他们不可避免地使用的数百个项目中的一个。

All reasonable estimates point to the idea that Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is probably a paper billionaire. Now, I’m sure he and his team (let’s be honest, mostly his team) have contributed the bulk of the $50 billion of value they apparently have. However, is it too much to pretend that maybe, just maybe, the OSS community provided some too?

所有合理的估计都表明,Uber首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)可能是纸上亿万富翁 。 现在,我确定他和他的团队(坦白地说,主要是他的团队)贡献了他们显然拥有的500亿美元价值中的大部分。 但是,是否可以假装OSS社区也提供了某些东西呢?

If Uber paid just 1% of their one billion dollars back into OSS, that would be ten million dollars. Ten million dollars would fund 60 developers for a year at crazy Valley salaries: more like 100 if they took a pay cut! Can you imagine the value that would enter the ecosystem if Uber stepped up and did that? 60 developers working full time on the software that we all rely on for a whole year would be game changing.

如果Uber仅将其10亿美元的1%偿还给OSS,那将是1000万美元。 一千万美元将为60名开发人员提供一年的疯狂谷薪待遇:如果他们减薪的话,更像是100人! 您能想象如果Uber加强并做到这一点会进入生态系统的价值? 60个开发人员全职从事我们整个一年依赖的软件开发工作将改变游戏规则。

公司必须加紧 (Companies Have To Step Up)

Right now there’s no other way to put it: most companies are exploiting open source developers. In this regard, at least, Stallman was right.

现在没有别的说法了:大多数公司都在利用开源开发人员。 在这方面,至少斯托曼是正确的。

This is not true of all companies. For example, HP funds several developers to do OSS Python work upstream of OpenStack. This includes paying Donald Stufft to work full-time on Python packaging, and as of next month will also include paying me to work full-time on Python HTTP projects (like requests).

并非所有公司都这样。 例如,惠普(HP)资助了多个开发人员在OpenStack的上游进行OSS Python工作。 这包括支付Donald Stufft全职从事Python打包工作,从下个月开始,还将支付我全职从事Python HTTP项目(如请求)的费用。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2015/08/funding-oss/

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