

Just a little background before we begin. I have been working as a mobile app developer for the past year and a half, after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. As of a couple of months ago, I have been fired (insert dramatic music). The reason: downsizing and making the company leaner. Without giving away too much, I wasn’t the only one fired from my team, and the company’s workforce decreased by about 40%. Yup, that much.

在我们开始之前,只需要一点背景。 在获得计算机科学学士学位后,过去一年半的时间里我一直从事移动应用程序开发。 几个月前,我被解雇了(插入戏剧音乐)。 原因是:缩小规模并使公司更精简。 不付出太多,我并不是唯一一个被团队解雇的人,公司的员工减少了约40%。 是的,那么多。

As fresh graduates know, there is a vicious cycle (at least in my country of residence), when trying to get a job in this industry. You need to have professional experience and/or a high enough grade point average. If you fail to have either of those, it can be very tough to catch a break.

如应届毕业生所知, 试图在该行业找到工作时(至少在我的居住国)存在一个恶性循环 。 您需要具有专业经验和/或足够高的平均绩点。 如果您没有其中任何一个,那么很难休息一下。

So, after having a year and a half of professional experience, you might think that I’d find a job in no time, right? Wrong.

因此,在拥有一年半的专业经验之后,您可能会认为我会很快找到工作,对吗? 错了

This is not a sob story, so bear with me for a minute.


Looking for a job is a very intricate and personal experience and is made up of a lot of factors. Nevertheless, there is plenty of common ground when searching for one.

找工作是非常复杂的个人经历,它由许多因素组成。 然而,在寻找一个时有很多共同点。

Since most articles of this nature are centered on getting your first developer job, I wanted to write one that reflects what the process is like when you want to get your second one. I want to share my recent experiences looking for a job, not as a fresh graduate, but as a developer with more than a year of experience.

由于这种性质的大多数文章都以获取第一份开发人员工作为中心,因此我想写一篇能反映出获得第二份工作时的流程的文章。 我想分享我最近的工作经验,而不是作为应届毕业生,而是作为拥有超过一年经验的开发人员。

Fresh graduates and people who are currently working, but are thinking about changing their career paths or changing their workplace after a year or two of professional experience, will (hopefully) find what I am writing relevant and helpful.


从哪里开始 (Where to begin)

First and foremost, it is important to understand that looking for a job is a full time job in itself. That may sound funny, but in reality, IT IS HARD. After you revise your résumé and update it accordingly, you are faced with searching online for your next position. Due to my situation, I did not have the luxury of time, since no job = no money ?.

首先,最重要的是要了解找工作本身就是一份全职工作。 听起来可能很有趣,但实际上,这很困难 。 修改简历并进行相应更新后,您将面临在线搜索下一个职位的麻烦。 由于我的情况,我没有时间的浪费,因为没有工作=没有钱?

The times have changed, and no one looks for jobs in the classified ads anymore. Your number one source for jobs is your friends. Ask around, see if they can refer you to one of their friends. Most companies prefer interviewing someone that’s recommended from a current employee instead of sifting through hundreds of applicants and choosing several. Look at LinkedIn, groups on Facebook, or Glassdoor for any job listings.

时代在变,没有人在分类广告中寻找工作。 您的第一大工作来源是您的朋友。 四处询问,看看他们是否可以将您推荐给他们的朋友之一。 大多数公司更喜欢面试由现任员工推荐的人,而不是筛选数百名申请人并选择其中几名。 查看LinkedIn,Facebook上的群组或Glassdoor,查看任何职位清单。

After those first few days of shock due to my untimely departure from being a mobile developer passed, I developed a routine. Wake up in the morning, review mails, look for new job postings in various sources, prepare for coming interviews, follow through home assignments that were part of interview processes, sharpen my skills by solving coding problems, and maintain an active Github/Codepen account.

