

These terms govern use of the website To use the website, you must agree to these terms with Free Code camp, Inc., the nonprofit company that runs the website.

这些条款约束对网站https://www.freecodecamp.org的使用 。 要使用该网站,您必须与运行该网站的非营利性公司Free Code camp,Inc.同意这些条款。

The company may offer other products and services, under different terms. These terms apply only to use of the website.

公司可能会以不同的条款提供其他产品和服务。 这些条款仅适用于网站的使用。

重要条款 (Important Terms)

These terms include a number of important provisions that affect your rights and responsibilities, such as the disclaimers in Disclaimers, limits on the company’s liability to you in Limits on Liability, your agreement to cover the company for damages caused by your misuse of the website in Responsibility for Your Use, and an agreement to arbitrate disputes in Disputes.


您的网站使用许可 (Your Permission to Use the Website)

Subject to these terms, the company gives you permission to use the website. That permission isn’t exclusive to you, and you can’t transfer it to anyone else. Others need to agree to these terms for themselves to use the website.

在遵守这些条款的前提下,公司允许您使用该网站。 该权限不是您专有的,您不能将其转让给其他任何人。 其他人需要同意这些条款才能使用本网站。

网站使用条件 (Conditions for Use of the Website)

Your permission to use the website is subject to the following conditions:


You must be at least thirteen years old.


You may no longer use the website if the company contacts you directly to say that you may not.


You must use the website in accordance with Acceptable Use and Content Standards.


可接受的使用 (Acceptable Use)

You may not break the law using the website.


You may not use or try to use another’s account on the website without their specific permission.


You may not buy, sell, or otherwise trade in user names or other unique identifiers on the website.


You may not send advertisements, chain letters, or other solicitations through the website, or use the website to gather addresses for commercial mailing lists.


You may not automate access to the website, or monitor the website, such as with a web crawler, browser plug-in or add-on, or other computer program that is not a web browser. You may crawl the website to index it for a publicly available search engine.

您可能无法自动访问网站或监视网站,例如使用Web爬网程序,浏览器插件或附加程序,或不是Web浏览器的其他计算机程序。 您可以抓取该网站以将其编入索引,以供公开搜索引擎使用。

You may not use the website to send e-mail to distribution lists, newsgroups, or group mail aliases.


You may not falsely imply that you’re affiliated with or endorsed by the company.


You may not hyperlink to images or other non-hypertext content on the website.


You may not remove any marks showing proprietary ownership from materials you download from the website.


You may not show any part of the website on other websites with using iframes.


You may not disable, avoid, or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the website.


You may not strain infrastructure of the website with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems underlying the website.


You may not encourage or help anyone in violation of these terms.


You may not impersonate others through the website.


内容标准 (Content Standards)

You may not submit content to the website that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, or abusive.

您不得向网站提交非法,令人反感或对他人有害的内容。 这包括骚扰,不当或侮辱性的内容。

You may not submit content to the website that violates the law, infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights, violates anyone’s privacy, or breaches agreements you have with others.


You may not submit content to the website containing malicious computer code, such as computer viruses or spyware.


You may not submit content to the website as a mere placeholder, to hold a particular address, user name, or other unique identifier.


You may not use the website to disclose information that you don’t have the right to disclose, like others’ confidential information.


执法 (Enforcement)

The company may investigate and prosecute violations of these terms to the fullest legal extent. The company may notify and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting violations of the law and these terms.

公司可能会在最大法律范围内调查和起诉违反这些条款的行为。 公司可以通知执法部门并与之合作,以起诉违反法律和这些条款的行为。

The company reserves the right to change, redact, and delete content on the website for any reason. If you believe someone has submitted content to the website in violation of these terms, please contact us immediately.

公司保留出于任何原因更改,编辑和删除网站内容的权利。 如果您认为有人违反了这些条款向网站提交了内容,请立即与我们联系。

你的帐户 (Your Account)

You must create and log into an account to use some features of the website.


To create an account, you must provide some information about yourself. If you create an account, you agree to provide, at a minimum, a valid e-mail address, and to keep that address up-to-date. You may close your account at any time by logging into your account and clicking the button on your account settings page.

要创建一个帐户,您必须提供一些有关您自己的信息。 如果您创建一个帐户,则表示您同意至少提供一个有效的电子邮件地址,并使该地址保持最新。 您可以随时登录到帐户并单击“帐户设置”页面上的按钮来关闭帐户。

You agree to be responsible for all action taken using your account, whether authorized by you or not, until you either close your account or notify the company that your account has been compromised. You agree to notify the company immediately if you suspect your account has been compromised. You agree to select a secure password for your account, and keep it secret.

