可访问性不一致 可访问性低_什么是网站可访问性?

可访问性不一致 可访问性低

Web accessibility is getting a lot of attention these days, but it can be intimidating. Here’s a simple introduction to web accessibility: what it is, why it’s important, and the benefits that come along with accessibility.

这些天来,Web可访问性吸引了很多注意力,但可能会令人生畏。 这里是对Web可访问性的简单介绍:它是什么,为什么重要,以及可访问性带来的好处。

At the most basic level, web accessibility means building websites that are usable by as many people as possible.


In the US alone, 57 million people report having a disability. That’s one in every five people — equivalent to the entire populations of New York and California combined. And around 30 million of those people report having a severe disability.

仅在美国,就有5700万人报告有残疾。 这是五分之一的人口-相当于纽约和加利福尼亚的总人口之和。 其中约有三千万人报告说他们患有严重的残疾。

How can web developers make sure their sites are accessible to as many users as possible?


是什么导致网站无法访问? (What makes a site inaccessible?)

There are many ways that users might find a website to be inaccessible.


Some people may not be able to use a mouse. They may need to be able to scroll, click, navigate and interact with all parts of a website using only a keyboard or other device.

有些人可能无法使用鼠标。 他们可能需要仅使用键盘或其他设备即可滚动,单击,导航网站并与网站的所有部分进行交互

Others may have some form of color-blindness, so may have difficulty discerning links and buttons from other text content.


Dyslexia can cause some people to struggle to understand the content of a site.


For people with severe visual impairments, it is necessary for all content and interactivity on a page to be understandable to a screen reader. This is a program that reads the contents of a webpage to the user and lets them interact with the page.

对于视力严重障碍的人来说, 屏幕阅读器必须能够理解页面上的所有内容和交互性。 这是一个程序,可以向用户读取网页的内容,并使他们与页面进行交互。

There are even machines that will provide braille output from webpages.


可访问性是Web标准 (Accessibility is a Web Standard)

I’ve barely scratched the surface of the accessibility challenges people can face on the web. It is impossible for the average web team to keep up with all these different situations that can prevent people from using and enjoying websites.

我几乎没有刮过人们在网络上可能遇到的可访问性挑战的表面。 对于一般的Web团队来说,不可能跟上所有可能阻止人们使用和享用网站的所有不同情况。

That is why the World Wide Web Consortium first drafted standards for developing accessible websites back in 1999.


This set of standards makes it easier for development teams to ensure their work is accessible to all. These standards are what you may have heard referenced as WCAG (sometimes pronounced wee-kag). It stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

这套标准使开发团队更容易确保所有人都能访问他们的工作。 这些标准就是您可能听说过的称为WCAG的标准(有时发音为wee-kag)。 它代表Web内容可访问性指南

These guidelines provide a detailed look at common patterns and areas that can cause usability issues in different situations. At a higher level though, they outline the four broad guidelines of web accessibility:

这些准则详细介绍了可能在不同情况下导致可用性问题的常见模式和领域。 不过,在更高的层次上,它们概述了Web访问的四个主要准则:

  • Perceivable: can all people perceive the content on the page?


  • Operable: can all people interact with the page?


  • Understandable: can all people understand the content on the page?


  • Robust: can the content be interpreted by a wide variety of programs and devices, including screen readers?


While these guidelines have been around for a long time, stakeholders at all levels of web projects often aren’t aware of their existence. Or perhaps they don’t believe it is a concern for their organization.

这些准则已经存在很长时间了,但是Web项目各个级别的利益相关者通常都不知道它们的存在。 或者,也许他们不认为这是对其组织的关注。

Let’s look at some of the benefits of web accessibility to see why these guidelines are important.


网络可访问性的好处是什么? (What are the benefits of web accessibility?)

包容性 (Inclusivity)

The first benefit of accessibility is inclusivity. When you approach accessibility from the perspective of making a website user-friendly to as many people as possible — well that’s the definition of inclusive isn’t it?

可访问性的第一个好处是包容性。 当您从使尽可能多的用户易于使用网站的角度来研究可访问性时,这就是包容性的定义吗?

The great thing about following the web accessibility guidelines is that by following them, you provide a better web experience for all users.


Consider the reading level guidelines, for example. While these guidelines are intended to make sure people with reading disabilities can understand a website, when implemented they also end up helping people with low literacy or who are not fluent in our language understand our website more easily.

例如,考虑阅读水平指南 。 尽管这些指南旨在确保阅读障碍者能够理解网站,但实施这些指南后,它们最终还可以帮助识字能力较低或不懂我们语言的人更轻松地理解我们的网站。

SEO的好处 (SEO Benefits)

A second benefit of prioritizing accessibility is improved search engine optimization (SEO).


The same practices that ensure content is understandable to screen readers also benefits the robots that index websites for Google and other search engines.


Many accessibility guidelines focus on providing text-based alternatives to content that is available in video or audio. This allows this content to be visible to both screen readers and search engines.