在由于我不合时宜地离开移动开发人员而遭受震惊的最初几天之后,我制定了例程。 早上醒来,查看邮件,查找各种来源的新工作,准备面试,完成面试过程中的家庭作业,通过解决编码问题来提高我的技能,并保持活跃的Github / Codepen帐户。

Routine gives you structure and moves you along through the things you need to focus on. There is a lot to handle, and time is of the essence.

例行程序为您提供结构,并引导您完成需要重点关注的事情。 有很多事情要处理,而时间至关重要。

Before you start interviewing, refresh your memory on subjects you know are rusty to you. Go over sorting algorithms and try to implement them. See if you remember recursion correctly by going over trees and solving different problems associated with that data structure.

在开始面试之前,请先对自己不熟悉的主题重新记忆。 查看排序算法,然后尝试实现它们。 通过遍历树并解决与该数据结构相关的其他问题,看看您是否正确地记住了递归。

As a rule of thumb, go from the bottom up.


Start from the very basics of any subject you feel most weak in, and then climb up the knowledge chain. Once you can grasp the very fundamental principles of a subject, there is no defeating you. No matter what question gets thrown at you.

从您最不擅长的任何学科的基础知识开始,然后爬上知识链。 一旦掌握了某个主题的最基本原理, 就不会击败您 。 无论您问什么问题。

After you feel sufficiently versed, try your hand in different coding exercises in any coding language. Codewars, Codility, Project Euler and LeetCode are just a few examples of places to sharpen your skills.

精通后,请尝试使用任何一种编码语言进行不同的编码练习。 CodewarsCodilityEuler项目LeetCode只是提高技能的几个例子。

Searching for popular interview questions is also a must, since most interview questions tend to test the same design patterns/logic of a candidate.


While studying for job interviews, I took part in numerous online courses. I also made sure to create Codepen and Github accounts to showcase projects I was making. I won’t go into detail about what courses I took or where to look, since that’s been covered far and wide. But having those profiles present on my résumé improved my chances of getting that first phone call. Why? Because by going to those profiles, interviewers could see my coding style upfront. They could see that I am a self learner, and that in my spare time, I code.

在学习求职面试时,我参加了许多在线课程。 我还确保创建CodepenGithub帐户来展示我正在做的项目。 我不会详细介绍我选修了什么课程或去哪儿学习,因为涉及的内容已经广泛。 但是,将这些个人资料显示在我的简历中可以增加我接到第一个电话的机会。 为什么? 因为通过访问这些个人资料,访问员可以预先看到我的编码风格。 他们可以看到我是一个自我学习者,并且在业余时间我会编码。

面试过程 (The Interviewing Process)

There are no two equal interview processes, and no two companies are alike. While this can be an advantage, it can also be frustrating. Since each company has varying degrees and lengths of processes, it can take between weeks to even months (yeah, not joking) for an interview process to move along. This can come from a plethora of reasons ranging from the urgency of the position they want filled, company culture, number of candidates and so on. What you need to remember is to hold on.

没有两个平等的面试过程,也没有两个公司是相同的。 尽管这可能是一个优势,但也可能令人沮丧。 由于每个公司的流程程度和时间长短不一,因此面试流程可能需要几周甚至几个月的时间(是的,不是在开玩笑)。 这可能来自多种原因,包括他们想要填补职位的紧迫性,公司文化,候选人人数等等。 您需要记住的是坚持

Seriously, I know it sounds simple, but it is really important. Let’s say you start interviewing at company A. After a brief phone screening, you are sent a take home test. Once you accomplish that, you get invited for an onsite interview (the first of many). After several onsite technical interviews, you head into an HR interview. Then, recommendations.

认真地说,我知道这听起来很简单,但这确实很重要。 假设您开始在A公司面试。经过简短的电话筛选后,您会收到一次带回家的测试。 完成此操作后,您将被邀请进行现场采访(其中许多人中的第一个)。 经过几次现场技术面试后,您将进入人力资源面试。 然后,提出建议。

Take into account that this example of an interview process can have its fair share of hiccups. If there is a holiday coming up, if interviewers get sick or are on vacation, or if the company is internally disorganized, the interview processes can stretch longer than it should.