您同意对使用您的帐户采取的所有行动负责,无论您是否授权,直到关闭帐户或通知公司帐户已被盗用为止。 如果您怀疑自己的帐户已被盗用,则表示您同意立即通知公司。 您同意为您的帐户选择一个安全密码,并将其保密。

The company may restrict, suspend, or close your account on the website according to its policy for handling copyright-related takedown requests, or if the company reasonably believes that you’ve breached these terms.


您的内容 (Your Content)

Nothing in these terms gives the company any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the website, such as your account information or other content you submit to the website. Nothing in these terms gives you any ownership rights in the company’s intellectual property, either.

这些条款没有赋予公司您与网站共享的任何知识产权的所有权,例如您的帐户信息或您提交给网站的其他内容。 这些条款也不会给您任何公司知识产权的所有权。

Between you and the company, you remain solely responsible for content you submit to the website. You agree not to wrongly imply that content you submit to the website is sponsored or approved by the company. These terms do not obligate the company to store, maintain, or provide copies of content you submit.

在您与公司之间,您对提交到网站的内容承担全部责任。 您同意不会错误地暗示您提交给网站的内容是由公司赞助或批准的。 这些条款不强制公司存储,维护或提供您提交的内容的副本。

Content you submit to the website belongs to you, and you decide what permission to give others for it. But at a minimum, you license the company to provide content that you submit to the website to other users of the website. That special license allows the company to copy, publish, and analyze content you submit to the website.

您提交给该网站的内容属于您,您可以决定为其授予他人许可的权限。 但是,至少,您可以授予公司许可,以向网站的其他用户提供您提交给网站的内容。 该特殊许可使公司可以复制,发布和分析您提交给网站的内容。

When content you submit is removed from the website, whether by you or by the company, the company’s special license ends when the last copy disappears from the company’s backups, caches, and other systems. Other licenses you apply to content you submit may continue after your content is removed. Those licenses may give others, or the company itself, the right to share your content through the website again.

当您提交的内容从网站上删除(无论是由您还是由公司删除)时,当最后一个副本从公司的备份,缓存和其他系统中消失时,公司的特殊许可即告终止。 在删除内容之后,您对提交的内容所申请的其他许可可能会继续。 这些许可可能赋予其他人或公司本身重新通过网站共享您的内容的权利。

Others who receive content you submit to the website may violate the terms on which you license your content. You agree that the company will not be liable to you for those violations or their consequences.

其他收到您提交到网站的内容的人可能会违反您许可内容的条款。 您同意,对于这些违规行为或后果,公司将不承担任何责任。

您的责任 (Your Responsibility)

You agree to indemnify the company from legal claims by others related to your breach of these terms, or breach of these terms by others using your account on the website. Both you and the company agree to notify the other side of any legal claims for which you might have to indemnify the company as soon as possible. If the company fails to notify you of a legal claim promptly, you won’t have to indemnify the company for damages that you could have defended against or mitigated with prompt notice. You agree to allow the company to control investigation, defense, and settlement of legal claims for which you would have to indemnify the company, and to cooperate with those efforts. The company agrees not to agree to any settlement that admits fault for you or imposes obligations on you without your prior agreement.

您同意赔偿公司因他人违反您违反这些条款或他人使用网站上的帐户违反这些条款而提出的法律索赔。 您和公司都同意将可能需要尽快赔偿公司的任何法律索赔通知另一方。 如果公司未能及时将法律要求通知您,则您不必为公司提供赔偿,因为您可以为之辩护或通过Swift通知减轻损失。 您同意允许公司控制您必须向公司赔偿的法律索赔的调查,抗辩和和解,并与这些工作进行合作。 未经您事先同意,公司同意不接受任何承认您的过失或对您施加义务的和解。

免责声明 (Disclaimers)

You accept all risk of using the website and content on the website. As far as the law allows, the company provides the website as is, without any warranty whatsoever.

您承担使用网站和网站内容的全部风险。 在法律允许的范围内,公司按原样提供网站,不提供任何担保。

The website may hyperlink to and integrate websites and services run by others. The company does not make any warranty about services run by others, or content they may provide. Use of services run by others may be governed by other terms between you and the one running the service.

该网站可以超链接并集成其他人运行的网站和服务。 对于他人提供的服务或他们可能提供的内容,公司不做任何保证。 您与运行服务的人之间的其他条款可能会约束他人使用服务。

责任限制 (Limits on Liability)

The company will not be liable to you for breach-of-contract damages company personnel could not have reasonably foreseen when you agreed to these terms.


As far as the law allows, the company’s total liability to you for claims of any kind that are related to the website or content on the website will be limited to $50.

在法律允许的范围内,对于与网站或网站内容有关的任何形式的索赔,公司对您的总赔偿责任限制为$ 50。

反馈 (Feedback)

The company welcomes your feedback and suggestions for the website. See the Contact section below for ways to get in touch with us.

