

We’re big fans of things like productivity (i.e. “getting stuff done”) and we believe that our best work is only possible in environments that are custom-designed for each and every individual.


In other words, when it comes to work, one-size (and one building) does not fit all!

换句话说,当谈到工作,一个规模(和一个建筑) 适合所有!

You see, from the very beginning, we were a distributed team, by philosophy first and geography second.


Meaning, we saw the art and science of business building through a distinctly distributed lens — the implications are deep as they are wide, from our go-to-market strategy to how (and from whom) we raise venture capital to support our team; to the tool choices that power our business and, of course, who we hire and add to our amazing team.

意思是,我们通过一个分立的视角看到了业务建设的艺术和科学-影响深远,涉及范围广泛,从市场营销策略到如何(以及从谁)筹集风险资本以支持我们的团队; 推动我们业务发展的工具选择,当然还有我们聘用的人,并增加了我们的团队。

And we’re doing our very best to be as intentional as we possibly can be as we think through our organizational culture and the systems and processes that undergird the foundation — even the words we choose to use are important!


For instance, we’ve decided to use the word distributed instead of the word remote (or “satellite”) because the latter implies that there is a “home” (or “homebase” or even physical office) signifying one place as being more important than another; the former more uniformly suggests equality and opportunity for network-wide impact.

例如,我们决定使用distributed一词代替remote (或“卫星”)一词,因为后者意味着存在一个“家”(或“家庭”或什至物理办公室)来表示一个地方更多比另一个重要 前者更一致地建议在整个网络范围内享有平等和机会。

In addition, the word “distributed” is also much closer to the heart of decentralization, but, we won’t go down that rabbit hole right now!


To press this point even further, there have even been a few studies that suggest that referring to one part of a team as “remote” and the other as “local” can create a cognitive bias against the team members who are remote!


We’re proud to say that we are a distributed-first business and organization, which practically means the following:


  1. We do not have a “central office” or “home office” or HQ (“headquarters”). No place or geography has priority, physically or culturally, within the organization.

    我们没有“中央办公室”或“家庭办公室”或总部(“总部”)。 在组织中,任何地点或地理位置在物理上或文化上都没有优先权。
  2. We intentionally look to attract and hire folks who especially enjoy the freedom and agency to choose where they want to work! Whether that’s from the comfort of a home office, their favorite coffee shop or local coworking spot — the choice is up to you.

    我们有意吸引和雇用特别享受自由和代理权的人,以选择他们想工作的地方! 无论是从舒适的家庭办公室,他们最喜欢的咖啡店还是当地的联合办公地点获得,一切都取决于您。

  3. We’ll hook you up with whatever you need to be as comfortable as possible! Gear like a new Apple MacBook or a new set of headphones (for those tunes!) go without saying — coverage for monthly coworking costs and role-specific tools we’ll cover too.

    我们将为您提供尽可能舒适的一切! 像新的Apple MacBook或新的耳机(适合这些音调!)之类的装备就不用多说了-涵盖了每月的协同工作成本以及我们将涵盖的特定于角色的工具。
  4. We make every attempt to physically meet, as a team, on one of the coasts every quarter (we’ve met in Atlanta, GA & San Francisco, CA so far) and as we grow we will try to meet in different places that make the most sense for all team members (and we’ll cover all travel costs).

  5. We believe that defining our organizational structure and culture as distributed-first is a competitive advantage: It allows us to hire the best people anywhere, optimizes quality of life for our team members, and maximizes long-term staff retention as a result.


It’s especially important that we call these things out because it helps folks know and understand who we are as an organization and culture, especially if they think working with us might be a great idea!


We can now refer back to this canonical blog post with any potential candidate in our hiring process and make sure that folks have as much information as possible to make an informed decision about the team.


并非所有的彩虹和蝴蝶…… (It’s Not All Rainbows and Butterflies…)

Stay woke: Being a fully-distributed company can come with just as many downsides as upsides, depending on your team makeup and the way you ultimately design your organization.


For starters, here are a few challenges that distributed teams will definitely encounter and will uniquely struggle with:


  1. Communication: Distributed teams need to be masters at communication, full stop. This is an all-skate type of cultural skill that needs to permeate through the entire network. Meaning, everyone on the team needs to be excellent (and/or growing towards excellence) as one “lone wolf” or isolationist can ruin and frustrate the entire system.

    沟通:分散的团队需要成为沟通的高手 ,全程停顿。 这是一种溜冰的文化技能,需要渗透到整个网络中。 意思是,团队中的每个人都必须表现出色(和/或朝着卓越发展),因为一个“孤独的狼”或孤立主义者会破坏和挫败整个系统。

  2. Systems, All The Things: Distributed teams typically need to be excellent at codifying systems, processes, and workflows. Although I’m hesitant to state an exact number, but, I’d say distributed teams will need 2–3 times as much documentation as a team that’s more geographically-centric. If the lack of documentation in your organization isn’t giving you hives already, then, it’s just around the corner!