考虑到这个面试过程的例子可能会打fair。 如果要放假,面试官生病或休假,或者公司内部组织混乱,面试过程的时间可能会延长。

What can you do about all this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

这一切你能做什么? 没有。 绝对没有。

I’m not here to discourage you, as I only want to convey my point (since I’ve been there). You have to understand that you are currently the lowest ranking member in this job seeking pyramid. Meaning, you’re time is not valuable to anyone and they will take advantage of it and take you for granted.

我并不是要劝阻您,因为我只想表达我的观点(因为我去过那里)。 您必须了解,您目前是此求职金字塔中排名最低的成员。 意思是,您的时间对任何人都不有价值,他们会利用它并将您视为理所当然。

There are varying degrees of this, but it is important to note, that you need to take it all in stride.


Don’t overthink things if a couple of days have passed since your last interview and you still haven’t gotten an answer. Try not to read too much into it if the interview gets cancelled at midnight the day before (it happens). If a company takes too long to reply to you, send an email. If that doesn’t help, after waiting for a few days, try calling the last person that interviewed you from that company or talking with their HR department.

如果自上次面试以来已经过去了几天,但您仍然没有得到答案,请不要想太多。 如果采访在前一天的午夜被取消(发生),请尽量不要过多阅读。 如果公司花太长时间回复您,请发送电子邮件。 如果这样做没有帮助,请等待几天后,再致电该公司面试您的最后一个人,或与其人事部门交谈。

Initiative is not something that is frowned upon. It shows you are interested in that company and want to know where things stand. It will only reflect well on your behalf.

主动性不是什么令人讨厌的事情 。 它表明您对该公司感兴趣,并想知道事情的发展方向。 它只会代表您很好地反映。

If a company treats you poorly, it is a sign that working there might not be the best fit for you, and you should avoid continuing the interviewing process with them.


Take a mental note of everyone you meet with. Remember your interactions with them. Were they polite? Did they seem interested in you or your questions? Did they give you time to ask questions? These are all valid points to take into account when deciding which companies to move forward with and which ones to dismiss. Yes, you are an individual, just like every other person that applied for that position. But, if a company and its employees take that little extra step, it really does make a huge difference.

记下遇到的每个人的心理状况。 记住您与他们的互动。 他们有礼貌吗? 他们似乎对您或您的问题感兴趣吗? 他们有时间给您提问吗? 这些都是在决定与哪些公司前进以及哪些公司要解散时要考虑的有效点。 是的,您是个人,就像其他所有申请该职位的人一样。 但是,如果公司及其员工采取这一额外步骤,则确实会产生巨大的变化。

一些忠告 (Some Words Of Advice)

At the very beginning, and depending on which positions you are seeking, it may seem wise to decline interviews at companies that don’t seem interesting to you. And that may be so, but there are several good reasons not to do so:

在刚开始时,根据您所寻找的职位,拒绝对您似乎没有兴趣的公司进行采访似乎是明智的。 可能是这样,但是有几个充分的理由不这样做:

  1. Even though going to interviews is time consuming, you learn from each interview. So going to one at a company that may not interest you will still give you the chance to experience what an interview feels like and gage your skills accordingly. Not to mention the variety of technical questions you will encounter.

    即使参加面试很耗时,您还是可以从每次面试中学习。 因此,去一家您可能不感兴趣的公司,您仍然有机会体验一下面试的感受并相应地掌握自己的技能。 更不用说您将遇到的各种技术问题。
  2. Don’t judge a book by its cover. If the job’s description over the phone doesn’t seem that intriguing, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything that might still interest you. Maybe the company is moving in a new direction and is getting ready to change its technologies. Maybe your direct team leader will be someone that you are willing to work with, no matter what you’ll be doing. You never know, and until you try, you just won’t. Additionally, connections are a huge part of this industry. You will be meeting different people with different backgrounds, and even if you don’t pass an interview step, you still might impress someone who will suggest you to a colleague or friend.

