
We were feeling a little wistful, so we asked our team:


您小时候作为节日礼物收到的最喜欢的技术是什么? (What was your favorite technology you received as a holiday gift when you were a kid?)

Here are their answers, in alphabetical order:


安德鲁 (Andrew)

“When I was in third grade, my mother brought home a copy of Macromedia (now Adobe) Flash. I was totally dazzled with how easily I could create animations, and from then on, I made all of my school PowerPoint assignments in Flash. I also used to post my animations on my friends’ Myspaces, back when that was still cool. Additionally, my experience learning ActionScript paved the way for me to be the JavaScript developer I am today.”

“当我读三年级时,母亲带回了Macromedia(现在的Adobe)Flash的副本。 我对创建动画的容易程度感到眼花azz乱,从那时起,我在Flash中完成了所有学校PowerPoint作业。 我还曾经把动画发布在朋友的Myspaces上,当时那还不错。 此外,我在学习ActionScript方面的经验为我成为今天JavaScript开发人员铺平了道路。”

贝基 (Becki)

“Cosmic Osmo, a surreal point-and-click children’s game from 1989, is not as well-known as Cyan’s later games (hello, Myst!). But it was a gift I’ll never forget. Like a giant spacefaring mackerel, it was out of this world.”

“ Cosmic Osmo是1989年推出的一种超现实的点击式儿童游戏,不及Cyan的后续游戏(您好,Myst!)出名。 但这是我永远不会忘记的礼物。 就像一个巨大的太空鲭鱼一样 ,它出世了。”

克里斯·C (Chris C.)

“One year my dad got me a kit to build a big, remote-controlled glider. It consisted mostly of balsa wood that needed to be cut, sanded, and glued. It took up our dining room table for months while I worked on it. Once I had assembled the airfoil, I remember being able to swing it and feel it generate lift. Naturally, I utterly destroyed it on the first flight.”

“一年,我父亲给我提供了一套工具,用于制造大型遥控滑翔机。 它主要由轻木制成,需要切割,打磨和粘合。 我在工作时花了几个月的时间在我们的餐桌上。 组装完机翼后,我记得能够摆动并感觉到它会产生升力。 自然,我在第一次飞行中就彻底摧毁了它。”


“Nintendo Entertainment System. All I can remember doing for the next year was playing Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, and Castlevania.”

“任天堂娱乐系统。 我记得第二年要做的是玩Mario,Zelda,Mega Man和Castlevania。”

多姆 (Dom)

“As a kid, my favorite toy was Construx. You can see examples of what you would build with them here. It’s not an electronic toy, but it took technology and science to even make it. It probably sounds crazy, but the toy had well-defined (physical) interfaces and components with specific parameters for use. So sure, my problems were building spaceships, but the toy let me decompose problems and compose solutions in a way that was sort of a prototype of the way I work professionally today.”

“小时候,我最喜欢的玩具是Construx。 您可以在此处查看使用它们构建的示例 。 它不是电子玩具,但是它甚至需要技术和科学来制造。 听起来可能很疯狂,但该玩具具有定义明确的(物理)界面和具有特定使用参数的组件。 可以肯定的是,我的问题在于建造太空飞船,但是玩具让我分解了问题,并以某种方式构成了解决方案,该方式类似于我今天的专业工作方式的原型。”

埃雷兹 (Erez)

“My favorite technology present I received as a kid was a Tomy Dingbot. My mother surprised me with it for Christmas. I loved that little thing, but my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up taking it apart to see how it ticked. Never could get it to work again. That was my first contact with circuitry and I’ve been interested in the like ever since. RIP Dingbot. I’ll never forget you.”

“我小时候最喜欢的技术礼物是Tomy Dingbot 。 母亲在圣诞节给我一个惊喜。 我喜欢那个小东西,但是我的好奇心使我变得更好,我最终把它分解了一下,看看它如何滴答作响。 再也无法使其正常工作。 那是我第一次接触电路,从那以后我一直对类似的东西感兴趣。 RIP Dingbot。 我永远不会忘记你。”

Ë (E)

(is for Erin, but only her mom calls her that)


“I don’t even remember what model PC my brother and I got that Christmas in the late ’80s, except it was before hard drives were a thing. We played Carmen Sandiego) for hours on end, and my dad and I learned how to code in BASIC together. I wanted to write a text-based adventure like Skullduggery but then Interpol called and I had to go to Peru.”