许多可访问性指南着重于提供基于文本的替代内容,以替代视频或音频中可用的内容。 这使该内容对于屏幕阅读器和搜索引擎都是可见的。

The guidelines also encourage the use of proper page organization to help users best understand the layout and content of a page. This also helps search engines understand the content of a page better.

该准则还鼓励使用正确的页面组织,以帮助用户最好地了解页面的布局和内容。 这也有助于搜索引擎更好地了解页面的内容。

Making your web content easier for people to understand will make it easier for Google’s robots to understand as well.


可用性优势 (Usability Benefits)

There are also usability benefits to prioritizing accessibility.


All of us at some point have encountered a website that was unusable. Sometimes text doesn’t have enough contrast with its background, or buttons are too small to easily use on our smartphones.

在某些时候,我们所有人都遇到了无法使用的网站。 有时文本与背景的对比度不足,或者按钮太小而无法在我们的智能手机上轻松使用。

Focusing on web accessibility can help eliminate basic issues like these. By following the guidelines, we can make sure our site is as usable on mobile devices as it is on larger screens, for everybody.

专注于Web可访问性可以帮助消除此类基本问题。 通过遵循指南,我们可以确保我们的网站在移动设备上的可用性与大屏幕上的每个人一样。

Additionally, by paying attention to the “robust” principle of accessibility and making sure content can be interpreted by a wide variety of programs and devices, we will help people who may be using older technologies or have low bandwidth have access to a web site.

此外,通过关注可访问性的“ 稳健 ”原则,并确保可以由各种程序和设备解释内容,我们将帮助正在使用较旧技术或带宽较低的人们访问网站。

Organizations that prioritize accessibility will not only develop goodwill with their users, but will also ensure they can serve closer to 100% of the marketplace. And they will protect themselves against losing the ability to serve their customers as they age.

优先考虑可访问性的组织不仅会与用户建立良好的信誉,还将确保他们可以为接近100%的市场服务。 随着年龄的增长,他们将保护自己免受失去为客户提供服务的能力。

Besides the benefits following accessibility guidelines can bring, there can also legal requirements to consider.


Accessibility issues have come to the forefront due to a series of lawsuits filed under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This requires public spaces and commercial facilities to be designed and built so that users with disabilities can enjoy equal access to these facilities.

由于根据《美国残疾人法》(ADA) 标题III提起的一系列诉讼,可访问性问题已成为最重要的问题。 这就要求设计和建造公共场所和商业设施,以便残疾人士可以平等地使用这些设施。

While the law was originally written with physical spaces in mind, the prevalence of web-based activities including shopping and education has brought inaccessible web experiences under scrutiny as well.


Notably, a federal judge ruled in June 2017 that Winn-Dixie’s web properties were so integrated into their physical locations that they were subject to Title III of the ADA. The judge ruled in favor of a blind man who filed the suit, requiring Winn-Dixie to update their site to meet the Web Content Accessibility Standards and perform annual audits to ensure they continue to meet these standards. (The courts full 13 page order is available here).

值得注意的是, 2017年6月 ,一位联邦法官裁定 Winn-Dixie的网络媒体资源已整合到其物理位置中,因此必须遵守ADA的Title III。 法官裁定赞成提起诉讼的盲人,要求Winn-Dixie更新其网站,以符合Web内容可访问性标准,并进行年度审核以确保他们继续满足这些标准。 ( 可在此处获得法院完整的13页命令 )。

Furthermore, the sheer number of web accessibility-related lawsuits has skyrocketed. The Seyfarth Shaw law firm reports that there were approximately 57 federal web-accessibility related lawsuits filed in 2015, 262 in 2016, and 432 between January and August of 2017 alone. Beyond that, the US Department of Education has recently opened 350 web accessibility investigations.

此外,与网络可访问性相关的诉讼数量激增。 Seyfarth Shaw律师事务所报告称,2015年提起了大约57宗与联邦网络可访问性相关的诉讼,2016年提起262起,2017年1月至2017年8月仅提起432起。 除此之外,美国教育部最近还开展了350项网络可访问性调查

结论 (Conclusion)

The good news is that there are clear guidelines for developers, product managers, designers, and content editors to follow for developing and maintaining accessible websites.


With good planning, execution, and accountability, an accessible website is an attainable goal for every organization. By being proactive, organizations that embrace an accessibility-first approach will be able to generate goodwill with their customers, stay within relevant legal requirements, and serve a larger market.

具有良好的计划,执行和责任心,可访问的网站对于每个组织都是可实现的目标。 通过积极主动,采用无障碍访问优先方法的组织将能够与客户产生商誉,保持在相关法律要求之内,并为更大的市场服务。

Want to dive into the details of building accessible websites? Join my free email course: ? Common accessibility mistakes and how to avoid them. 30 days, 10 lessons, 100% fun! ? Sign up here!

是否想深入研究建立可访问网站的细节? 加入我的免费电子邮件课程: 常见的可访问性错误以及如何避免它们。 30天,10节课,100%的乐趣!在这里!

Originally published at benrobertson.io.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-website-accessibility-18ce00ec990f/

可访问性不一致 可访问性低

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