    系统,万物:分布式团队通常需要在将系统,流程和工作流进行编码方面表现出色。 尽管我不愿透露确切的数字,但是,我要说的是,分散团队需要的文档数量是以地理为中心的团队的2至3倍。 如果您组织中缺乏文档说明还不能给您带来荨麻疹,那么指日可待!

  3. Loneliness: A fully-distributed team means that you won’t be physically hanging out much and distance and time can more easily develop feelings of loneliness or isolation. Culturally, the team and organization needs to be able to talk about mental health without fear, shame, or guilt.

    孤独感:一个完全分散的团队意味着您不会在身体上闲逛,而距离和时间可以更轻松地产生孤独或孤立的感觉。 从文化上讲,团队和组织需要能够谈论mental health而不会感到恐惧,羞耻或内。

  4. Decisive Tooling: A distributed team literally lives and dies by their individual and collective tool choice(s); either everyone is using them effectively (and agrees on the tool’s specific utility) or they simply become administrative overhead and organizational drag. Intentionality is key here.

    决定性工具:分散的团队实际上是根据个人和集体工具的选择而生存和死亡; 要么每个人都在有效地使用它们(并同意该工具的特定实用程序),要么它们只是成为管理开销和组织拖累。 意图是关键。

  5. Managing Expectations: Distributed teams must work even harder than localized teams on defining, clearly, what is expected of team members and what metrics or data is relevant and useful. This is because local teams have the luxury of being able to course correct in real-time (by literally walking over and talking to someone) whereas that particular dynamic is not available to folks in different time zones. Consequently, the time between course correction is often times longer and the negative consequences of that delay can compound more quickly than you realize.

    管理期望:分布式团队必须比本地团队更加努力地明确定义团队成员的期望以及与之相关且有用的指标或数据。 这是因为本地团队具有能够实时进行纠正的能力(通过逐字走动并与某人交谈),而在不同时区的人员无法使用这种特定的动态。 因此,航向校正之间的时间通常要长得多,并且这种延迟的负面后果可能比您意识到的更快。

  6. Iterate to Win: Distributed teams that have a built-in culture of iteration is going to succeed more easily than those who do not. Essentially, a team that is open to experimentation (and being wrong) and taking the time to intentionally review any process or implementation for the sake of optimization will grow faster together than a team that is much more dogmatic about their systems and is unmotivated to change.

    迭代取胜:具有内置迭代文化的分布式团队将比没有团队的团队更容易成功。 本质上,一个愿意进行试验(而且是错误的)并花时间为优化而特意审查任何流程或实施的团队,将比那些对系统更加执着,不愿改变的团队共同成长。 。

  7. Know Thyself: Being a distributed-first team means that you have, by design, disqualified a ton of capable folks to join your team simply because working in a fully-distributed culture will make them unhappy and their work will suffer accordingly. Massaging your job descriptions and your interview process to quickly help folks self-select themselves out of the candidate pool will help you isolate the best future team members for your company. You must know who you are as an organization (and what you stand for) before you advertise all of those amazing open positions.

    认识自己:成为分布式第一团队意味着,由于设计原因,您失去了一大堆有能力的人加入您的团队的资格, 仅仅是因为在完全分布式的文化中工作会使他们感到不满,并且他们的工作也会因此而受到影响。 按摩您的职位描述和面试过程,以快速帮助人们候选人中自我选择,这将帮助您为公司选拔最优秀的未来团队成员。 在为所有这些令人惊叹的空缺职位做广告之前,您必须知道自己是谁(以及代表什么)。

It’s worth noting that all teams of all sizes struggle with the above, aforementioned challenges! They are definitely not unique just to distributed teams! It’s just that geographically-distant team members are going to struggle more (and more often) in these areas than local teams.

值得注意的是, 所有 规模的 团队 在克服上述挑战! 它们绝对不是分布式团队独有的! 只是地理上相距甚远的团队成员在这些领域将比本地团队挣扎更多 (并且更多 )。

But for all of the potential downsides, we still believe the upsides are worth the struggle and we’ve decided that this is the type of business and culture that we want to build — if that sounds exciting, we’d love to hear from you!


Originally published on blog.yen.io. John is the software engineer at YEN, a social platform that combines the power of social networks and multiple cryptocurrency exchanges.

最初发布在blog.yen.io上 JohnYEN的软件工程师, YEN是一个社交平台,结合了社交网络和多种加密货币交易所的功能。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-we-mean-when-we-say-we-are-a-distributed-first-team-40fe5dbfd13e/






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