“我什至不记得我哥哥和我在80年代末圣诞节拿到什么型号的PC,只是在硬盘才是真正的东西之前。 我们连续玩了数小时的Carmen Sandiego ,而我父亲和我一起学习了如何使用BASIC进行编码。 我想写像Skullduggery这样基于文本的冒险,但后来国际刑警组织打电话给我,我不得不去秘鲁。”

埃文 (Evan)

“My favorite technology that I received as a kid wasn’t a computer; it was a toy. It was called The Triple Arcade, and it was a skeeball, pinball, and basketball arcade machine in one. I loved it because it was one toy that—in 2-3 steps—could become a different toy. The scoring system worked across all the games, which meant some clever engineering by the toy’s creators. And it was light, so even a small kid like myself could change the game without the help of an adult.”

“我小时候最喜欢的技术不是计算机,而是计算机。 那是一个玩具。 它被称为The Triple Arcade ,它是一台滑板,弹球和篮球机。 我之所以喜欢它,是因为它是一个玩具,只需2-3个步骤,就可以变成另一个玩具。 计分系统适用于所有游戏,这意味着玩具创作者需要进行一些巧妙的设计。 而且它很轻便,所以即使像我这样的小孩也可以在没有成年人帮助的情况下改变游戏规则。”

杰拉德 (Gerard)

“My favorite technology gift was the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. Unfortunately, I received it three years after Nintendo was cool.”

“我最喜欢的技术礼物是8位Nintendo Entertainment System。 不幸的是,我在任天堂冷静三年后收到了它。”

古斯 (Gus)

“Two graphite tennis racquets. I started playing tennis competitively when the only racquets available were made of wood (shows you how old I am!). When the graphite racquets came out, it was completely revolutionary to the game and the best part was that they didn’t warp.”

“两个石墨网球拍。 当仅有的可用球拍用木头做时,我开始竞技网球(向您展示我多大了!)。 当石墨球拍问世时 ,这对比赛是完全革命性的,最好的部分是它们没有翘曲。”

希瑟 (Heather)

“The best technology present that I received for Christmas was a Merlin Electronic Wizard). You’ll have to go into the way-back machine to find it because I’m just that old! It was one of the first handheld games—it came out in 1980—and it had the following games on it: Tic Tac Toe, Music Machine, Echo (like Simon), Blackjack 13, Magic Square, and Mindbender. I used to sit in the way back of our station wagon and play that game for hours on roadtrips.”

“我在圣诞节期间收到的最好的技术礼物是Merlin电子向导” 。 您必须进入后退机器才能找到它,因为我才那么老! 它是最早的掌上游戏之一,于1980年问世,上面有以下游戏:井字游戏,音乐机,Echo(如Simon),Blackjack 13,Magic Square和Mindbender。 我以前坐在旅行车后面的路上,在旅途中玩了几个小时的游戏。”

詹姆士 (James)

“My favorite was a slot car racing set. It lasted for about a week until the hand-held speed controllers started to fritz. So, I rewired them.”

“我最喜欢的是老虎机赛车。 持续了大约一周的时间,直到手持式速度控制器开始颤动。 因此,我给它们重新布线。”

碧玉 (Jasper)

“I received a Game Boy and Pokemon Red for Christmas in 2000. The game wasn’t localized into Dutch, so this is basically how I started learning English.”

“ 2000年圣诞节,我收到了Game Boy和Pokemon Red的礼物。游戏并未本地化为荷兰语,因此基本上这就是我开始学习英语的方式。”

乔希 (Josh)

“My favorite piece of technology I received as a present wasn’t actually given to me. It was an Apple II that Mr. Brown, the band director, purchased for the band department at my middle school. You could earn computer time by helping in the band room. Mr. Brown was a great mentor and friend to me. I learned to program on it, in the context of music and art. That combination has defined my life’s work to date and I’m most thankful for it.”