该公司欢迎您对网站的反馈和建议。 有关与我们联系的方式,请参见下面的“联系方式”部分。

You agree that the company will be free to act on feedback and suggestions you provide, and that the company won’t have to notify you that your feedback was used, get your permission to use it, or pay you. You agree not to submit feedback or suggestions that you believe might be confidential or proprietary, to you or others.

您同意,公司将根据您提供的反馈和建议自由采取行动,并且公司将不必通知您已使用了您的反馈,获得使用许可或向您付款。 您同意不向您或他人提交您认为可能属于机密或专有的反馈或建议。

终止 (Termination)

Either you or the company may end the agreement written out in these terms at any time. When our agreement ends, your permission to use the website also ends.

您或公司均可随时终止以这些条款写出的协议。 当我们的协议终止时,您使用本网站的许可也将终止。

The following provisions survive the end of our agreement: Your Content, Feedback, Your Responsibility, Disclaimers, Limits on Liability, and General Terms.


纠纷 (Disputes)

California law will govern any dispute, including any legal proceedings, related to these terms or your use of the website.


You and the company agree to seek injunctions related to these terms only in state or federal court in San Francisco, California. Neither you nor the company will object to jurisdiction, forum, or venue in those courts.

您和公司同意仅在加利福尼亚州旧金山的州或联邦法院寻求与这些条款有关的禁令。 您和公司都不反对这些法院的管辖权,论坛或地点。

Other than to seek an injunction or for claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, you and the company will resolve any Dispute by binding American Arbitration Association arbitration. Arbitration will follow the AAA’s Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. Arbitration will happen in San Francisco, California. You will settle any dispute as an individual, and not as part of a class action or other representative proceeding, whether as the plaintiff or a class member. No arbitrator will consolidate any dispute with any other arbitration without the company’s permission.

除了根据《计算机欺诈和滥用法》寻求禁令或索赔外,您和公司将通过约束美国仲裁协会的仲裁解决任何争议。 仲裁将遵循AAA的《商业仲裁规则》和《与消费者有关的争议的补充程序》。 仲裁将在加利福尼亚州旧金山进行。 无论是作为原告还是集体成员,您都将作为个人解决任何争议,而不是作为集体诉讼或其他代表程序的一部分。 未经公司许可,任何仲裁员都不得将任何争议与任何其他仲裁合并。

Any arbitration award will include costs of the arbitration, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and reasonable costs for witnesses. You or the company may enter arbitration awards in any court with jurisdiction.

任何仲裁裁决将包括仲裁费用,合理的律师费和证人的合理费用。 您或公司可以在任何具有管辖权的法院中输入仲裁裁决。

一般条款 (General Terms)

If a provision of these terms is unenforceable as written, but could be changed to make it enforceable, that provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, that provision should be removed.

如果这些条款的规定无法书面执行,但可以更改以使其可执行,则应对该规定进行最小程度的修改以使其可执行。 否则,应删除该规定。

You may not assign your agreement with the company. The company may assign your agreement to any affiliate of the company, any other company that obtains control of the company, or any other company that buys assets of the company related to the website. Any attempted assignment against these terms has no legal effect.

您不得转让与公司的协议。 公司可以将您的协议分配给公司的任何关联公司,获得公司控制权的任何其他公司或购买与网站相关的公司资产的任何其他公司。 根据这些条款进行的任何尝试转让均不具有法律效力。

Neither the exercise of any right under this Agreement, nor waiver of any breach of this Agreement, waives any other breach of this Agreement.


These terms embody all the terms of agreement between you and the company about use of the website. These terms entirely replace any other agreements about your use of the website, written or not.

这些条款体现了您与公司之间有关使用网站的所有协议条款。 这些条款完全取代有关您使用本网站的任何其他书面或非书面协议。

联系 (Contact)

You may notify the company under these terms, and send questions to the company, at


The company may notify you under these terms using the e-mail address you provide for your account on the website, or by posting a message to the homepage of the website or your account page.


变化 (Changes)

The company last updated these terms on May 25, 2018, and may update these terms again. The company will post all updates to the website. For updates that contain substantial changes, the company agrees to e-mail you, if you’ve created an account and provided a valid e-mail address. The company may also announce updates with special messages or alerts on the website.

该公司上次更新这些条款是在2018年5月25日,并且可能会再次更新这些条款。 公司将所有更新发布到网站上。 对于包含重大更改的更新,如果您已创建帐户并提供了有效的电子邮件地址,则公司同意向您发送电子邮件。 该公司还可能会在网站上发布带有特殊消息或警报的更新。

Once you get notice of an update to these terms, you must agree to the new terms in order to keep using the website.




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