    不要凭封面判断一本书。 如果通过电话进行的工作描述似乎没有那么吸引人,那并不意味着就没有您感兴趣的东西。 也许公司正在朝着一个新的方向发展,并准备改变其技术。 无论您将做什么,也许您的直接团队负责人将是您愿意与之共事的人。 您永远不会知道,除非您尝试,否则您将不会。 此外,连接是该行业的重要组成部分。 您将遇到具有不同背景的不同人,即使您没有通过面试步骤,您仍然可能会给推荐您的同事或朋友留下深刻的印象。
  3. Like I mentioned earlier, there are no two interview processes that are alike. But getting familiar with as many as you can will only benefit you. For example, while I was interviewing for several companies, I had my heart set on company A. As part of the interviewing process, I knew that I had to interview in front of two personnel at the same time, whiteboard and all. At company B, that kind of interview also existed, so I made sure to go to the interview for company B, before going to company A. I did this so I could gain the experience of what it felt like and to see how I fared. That way, I could show up for company A more prepared and most importantly, more confident.

    就像我前面提到的,没有两个相同的采访过程。 但是,尽可能多地熟悉将只会使您受益。 例如,当我为数家公司进行面试时,我对A公司心存信心。作为面试过程的一部分,我知道我必须同时在白板和所有其他两个人员面前面试。 在公司B,也存在这种面试,所以我确保在去公司A之前先去公司B进行面试。这样做是为了让我获得经验,并了解自己的表现如何。 。 这样,我可以为公司A做好准备,最重要的是,更加自信。

As a final note, it is important to remember not to get sucked under while going through this ordeal. Some interviews will be good, others, not so much.

最后一点,重要的是要记住在经历这种磨难时不要被吸引。 有些采访会很好,而有些则不会。

Learn from your mistakes and remember to take a break from it all. I mean it. Take a day off and do something to relax. Something to revitalize your soul. Go hiking, watch a movie, go see a concert. It is too easy to get caught up in the job search and let the pressure get the best of you.

从错误中吸取教训,并记住休息一会儿 。 我是认真的。 休息一天,做一些放松的事情。 可以振兴您的灵魂。 去远足,看电影,去看音乐会。 很难找到工作,让压力使您获得最大的收益。

Believe in yourself and be confident. The rest will follow through.
相信自己并自信。 其余的将继续。



本文档是本人5JAVA经验整理的文档(持续性的),由于CSDN只能单个附件只能上传15MB,所以只好分包压缩了(4个包),希望各位同行能够理解。 本文档包括JAVA/FLEX/数据建模/Database/移动办公/项目管理/单点登录/软件架构/测试等相关性技术。 本文档还在持续维护中,各位可以通过《笔记变更说明》查看升级日志。 在这里声明下,本文档一部分是个人从学习、工作中整理出来的(代码都是经过调试的),还有一部分是从网上整理的。 本站相关文档都是经过后期整理的,或是在实际工作中整理的实例代码总结而成的。 由于本人目前允许上传的资源太小,所以无法上传整个的技术学习笔记(JAVA工作经验和学习笔记),待以后有机会会分享给大家。 技术体系包括: J2SE/J2ME/J2EE/JAVA代码优化/Flex(BlazeDS、PureMVC等技术)/LDAP/C++/Portal/即时通讯/数据建模/UML/UML设计工具(Rose、EA、PD等)/移动办公(Android、Symbian、Wap等技术)/项目管理(敏捷开发等)/软件架构(NoSQL、SaaS、设计模式等)/数据库(MySQL、Oracle、EDB、SQLServer等)/测试(单元测试、压力测试)/linux服务器等 其中含有大量实例源代码。 这里需要说明的时,该文档是本人5工作经验的积累,文档中大部分知识点来源于实际工作中的总结,(除了JAR等资源文件外)其代码都是可运行的,还有一部分知识来源于网络或者其他书籍,这里做一些收集,使该体系更加完善。




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