“我作为礼物收到的我最喜欢的技术实际上并没有提供给我。 乐队负责人布朗先生为我中学的乐队部门购买的是Apple II。 您可以通过在乐队教室里帮忙来节省计算机时间。 布朗先生是我的好导师和朋友。 我学会了在音乐和艺术的背景下进行编程。 迄今为止,这种结合定义了我一生的工作,对此我深表感谢。”

凯特 (Kate)

“Though there was much technology in our house, none of it was truly mine. The computers were my dad’s and we had to ask permission to play. The Electronic Project Lab was all mine and that was cool.”

“尽管我们的房子里有很多技术,但这些都不是真正的我的。 电脑是我父亲的电脑,我们不得不征得播放许可。 电子项目实验室全是我的,这很酷。”

尼尔 (Neal)

“We opened Omnibot on Christmas Day and had a dance party to Eddy Grant’s Electric Avenue for the rest of the day.”

“我们在圣诞节那天开放了Omnibot ,并在剩余的时间里参加了Eddy Grant的Electric Avenue的舞会。”

拉奎尔 (Racquel)

“Hands down, Merlin. I was 9. Mom was a single parent of three working two full time jobs. Somehow, she always managed to surprise us, each with some nifty gift that fit our personalities, beyond the practical clothing gifts. That year, mine was the handheld electronic game invented by a former NASA employee, his wife, and brother-in-law. I played the hell out of that thing. Merlin rules. And, moms rule.”

“放手, 梅林 。 我当时9岁。妈妈是三个孩子的单亲父母,两个全职工作。 不知何故,她总是设法给我们一个惊喜,除了实用的服装礼物,每个礼物都带有一些适合我们个性的精美礼物。 那年,我的是由美国国家航空航天局的前雇员,他的妻子和姐夫发明的手持式电子游戏。 我把那东西弄得一团糟。 梅林规则。 而且,妈妈统治。”

蒂姆·W (Tim W.)

“My brother and I got a Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro joystick for Christmas (probably 1997). Unfortunately, the old 486 computer we had at the time wasn’t fast enough to play any of the games that could use the ‘force feedback’ feature of the joystick so we had to get a faster computer. Having a natural bias to building over buying, we decided that building our own computer would be a much more interesting project. In the end, the process of spec’ing out components, putting them together, and performing extensive troubleshooting to get the system working opened up a whole new world for me. Tinkering in this world ultimately led to me pursuing a career in the tech industry… but interestingly, I am no longer much of a gamer.”

“我的兄弟和我在圣诞节(大概是1997年)获得了Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro游戏杆。 不幸的是,我们当时使用的旧486计算机还不够快,无法玩可以使用操纵杆的“力反馈”功能的任何游戏,因此我们必须获得更快的计算机。 由于天生偏向于购买,因此我们决定构建自己的计算机将是一个更加有趣的项目。 最后,确定组件,将它们组合在一起并执行大量故障排除以使系统正常工作的过程为我打开了一个全新的世界。 修补这个世界最终导致我追求科技行业的职业……但是有趣的是,我不再是一个游戏玩家。”

泰勒 (Tyler)

“I distinctly remember getting an Elenco Electronic Playground. It was my first introduction to electronics and computers. Learning to program the board through the exercises was a blast, but the real fun was getting the board to do new things. It blew my mind that the same toy could do so many different things just by moving some wires around. Software still blows my mind today!”

“我很清楚地记得得到一个Elenco电子游乐场 。 这是我第一次介绍电子产品和计算机。 通过练习学习为董事会编程是一个爆炸,但是真正的乐趣是让董事会去做新的事情。 令我震惊的是,仅通过移动一些电线,同一玩具就可以完成许多不同的事情。 今天,软件仍然让我震惊!”

朋友们,节日快乐! (Happy Holidays, friends!)











翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2015/12/happy-holidays-from-the-fugue-team/





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